scholarly journals Richard Tecwyn Williams, 20 February 1909 - 29 December 1979

1982 ◽  
Vol 28 ◽  
pp. 685-717 ◽  

The study of foreign compound metabolism is now a well established discipline with important ramifications into pharmacology and toxicology. For its origins one must look to the early part of the nineteenth century and to the work of German organic chemists such as Liebig, Wohler and Keller. They were fascinated by observations that organic substances such as benzoic acid, when introduced into the animal body, underwent chemical reactions similar to those they witnessed occurring in the test tube. The subject rapidly developed during the latter part of the nineteenth century under the influence of German physiological chemists such as Baumann, von Mering, Jaffe and Schmiedeberg. Indeed by 1900 the major pathways of foreign compound metabolism had been described as had been also the concept of ‘Entgiftung’ (detoxication). A factor responsible for this rapid development was the emergence of the new chemical industry manufacturing both heavy chemicals and pharmaceuticals such as acetanilide, aspirin and phenacetin. There was a need to establish a chemical basis to understand the toxic effects of these substances and one adopted approach to this was to study the ‘de-toxification’ of such substances in the animal body. The idea of the importance of metabolic studies in understanding toxic mechanisms is not therefore a new one.

PMLA ◽  
1926 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 262-279 ◽  
Gordon Hall Gerould

An uncertainty as to the social position of franklins in general, and of Chaucer's Franklin in particular, has occasionally manifested itself since the early part of the nineteenth century. In 1810, Todd quoted an elaborate note from Waterhous's Commentary on Sir John Fortescue's De Laudibus Legum Angliae, which tended to show that franklins did not belong to the gentry. Todd was unable to square this with the fact that (Chaucer's Franklin was “at sessiouns,” since by a statute of Edward III, which he cited, justices were seigneurs, and that he was “ofte tyme” a knight of the shire, since by another statute members of parliament were “chivalers et serjantz des meulz vaues du paies.”) Todd was thus left in doubt as to the gentility of the Franklin. As a later examination of Fortescue's remarks will show, it is not he but his commentator who must be blamed for lowering the status of Chaucer's sanguine country gentleman. If Todd had been of firmer mind, or if he had studied the subject more deeply, he would not have left the matter in doubt—a trap for unwary feet in later times.

PMLA ◽  
1901 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 453-459
J. D. M. Ford

An interesting chapter might be written on the interrelations of Spanish and English literatures in the early part of the nineteenth century, and it might aid materially in dispelling the prevalent delusions as to Spanish ‘aloofness’ in matters of general culture. The present paper, which is not offered as by any means exhaustive of the subject, is intended to present in brief outline an account of English influence upon Spanish literature during the period indicated, that is, the first forty years of the century.

1951 ◽  
Vol 8 (3) ◽  
pp. 413-418

FROM the few existing accounts of the development of pediatrics in America one gets the impression that there was little or no recorded concern for the subject before the early part of the nineteenth century. Garrison mentions Thomas Thacher's "Brief Rule" (1677-78), Samuel Bard's paper on "Angina Suffocative" (1771), Benjamin Rush's writings on the Cholera Infantum (1773) and Hezekiah Beardsley's paper on Pyloric Stenosis (1788) as the only writings of pediatric interest which were published before 1800. Adams previously had considered Rush as one of the first in this country to write on pediatric subjects, counting Rush's "Account of the Influenza, as it appeared in Philadelphia in the Autumn of 1789, the Spring of 1790, and the Winter 1791" as a contribution to the clinical description of the disease in children, and crediting Charles Caldwell's thesis written in 1796 at the University of Pennsylvania on "An Attempt to Establish the Original Sameness of Three Phenomena of Fever (principally confined to infants and children) described by medical writers under the several names of Hydrocephalus Internus, Cynanche Trachealis and Diarrhea Infantum" with being the first truly pediatric publication in this country. With such scanty background for our enormous pediatric literature of the present, it might not be amiss to note some few writings which came out of Charleston in the 18th and early part of the 19th centuries, and, without trying to squeeze too much blood out of a turnip, to show that there was some written evidence of interest in pediatrics which was perhaps somewhat more localized in South Carolina than in any other parts of the country.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Alawiye Abdulmumin Abdurrazzaq ◽  
Ahmad Wifaq Mokhtar ◽  
Abdul Manan Ismail

This article is aimed to examine the extent of the application of Islamic legal objectives by Sheikh Abdullah bn Fudi in his rejoinder against one of their contemporary scholars who accused them of being over-liberal about the religion. He claimed that there has been a careless intermingling of men and women in the preaching and counselling gathering they used to hold, under the leadership of Sheikh Uthman bn Fudi (the Islamic reformer of the nineteenth century in Nigeria and West Africa). Thus, in this study, the researchers seek to answer the following interrogations: who was Abdullah bn Fudi? who was their critic? what was the subject matter of the criticism? How did the rebutter get equipped with some guidelines of higher objectives of Sharĩʻah in his rejoinder to the critic? To this end, this study had tackled the questions afore-stated by using inductive, descriptive and analytical methods to identify the personalities involved, define and analyze some concepts and matters considered as the hub of the study.

2006 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-17
Dewi Jones

John Lloyd Williams was an authority on the arctic-alpine flora of Snowdonia during the late nineteenth century when plant collecting was at its height, but unlike other botanists and plant collectors he did not fully pursue the fashionable trend of forming a complete herbarium. His diligent plant-hunting in a comparatively little explored part of Snowdonia led to his discovering a new site for the rare Killarney fern (Trichomanes speciosum), a feat which was considered a major achievement at the time. For most part of the nineteenth century plant distribution, classification and forming herbaria, had been paramount in the learning of botany in Britain resulting in little attention being made to other aspects of the subject. However, towards the end of the century many botanists turned their attention to studying plant physiology, a subject which had advanced significantly in German laboratories. Rivalry between botanists working on similar projects became inevitable in the race to be first in print as Lloyd Williams soon realized when undertaking his major study on the cytology of marine algae.

2016 ◽  
Vol 43 (2) ◽  
pp. 191-207 ◽  
Richard Mearns ◽  
Laurent Chevrier ◽  
Christophe Gouraud

In the early part of the nineteenth century the Dupont brothers ran separate natural history businesses in Paris. Relatively little is known about their early life but an investigation into the family history at Bayeux corrects Léonard Dupont's year of birth from 1795 to 1796. In 1818 Léonard joined Joseph Ritchie's expedition to North Africa to assist in collecting and preparing the discoveries but he did not get beyond Tripoli. After 15 months he came back to Paris with a small collection from Libya and Provence, and returned to Provence in 1821. While operating as a dealer-naturalist in Paris he published Traité de taxidermie (1823, 1827), developed a special interest in foreign birds and became well known for his anatomical models in coloured wax. Henry Dupont sold a range of natural history material and with his particular passion for beetles formed one of the finest collections in Europe; his best known publication is Monographie des Trachydérides (1836–1840). Because the brothers had overlapping interests and were rarely referred to by their forenames there has been confusion between them and the various eponyms that commemorate them. Although probably true, it would be an over-simplification to state that birds of this era named for Dupont refer to Léonard Dupont, insects to Henry Dupont, and molluscs to their mother.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 111
Riris Susiani ◽  
Ernawati Ernawati

AbstrakMasalah dalam penelitian ini yaitu pentingnya strategi produk dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha agar mampu bertahan dan bersaing  dengan perusahaan lain yang sejenis dalam kondisi persaingan yang ketat dan perkembangan zaman yang sangat cepat. Strategi produk sangat diperlukan dalam mememenuhi tuntutan konsumen seperti meningkatkan kualitas, menciptakan merek, pelayanan serta jaminan terhadap produk yang ditawarkan agar usaha mampu berkembang. Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah usaha yang sedang berkembang dan telah mampu memasarkan produk bordirnya hingga menembus pasar ekspor. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan strategi produk bordir di Limpapeh”s Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Kota Payakumbuh. Metode penelitian menggunakan metode deskriftif kualitatif, jenis data berupa data primer dan  sekunder. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisa model interaktif yang berkaitan dengan pokok permasalahan yaitu dengan model reduksi data, penyajian data dan pengambilan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian yaitu strategi produk yang dilakukan di Limpapeh”s Kebaya adalah dimulai dari menciptakan produk bordir yang berkualitas, desain motif bordir yang up to date dan kreatif, menyediakan ukuran yang special, memberi merek pada produk bordir, memberi kemasan yang menarik (paperbag) dan serbaguna, pelayanan yang cepat, tepat dan ramah serta pemberian jaminan terhadap produk border.Kata Kunci: strategi produk, pelayanan, bordir. AbstractThe problem in this study is the importance of product strategy in running a business in order to be able to survive and compete with other similar companies in conditions of intense competition and very rapid development of the times. Product strategy is very necessary in fulfilling consumer demands such as improving quality, creating brands, services and guarantees for products offered so that businesses are able to grow. Limpapeh's Kebaya is a growing business and has been able to market its embroidery products to penetrate the export market. This study aims to describe the strategy of embroidery products in Limpapeh's Kebaya, Kapalo Koto, Koto Tangah Simalanggang, Payakumbuh City. The research method uses qualitative descriptive method, the type of data in the form of primary and secondary data. The technique of collecting data through observation, interviews and documentation. Data analysis techniques are carried out with interactive model analysis techniques that are related to the subject matter, namely with a model of data reduction, data presentation and conclusion. The results of the research, namely the product strategy carried out at Limpapeh's Kebaya, are started from creating quality embroidery products, up-to-date and creative embroidery motifs, providing special sizes, giving brands to embroidery products, giving attractive packaging (paperbag) and versatile, fast, precise and friendly service and guarantee of embroidery products. Keywords: product, service, embroidery strategy.

Metahumaniora ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Ari J. Adipurwawijdana

ABSTRAKRiwayat yang disajikan penulis Britania era Viktorian tentang perjalannnya ke Amerikamengasumsikan adanya sebuah jaringan prasarana transportasi. Sistem transportasiterkait dengan riwayat perjalanan (travel narrative) dalam tiga hal, yaitu (1) sebagaibasis material bagi perjalanan, (2) sebagai substruktur riwayat, dan (3) sebagai pokokpembicaraan dalam riwayat itu sendiri. Buku Domestic Manners of the Americans (1832)merupakan model bagi cara infrastruktur transportasi menentukan aspek naratologis,yaitu urutan dan perspektif dalam struktur naratif riwayat perjalanan. Karya tersebut jugamenyajikan transportasi sebagai pokok pembicaraan dalam teksnya itu sendiri walaupun tidaksejauh sebagaimana yang tampak pada The Amateur Emigrant (1895) karya Robert LouisStevenson. Dalam hal ini, The American Scene (1907) karya Henry James juga relevankarena, walaupun tidak secara gamblang membicarakan transportasi sebagai topik dantidak pula menampakkan ciri-ciri riwayat perjalanan, karya tersebut merepresentasicara wawasan Britania-Amerika trans-Atlantik dianggap sebagai sesuatu yang lumrah.Wawasan ini juga memandang menganggap perjalanan trans-Atlantik sebagai semacamperjalanan menembus waktu, yang menunjukkan ketidaknyaman para penulis Britaniaabad kesembilanbelas terhadap transformasi sosial ke masyrakat demokratis yangdirepresentasi secara metaforis oleh pemahaman mereka tentang Amerika.Kata kunci: catatan perjalanan Viktorian, transportasi, wisataABSTRACTNarratives presented by Victorian British writers about their travels to America assume theavailability of a transprtation infrastructure system. Such a system is related to the travelnarrative in three things, namely, (1) as a material base for travel, (2) as a narrative substructurehistory, and (3) as the subject-matter of the narratives. Fanny Trollope’s Domestic Mannerof the Americans (1832) is a model for the way transportation infrastructure determinesnarratological aspects, namely order and perspective in the structure of the travel narrative.The piece also presents transportation as a subject-matter in its text although it does notgo so far as do Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Amateur Emigrant (1895). In discussingtransportation Henry James’ The American Scene is also relevant because, despite it’s notexplicitly speaking of transportation as a topic nor does it show the convential characteristicsof the travel narrative, the work represents a British-American trans-Atlantic world viewas a given. This world view also considers trans-Atlantic travels as a kind of voyage acrosstime, implying the discomfort of nineteenth-century British writers concerning the socialtransition into a democratic society represented by America as a metaphor.Keywords: Victorian travel narrative, transportation, tourism

Transfers ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 115-119 ◽  
Susan E. Bell ◽  
Kathy Davis

Translocation – Transformation is an ambitious contribution to the subject of mobility. Materially, it interlinks seemingly disparate objects into a surprisingly unified exhibition on mobile histories and heritages: twelve bronze zodiac heads, silk and bamboo creatures, worn life vests, pressed Pu-erh tea, thousands of broken antique teapot spouts, and an ancestral wooden temple from the Ming dynasty (1368–1644) used by a tea-trading family. Historically and politically, the exhibition engages Chinese stories from the third century BCE, empires in eighteenth-century Austria and China, the Second Opium War in the nineteenth century, the Chinese Cultural Revolution of the mid-twentieth century, and today’s global refugee crisis.

2017 ◽  
Vol 68 (6) ◽  
pp. 1352-1356 ◽  
Beatrice Gabriela Ioan ◽  
Cristiana Manea ◽  
Bianca Hanganu ◽  
Laura Statescu ◽  
Laura Gheuca Solovastru ◽  

Human body is a complex of organic substances (proteins, lipids, carbohydrates), which undergo chemical decomposition processes soon after death. The compounds released during decomposition characterize the development of different stages of this process: e.g. biogenic amines resulted from the proteins decomposition will confer the particular smell of a cadaver, gases resulted from carbohydrates fermentation will give the bloating aspect of the cadaver. The study of cadaver decomposition and the products resulted from this process is the subject of human taphonomy and is realized nowadays in special facilities in USA and Australia. Identification and analysis of the chemical compounds emerged after human decomposition (gases, liquids, salts) give valuable information to forensic pathologists for estimating the postmortem interval (PMI). More, volatile compounds � which give the odor signature�specific to human remains � may be utilized in identifying clandestine burials, human remains or victims entrapped under ruins in cases of natural disasters. In this paper the authors describe the chemical decomposition stages of human cadavers, the factors influencing these processes and utility for the forensic activity of the results of human taphonomic studies.

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