Comparative water consumption and efficiency in three divergent sheep types

1995 ◽  
Vol 124 (1) ◽  
pp. 139-143 ◽  
S. J. Schoeman ◽  
J. A. Visser

SUMMARYCumulative feed and water intakes and body weights of 30 growing ewe lambs of three different breeds were recorded weekly for 34 weeks between October 1990 and June 1991 at the Experimental Farm of the University of Pretoria. The results were analysed to obtain water efficiencies on both an absolute and metabolic weight gain basis. On an absolute basis, Mutton Merino sheep consumed 145% and Dorper 109% more water than Blackhead Persian sheep. On a metabolic weight gain basis, the corresponding differences were 92 and 66%, respectively. Mutton Merino and Dorper lambs also consumed 69 and 41% more water per kg feed intake than the Blackhead Persians, respectively. Weekly water consumption increased twice as much per 1 °C increase in ambient temperature in the Dorper and Mutton Merino lambs as in the Blackhead Persians. These results suggest that sheep of the Blackhead Persian, and probably also other indigenous breeds, balance their water requirements at a more economical level and would be a more appropriate choice than those breeds currently being managed in sustainable sheep production systems in areas where water availability is limited.

2020 ◽  
Vol 60 (13) ◽  
pp. 1643
J. C. Greeff ◽  
L. J. E. Karlsson

Context Production losses, due to worms and anthelmintic costs to control the infection, can affect the profitability of sheep production systems. Aims This study was carried out to quantify the production benefits of worm-resistant sheep. Methods Genetically worm-resistant and unselected control Merino rams were mated annually to 150 ewes in each of the Resistant and Control lines respectively over an 8-year period. All ewes and their progeny were managed in small replicated paddocks to prevent any cross-contamination between paddocks and groups. Fertility, growth, wool production, wool quality and worm resistance were measured on the ewes and their progeny. The data were analysed using mixed model methodology. Key results The progeny of the Resistant sires were on average 21–25% more worm resistant than the progeny of the Control sires. No significant differences were recorded in reproduction between mature ewes of the Resistant and Control lines, or in the survival rate of their lambs. Resistant line progeny were on average 1.6 kg heavier at weaning, received 15–17% less drenching during the experiment and produced on average 0.3 μm finer wool at hogget shearing than the Control line progeny. Conclusions It is concluded that the Resistant line coped better with a worm challenge and that this resulted in increased production. Implications This study shows that apart from improved worm resistance, there are associated production benefits in breeding for worm resistance.

Animals ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (12) ◽  
pp. 2275
Romina Rodríguez ◽  
Oscar Balocchi ◽  
Daniel Alomar ◽  
Rodrigo Morales

Under the predicted conditions of climate change, the productivity of temperate grasslands may be affected by drought stress, especially in spring and summer. In this scenario, water-deficit-tolerant species such as plantain and chicory are interesting alternatives for use in sheep production systems. In this study, we compared a mixture of plantain and chicory herbage (PCH) with a grass-based permanent sward (GBS) on the weight gain and meat quality of lambs finished on these grasslands. Fifteen weaned lambs (31.3 kg and 4 months of age) were assigned to each treatment for seven weeks in late spring and live weight gain (LWG), carcass and meat quality were evaluated. There was a tendency (p = 0.09) in final weight (40.3 ± 0.8 kg) and live weight gain (173 ± 10 g/d) to be higher in PCH compared to GBS. Carcass weight, dressing percentage and meat quality in terms of pH, color and tenderness did not differ (p > 0.05) and were considered to be of good quality. We concluded that both swards result in comparable lamb performance and good meat quality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (6) ◽  
pp. 4243
Caroline Bertholini Ribeiro ◽  
Maria Da Graça Morais ◽  
Andréa Roberto Duarte Lopes Souza ◽  
Henrique Jorge Fernandes ◽  
Camila Celeste Brandão Ferreira Ítavo ◽  

To maximize economic gain in sheep production systems it is critical to adjust feedlot diets to maximize performance while minimizing feed, and especially concentrate, waste. Little information is available on ideal diets for crossbred ewe lambs. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the performance of feedlot crossbred ewe lambs, and the digestibility of diets, with increasing levels of concentrate during the growing and finishing phases. Twenty-four crossbred Texel × Pantaneira Texel ewe lambs were confined and fed Tifton hay with increasing levels of concentrate in the diet (20, 40, 60 and 80%) for individual evaluation of dry matter intake (DMI), digestibility of diets, average daily gain (ADG) and feed efficiency (FE). Animals were slaughtered at 47 kg. In the growing phase, the inclusion of concentrate in the diets (1176 did not change DMI (p > 0.05). Concentrate levels had a quadratic effect (p < 0.05) on the dry matter digestibility coefficient (DMDC) and on total digestible nutrients (TDN) during the growing phase. In the finishing phase, there was a negative linear effect of concentrate levels on DMI (p < 0.05), but TDN intake was similar among the experimental diets (p > 0.05). DMDC and TDN values displayed a quadratic behavior (p < 0.05), plateauing at 60% concentrate. ADG and FE increased as concentrate was added to the diet in the growing phase (p < 0.05). During the finishing phase, lamb performance was similar (p > 0.05) for different diets. Thus, the use of 60% concentrate in the confined crossbred ewe lamb diet during growing and 20% concentrate during finishing is recommended.

1955 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 343 ◽  
GC Taneja

The growth rates between 5 and 11 months, and 11 and 17 months, of 284 ewe lambs born in the spring of 19.51, and 269 born in the autumn of 1952, were analysed. The growth rates were calculated as the differences between the logarithms of the successive body weights. The analysis of the data indicated that: (i) there is a negative correlation between the two growth rates due to environment in the two different periods; (ii) the genetic correlation between the two growth rates is zero, and it therefore appears that there are different sets of growth genes operating during the two periods of growth; (iii) the heritability for the first and second periods of growth is 0.27 and 0.31 in one group and 0.04 and 0.22 in the other group respectively. Environment therefore plays a greater part in causing variation in the growth rates than does heredity.

1999 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 247 ◽  
J. Young ◽  
P. T. Doyle ◽  
P. Booth

We compared strip grazing (SG) as a means of controlling wool growth rate, reducing variation in fibre diameter along the staple, and of carrying more Merino sheep through winter on green annual pastures, with set stocking (SS) in 3 experiments. In experiments 1 and 2, SG involved grazing to a residual feed on offer (FOO) of 400 kg DM/ha with an estimated intake of about 0.8 kg DM/day for each sheep. Treatments commenced after pasture establishment in autumn–winter, with both treatments stocked at 20 wethers/ha until late spring. During spring, average liveweight changes were lower (P<0.01) under SG than SS (55 v. 153 g/day experiment 1; –16 v. 217 g/day experiment 2). Strip grazing, compared with SS, reduced (P<0.01) the variation in wool growth rate and fibre diameter along the staple leading to lower (P<0.01) clean wool weights (3.54 v. 3.94 and 2.97 v. 4.12 kg), but finer (P<0.01) (20.9 v. 22.0 and 19.5 v. 21.5 mm), stronger (P<0.01) (28.6 v. 25.3 and 39.9 v. 35.5 N/ktex) wool. However, there was also an increase in vegetable matter content of the wool. The effects on annual pastures were to increase grass (79 v. 48 and 59 v. 25%) and reduce legume (12 v. 36 and 22 v. 54%) content at the end of spring. In experiment 3, two strip grazing treatments were used: SGl with a residual FOO of about 400 kg DM/ha and a stocking rate of 28 wethers/ha; and SGh with a residual FOO of about 800 kg DM/ha and stocking rate of 14 wethers/ha. The stocking rate for SS was 12 wethers/ha. SGl, following an autumn deferment, enabled a stocking rate of 28 wethers/ha to be sustained through winter without supplementary feeding. This is substantially higher than the district average stocking rate of about 7 sheep/ha. Strip grazing reduced (P<0.01) liveweights at the completion of treatments (SGl 41.9 v. SGh 47.9 v. SS 60.3 kg), reduced (P<0.01) clean wool weights (3.40 v. 3.72 v. 4.54 kg) and mean fibre diameter (19.1 v. 19.0 v. 20.9 m), but increased staple strength (21.3 v. 19.0 v. 16.9 N/ktex). These results are discussed in relation to opportunities to utilise strip grazing in sheep production systems on annual pastures in south-western Australia.

2020 ◽  
Vol 98 (Supplement_2) ◽  
pp. 20-20
Sarah M Montgomery ◽  
Brandi Karisch ◽  
Jane A Parish ◽  
Jesse Morrison ◽  
Brian Baldwin

Abstract Annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) can be divided into two cytotypes: diploid (2n = 2x) and tetraploid (2n = 4x). Polyploid versions of a given plant species result in increased seedling vigor, more robust growth and, potentially, greater yield. While most data suggest no difference in yield between diploid and tetraploid cultivars, there is still potential for weight gain advantages thanks to increased non-structural carbohydrates in tetraploid cells. The objectives of this study were to compare weight gain of cattle grazing either diploid or tetraploid cultivars of annual ryegrass. Two diploid annual ryegrass cultivars (Marshall and Tam 90) and two tetraploid cultivars (Jumbo and Nelson) were planted in 0.81-ha pastures, each replicated four times. Four steers (mean initial BW = 214 kg) were randomly assigned to each pasture for an 82-d grazing period. Body weights were recorded starting at d0 then every 28 days throughout the season. Data were analyzed in the GLM procedure of SAS using a significance level of α = 0.05. There were significant differences between cytotypes with respect to seasonal yield with diploids (9547.90 kg/ha) yielding greater than tetraploids (7762.00 kg/ha). As expected, ADF and NDF fractions were significantly less for tetraploids (ADF; 31.39%, NDF; 31.39%) compared to diploids (ADF; 33.75%, NDF; 53.25%). Tetraploids also contained significantly greater crude protein (13.50%) than diploids (12.90%). Cytotype had no effect on final average daily gain (ADG) (P = 0.9427). However, final ADG was significantly impacted by cultivar (P = 0.0134). Final ADG for Tam 90 (1.10 kg/d) was greater than Marshall (0.92 kg/d). Cattle grazing Nelson (1.04 kg/d) and Jumbo (0.99 kg/d) did not differ. Results show that regardless of differences in seasonal yield and nutritive value between cytotypes, there were no advantages in ADG for cattle grazing either cytotype.

2017 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 1062-1074 ◽  
Christelle Froneman ◽  
Neltjie C van Wyk ◽  
Ramadimetja S Mogale

Background: When midwives are not treated with respect and their professional competencies are not recognised, their professional dignity is violated. Objective: This study explored and described how the professional dignity of midwives in the selected hospital can be enhanced based on their experiences. Research design: A descriptive phenomenological research design was used with in-depth interviews conducted with 15 purposely selected midwives. Ethical considerations: The Faculty of Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee of the University of Pretoria approved the study. The research was conducted in an academic tertiary hospital with voluntary participants. Findings: To dignify midwives it is essential to enhance the following: ‘to acknowledge the capabilities of midwives’, ‘to appreciate interventions of midwives’, ‘to perceive midwives as equal health team members’, ‘to invest in midwives’, ‘to enhance collegiality’, ‘to be cared for by management’ and ‘to create conducive environments’. Conclusion: The professional dignity of midwives is determined by their own perspectives of the contribution that they make to the optimal care of patients, the respect that they get from others and the support that hospital management gives them. With support and care, midwives’ professional dignity is enhanced. Midwives will strive to render excellent services as well as increasing their commitment.

1989 ◽  
Vol 29 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-47 ◽  
P.J. Bowman ◽  
D.A. Wysel ◽  
D.G. Fowler ◽  
D.H. White

2021 ◽  
Vol 99 (Supplement_3) ◽  
pp. 448-449
Emily Conlin ◽  
Herbert Lardner ◽  
Jennifer L Ellis ◽  
Ira B Mandell ◽  
Katharine M Wood

Abstract Worldwide, beef production systems represent a significant source of greenhouse gas (GHG), and enteric methane (CH4) emissions are the primary concern. The objective of this experiment was to determine whether biochar (Oregon Biochar Solution, White City, OR) supplementation can reduce CH4 emissions from grazing beef cows. Biochar is a stable form of carbon produced through the pyrolysis of organic matter (typically forestry waste). Sixty-four cows and their calves were blocked by cow body weight and calf age, and randomly allocated to 8 paddocks, each with 8 cow-calf pairs. Using a crossover design, each paddock was assigned to one of two treatments: (1) biochar supplemented at approximately 3% of estimated dry matter intake (DMI) or (2) control (no biochar). Biochar was incorporated into a pellet containing 45% biochar, 42.5% wheat midds, 10% canola oil, and 2.5% dry molasses and fed in a portable trough once daily. Each period consisted of 28 days: 21 days for biochar adaptation and 7 days for data collection. Enteric gas emissions from each paddock were measured using C-Lock GreenFeed trailers (C-Lock Inc., Rapid City, SD, USA) with pasture DMI estimated using paddock entry/exit quadrats during each sampling week. Enteric CH4 emissions expressed as g CH4/d were 249 and 260 ± 50.3 g (P ≥ 0.37) for control and biochar, respectively. Similarly, g CH4/kg DM and g CH4/kg BW were not affected (P ≥ 0.44) by biochar supplementation on pasture. Biochar supplementation did not affect estimated DMI or cow/calf body weights (P ≥ 0.15). Results suggest that biochar was ineffective for reducing methane emissions from grazing beef cows; however, measures of animal performance were not affected by biochar consumption. Further work is required to determine if type or higher inclusions of biochar can reduce CH4 emissions from beef cattle.

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