The re-establishment of desiccation tolerance in germinated radicles of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. seeds

2003 ◽  
Vol 13 (4) ◽  
pp. 273-286 ◽  
Julia Buitink ◽  
Benoit Ly Vu ◽  
Pascale Satour ◽  
Olivier Leprince

Germinated seeds of Medicago truncatula Gaertn. with a protruded radicle length of 2.7 mm did not survive drying below 0.2 g H2O g–1 dw, as indicated by vital stain assays and the absence of growth resumption after rehydration. The re-establishment of desiccation tolerance was achieved using an osmotic treatment with polyethylene glycol (PEG), combined with a cold treatment. The ability to regain desiccation tolerance after germination was restricted to a period of growth characterized by radicle lengths between 1 and 3 mm. After PEG treatment of germinated seeds with 2.7 mm long radicles at –1.7 MPa at 10°C for 3 d and subsequent drying to 0.04 g H2O g–1 dw, 90% survived and developed into normal seedlings after rehydration. Desiccation tolerance could also be re-established in excised radicles, demonstrating that cotyledons were not essential for this process. Upon PEG incubation, sucrose accumulated rapidly prior to the re-establishment of desiccation tolerance in germinated radicles, regardless of the presence of cotyledons. Induction of MtDHN (a dehydrin) gene expression was correlated with the re-establishment of desiccation tolerance. Furthermore, the PEG-induced expression of MtDHN was repressed when fluridone was added to the PEG solution.

HortScience ◽  
1999 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 457E-457
Ganesh R. Panta ◽  
Lisa J. Rowland ◽  
Ganesh R. Panta

Dehydrins are major plant proteins that increase with cold or drought. Using a previously identified 2.0-Kb blueberry dehydrin cDNA, additional dehydrin clones were isolated and characterized. Experiments were conducted to determine effect of drought and cold treatment on dehydrin gene expression in several blueberry cultivars. Besides previously characterized 65, 60, and 14 kDa dehydrins in floral buds additional less abundant dehydrins were observed in stem and root tissues. The same major dehydrins were induced by both drought and cold stress but at different levels. Dehydrin expression was positively correlated with cold and drought tolerance. In addition, photoperiod was observed to affect dehydrin expression. Dehydrins were induced to higher level in cold treated plants kept in total dark than in plants kept at a short photoperiod of 10 hours of light/14 hours dark.

2014 ◽  
Vol 86 (3) ◽  
pp. 1273-1286 ◽  

This work aimed to characterize the re-induction of desiccation tolerance (DT) in germinated seeds, using polyethylene glycol (PEG 8000). Cell changes were investigated through cytological assays (cell viability and transmission electronic microscopy) as well as DNA integrity during loss and re-establishment of DT. The loss of DT was characterized by drying germinated seeds with different radicle lengths (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 mm) in silica gel, decreasing the moisture content to ten percentage points intervals, followed by pre-humidification (100% RH / 24 h) and rehydration. To re-induce DT, germinated seeds were treated for 72 h with PEG (-2.04 MPa) and PEG (-2.04 MPa) + ABA (100 µM) before dehydration. Germinated seeds did not tolerate desiccation to 10% moisture content, irrespectively of the radicle length. However, when incubated in PEG, those with 1 and 2 mm long radicle attained 71% and 29% survival, respectively. The PEG+ABA treatment was efficient to re-establish DT in seeds with 1 mm long radicles (100% survival). The ultrastructural assays of the cells of germinated seeds with 2 and 5 mm length confirmed the obtained physiological results. Germinated seeds of C. fissilis constitute a useful tool for desiccation tolerance investigations.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Made Pharmawati ◽  
Ni Nyoman Wirasiti ◽  
Luh Putu Wrasiati

Abstrak Cekaman kekeringan merupakan faktor pembatas penting bagi pertumbuhan dan produktivitas tanaman termasuk padi.      Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis respon padi IR64 terhadap cekaman kekeringan dengan pemberian polietilen glikol (PEG) pada fase reproduktif.  Penelitian juga bertujuan menganalisis ekspresi gen aquaporin akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Bibit padi ditanam dalam pot dan perlakuan PEG dengan konsentrasi 108g/L (-0.25MPa) dan 178g/L (-0.52 MPa) diberikan saat munculnya panikula. Perlakuan diberikan selama 2 minggu, kemudian tanaman disiram kembali.  Ekspresi gen diamati pada akhir perlakuan dengan semi kuantitatif real time PCR.  Ekstraksi RNA menggunakan RNeasy plant mini kit, sedangkan sintesis cDNA menggunakan Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jumlah malai dan berat total malai berkurang akibat cekaman kekeringan.  Persentase gabah kosong mencapai 84,6% pada perlakuan PEG-0,52 MPa, sedangkan pada perlakuan PEG -0,25 MPa persentase gabah kosong sebesar 67,8%.  Pada kontrol persentase gabah kosong adalah 10,3%.  Ekspresi gen OsPIP2;7 sedikit menurun pada perlakuan PEG -0,52 MPa.Kata kunci: ekspresi gen, IR64, kekeringan, padi, PEG  Abstract Drought stress is one of the limiting factors of plant growth and productivity including rice.  The aim of this study was to analyze responses of IR64 rice to polyethylene glycol (PEG)-induced-drought stress at the reproductive stage.  This study also aimed to analyze the expression of aquaporin under drought stress.  Rice seedlings were grown in pot system and PEG treatment at concentration of -0.25MPa (108g/L) and -0.52 MPa (178g/L) were given when the panicles arose.  Treatments were conducted for 2 weeks, after that the plants were rewatered.  Gene expression was evaluated at the end of PEG treatment using semi quantitative real time PCR. RNA was extracted using RNeasy plant mini kit, while cDNA synthesis was done using Transcriptor First Strand cDNA Kit.  The results showed that the number and weight of rice ear were less in plant treated with PEG than in control.  The percentage of empty rice grain reached 84.6% at PEG -0.52 MPa, while at PEG -0.25 MPa the percentage of empty grain was 67.8%.  In control plant, the percentage of empty grain was 10.3%.  Drought stress did not alter the expression of OsPIP2;7.  Keywords: drought, gene expression, IR64, PEG, rice

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (3) ◽  
pp. 1027
Christian Behm ◽  
Michael Nemec ◽  
Alice Blufstein ◽  
Maria Schubert ◽  
Xiaohui Rausch-Fan ◽  

The periodontal ligament (PDL) responds to applied orthodontic forces by extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling, in which human periodontal ligament-derived mesenchymal stromal cells (hPDL-MSCs) are largely involved by producing matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their local inhibitors (TIMPs). Apart from orthodontic forces, the synthesis of MMPs and TIMPs is influenced by the aseptic inflammation occurring during orthodontic treatment. Interleukin (IL)-1β is one of the most abundant inflammatory mediators in this process and crucially affects the expression of MMPs and TIMPs in the presence of cyclic low-magnitude orthodontic tensile forces. In this study we aimed to investigate, for the first time, how IL-1β induced expression of MMPs, TIMPs and how IL-1β in hPDL-MSCs was changed after applying in vitro low-magnitude orthodontic tensile strains in a static application mode. Hence, primary hPDL-MSCs were stimulated with IL-1β in combination with static tensile strains (STS) with 6% elongation. After 6- and 24 h, MMP-1, MMP-2, TIMP-1 and IL-1β expression levels were measured. STS alone had no influence on the basal expression of investigated target genes, whereas IL-1β caused increased expression of these genes. In combination, they increased the gene and protein expression of MMP-1 and the gene expression of MMP-2 after 24 h. After 6 h, STS reduced IL-1β-induced MMP-1 synthesis and MMP-2 gene expression. IL-1β-induced TIMP-1 gene expression was decreased by STS after 6- and 24-h. At both time points, the IL-1β-induced gene expression of IL-1β was increased. Additionally, this study showed that fetal bovine serum (FBS) caused an overall suppression of IL-1β-induced expression of MMP-1, MMP-2 and TIMP-1. Further, it caused lower or opposite effects of STS on IL-1β-induced expression. These observations suggest that low-magnitude orthodontic tensile strains may favor a more inflammatory and destructive response of hPDL-MSCs when using a static application form and that this response is highly influenced by the presence of FBS in vitro.

1987 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 4599-4602 ◽  
U K Srinivas ◽  
C J Revathi ◽  
M R Das

An examination of heat-induced expression of proteins in tissues from adult and embryonic liver in rats shows that albumin, which is constitutively expressed in adult liver and is not synthesized in embryos before 16 days of gestation, appears in liver cells at earlier stages of development upon heat shock. On the basis of available evidence for the expression of heat shock proteins at distinct stages of development and on the basis of our findings, it may be argued that there could be common molecular events taking place during development and as a result of heat shock. We suggest also that one of the consequences of heat shock could be an internal change of pH within the cell which, in turn, might trigger alterations in gene expression.

2020 ◽  
Andras Bittner ◽  
Jörn van Buer ◽  
Margarete Baier

Abstract Background: The majority of stress-sensitive genes responds to cold and high light in the same direction, if plants face the stresses for the first time. As shown recently for a small selection of genes of the core environmental stress response cluster, pre-treatment of Arabidopsis thaliana with a 24 h long 4 °C cold stimulus modifies cold regulation of gene expression for up to a week at 20 °C, although the primary cold effects are reverted within the first 24 h. Such memory-based regulation is called priming. Here, we analyse the effect of 24 h cold priming on cold regulation of gene expression on a transcriptome-wide scale and investigate if and how cold priming affects light regulation of gene expression.Results: Cold-priming affected cold and excess light regulation of a small subset of genes. In contrast to the strong gene co-regulation observed upon cold and light stress in not-primed plants, most priming-sensitive genes were regulated in a stressor-specific manner in cold-primed plant. Furthermore, almost as much genes were inversely regulated as co-regulated by a 24 h long 4 °C cold treatment and exposure to heat-filtered high light (800 µmol quanta m-2 s-1). Gene ontology enrichment analysis revealed that cold priming preferentially supports expression of genes involved in the defence against plant pathogens upon cold triggering. The regulation took place on the cost of the expression of genes involved in growth regulation and transport. On the contrary, cold priming resulted in stronger expression of genes regulating metabolism and development and weaker expression of defence genes in response to high light triggering. qPCR with independently cultivated and treated replicates confirmed the trends observed in the RNASeq guide experiment.Conclusion: A 24 h long priming cold stimulus activates a several days lasting stress memory that controls cold and light regulation of gene expression and adjusts growth and defence regulation in a stressor-specific manner.

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