scholarly journals Genealogy and the contemporary of “orang rawang”: hidden population mapping on forest and land resource control practices in South Sumatera

2021 ◽  
Vol 917 (1) ◽  
pp. 012024
Handoyo ◽  
R Effendi ◽  
F Nurfatriani ◽  
Y Rochmayanto ◽  
D C Hidayat

Abstract The issuance of rights to manage and use forest and land resources by the government to large corporations usually incurs costs for the state and society. One of them is the emergence of hidden populations, namely people who are marginalized and even oppressed by development programs. Using the hidden population mapping method, this study reveals that hidden populations are born from the issuance of management and use rights on land they have relied on for their livelihoods. In this study, Orang Rawang is used as a term to represent a hidden population which the amounts is approximately about 30% of the population of Perigi Village and 35% of the population of Riding Village. The formation of Orang Rawang can be associated with a long-standing social stratification process that can now be identified from assets and survival strategies. Most of them do not have assets in the form of land ownership on mineral lands. Their main livelihood is fishing and collecting wood and non-timber products. Social networking in the community is carried out horizontally by dividing collective space for roaming areas, and vertically by forming patron-clan relationships with the Orang Risan and Orang Sungai.

Ms. Niharika ◽  
Prof. M. K. Singh

Women are the dynamic segment and the most vibrant as well as potentially most valuable human resources. Women Empowerment has gained importance in india in the wake of economic liberalization, privatization and globalization.. The policy and institutional framework for developing entrepreneurial skills ,providing vocational training and education has widened the horizon for empowerment of women economically. In order to provide vocational training and education , skill training, entrepreneurship development to the emerging workforce, the Government of India has also introduced National Skill Development Policy and National skill Development Mission in 2009. This article explores the empowerment of women through skill development and vocational training programs. The results shows that skill development programs play a key role in empowering the rural women and the women also look positively towards income generating programs. KEYWORDS- Women Empowerment, Skill Development, Vocational Training, Government

2015 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 723-736 ◽  
Marinus Spreen ◽  
Stefan Bogaerts

Abstract Link-tracing designs are often used to estimate the size of hidden populations by utilizing the relational links between their members. A major problem in studies of hidden populations is the lack of a convenient sampling frame. The most frequently applied design in studies of hidden populations is respondent-driven sampling in which no sampling frame is used. However, in some studies multiple but incomplete sampling frames are available. In this article, we introduce the B-graph design that can be used in such situations. In this design, all available incomplete sampling frames are joined and turned into one sampling frame, from which a random sample is drawn and selected respondents are asked to mention their contacts. By considering the population as a bipartite graph of a two-mode network (those from the sampling frame and those who are not on the frame), the number of respondents who are directly linked to the sampling frame members can be estimated using Chao’s and Zelterman’s estimators for sparse data. The B-graph sampling design is illustrated using the data of a social network study from Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Patria Nagara ◽  

Poverty is a problem faced by many developing countries in general. Poverty is a reflection of the economic activities carried out by a country. The poverty level of a country shows that the development programs implemented by the government are not optimal. This study was conducted to analyze the determinants of poverty in 10 provinces on the island of Sumatra from 2006-2019. Multiple regression equation models were built for this research using the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) method with the e-views 8 tool. The results show that simultaneously, the independent variable has a significant effect on poverty and partially one variable that does not significantly affect poverty, namely unemployment. An increase in education (literacy rate) and infrastructure (road length) leads to an increase in poverty and inequality in income distribution (the Gini Index), resulting in a decrease in poverty. It is hoped that future researchers will use education, infrastructure, and income distribution variables with different proxies.

M Muhammadong ◽  
St Habibah ◽  
Dalilul Falihin ◽  
Muhammad Adnan Hudain

The purpose of this research is to describe the role of the clerics to actualize good governance concept in the development of Makassar City. Therefore, clerics are not merely issuing “fatwas” (religious advises) for the sake of society, but also, clerics can also play a role in development process. The method applied in this research is a descriptive method. While the approach applied is a qualitative method because the issues that are studied are phenomenological. The results show that the role of clerics is optimal in actualizing good governance concept in Makassar City development process. The role and function of the clerics can be represented as a community counselor in line with the government's role as servant and protector of society. Moreover, the policy taken by the government has been supported by all the clerics in actualizing development programs for the mutual good of the societies. In making strategic decisions, clerics sometimes contribute and suggestions to the government to improve social support of that decision

2016 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 18
Iwan Setiajie Anugrah

<p><strong>English</strong><br />The objective of this paper is to provide a comprehensive information on performance development and problems associated with land resource utilisation and its future management perspective. The coverage of discussion to identify such objectives could be divided as follows: (1) perception and concept of land resource, (2) the development of land resource, (3) the importance of land resource, (4) land resource and agricultural production stability, and (5) discussion on policy alternatives to overcome land resource problems. Some important findings could be described as follows: (1) various concepts and ideas on land resource have led to a thought that land resource has social, economic, political values, and a symbol at a certain level as a production factor in agricultural sector, (2) land resource development has changed land resource institutions, land fragmentation, land transfer to other non-agricultural utilization, land value improvement, and polarization and absentee practices, (3) various development activities has reflected the importance of land resource and the highly competitiveness of land utilization in line to the importance of each activity and each sector, (4) acting as a stabilizer in agricultural production, the land resource has faced many problems both in current time or in the future especially those associated with agricultural land degradation reducing land fertileness that ended in marginal land accumulation, in the mean time, food-self sufficiency should be continuously maintained, (5) although all problems on land affairs have been arranged in the UUPA since September 1960; Keppres No. 53/1989 or Keppres No. 33/1990, the problems continually appeared. In this regard, governor, based on Permendagri No. 15/1975, as an officer authorized to issue land utility permit, should launched policies which are very much expected to harmonize the central and local requests, the government and the people, agricultural and nonagricultural sectors, or individual/group requests and the society's needs on land resource.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Indonesian</strong><br />Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan informasi tentang perkembangan keragaan dan permasalahan pemanfaatan sumberdaya lahan serta perspektif penanganannya di masa datang. Identifikasi ke arah tersebut dilakukan melalui beberapa subpokok bahasan yang meliputi : (1) persepsi dan konsepsi terhadap sumberdaya lahan, (2) perkembangan sumberdaya lahan berdasarkan waktu, (3) kepentingan terhadap sumberdaya lahan, (4) sumberdaya lahan dan stabilitas produksi pertanian, dan (5) pemikiran terhadap kebijaksanaan dalam mengatasi permasalahan sumberdaya lahan. Beberapa temuan penting yang perlu dikemukakan adalah : (1) beragamnya konsep serta pandangan sumberdaya lahan dalam arti luas memberikan gambaran bahwa sumberdaya lahan mempunyai fungsi sosial ekonomi, politik, serta simbol status tertentu selain sebagai faktor produksi di sektor pertanian, (2) perkembangan sumberdaya lahan berdasarkan waktu telah membawa perubahan terhadap kelembagaan sumberdaya lahan dengan adanya kegiatan fragmentasi lahan, alih fungsi lahan pertanian ke nonpertanian, peningkatan nilai lahan, terjadinya polarisasi ataupun praktek-praktek absentee, (3) adanya berbagai kegiatan pembangunan menjadikan sumber daya lahan sebagai asset yang cukup penting, sehingga terjadi persaingan penggunaan yang cukup meningkat sesuai dengan kepentingan antar aktivitas maupun antar sektoral, (4) sebagai stabilisator bagi produksi pertanian, sumberdaya lahan dihadapkan pada persoalan yang cukup berat baik saat ini dan juga di masa yang akan datang terutama dengan meningkatnya degradasi lahan pertanian, penyusutan lahan produktif yang digantikan dengan lahan marjinal, sementara kebutuhan akan swasembada pangan tetap harus dipertahankan, (5) walaupun secara yuridis permasalahan pertanahan telah diatur dalam UUPA sejak September 1960, Keppres No.53/1989 ataupun Keppres No.33/1990, persoalan mengenai lahan tetap meningkat. Untuk itu kebijaksanaan dari gubernur sebagai pejabat yang berwenang dalam pemberian izin penggunaan lahan sesuai dengan keputusan Permendagri No.15 Tahun 1975 sangat diharapkan sekaligus mampu menselaraskan perbedaan kepentingan antara pusat dengan daerah, penguasa dengan rakyat, sektor pertanian dengan nonpertanian, ataupun kepentingan individu/golongan dengan masyarakat luas terhadap kebutuhan sumberdaya lahan.</p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 114-127
Donna Isra Silaban ◽  
Imelda Nahak

This study aims to examine development communication in community participation in village development planning. Community participation is very important because it can guarantee the effectiveness of development programs. There are a number of obstacles to community participation in development planning. Some identified barriers are the absence of legal support (Rumensten, 2012), lack of public awareness, low quality of human resources, length of stay and hours employment type (Wijaksono, 2013), lack of socialization from the government (Sagita, 2016), poverty and limited access provided by the government (Ompusunggu, 2017), and interest of bureaucracy in planning (Mbeche, 2017). These studies, indeed, have not considered yet cultural factor leading to disinvolvement. This qualitative case study extends previous studies by revealing the culture of mamfatin ukunrai discouraging community participation in development planning in Naran Village (pseudonym), Raimanuk Subdistrict, Belu Regency. Mamfatin ukunrai is a custom considering development planning is government's duties and responsibilities. Villagers are merely the executor of development programs. This custom is a legacy of royal government system and dominates the mindset of villagers. The tradition of highly appreciating the government unwittingly creates an invisible distance between government and society. It has discouraged villagers’ participation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 59
Kartika Sari Septanti ◽  
NFN Saptana

<p>Lowland conversion to non-agriculture use improves along with economic growth. Various attempts have been exerted by the government to reduce lowland conversion. Local wisdoms throughout the regions in the country are potential to control lowland conversion. This paper aims to explore the role of local wisdoms in Indonesia and other countries in controlling lowland conversion. Some local wisdoms in Indonesia potentials for lowland conversion control are : tunggu tubang, mundang biniak, oloran sawah, Suku Samin, Buyut Cili, tradisi Ngarot, Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi, Suku Baduy, Subak, Suku Dayak, and pangale hutan. Some measures to take for empowering those local wisdoms, are: (i) incorporating local wisdoms into school education curriculum; (ii) developing a community-based natural resource management system, namely increasing participation of local people in land resource management.</p><p> </p><p>Abstrak</p><p>Konversi lahan sawah ke nonsawah marak terjadi seiring pesatnya pertumbuhan ekonomi. Berbagai upaya telah dilakukan pemerintah untuk menekan laju konversi lahan sawah ke nonsawah, namun belum menunjukkan hasil yang optimal. Indonesia memiliki kekayaan kearifan lokal yang tersebar di seluruh nusantara yang berpotensi menghambat tingginya laju konversi lahan sawah ke nonsawah. Tulisan ini membahas kearifan lokal di Indonesia serta di beberapa negara yang telah dan akan dikembangkan untuk mempertahankan lahan sawah. Beberapa contoh kearifan lokal di Indonesia antara lain: tunggu tubang, mundang biniak, oloran sawah, Suku Samin, Buyut Cili, tradisi Ngarot, Kasepuhan Sinar Resmi, Suku Baduy, Subak, Suku Dayak, dan pangale hutan. Tantangan kearifan lokal pada masa depan semakin berat karena adanya pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk, pertumbuhan ekonomi, serta perubahan sosial masyarakat yang mendesak lunturnya nilai-nilai kearifan lokal. Beberapa strategi untuk mempertahankan kearifan lokal dapat dilakukan dengan cara: (1) memasukkan ke dalam kurikulum pendidikan;  (2) mengembangkan sistem pengelolaan sumber daya alam berbasis komunitas, yaitu peningkatan partisipasi masyarakat lokal dalam pengelolaan sumber daya lahan.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 409-429
Bon Sang Koo

This paper revisits the military rule in Korea by paying attention, like Korean specialists, to the disconnection in dictatorship but like comparativists, using the tools in comparative studies of modern authoritarian regimes. This paper argues that the differences in the military leaders’ orientations (personalist vs. party-based type) and survival strategies to deal with potential threat sources (key insiders, political opponents, and economic elites) entailed different regime pathways. Examining (a) how to form a ruling group in terms of unity (competing factions vs. a single dominant faction), (b) how to control the legislative branch (directly controlled organization vs. opposition parties indirectly supported by the government), and (c) how to manage capital owners (tight constraints vs. financial liberalization with occasional punishments), this paper provides an explanation as to why only the second military regime was able to open the door to democratization instead of giving way to authoritarian replacement in Korea.

1970 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 217-228 ◽  
Don R. Hoy

Planning is often analogous to weather in that everyone discusses it but little is really done. Such, at least, is the case in Guatemala where individuals, groups, and the government espouse a need for development planning in eloquent terms but produce few positive results. In Guatemala, however, it is increasingly recognized that planning can be a logical and relatively scientific method of improving resource utilization. The purpose of this paper is to appraise a few general aspects of development planning in Guatemala and to characterize its organizational structure and the political constraints imposed upon the process.Governments are assuming a more dominant role in development, particularly in the less advanced areas. Public opinion has generally supported this trend by criticizing development programs or blaming the lack of development on the government.

1977 ◽  
Vol 69 ◽  
pp. 54-74 ◽  
Richard Curt Kraus

Western curiosity about the distribution of inequalities in contemporary China is not easily satisfied. The most obvious impediment to our understanding is that the government of the People's Republic does not publish even the most elementary social statistics, so that our efforts to gauge the shape of Chinese social stratification are by necessity impressionistic and often unsatisfying. The best recent assessment, offered in this journal by Martin King Whyte, draws upon an impressive (and an imaginatively motley) array of sources in support of well-reasoned, yet tantalizingly tentative conclusions.

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