Multigenerational Effects of Education Reform: Mother’s Education and Children’s Human Capital in Nepal

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (3) ◽  
pp. 698-729
Vinish Shrestha ◽  
Rashesh Shrestha

Abstract The impact of national efforts to increase supply of education, such as Nepal’s National Education System Plan, may vary across social groups due to differences in social factors that determine access to and demand for education. This paper studies the heterogeneous impact of this reform across gender and caste groups—two important social dimensions in Nepal’s context—over two generations. It uses data from the Nepal National Population and Housing Census 2011 and implements a difference-in-differences framework that utilizes across district variation in intensity of the reform measured by placement of trained teachers per 100 children and across cohort variation in exposure determined by birth year. The study finds that the reform improved females’ education attainment, but such positive effects are not present among women belonging to lower-caste subgroups. In addition, it finds that the reform had positive effects on schooling of the next generation; the multigenerational effects are also concentrated among girls from higher-caste households. The study validates its main findings by conducting a placebo exercise on a sample of individuals who had surpassed their school-going age by the time of the reform.

2021 ◽  
Manal AlMarwani

With the global advancements in Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and the national and international demand for well-developed ICT skills and competencies, academic programs at higher education institutions need to make necessary adjustments to content and processes. This study reports on the current ICT integration practices in a TESOL postgraduate program at a Saudi Arabian university, addressing viewpoints at administrative, faculty, and postgraduate student levels. Three different questionnaires were used to answer the following questions: What are the TESOL postgraduate students’ practices of ICT integration, and how do they perceive their professors’ practices? What ICT integration practices do faculty members use, and how do they perceive the merit and desirability of their practices? And ‘How is ICT integration tackled at the administrative level with respect to policy and procedures, infrastructure, training, and technical support? The findings indicate that ICT integration practices in this program are lagging expectations. This is not a matter of attitude, potential, and challenges in the current situation, but is related to understanding the national ICT policy and developing sustainable strategies at an institutional level to guide and support faculty members’ practices. Since the impact of such changes will go beyond higher education to the broader national education system, much more attention needs to be dedicated to teacher education and professional development programs, including TESOL postgraduate programs.

І. Leontieva

In recent years, the education sector has been a key player in nation- and state-building, a leading social institu- tion responsible for innovative human development, the formation of competitive human capital, so the leading task of the Ukrainian state was and remains a functioning and self-sufficient national education system. would progressive traditions of the past, correspond to new social relations and accumulate innovative potential for fur- ther development. However, despite a number of positive developments in national education in recent years, the historically accumulated inconsistency of domestic education and science with best European and world practice is still acute. The article attempts to theoretically investigate the evolution of scientific views on the development and reform of education in Ukraine through the prism of publications of authors-researchers on the pages of the scientific professional publication «Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» and the results of a comprehensive analysis of the state and development of national education for the 30-year period of indepen- dence of Ukraine, presented in analytical publications of the NAPS of Ukraine: White Book of National Education (2010), National Report on the state and prospects of education in Ukraine (2011, 2016, 2021). Attention is paid to the continuum of current problems in the educational sphere, assessment of the current state and short- term prospects of Ukrainian education and scientific substantiation of ways to modernize national education in the cross section of two planes — the position of leading NAPS scientists and practitioners. Building the concept of research of evolution of views, ideas, positions, beliefs of educational community on actual questions of development of education through a prism of scientific publications of authors of the researched edition, we outlined for ourselves two strategic vectors of the analysis: features of formation of the national self- sufficient integral system of education of the sovereign country for the periods 2001-2010, 2011-2015 and 2016- 2021 and the analytical characteristic of a focus of scientific attention of educators-contributors of magazine «Pedagogical education: theory and practice. Psychology. Pedagogy» in the studied periods.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 74-88
Hasbi Indra

Abstract This paper discusses the curriculum of traditional Islamic boarding school in the current globalization era. This institution was born in the era of Walisongo during the colonial period established by the society. In this period, traditional Islamic boarding schools are confronted with the complicated problems. Nowadays, Pesantren becomes a part of a national education system, and it is projected to have a high-level Quality education. In the current condition, pesantren is confronted with the challenges of globalization with negative and positive effects. The development of science and technology gives an ease for humans life nowadays. The economic nowadays is more developed and brings a free trade among Asian. In this era, Pesantren as an institutional education is a part that could pay attention for it. Pesantren in the future should give knowledge to santri dealt with broader perspectives in Islamic knowledge, as well as in science and technology, economic and also give attention to santri about entrepreneurship to enhance their skill of life and then could compete with others in this world. This research is qualitatively based on the sources of some books and journals from scholars that describe the development and challenges of Islamic boarding school and how the institutions are confronted with phenomenon of current globalization era. Abstrak Tulisan ini membahas kurikulum pesantren tradisional di era globalisasi saat ini. Lembaga ini lahir di era Walisongo selama periode kolonial yang didirikan oleh masyarakat. Pada kurun waktu tersebut, pesantren dihadapkan dengan masalah yang rumit. Saat ini, pesantren menjadi bagian dari sistem pendidikan nasional, dan pesantren diproyeksikan untuk memiliki kualitas pendidikan yang tinggi. pada kondisi saat ini, pesantren dihadapkan dengan berbagai tantangan globalisasi dengan dampak negatif dan positif. Pesantren di masa depan sebaiknya memberikan pengetahuan kepada para santri untuk berurusan dengan perspektif yang lebih luas dalam pengetahuan Islam, serta sains dan teknologi, ekonomi, dan juga memberikan perhatian kepada para santri tentang kewirausahaan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan hidup sehingga dapat bersaing dengan orang lain di dunia ini. Penelitian ini secara kualitatif berdasarkan pada sumber-sumber beberapa buku dan jurnal yang menggambarkan perkembangan dan tantangan pesantren dan bagaimana lembaga dihadapkan dengan fenomena era globalisasi saat ini. How to Cite : Indra, H. (2017). Salafiyah Curriculum at Islamic Boarding School in the Globalization Era. TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society, 4(1), 74-88. doi:10.15408/tjems.v4i1. 4960. Permalink/DOI:

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-13
Satrio Ageng Rihardi ◽  
Arnanda Yusliwidaka

ABSTRAKSistem pendidikan sesuai dengan UU Nomor 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintah Daerah kebijakan tentang desentralisasi diserahkan pada Pemerintah Daerah masing-masing. Khususnya dalam kebijakan jalur zonasi berpengaruh terhadap mutu penyelenggaraan pendidikan khususnya dalam perolehan jumlah siswa. Contohnya ada satu siswa di SMAN Kota Magelang terpaksa tidak dapat sekolah favorit, selain itu protes dari pihak orang tua murid. Penelitian secara normatif empiris yang dianalisis secara diskriptif kualitatif. Pemerintah wajib melaksanakan perbaikan secara berkesinambungan mengenai sistem nasional pendidikan di era desentralisasi melalui: Evaluasi kesiapan pemerintah daerah dalam sistem zonasi untuk mendata kecukupan sekolah; Pemerataan pendidikan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai; Guru yang memadai untuk setiap zona; Ketersediaan informasi secara online maupun melalui pamflet dan papan pengumuman; Perlunya dipetakan dampak sistem zonasi. Jika memperhatikan hal tersebut, maka pelaksanaan kebijakan desentralisasi pendidikan dapat dikatakan lebih efektif dan efisien untuk dunia pendidikan di masa yang akan datang.Kata Kunci: Kebijakan, Zonasi, PPDB, Desentralisasi  ABSTRACTThe education system is in accordance with Law Number 32 of 2004 concerning Regional Government. Policies on decentralization are left to the respective Regional Governments. Especially in the zoning policy policies affect the quality of the implementation of education, especially in the acquisition of the number of students. For example, there was one student in Magelang City High School who was forced to not get a favorite school, besides protesting from the parents. Empirical normative research that is analyzed by descriptive qualitative. The government is obliged to carry out continuous improvement of the national education system in the decentralization era through: Evaluation of the readiness of local governments in the zoning system to record the adequacy of schools; Equitable education with adequate facilities and infrastructure; Adequate teachers for each zone; Availability of information online as well as through pamphlets and bulletin boards; The need to map the impact of the zoning system. If you pay attention to this, then the implementation of education decentralization policy can be said to be more effective and efficient for the world of education in the future.Keywords: Policy, Zoning, PPDB, Decentralization

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (01) ◽  
Fery Diantoro ◽  
Endang Purwati ◽  
Erna Lisdiawati

Starting in early 2020, Indonesia has been living life with the impact of the disaster, namely of the corona virus or also called as covid-19. Activities in various fields, especially education, face various problems in the process, which were initially carried out face-to-face/offline to online and of course this all affects the system and quality of education. Islamic education which has taken place as an inseparable part of the national education system has also experienced this impact. The writing of this article is to identify the difficulty of Islamic education in national education during the covid-19 pandemic, whose goal is to provide knowledge of the efforts made by Islamic education during the covid-19 pandemic. The results of the discussion show that Islamic education in national education during the covid-19 pandemic develops potential or provides creativity to students, teaches to always try in any activity, strives and prays to God Almighty, is responsible for all activities that should still be carried out. while online, maintain morals, manners, be independent, knowledgeable, and of course must keep the spirit. To optimize the function of Islamic religious education, it is necessary to maximize the program through efforts to equalize peers in schools, support facilities for activities, support from related parties, evaluateKeyword: Islamic Education, National Education, Covid-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 55-58
Fatma Ağası qızı Əsədova ◽  

In every society, education has served ensuring the interests of the people as a social process. This is so because man is not for education, education is for man. The education reform implemented in the country is aimed at creating a National Education System and is based on the most preferred principles of democratization, humanization, integration, differentiation, individualization and a number of principles in modern times. The implementation of these principles implies that the student becomes a key participant in the educational process, forming him as a personality. As time changes, so does the education system. Curricula, the content of education and training methods must also change. Active training methods are one of the most important training methods in the field of education in our globalized world. Key words: active training, globalizing world, education reform, cooperation, individualization

2017 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Muhaemin B

The development of education in Indonesia is currently faced with the moral problems of the nation's children. This study aims to provide constructive results for the national education system in terms of character education of the nation. This research uses descriptive method to collect actual information in detail that describe the existing symptoms, identify problems, make comparisons or evaluations. This study shows that any morality-related issues of education can not be solved using only one approach but require another approach depending on the conditions prevailing at the time.Indonesia’s national education system developed from the struggle for independence and the renaissance of the nation. During its development, many influences, local or global, contributed to the changing nature of the curriculum, pedagogy, assessment, and teacher professionalism. The author argues that education reform should entail a dialog involving the government, educators, and society to attain the goal of constructing an independent society of democracy and social justice.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 4-6
Violeta Šlekienė

STEAM activities, STEAM formal and non-formal education, STEAM programs, STEAM schools, STEAM field, STEAM open access centers and others are often used terms in the society and in the education society in particular. STEAM education is an interdisciplinary approach to learning where rigorous academic concepts are coupled with real world lessons as students apply science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in contexts that make connections between school, community, work, and the global enterprise enabling the development of STEAM literacy and with it the ability to compete in the new economy. STEAM education emphasizes art and technical creativity as interdisciplinary access, combining it with a rational combination with the peculiarities of individual subjects. Most countries declare STEAM education as a priority of their national education system. All countries link STEAM education reform with primary and secondary schools. Taking into account today's trends and future insights, education and training play a very important role. After all, it is important that Lithuania took a challenge - by 2025 teacher is a prestigious profession. The country lacks a new generation of teachers, teachers with a different approach to teaching and learning. In the near future there should be new specialties that will expand and change the field of the teacher's work, adapting it to contemporary realities. In the future, education will become more personalized; students will be offered personalized training programs. Much attention will be paid to increasing the efficiency of mental activity: there will be programs for improving memory, reading speed, increasing concentration, etc. Integrated access to STEAM subjects creates the conditions for the formation of such a human thinking, that allows a complex understanding of the world, making responsible decisions, and foreseeing further paths. Everyone agrees that integrated access brings benefits to all stakeholders. Keywords: interdisciplinary approach, STEAM education, STEAM literacy.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 251
Andi Prastowo ◽  
Fitriyaningsih Fitriyaningsih

<p class="06IsiAbstrak"> Every curriculum change in Indonesia impacts other components in the national education system, including the learning material. However, main material changes have not been discussed completely. This article presents the analysis result about the impact of 2013 curriculum for Primary School (PS) and Madrasah Ibtidaiyah (MI) in Indonesia on the subject materials. This study used a literature review which examined various applicable 2013 policy documents and textbooks as a representation of the core materials. The findings of this study indicate that the change from the 2006 curriculum to the 2013 curriculum in PS/MI level has an impact on changes in teaching material. The structure and method changes are more structured, hierarchical and not overlap among levels, due to core competencies. The presentation is thematic and from concrete to abstract. Material content also changes. Teaching materials in the 2013 curriculum in PS/MI level are contextual, integrative and focused on character and soft skills. Teaching materials in the 2013 Curriculum also covers critical and creative thinking, communicative, and collaborative learning.</p>

Miloš Pjević ◽  
Ljubodrag Tanović

Process of accession of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Serbia to the Bologna Process was requiring realistic solution while concurrently was nurturing both the existing national education system and appreciation of oversea. After fifteen years of EHEA, still there have been significant differences between national and European education. Implementation of European experiences and harmonization of national with the European Education requires dealing with many issues both at the state level and at the level of Universities and Faculties. In the paper it is presented an analysis of the situation of HEIs in Serbia in comparison with the EHEA in terms of the number of students, the number of HEIs, teaching staff, allocations (costs) per student and the impact of the Covid19 pandemic

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