The Bargain, the Knowledge, and the Spectacle: Making Sense of Consumption in the Space of the Car-Boot Sale

1997 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 87-112 ◽  
Nicky Gregson ◽  
Louise Crewe

We are concerned with making sense of the car-boot sale as an empirical and theoretical phenomenon. The paper is based on participant-observation field research, in-depth interviews, and site surveys and we start by challenging two of the most commonly held myths about car-boot sales; that these events arc all about ‘shady rogues’ disposing of volumes of dodgy gear onto an unsuspecting public, and that a preponderance of cheap goods means that car-boot sales are dominated by ‘tatt’ and disadvantaged sectors of society. Having examined patterns of purchasing within the car-boot sale, we consider how car-boot-sale goers themselves construct and participate within the space of the boot sale. At one level, this construction is shown to involve the use both of accumulated and of local knowledge and to be open to interpretation as illustrative of competitive individualism, Another reading of the car-boot sale, however, and one central to understanding the enduring popularity of this phenomenon, is its transgressive nature. The space of the car-boot sale is argued to be one where people come to play, where the conventions of retailing are suspended, and where participants come to engage in and produce theatre, performance, spectacle, and laughter. We go on to examine the connections between the car-boot sale and the Bakhtinian notion of carnival, arguing that the car-boot sale needs to be read in multifarious ways: as a liminal space which encapsulates the carnivalesque, the festive, and the popular, which subverts convention and yet which, through its celebration of the free market and the unshackled individual, embraces facets of the dominant order. We then move on to comment on the broader significance of the car-boot-sale phenomenon for studies of consumption.

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 01095
Kun Muhammad Delvin Adhiguna ◽  
Afidatul Lathifah ◽  
Eko Punto Hendro

Rawa Pening Lake is one of the landscapes in Semarang Regency. The existence of the lake has social, cultural, and economic impacts on the people who live around it, giving rise to a pattern of relationships between humans and nature. The relationship pattern between Lake Rawa Pening and the surrounding community is studied in terms of environmental determinism, that the environment shapes the culture and characteristics of the surrounding society Environmental determinism provides a scientific foundation to see how society lives and to see the society's mindset that is formed as a result of the pattern of human relations with nature. This research also focuses on the community's meaning of Lake Rawa Pening. The method used in this research is qualitative and data collection techniques with in-depth interviews, participant observation, documentation, and literature study. The research was conducted in Bejalen Village, Ambarawa District, Semarang Regency. The results of interviews and literature studies show that there are several patterns of community relations with Lake Rawa Pening such as livelihoods by region, livelihood by groups, work equipment, local knowledge, and traditions

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Wanda Listiani ◽  
Heddy Shri Ahimsa-Putra ◽  
GR LonoLastoroSimatupang ◽  
Yasraf Amir Piliang Amir Piliang

ABSTRACT Tritangtu or Trinity mindset is a Sundanese and Minang community cosmology that consists of three entities (three patterns). Tritangtu as the local wisdom is also underlying the creative actors mental structure on making their works either in the form of performance, artifacts philosophy value, or in other cultural products in Indonesian community. This study used ethnographic method with data collection techniques were participant observation in-depth interviews and documentation. The object of study is the creative actors practice at the design field in Bandung.The result of study pointed out the Sundanese Tritangtu transformation from the permanent struc- ture to dynamic structure. The change in the structure is determined by the relation between the de- sign elements forming structure with the global market segmentation. Lending Sundanese identity markers, especially the folk culture or the past traditions is regenerative efforts to harmonize the three patterns in encountering and winning the free-market competition in Indonesia. Keyword:  Tritangtu, Sundanese Triadic Transformation ModelAbstrak Tritangtu atau pola pikir tritunggal merupakan kosmologi masyarakat Sunda dan Minang yang terdiri dari tiga entitas (pola tiga). Tritangtu sebagai kearifan lokal juga melatarbelakangi struktur mental pelaku kreatif dalam membuat karya baik berupa pertunjukan, nilai filosofi artefak mau- pun produk budaya lainnya di masyarakat Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode etnografi dengan teknik pengumpulan data observasi partisipasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Obyek penelitian ini adalah praktik pelaku kreatif di bidang desain di Bandung. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya transformasi tritangtu Sunda dari struktur yang tetap menjadi struktur dinamis. Perubahan struktur ini ditentukan oleh relasi antar struktur pembentuk unsur desain de- ngan segmentasi pasar global. Peminjaman penanda identitas Sunda khususnya budaya rakyat atau tradisi masa lalu merupakan upaya regeneratif dalam usahanya untuk harmonisasi pola tiga dalam menghadapi dan memenangkan persaingan pasar bebas di Indonesia. Kata kunci : Tritangtu, Model Transformasi Triadic Sunda 

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 177
Fikri Aziz ◽  
Ferli Septi Irwansyah

Home Schooling Group Generasi Pemimpin Cemerlang Bandung is a school that gave rise to a new learning method, the talqiyan fikriyan method. This study aims to determine the talqiyan fikriyan method in Islamic thaqofah subjects; implementation of talqiyan fikriyan method in Islamic thaqofah subjects. The research method used is qualitative research with the type of field research. In collecting the data using participant observation techniques, in-depth interviews (principals and Islamic thaqofah subject teachers) coupled with the practice of Islamic thaqofah lessons from students at school. From the research results obtained, it was concluded that the talqiyan fikriyan method is a learning method that seeks to build students' thinking abilities in sensing what the teacher teaches directly towards the creed and practice; in the learning evaluation process, the teacher measures the level of student success in understanding the material, namely the oral test and the performance test).

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 17
Nyoman Suryawan

Petang village that is administratively located in Badung regency keep its own uniqueness. In their communities who are largely Hindu, was found the Bugis Muslim citizens who live in harmony and peace up to now. So powerful built brotherly relations between the different ethnic cause them more familiar with the term behave Braya call. Writing this article aims in addition to knowing about the existence of ethnic Bugis in Angantiga, also understand the forms of local wisdom that can integrate between ethnic Bugis and ethnic Balinese. Data were collected through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. They were analysed by descriptive qualitative approach. The results showed that the close brotherhood relations between ethnic Balinese and ethnic Bugis in Angantiga cannot be separated from the historical factors related to the royal role (Puri) Carangsari that provides a place for residents in the area Bugis. In addition, integrating other factor is the marriage between citizens, cultural adoption, as well as good local knowledge associated with the value or social network that is implemented as a foundation or guidelines in their interaction with one another.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 169-181
Budi Sasono

This study aims to determine the materials and methods of implementation of the program of sex education studies adolescence at Islamic Students Boarding School of An Najah Kutasari Baturraden Purwokerto. This research is a field research conducted by participant observation with the condition naturally, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The results showed that sex education in their teens Islamic Students Boarding School An Najah Kutasari Baturraden Purwokerto are implementable has its peculiarities are: first, sex education clearly has a strong foundation both in philosophical, sociological, and psychological. Second, sex education adolescence refers to the book that was mu'tabar classified Huququz zaujain by Ahmad Yasin bin Asymunii and Qurrotul 'Uyun by Asyarif Al Hamam Al-Imam Al-Alim Asomdani Abi Muhammad. Third, the teaching methods of sex education in their teens Islamic Students Boarding School An Najah Kutasari Baturraden Purwokerto done integrative with collaborating textual and contextual approach. Textually learning method uses Balagh and bandongan. While contextually using question and answer, dialogue, discussion, models, and a partnership-based counseling. Fourth, the design of scientific development, sex education teenage years at Islamic Students Boarding School of An Najah Kutasari Baturraden Purwokerto based on ten principles namely: intentions and orientation taqarrub ila Allah, of integrity, truth, honesty, ideals, values, flexibility, according to the needs of students, taking ibrah, proportional. Study of sex education programs in their teens Islamic Students Boarding School of An Najah Kutasari Baturraden Purwokerto in 2016 has been carried out satisfactorily. Proven students admitted have understood adolescence sex education materials properly and comprehensively. In addition, the success of sex education programs adolescence also be obtained from observational data that all students have good morals and respect for etiquette either same-sex or opposite sex.

2018 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-105 ◽  

Gunawan R, Ramadhan UG, Iskandar J, Partasasmita R. 2017. Local knowledge of utilization and management of sugar palm (Arenga pinnata) among Cipanggulaan People of Karyamukti, Cianjur (West Java, Indonesia). Biodiversitas 19: 93-105. Sugar palm, locally known as kawung or aren, (Arenga pinnata (Wurmb.) Merr.) has long been known for its various ecological, economic, and socio-cultural uses among rural people of West Java. Rural people have utilized and managed kawung based on their local knowledge. Nowadays, however, the abundance of kawung trees has been decreasing in many areas, for example, through reduction in planting and destruction. The decreasing experience in managing kawung trees among local people has eroded their local knowledge, and therefore documenting this knowledge is important before it disappears entirely. This paper (i) reports local knowledge of the Cipanggulaan people of Cianjur, West Java on landraces of sugar palm; (ii) identifies various uses of sugar palm by those people, and (iii) describes traditional management systems for the sugar palm conducted by those people. This study adopted qualitative methods developed in ethnobotany based on participant observation and in-depth interviews. Research findings identified two local landraces and at least 10 different plant parts used in various ways. Particular attention was paid to the making of palm sugar in various ways. Conservation of the sugar palm has traditionally been conducted by selective harvesting of the sugar palm fruit and allowing some palms to regenerate naturally.

Al-Qalam ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 25 (2) ◽  
pp. 393
Ahmad Saefudin ◽  
Fathur Rohman

<p>Penelitian ini berusaha mengungkap manifestasi teologi inklusif tokoh agama Islam, Hindu, dan Kristen di Desa Plajan Kecamatan Pakis Aji Kabupaten Jepara. Dalam prosesnya, peneliti terlebih dahulu mendeskripsikan relasi tokoh agama dan persepsi mereka tentang teologi damai. Penelitian termasuk penelitian lapangan (<em>field research</em>) melalui pendekatan <em>qualitative research</em>. Peneliti menggunakan teknik observasi peran serta, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi. Observasi peran serta dilakukan untuk menyelami persepsi tokoh agama Islam, Hindu, dan Kristen tentang konsep perdamaian perspektif agama. Sedangkan wawancara dilakukan dengan berdialog langsung dengan aktor-aktor kunci seperti kiai atau ustad, pendeta, dan agamawan Hindu selaku agen perdamaian. Sedangkan teknik dokumentasi dilakukan dengan cara menelusuri dokumen-dokumen terkait baik berupa catatan, foto, atau artikel tentang manifestasi teologi inklusif di desa Plajan. Ternyata, media silaturahmi antar kelompok elite agamawan merupakan salah satu faktor penting berkembangnya relasi damai. Bagi orang Islam, persepsi damai tersebut mengacu kepada doktrin Alquran, misalnya QS. al-Baqarah: 256 yang mengajarkan setiap  muslim untuk saling menghormati dan <em>respect </em>terhadap umat agama lain. Perspektif Hindu, teologi damai direpresentasikan oleh ajaran <em>tat twam asi </em>(larangan bertikai, menghindari pertengkaran<em> </em>dengan tetangga, dan jika dicubit merasa sakit, maka tidak boleh mencubit orang lain), <em>cung taka </em>(menghindari nalar <em>truth claim</em>), <em>vasudhaiva kutumbakam </em>(tidak mudah terpancing provokasi)<em>, om shanti shanti shanti om </em>(menciptakan iklim perdamaian)<em>, dan óm swastyastu </em>(kegiatan doa bersama)<em>.</em> Sedangkan teologi damai agama Kristen diwakili oleh Matius 5:39 dan Matius 7:12. Keduanya dimanifestasikan dengan cara bersikap rendah hati terhadap agama lain, menjauhi watak pendendam, dan menjaga masjid saat umat muslim menunaikan shalat Idul Fitri dan Idul Adha.</p><p align="center"> </p><p><em>This study aims to uncover inclusive theology manifestations of Muslim, Hindu and Christian religious leaders at Plajan village, Jepara, Indonesia. The researcher described the relations between religious leaders and perceptions of peaceful theology. Research is qualitative research by field research. The researcher used participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The friendship media between religious elite groups was an important factor in developing peaceful relations. For Muslims, it is in line with Qur'an doctrine, like at Surah al-Baqarah verse 256 to respect each other. The peaceful theology of Hindu is represented in tat twam asi teachings (avoiding fighting and quarrels), cung taka (avoiding the truth claim), rationalvasudhaiva kutumbakam (not provoked easily), om shanti shanti shanti om (creating peace climate), and swastyastu óm (prayer activities). Christianity represents Matthew 5:39 and Matthew 7:12. Both are manifested by being humble towards other religions, avoiding vengeful character, and helping prayers Eid al-Fitr and Eid- alAdha.</em></p><strong><em>Keywords:</em> </strong><em>peacefull theology, religion, relation, perception, manifestation</em>


Intensive manual labor enterprises in the developed world face challenges competing with products imported from countries where manufacturing costs are low. This reduces the volume of domestic production and leads to rapid loss of knowledge and experience in production processes. This study focuses on the Israeli footwear industry as a case study. Qualitative methodologies were applied, including in-depth interviews and field observations. A literature review on previous research, and contemporary trends was conducted. The field research examines challenges along the value chain in small factories. It finds that mass production paradigms impose a decentralized process between designers and manufacturers and therefore do not leverage local potential into a sustainable competitive advantage for small factories. The proposed solution is a digital and technological platform for small manufacturing plants. The platform mediates and designs the connections between production, technology, and design and enables the creation of a joint R&D system.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 36-52
Michael Pittman

G. I. Gurdjieff (c.1866–1949) was born in Gyumri, Armenia and raised in the Caucasus and eastern Asia Minor. He also traveled extensively throughout Turkey to places of pilgrimage and in search of Sufi teachers. Through the lens of Gurdjieff’s notion of legominism, or the means by which spiritual teachings are transmitted from successive generations, this article explores the continuing significance of spiritual practice and tradition and the ways that these forms remain relevant in shaping contemporary trends in spirituality. Beginning with Gurdjieff’s use of legominism, the article provides reflection on some early findings done in field research in Turkey— through site visits, interviews and participant-observation—conducted in the summers of 2014 and 2015. The aim of the project is both to meet individuals and groups, particularly connected to Sufism, that may have some contact with the influences that Gurdjieff would have been familiar with, and to visit some of the sites that were part of Gurdjieff’s early background and which served to inform his work. Considerations of contemporary practices include the view of spiritual transmission, and practices of pilgrimage, prayer and sohbet, or spiritual conversation, in an ongoing discourse about spiritual transformation.

2019 ◽  
María Jesús Gómez Camuñas ◽  
Purificación González Villanueva

<div><i>Background</i>: the creative capacities and the knowledge of the employees are components of the intellectual capital of the company; hence, their training is a key activity to achieve the objectives and business growth. <i>Objective</i>: To understand the meaning of learning in the hospital from the experiences of its participants through the inquiry of meanings. <i>Method</i>: Qualitative design with an ethnographic approach, which forms part of a wider research, on organizational culture; carried out mainly in 2 public hospitals of the Community of Madrid. The data has been collected for thirteen months. A total of 23 in-depth interviews and 69 field sessions have been conducted through the participant observation technique. <i>Results</i>: the worker and the student learn from what they see and hear. The great hospital offers an unregulated education, dependent on the professional, emphasizing that they learn everything. Some transmit the best and others, even the humiliating ones, use them for dirty jobs, focusing on the task and nullifying the possibility of thinking. They show a reluctant attitude to teach the newcomer, even if they do, they do not have to oppose their practice. In short, a learning in the variability, which produces a rupture between theory and practice; staying with what most convinces them, including negligence, which affects the patient's safety. In the small hospital, it is a teaching based on a practice based on scientific evidence and personalized attention, on knowing the other. Clearly taught from the reception, to treat with caring patience and co-responsibility in the care. The protagonists of both scenarios agree that teaching and helping new people establish lasting and important personal relationships to feel happy and want to be in that service or hospital. <i>Conclusion</i>: There are substantial differences related to the size of the center, as to what and how the student and the novel professional are formed. At the same time that the meaning of value that these health organizations transmit to their workers is inferred through the training, one orienting to the task and the other to the person, either patient, professional or pupil and therefore seeking the common benefit.</div>

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