Supporting self-regulated language learning skills online: awareness raising approaches for computer-supported collaboration

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-21
Ward Peeters ◽  
Jo Mynard
2021 ◽  
Yılmaz Köylü

Abstract This article details how introductory linguistics courses can increase student engagement and learning through a project-based approach, whereby the students first study the subfields of linguistics with a view to complete the main project of the course, namely to construct a novel language. I provide information from a semester-long course with specific project-based activities teachers could utilize in their classes. I also thoroughly examine the constructed language projects based on 33 student submissions in an introductory linguistics course in the US. The analysis indicates a high level of engagement and creativity by the students in creating a distinct orthography, phonetic, morphological, and syntactic rules and semantic properties for their constructed languages. The results from a 20-item questionnaire and student exit interviews indicate that the project-based approach adopted in the completion of their constructed languages proved effective in (a) improving student motivation and engagement; (b) helping students apply the knowledge of the material to carry out linguistic analysis; (c) enhancing students’ language learning skills; (d) encouraging them to study additional foreign languages; and finally (e) promoting linguistic diversity. Hence, as an innovative and effective method still in its infancy, project-based learning should be more widely implemented in linguistics instruction.

Wali Khan Monib ◽  
Abdul Qudos Karimi ◽  
Nazifullah Nijat

Alternative assessment has been the focus of many educational researches in EFL classroom. This study was carried out to highlight the definition, characteristics and effects of alternative assessment in EFL context by reviewing current research on assessment. The research consisted of a systematic review of the empirical studies on alternative assessment in EFL classroom. Focusing solely on online search, many studies were found but only (n=24) met the inclusion criteria involving a total of (n=1588) participants. Also, it aimed to scrutinize the methods, participants and findings of the selected studies as well as the locations where they were conducted. The findings indicated that most of the studies (18 out of 24) reported positive effects of employing alternative assessment on language learning skills in EFL classroom. The results also show that the dominant method employed in the articles was quantitative where students were the main focal point involved in the research as their participants. The study is further concluded with a discussion on definition, characteristics and effects of alternative assessment in EFL context.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 145-153
Joan Rubin

Since Ecuador has determined that it wants to be fully bilingual in ten years, this paper describes the experience of a Fulbright Scholar at a university Language Center in Quito; one helping language teachers improve the language learning skills of their students. The theoretical framework for this work comes from Learner Self-Management (LSM) or Self-Regulation. The scholar details her experience teaching LSM concepts such as SMART goal setting, Task Analysis, Cognitive and Affective Strategies. She provides descriptions of what these language teachers consider the roles of the teacher and that of the learner to be and also what their most critical teaching issues were. She also briefly elaborates the history of the development of learner strategies and the value of metacognitive strategies and knowledge.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 38
Bajram Demollari ◽  
Batjar Halili

Through this work we suppose to find the relationship between enhancing the efficiency and the circumstance of anxiety in the classroom during the evaluation by the teachers in the Republic of Kosovo, particularly focused in the region of Prizren.For this study we have researched various approach theories and practices that are close to the topic of investigating.We have researched the characteristics of evaluation and efficiency of anxiety that appear to students in the Republic of Kosovo; considering that the language of instruction varies from different cultures and contexts of individual and educational students, such as gender, motivation, styles and lessons, years of learning, skills and achievements. The study deals with the strategies used to teach English at high school students, examines the relationship between language learning and anxiety.

1994 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
pp. 83-88
Sake Jager

This review discusses four CALL programs demonstrated during the ANéLA CALL workshop. The programs differ considerably in scope and technical capabilities, although three are aimed at business English and two feature multi-media capabilities. ENID is an idiom-training program offering a wide range of exercise modes to make vocabulary learning challenging and effective. The exercises focus on business English but the contents can be adapted to suit the teacher's own needs. It runs on virtually any pc. American Letterbox is geared towards facilitating the letter writing process by reinforcing the students' awareness of the situational background. Although it almost certainly covers a niche in the market, it suffers from a poor translation of the original Dutch course into English. Voicecart is a sound-enabled authoring system, which makes it possible for teachers to develop their own pronunciation and listening comprehension exercises. It is easy to use and more flexible than the traditional language lab, but teachers might prefer to wait for a version of the program using a type of soundcard which is more compatible with other multi-media applications. English Express is by far the most advanced of the products reviewed. It is a video-supported course covering business English in particular. A full course in English language learning skills offering authentic language use and fully functional, flexible training facilities, it is a great course for institutions and companies that can afford the hard- and software investments.

Khoiriyah Khoiriyah

Listening skills, considered by many to be the most critical language learning skills, have yet to emerge a variety of problems for learners. In order to have an effective listening class, teachers can use one of the many technology-enhanced language learning tools, web-based materials. In this article attempts have been made to make a comprehensive review on the grounded theory of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Second Language Learning (SLA) related to the use of web-based resources in teaching and learning English, especially for listening skills. This article also proposes a framework for conducting CALL evaluation that is worthy for website materials. The result yields a good guideline for teachers to make judgment or decision in choosing the most congruent web-based sources for teaching listening skills. As a result, teachers are able to adapt a proper teaching materials and methodology for listening skills.

2021 ◽  
pp. 15-24
Milind M. Ahire

Abstract Music soothes, relaxes, and motivates irrespective of age. We listen to music for pleasure among other reasons. It creates a refreshing effect. Nonetheless, it is rarely exploited as a learning tool by teachers and students. Conversely, it occupies a larger portion of student’s and teacher’s interests. The use of music serves a dual purpose: It motivates and, consequently, helps to enrich learning as an enjoyable affair. Music/songs may be used through three levels. It would mark the gradual development of learning using music. First, using music as an element of entertainment, moving on to use it to state the interface between music and learning and concluding with using music to learn specific language skills and linguistic units. The article elaborates on how using nursery rhymes as an instructional strategy in ELT classroom can be effective in language learning skills and grammatical components. Keywords: Music, Pedagogy, Nursery Rhymes, ELT

Adhistiara Amalia Ananda ◽  
Ahmad Dahidi ◽  
Juju Juangsih

ABSTRAKSebagai pembelajar bahasa Jepang, membaca artikel dalam bahasa Jepang sangat diperlukan, membaca artikel bahasa Jepang selain meningkatkan wawasan tentang perkembangan kehidupan negara Jepang dalam segala bidang, juga dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa seseorang. Dalam pembelajaran bahasa Jepang terdapat beberapa keterampilan yang dipelajari, salah satunya adalah dokkai. Dokkai adalah keterampilan memahami teks dalam waktu singkat. Untuk dapat memahami teks dalam waktu singkat dibutuhkan usaha dan langkah-langkah strategis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan hubungan antara strategi membaca dengan pemahaman membaca teks dokkai dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif pendekatan kuantitatif. Pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan 2 jenis instrumen, yaitu tes tertulis dan angket yang dilakukan pada 20 responden. Dari penelitian tersebut, diperoleh hasil nilai koefisien korelasi sebesar 0,91 yang menunjukan bahwa terdapat hubungan yang sigifikan antara penggunaan strategi membaca selektif dengan kemampuan pemahaman membaca teks dokkai dan sebesar 82% tingkat pemahaman membaca teks dokkai dipengaruhi oleh strategi membaca dan 18% oleh faktor lain. Oleh karena itu hipotesis dari penelitian ini diterima bahwa penggunaan strategi membaca memiliki hubungan positif terhadap prestasi pemahaman membaca mahasiswa tingkat II Departemen Pendidikan Bahasa Jepang tahun ajaran 2014/2015.  Keyword : Strategi membaca selektif, membaca pemahaman, korelasi  ABSTRACTAs a student of the Japanese language, reading the Japanese article is necessary, read the Japanese article beside to increase knowledge about the development of the life of Japanese nationals in all fields, can also increase a someone’s language ability. In the Japanese language learning skills learned there are several, one of which is dokkai. Dokkai is a skill to understand the text in a short time. To be able to understand the text in the short time it takes effort and strategic measures. This  research was conduted to know is there a significant relationship between reading comprehension text Japanese skill and reading selective stretegies. This research used descriptive method. This research used two kinds of instrument to assemble data, which were questionnaire and test. The data were taken by regration and colleration technique, which was taking data at once in the same time. The participants of the research were 20 students of Japanese Language Departement Indonesia University of Education. From the result, it was found that the correlation coefficient 0,91 which is significant relationship between reading comprehension text Japanese skill and reading selective stretegies and 82% level reading comprehension influenced by selective reading strategies and 18% of another factors. Therefore, hypothesized in this research is recived that used reading selective have a positive relationship with reading comprehension text Japanese skill in 2 level student of Departement of Japanese Language, Indonesia of Education University in academic year 2014/2015. Keyword : corelation between reading selective strategies, reading comprehension, correlation

Hot Riris Siburian ◽  
Efori Buulolo ◽  
Hukendik Hutabarat

The North Sumatra Language Center also organizes an Indonesian language program for foreign speakers (BIPA) is an Indonesian language learning skills program (speaking, writing, reading, and listening) for foreign speakers. That so far the Balai Bahasa office has had difficulty classifying the graduation of Indonesian Foreign Speakers (BIPA) participants who are eligible to pass and who have not passed. So that complaints occur from participants.To overcome the above problems, it is necessary to classify graduation based on previous BIPA participant data. K-Nearest Neigbor Euclidean Distance model which is a method for classifying / grouping an object based on certain criteria. By using the K-Nearest neigbor algorithm in grouping BIPA participants by using various criteria, it is hoped that foreigners can speak Indonesian more quickly.Keywords: Indonesian Foreign Speakers, K-Nearest Neigbor Algorithm

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