Uromol as a source of dietary nitrogen for ruminants: metabolic and rumen fermentation studies on buffalo calves

1978 ◽  
Vol 91 (2) ◽  
pp. 309-316 ◽  
N. S. Malik ◽  
P. N. Langar ◽  
A. K. Chopra

SUMMARYThe nutritive value of uromol, a heated product of urea and molasses, was compared with raw urea–molasses and groundnut meal in three metabolic trials on buffalo calves. The non-protein nitrogen (NPN) as urea or uromol contributed about 65, 48 and 30% of the nitrogen in the experimental concentrate mixtures, replacing partially or completely the groundnut meal of the control diets. The results showed that at 65% nitrogen replacement, the crude fibre and cellulose digestibilities and the nitrogen retention of the uromol diet was similar to that of the control but was significantly (P < 0·05) higher than the urea–molasses diet. At 48% nitrogen replacement the nitrogen retention in the uromol-fed animals was still significantly (P < 0·05) higher than the urea–molasses fed group. At 30% nitrogen replacement, the differences between the control, urea–molasses and uromol groups were not significant.In vivo rumen studies with the diets containing 50% NPN replacement showed lower but sustained ammonia-N with uromol than the urea–molasses diet. The total volatile fatty acids (TVFA) in rumen fluid, though initially higher in the control and uromol groups, were not significantly different from the urea–molasses group. Abomasal studies with diets containing 65% N as urea or uromol indicated a higher total nitrogen content in the abomasal fluid of the control and uromol-fed animals than the urea-fed animals. The 24 h abomasal passage of total-N/100 g nitrogen consumed was 95·5, 93·5 and 77·9 g in control, uromol and urea groups, respectively. The TCA-precipitatable-N (TCA-N) was also higher in the first two groups. These studies suggest that uromol is safer and has a better feeding value than urea–molasses at high rates of nitrogen replacement.

1975 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 323-335 ◽  
Z. Holzer ◽  
D. Levy ◽  
H. Tagari ◽  
R. Volcani

SUMMARYThe effect of three moisture concentrations (10, 50 and 75%) and of four fermentation conditions (none, 24 hr aerobic, and 24 and 48 hr anaerobic) on the nutritive value of two complete fattening diets containing 25 and 45% poor roughage, was examined in three digestion and nitrogen balance trials, each of Latin square design, in cattle.Fermentation increased the lactic acid and volatile fatty acid concentrations of the feed, decreased its pH and the crude fibre content, and caused losses of dry matter.There were non-significant differences in voluntary intake between the dry and soaked diets. The apparent digestibility of dry and organic matter, crude protein, nitrogen-free extract and crude fibre was non-significantly improved by added moisture. There were no consistent differences in nitrogen retention.The average metabolizable energy values (ME) observed for both diets were 6% higher than those calculated. There were no significant differences in the apparent digestibility of gross energy or in ME value between treatments of different moisture content.The fluctuations in pH of rumen liquor during the day differed markedly when the animals received different levels of roughage. These differences were greater when the feed was allowed to ferment. Soaking of feed resulted in a significant increase in the concentration of propionic acid in the rumen liquor, and a non-significant decrease in that of acetic acid. Consequently the C2/C3ratio was significantly lower on the moist feed treatments.There were no consistent differences in concentration of ammonia in the rumen liquor, or of urea in the blood.

1972 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-165 ◽  
D. Levy ◽  
S. Amir ◽  
Z. Holzer ◽  
H. Neumark

SUMMARYThe performance of Israeli-Friesian male calves on six rations, including two levels (15% and 30%) of ground wheat straw and oatvetch hay in pelleted mixtures, and the same two levels of ground straw in non-pelleted mixtures, was examined.Daily live-weight and carcass gain were higher on the lower level of both roughages. The differences in performance on hay and straw were insignificant. Feed intake was higher on the 15% level of both roughages when pelleted but the energy conversion ratio was higher on pelleted rations of both levels of straw.The dressing percentage was higher for animals on pelleted rations. There was no significant difference in percentage fat trim, percentage bone or percentage saleable meat in the carcasses. There was 20% more kidney, pelvic and cod fat on the lower level of roughage.The digestibility of organic matter was higher on rations with the lower level of roughage, and on the pelleted rations compared with the non-pelleted at equal level of roughage. This was not the case for the digestibility of crude fibre. Nitrogen retention was significantly higher on the lower levels of straw and on the pelleted rations of a similar level, and was higher on hay rations than on straw rations. Ration differences in the molar proportions of volatile fatty acids in the rumen liquor were detected.Pelleting appeared to improve the nutritive value of straw.

1969 ◽  
Vol 49 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-141 ◽  
L. P. Milligan ◽  
A. R. Robblee ◽  
J. C. Wood ◽  
W. C. Kay ◽  
S. K. Chakrabartty

The preparation of a polymer of urea and furfural containing 23.2% nitrogen is described. This product was converted by rumen microorganisms in vitro to ammonia at a rate approximately one-seventh that of conversion of urea to ammonia. Use of the polymer as a dietary supplement in a feeding trial with lambs improved nitrogen retention over that of unsupplemented controls by 3.45 g of nitrogen retained per day, while an isonitrogenous quantity of supplemental urea improved nitrogen retention by 0.51 g of nitrogen retained per day. The blood urea pattern, throughout the day, of lambs adapted to control, urea-supplemented and urea–furfural polymer-supplemented rations indicated a slow, prolonged production of ammonia from the latter supplement and very rapid, short-term degradation of urea in vivo.

1997 ◽  
Vol 1997 ◽  
pp. 132-132
A.P. Moloney ◽  
P. O'Kiely

The yield of dry matter (DM) in a mature wheat crop can equal that obtained from three cuts of grass. Ensiled mature whole crop wheat is however characterised by a lower digestibility and lower crude protein concentration than good quality grass silage. Addition of urea at ensiling has been shown to increase the digestibility and the non-protein nitrogen concentration of whole crop wheat silage. The objectives of this study were to determine (i) the effect of urea-treatment on the in vivo digestibility of wheat of relatively high moisture concentration and (ii) the effects of the provision of a rapidly fermentable carbohydrate supplement on nitrogen metabolism in steers fed these silages.

1980 ◽  
Vol 94 (1) ◽  
pp. 219-227 ◽  
C. G. Wernli ◽  
R. J. Wilkins

SummaryGrass silage (21.0 % D.M.) was given ad libitum to sheep together with supplements of rolled barley, dried-grass pellets or dried-grass wafers at 12 and 25 g organic matter (OM)/kg0·75.Intake of silage was greater with supplement at 12 g/kg0·75 but total intake of OM and digestible organic matter (DOM) increased with increasing supplement. Intake of OM was higher with the pellet supplement than with other supplements. Intake of DOM, however, did not differ between the pellet and barley treatments, but was lower with wafers.Concentrations of ammonia and total volatile fatty acids and the molar proportions of butyric and higher volatile fatty acids were higher when silage was supplemented with barley than with dried grass. Mean rumen retention times of silage and of supplement were highest in the barley-supplemented treatments. Dried-grass wafers were retained longer than dried-grass pellets. Supplement treatments did not differ significantly for eating and ruminating times, rumen fluid volume and pH, digestion rate in the rumen and nitrogen retention.At the low supplement rate silage consumption may have been controlled by factors associated directly with the silage, whereas at the high rate intake was limited either by physical factors or by the potential energy demand of the animals.

2000 ◽  
Vol 2000 ◽  
pp. 81-81 ◽  
A.T. Adesogan ◽  
M.B. Salawu ◽  
E.R. Deaville

Pea-wheat bi-crop silages were reported to have moderate nutritive value when the proportion of peas in the sward was less than 200 g/kg (Adesoganet al., 1999). These authors also suggested that improvements in the digestibility, intake and nitrogen (N) balance of the forages may result from increasing the proportion of peas in the sward. This experiment was designed to examine this theory by determining thein vivoapparent digestibility, N retention and voluntary feed intake (VFI) in sheep of pea-wheat bi-crop silages containing different ratios of peas to wheat and harvested at two stages of growth.

1972 ◽  
Vol 52 (2) ◽  
pp. 363-371 ◽  
H. R. SHARMA ◽  

Treatment of oilseed meals with formaldehyde (FA) and glutaraldehyde (GA) significantly (P < 0.01) reduced the solubility of protein in 0.02 N NaOH and the production of NH3 in the artificial rumen. Ten Holstein and Holstein × Brown Swiss calves of both sexes were fed two test rations containing either 26% untreated or formaldehyde-treated (5.6 g FA per 100 g protein) rapeseed meal (FA-treated RSM) for 14 weeks. Plasma urea nitrogen (N) and rumen NH3 levels were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in the FA-treated RSM calves compared with the control calves during the first 8 weeks of the growth trial. No significant difference (P > 0.05) in dry matter consumption, daily gain, or feed efficiency was observed. Total volatile fatty acids (VFA) (mmoles/100 ml) concentration was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in rumen fluid from the control calves compared with those receiving treated RSM. Molar percentages of the VFA’s were not significantly different (P > 0.05) between the two groups. In the N balance and digestibility trial, dry matter consumption did not differ significantly (P > 0.05); however, the FA-treated RSM resulted in decreased (P < 0.05) dry matter and crude protein digestibility. Calves receiving the treated RSM had reduced (P < 0.01) urinary N excretion; however, there was no significant effect (P > 0.05) on N consumption and retention.

2017 ◽  
Vol 48 (2) ◽  
pp. 63-69
M. Joch ◽  
V. Kudrna ◽  
B. Hučko

AbstractThe objective of this study was to determine the effects of geraniol and camphene at three dosages (300, 600, and 900 mg l-1) on rumen microbial fermentation and methane emission in in vitro batch culture of rumen fluid supplied with a 60 : 40 forage : concentrate substrate (16.2% crude protein, 33.1% neutral detergent fibre). The ionophore antibiotic monensin (8 mg/l) was used as positive control. Compared to control, geraniol significantly (P < 0.05) reduced methane production with increasing doses, with reductions by 10.2, 66.9, and 97.9%. However, total volatile fatty acids (VFA) production and in vitro dry matter digestibility were also reduced (P < 0.05) by all doses of geraniol. Camphene demonstrated weak and unpromising effects on rumen fermentation. Camphene did not decrease (P > 0.05) methane production and slightly decreased (P < 0.05) VFA production. Due to the strong antimethanogenic effect of geraniol a careful selection of dose and combination with other antimethanogenic compounds may be effective in mitigating methane emission from ruminants. However, if a reduction in total VFA production and dry matter digestibility persisted in vivo, geraniol would have a negative effect on animal productivity.

1994 ◽  
Vol 122 (1) ◽  
pp. 115-120 ◽  
D. O. Freudenberger ◽  
C. J. Burns ◽  
K. Toyokawa ◽  
T. N. Barry

SUMMARYRed clover (RC) and perennial ryegrass (PRG)-based forages were cut fresh during late spring/early summer and fed at similar levels of dry matter (DM) intake to rumen fistulated castrated red deer kept indoors in metabolism pens. RC contained higher concentrations of total N and non-protein cell contents than PRG and lower concentrations of fibre. Rumen pool size and fractional outflow rates of liquid (13·3 ν. 15·1%/h) and of paniculate matter (2·5 ν. 3·9%/h) were lower for deer fed RC than PRG. Apparent digestibility of energy and fibre, rumen fibre fractional degradation rate and rumen fractional disappearance rate of non-protein cell contents were all higher for RC than for PRG deer. Nitrogen retention was similar for deer fed both forages. However, the concentration, pool size and outflow of ammonia from the rumen, together with urinary N excretion, were all much greater for deer fed RC than those fed PRG. The acetate: propionate ratio in rumen volatile fatty acids (VFA) was lower for the RC than the PRG group. It was concluded that the greater fibre digestion in deer fed RC was due to a faster rumen fractional degradation rate and a longer particulate mean retention time in the rumen, and that the very rapid outflow of water from the rumen relative to particulate matter in deer fed RC (5·5:1 ν. 3·8:1) may explain why deer are not susceptible to rumen frothy bloat when grazing RC. One reason for the greater voluntary feed intake (VFI) of deer grazing RC than those grazing PRG may be due to its greater concentration of protein and non-protein cell contents and their more rapid degradation and removal from the rumen.

1994 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-215 ◽  
U. Kumar ◽  
V. K. Sareen ◽  
S. Singh

AbstractThe effect of inclusion of live yeast culture (YC, Saccharomyces cerevisiae plus growth medium) in a high concentrate diet given to buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) calves on the rumen microbial population and fermentation pattern and in sacco dry matter disappearance of dietary constituents was examined. Six rumen-fistulated buffalo calves of about 120 kg live iveight were divided into two equal groups. The control group was given a diet consisting of, on a dry-matter basis, 0·90 kg ivheat straw, 1 kg berseem (Trifolium alexandrinum) and ISO kg concentrate per day per calf and the yeast group the above diet plus 5 g YC which was put directly into the rumen via the fistula. After feeding this diet for 6 weeks (supplementation period), inclusion of YC was stopped and both groups were given the control diet for a period of 3 weeks to examine the performance of the YC group after withdrawal of YC. At week 4 of YC supplementation the pH was significantly increased (P < 0·01) and lactate concentration was decreased (P < 0·01) in the rumen fluid for up to 6 h post feeding. The number of total bacteria, total viable bacteria, cellulolytic bacteria, amylolytic bacteria and protozoa were increased proportionately by 0·554 (P < 002), 0·482 (P<0·01), 0·670 (P <0·01), 0·077 (P > 0·05) and 0·079 (P>0·05), respectively. The concentrations of total volatile fatty acids, particularly at 4 h post feeding (P < 0·01), acetate fP < 0·01) and propionate and the acetate to propionate ratio were higher in the YC compared with the control group. On YC inclusion, the concentration of ammonia-nitrogen was decreased while that of trichloracetic acid insoluble protein was marginally increased. All these differences in rumen variables started to disappear on YC withdrawal and values returned to control levels by the 3rd week after YC withdrawal. YC supplementation increased the in sacco dry-matter disappearance of various dietary components particularly after 3, 6 and 22 h incubation.

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