scholarly journals Mapping instruments analytical thinking ability of SMA grade XI and rotational dynamics

2021 ◽  
Yetti Supriati ◽  
Muharni Afridita ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 102
Raddina Aprilia Putri ◽  
Yunin Hidayati ◽  
Irsad Rosidi ◽  
Wiwin Puspita Hadi

2018 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Yuliana Putri ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Rispawati Rispawati

Penelitian   ini   bertujuan   untuk   mengetahui   ada   tidaknya   pengaruh   model pembelajaran Problem Posing terhadap kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas XI pada mata pelajaran Pendidikan Kew arganegaraan (PKn) di SMKN 6 Mataram. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah quasi eksperiment dengan nonequivalent  control  group  design.  Instrumen  yang  digunakan  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah  instrumen  tes bentuk  pilihan ganda  sebanyak  25 item  untuk  mengukur kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a. Berdasarrkan hasil analisis data menggunakan uji t diperoleh nilai thitung = 2,256 > ttabel = 1,683, dengan dk = n1 + n2 – 2= 39 pada  taraf  signifikan  5%, artinya  terdapat  perbedaan  yang  signifikan antara kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas eksperiemen dan kelas kontrol pada mata pelajaran  PKn.  Kemudian  hasil dari analisis menggunakan uji N-Gain diperoleh nilai N-Gain  sisw a kelas eksperimen sebesar 0,604 dengan kategori sedang dan kelas kontrol  sebesar  0,492  dengan kategori  sedang.  Meskipun  kategori  kedua kelas tersebut  adalah sedang  namun nilai  N-Gain  kelas eksperimen  lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kelas kontrol. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut menunjukkan bahw a ada pengaruh model pembelajaran Problem Posing terhadap kemampuan berpikir analisis sisw a kelas XI pada mata pelajaran PKn di SMKN 6 Mataram.  AbstractThis research aims to find out the influence of Problem Posing learning model on students’  analytical  thinking  ability  in  Civic  education  at  the  second  grade  of SMKN 6 Mataram. The type of research is Quasi Experiment by using Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The research instrument used w as multiple choice test w hich consisted of 25 items to measure students' analytical thinking ability. Based on the data analysis by using t-test, it resulted that t-ratio = 2.256 > t-table = 1.683 w ith dk  = n1+n2–2=39  on 5% significant  level, w hich means there is a significant difference  betw een  students’  analytical  thinking  ability  on  Civic  education  at experimental  class  and  control  class.  Then,  the  result  w as  tested  by  N-Gain analysis. It show ed that the N-gain value of Experimental class is 0.604 as medium category  w hile  Control  class  is  0.492  as  medium  category.  Although both categories  w ere same,  the N-Gain value of Experimental class w as higher than Control  class.  Regarding  to  the  result,  it  can  be  concluded  that  there  is  an influence of Problem Posing learning model on students’ analytical thinking ability in Civic education at the second grade of SMKN 6 Mataram.Key words: Problem Posing Learning Model, Analytical Thinking Ability

2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 31
Ulya Granit Pramudita ◽  
Riezky Maya Probosari ◽  
Sri Widoretno

<p>This study was aimed to improve the students’ analytical thinking ability of biology subject in X MIA 6 of SMA  MTA Surakarta academic year 2013/2014 through the implementation of Problem Based Learning.  This research is a class action research which consists of three cycles. Each cycle contains planning, implementing, observing and reflecting. The subject of this research is the students in X MIA 6 of SMA  MTA Surakarta academic year 2013/2014. The data colecting techniques of this research are using observation, interview and documentation. The data validation of this research is using triangulation method. The data result of observation, interview and documentation are analyzed by using qualitative analysis which is done in three components, they are: data reduction, data presentation and drawing the conclusion or verification. The research procedure is using spiral method. The results show that students analytical thinking ability is increased in Pre-cycle, Cycle I, Cycle II and Cycle III. The average of students analytical thinking ability increase from 21,45 % to 47,51%. Identifying elements aspect increase from 22, 42% to 53, 33%. Grouping and describing elements in categories aspect increase from 23, 64% to 46, 67%. Describing process aspect increase from 21, 21% to 46, 06%. Interpreting simple series of data aspect increase from 20% to 49,09%. Expressing information in simple tables or graphs aspects increase from 20% to 42,42%.  This research’s conclusion is the implementation of Problem Based Learning can improve analytical thinking ability of the student in X MIA 6 class at SMA SMA  MTA Surakarta.</p><p align="center"> </p><p class="0jTULISANKATAKUNCIKEYWORDS">Key Words: problem based learning, analytical thinking</p>

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 56
Setya Maulani ◽  
Murni Ramli ◽  
Dewi Puspita Sari ◽  
Priyadi Dwi Parwanto

<pre>The purpose of this research is to increase the analytical thinking of X-6 students of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat by using guided inquiry learning model combined with concept map. This research is classroom action research  execute in 3 cycles. Each cycles consist of 4 stages, the 4 stages is scheming, implementation, observation and  reflection. The procedure of this research use Kemmis and Mc Taggart method. The subject of this research is X-6 students of SMA Negeri Kebakkramat school year 20014/2015 which amounts to 34 students consist 8 boys students and 26 girls students. This data of this research be obtained by using analytical thinking observation method, analytical thinking test, interview and documentation.This results of this research by using guided inquiry learning combined with concept map shows increase analytical thinking X-6 students of SMA Negeri Kebakramat from pra cycle, cycle I, cycle II and cycle III. The overall score the analytical thinking increase from 4,88 (40,69%) become 7,31 (60,91%). Differentiating aspect increase from 1,32 (47,79%) become 2,28 (56,99%), organizing aspect increase from 1,91 (47,79%) become 2,87 (71,69%) and attributing aspect increase from 1,65 (41,18%) become 2,16 (54,04%). Based on result of this research by using guided inquiry learning combined with concept map can increase the analytical thinking of X-6 students SMA Negeri Kebakkramat.</pre><p><strong> </strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong>guided inquiry learning, concept map, analytical thinking ability<em></em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 18 (02) ◽  
pp. 38-53
Eva Marthinu ◽  
Nadiroh Nadiroh

  This study aims at investigating effects of experiential learning strategy and knowledge of sustainable development concept toward students’ analytical thinking ability about environmental issues. An experimental method with 2x2 factorial design was employed in this quantitative study which was conducted at SMA Negeri 3 Ternate. Samples of the study were 52 students of  grade IX of Social Sciences selected by means of random sampling. Data analysis shows that: 1. In general, students using experiential learning strategy with outdoor approach have higher average score on analytical thinking ability about environmental issues than those with indoor approach, 2. Students having high knowledge level in sustainable development concept and using outdoor approach have higher average score on analytical thinking ability about environmental issues than those with indoor approach, 3. Students having low knowledge level in sustainable development concept and using indoor approach have higher average score on analytical thinking ability about environmental issues than those with outdoor approach, 4. There are significant interaction effects between experiential learning strategy and knowledge of sustainable development concept toward students analytical thinking ability about environmental issues.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 145 ◽  
Devy Indah Lestari ◽  
Anti Kolonial Projosantoso

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) karakteristik, (2) kriteria kelayakan, dan (3) keefektifan media komik model PBL pada pembelajaran IPA di SMP kelas VII dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir analitis dan sikap ilmiah. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan yang mengadaptasi model Borg & Gall yang terdiri dari lima tahap. Subjek coba pada penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VII di SMP Negeri 1 Sentolo. Pengujian lapangan menggunakan kuasi eksperimen nonequivalent control group design. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa media pembelajaran IPA berbentuk komik: (1) memiliki karakteristik: alur cerita sesuai sintaks PBL, judul komik merupakan integrasi dari KD 4.3, KD 7.3, dan KD 7.4, cerita dalam komik memuat indicator berfikir analitis, tokoh dalam komik diperankan melalui sikap ingi tahu dan berfikir terbuka, (2) layak digunakan dengan kriteria sangat baik dan (3) efektif untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berfikir analitis dan sikap ilmiah siswa.Kata Kunci: media komik, kemampuan berfikir analitis, dan sikap ilmiah Developing Science Comic Media Using the Problem-Based Learning Model to Increase the Analytical Thinking Ability and Scientific Attitude  AbstractThis research aims to knows: (1) the characteristic, (2) feasibility, and (3) effectiveness of natural science teaching media in the form of comic using problem-based learning model to increase the analytical thinking ability and scientific attitude of grade VII students of junior high school. This study was research and development adapting the model from Borg & Gall consisting of five steps. The research subjects were grade VII students of SMP N 1 Sentolo. The main try out used quasi-experimental with the nonequivalent control group design. The results of this research show that (1) the characteristic of comic media are: has a stories according the syntax of Problem Based Learning model, integrated title of KD 4.3, KD 7.3, and KD 7.4, the stories in comics load indicator analytical thinking ability, and the characters in the comics through scientific attitude of curiosity and open minded thinking, (2) the developed science teaching media in the form of comic is in a very good quality category, and (3) it is feasable to use to increase the students’ analytical thinking ability and scientific attitude. The effectiveness of the developed media to increase the analytical thinking ability and science attitude.Keywords: comic media, analytical thinking ability, and scientific attitude

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 842-861 ◽  
Patcharee Chonkaew ◽  
Boonnak Sukhummek ◽  
Chatree Faikhamta

The purpose of this study was to investigate the analytical thinking abilities and attitudes towards science learning of grade-11 students through science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education integrated with a problem-based learning in the study of stoichiometry. The research tools consisted of a pre- and post-analytical thinking ability test, a science learning attitude test, classroom observations, student reflective journals, and semi-structured interviews. The findings indicated that STEM learning activities based on problem-based learning successfully developed analytical thinking abilities and attitudes towards science learning. Consequently, the students realized how important theories are, and were able to integrate their knowledge from various fields to solve problems and to create new innovations. About 80% of the students showed higher analytical thinking ability scores above the prescribed criterion of 70% of the full score. After learning, the scores of the students were higher than those before learning at a confidence level of 0.01. The attitudes towards science learning were higher than those before learning at a confidence level of 0.01. The successful activities of STEM started with offering knowledge to students through an inquiry-based process until they could construct the knowledge on their own. After that, the teacher initiated a problem situation and allowed each group of students to create a useful product adopted from the experimental results via integrating STEM knowledge to modify their creative works.

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