scholarly journals Space–time dynamics of a triple epidemic: dengue, chikungunya and Zika clusters in the city of Rio de Janeiro

2019 ◽  
Vol 286 (1912) ◽  
pp. 20191867 ◽  
Laís Picinini Freitas ◽  
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz ◽  
Rachel Lowe ◽  
Marilia Sá Carvalho

Dengue, an arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has been endemic in Brazil for decades. However, vector-control strategies have not led to a significant reduction in the disease burden and have not been sufficient to prevent chikungunya and Zika entry and establishment in the country. In Rio de Janeiro city, the first Zika and chikungunya epidemics were detected between 2015 and 2016, coinciding with a dengue epidemic. Understanding the behaviour of these diseases in a triple epidemic scenario is a necessary step for devising better interventions for prevention and outbreak response. We applied scan statistics analysis to detect spatio-temporal clustering for each disease separately and for all three simultaneously. In general, clusters were not detected in the same locations and time periods, possibly owing to competition between viruses for host resources, depletion of susceptible population, different introduction times and change in behaviour of the human population (e.g. intensified vector-control activities in response to increasing cases of a particular arbovirus). Simultaneous clusters of the three diseases usually included neighbourhoods with high population density and low socioeconomic status, particularly in the North region of the city. The use of space–time cluster detection can guide intensive interventions to high-risk locations in a timely manner, to improve clinical diagnosis and management, and pinpoint vector-control measures.

2019 ◽  
Laís Picinini Freitas ◽  
Oswaldo Gonçalves Cruz ◽  
Rachel Lowe ◽  
Marilia Sá Carvalho

AbstractBrazil is a dengue-endemic country where all four dengue virus serotypes circulate and cause seasonal epidemics. Recently, chikungunya and Zika viruses were also introduced. In Rio de Janeiro city, the three diseases co-circulated for the first time in 2015-2016, resulting in what is known as the ‘triple epidemic’. In this study, we identify space-time clusters of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, to understand the dynamics and interaction between these simultaneously circulating arboviruses in a densely populated and heterogeneous city.We conducted a spatio-temporal analysis of weekly notified cases of the three diseases in Rio de Janeiro city (July 2015 – January 2017), georeferenced by 160 neighbourhoods, using Kulldorff’s scan statistic with discrete Poisson probability models.There were 26549, 13662, and 35905 notified cases of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika, respectively. The 17 dengue clusters and 15 Zika clusters were spread all over the city, while the 14 chikungunya clusters were more concentrated in the North and Downtown areas. Zika clusters persisted over a longer period of time. The multivariate scan statistic – used to analyse the three diseases simultaneously – detected 17 clusters, nine of which included all three diseases.This is the first study exploring space-time clustering of dengue, chikungunya, and Zika in an intraurban area. In general, the clusters did not coincide in time and space. This is probably the result of the competition between viruses for host resources, and of vector-control attitudes promoted by previous arbovirus outbreaks. The main affected area – the North region – is characterised by a combination of high population density and low human development index, highlighting the importance of targeting interventions in this area. Spatio-temporal scan statistics have the potential to direct interventions to high-risk locations in a timely manner and should be considered as part of the municipal surveillance routine as a tool to optimize prevention strategies.Author summaryDengue, an arboviral disease transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes, has been endemic in Brazil for decades, but vector-control strategies have not led to a significant reduction in the disease burden and were not sufficient to prevent chikungunya and Zika entry and establishment in the country. In Rio de Janeiro city, the first Zika and chikungunya epidemics were detected between 2015-2016, coinciding with a dengue epidemic. Understanding the behaviour of these diseases in a triple epidemic scenario is a necessary step for devising better interventions for prevention and outbreak response. We applied scan statistics analysis to detect spatio-temporal clustering for each disease separately and for all three simultaneously. In general, clusters were not detected in the same locations and time periods, possibly due to competition between viruses for host resources, and change in behaviour of the human population (e.g. intensified vector-control activities in response to increasing cases of a particular arbovirus). Neighbourhoods with high population density and social vulnerability should be considered as important targets for interventions. Particularly in the North region, where clusters of the three diseases exist and the first chikungunya cluster occurred. The use of space-time cluster detection can direct intensive interventions to high-risk locations in a timely manner.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Abdou Talipouo ◽  
Konstantinos Mavridis ◽  
Elysée Nchoutpouen ◽  
Borel Djiappi-Tchamen ◽  
Emmanouil Alexandros Fotakis ◽  

AbstractCulex mosquitoes particularly Culex quinquefasciatus are important arboviral and filariasis vectors, however despite this important epidemiological role, there is still a paucity of data on their bionomics. The present study was undertaken to assess the insecticide resistance status of Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from four districts of Yaoundé (Cameroon). All Culex quinquefasciatus populations except one displayed high resistance to bendiocarb and malathion with mortalities ranging from 0 to 89% while high resistance intensity against both permethrin and deltamethrin was recorded. Molecular analyses revealed high frequencies of the ACE-1 G119S mutation (ranging from 0 to 33%) and kdr L1014F allele (ranging from 55 to 74%) in all Cx. quinquefasciatus populations. Significant overexpression was detected for cytochrome P450s genes CYP6AA7 and CYP6Z10, as well as for Esterase A and Esterase B genes. The total cuticular hydrocarbon content, a proxy of cuticular resistance, was significantly increased (compared to the S-lab strain) in one population. The study confirms strong insecticide resistance mediated by different mechanisms in Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from the city of Yaoundé. The expansion of insecticide resistance in Culex populations could affect the effectiveness of current vector control measures and stress the need for the implementation of integrated vector control strategies in urban settings.

Revista Prumo ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (9) ◽  

Desde o início da Idade Moderna, a maneira como enxergamos a realidade à nossa volta esteve pautada por uma lógica inevitavelmente contextualista, linear e contínua. Fragmentação e anacronismo são, assim, propriedades inconcebíveis do espaço e do tempo, o que se reflete na maneira como se percebe e se age na cidade. Contudo, autores como Gilles Deleuze e Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman e Robert Smithson (entre outros e outras), com seus respectivos conceitos de Rizoma, Diagrama e Site/Non-site exploram a potência e as múltiplas possibilidades de um espaço-tempo intermediado pela modernidade. O presente ensaio lança mão desses conceitos com o intuito de fazer emergir uma outra realidade. Para tanto, propõe um grid ficcional como ferramenta que opera sobre a cidade factual do Rio de Janeiro, que assim se transforma em um Rio aos Pedaços. Palavras-chave: Rio de Janeiro; Rizoma; Diagrama; Grid. Abstract Since the beginning of the Modern Age, the way we see the reality around us has been guided by an inevitably contextualist, linear and continuous logic. Fragmentation and anachronism are, therefore, inconceivable properties of both space and time, precluding the way one perceives and acts upon the city. Yet, authors such as Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Peter Eisenman and Robert Smithson (among others), with their respective concepts of Rhizome, Diagram and Site/Non-site, have explored the power and multiple possibilities of a space-time alien to the modern worldview. This essay makes use of these concepts in order to bring about another reality. To this effect, it proposes a fictional grid that acts upon the factual city of Rio de Janeiro, which becomes a Rio in Pieces. Keywords: Rio de Janeiro; Rhizome; Diagram; Grid.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
Pandji Wibawa Dhewantara ◽  
Andri Ruliansyah ◽  
M. Ezza Azmi Fuadiyah ◽  
Endang Puji Astuti ◽  
Mutiara Widawati

Four dengue serotypes threatened more than 200 million people and has spread to over 400 districts in Indonesia. Furthermore, 26 districts in most densely populated province, West Java, have been declared as hyperendemic areas. Cimahi is an endemic city with the highest population (14,969 people per square kilometer). Evidence on distribution pattern of dengue cases is required to discover the spread of dengue cases in Cimahi. A study has been conducted to detect clusters of dengue incidence during 2007-2013. A temporal spatial analysis was performed using SaTScan™ software incorporated confirmed dengue monthly data from the Municipality Health Office and population data from a local Bureau of Statistics. A retrospective space-time analysis with a Poisson distribution model and monthly precision was performed. Our results revealed a significant most likely cluster (p<0.001) throughout period of study. The most likely cluster was detected in the centre of the city and moved to the northern region of Cimahi. Cimahi, Karangmekar, and Cibabat village were most likely cluster in 2007-2010 (p <0.001; RR = 2.16-2.98; pop at risk 12% total population); Citeureup were detected as the most likely cluster in 2011-2013 (p <0.001; RR 5.77), respectively. Temporaly, clusters were detected in the first quarter of each year each. In conclusion, a dynamic spread of dengue initiated from the centre to its surrounding areas during the period 2007-2013. Our study suggests the use of GIS to strengthen case detection and surveillance. An in-depth investigation to relevant risk factors in high-risk areas in Cimahi city is encouraged.

2019 ◽  
Vol 35 (12) ◽  
Jefferson Pereira Caldas dos Santos ◽  
Nildimar Alves Honório ◽  
Aline Araújo Nobre

Dengue is a re-emerging arbovirus infection of major epidemiological importance. The detection of dengue clusters is an important epidemiological surveillance strategy, contributing to better allocation of control measures and prioritizing areas that are subject to increased risk of transmission. Studies involving human populations with low mobility are scarce, and the current study thus aims to investigate the presence of persistent dengue clusters in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in populations with different mobility and immunity. Epidemiological data on dengue were obtained from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. Areas of increased risk were defined by the space-time scan statistical method and analysis of persistence with use of map algebra. For both study populations, the clusters that were identified did not show spatial concordance, except in years when both presented the same immunological profile. Their persistent clusters were located mostly in the West Zone of city. The clusters of the two study populations only displayed spatial concordance in years with similar immune profiles, which confirms the confounding role of immunity and supports the use of populations with high percentages of susceptible individuals when designing territory-based dengue studies. The space-time similarity between the areas of persistent risk in both populations suggests that the West Zone, a region with disorderly urban growth and low mean income, shows the highest risk of dengue transmission. The definition of persistent dengue clusters contributes to the improvement of dengue control strategies and territorial planning.

2012 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 180-183 ◽  
Claudius Couto Cabral ◽  
Ana Carolina Nunes de Morais ◽  
Alba Valéria de Almeida Barcelos Dias ◽  
Marcela Garcia Araújo ◽  
Wildeberg Cal Moreira ◽  

INTRODUCTION: Rabies is one of the most known lethal zoonosis, responsible for 55,000 human deaths per year. It is transmitted to humans mainly by the bite of domestic or wild animals infected with the virus. This paper shows the circulation of this virus in non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. METHODS: A survey was performed on the number of bats that had been sent for diagnosis by the Seção de Virologia of the Instituto Municipal de Medicina Veterinária Jorge Vaitsman and were positive for rabies. The positive animals were identified, and the isolated viruses were sent for antigenic typification with indirect immunofluorescence. The results were compared with the antigenic panel of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. RESULTS: During 2001-2010, the laboratory received 555 non-hematophagous bats for rabies diagnosis, with 198 (35.7%) from Rio de Janeiro City. A total of 11 (5.5%) animals were positive for this disease. Antigenic typification revealed the predominance of variant 3 in 9 (81.8%) of the isolated viruses; 1 virus was classified as variant 4 and 1 variant was identified that segregated with the viruses in insectivorous bats. CONCLUSIONS: The data obtained in this study showed the presence of the rabies virus in synanthropic populations of non-hematophagous bats in the City of Rio de Janeiro. The circulation of this agent in these animals represents a serious risk to human and animal health and requires attention and control measures by the authorities.

Maria Alice A. Cabrera ◽  
Adelzon A. Paula ◽  
Luis Antonio B. Camacho ◽  
Mauro Célio A. Marzochi ◽  
Samanta C. Xavier ◽  

Barra de Guaratiba is a coastal area of the city of Rio de Janeiro where American visceral leishmaniasis (AVL) is endemic. Although control measures including killing of dogs and use of insecticides have been applied at this locality, the canine seroprevalence remains at 25% and during 1995 and 1997 eight autochthonous human cases were notified. In order to evaluate factors related to the increase of the risk for Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi infection in dogs we have screened 365 dogs by anti-Leishmania immunofluorescent antibody test (IFAT) and captured sandflies in the domestic and peridomestic environment. Some variables related to the infection were assessed by uni- and multivariate analysis. The distance of the residence from the forest border, its altitude and the presence of the opossum Didelphis marsupialis in the backyard, were found predictor factors for L. (L.) chagasi infection in dogs in Barra de Guaratiba. The presence of Lutzomyia longipalpis in the peridomestic environment indicates the possibility of appearence of new human cases. Our data also suggest the presence of a sylvatic enzootic cycle at this locality.

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (36) ◽  
Nina Pinheiro Bitar

O artigo aborda os imaginários de cidade produzidos pelos agentes do Cadeg (Centro de Abastecimento do Estado da Guanabara), um mercado privado, localizado na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Esse mercado passa por um processo de “enobrecimento”, que consiste em mudanças nos tipos de comércio e no público frequentador. Analiso como esse processo é interpretado e também construído pelos agentes do mercado. O Cadeg opera mediações no espaço, no tempo e nos modos de imaginar a cidade. Com o acompanhamento do cotidiano do mercado, o Cadeg revelou-se um mediador de relações sociais e simbólicas, um mediador das categorias temporais e espaciais.Palavras-chaves: Patrimônio. Mercados. Espaço público. Rio de Janeiro.Heritage, work and time: the “new” Rio de Janeiro’s Municipal Marketplace Abstract This paper addresses the imaginary of the city produced by agents involved in Cadeg (de Abastecimento do Estado da Guanabara), a private marketplace, located in the city of Rio de Janeiro. This marketplace is going through a process of "gentrification" that consist in changes in the public that attends to the marketplace and the types of retail and wholesale stores that are located there. I analyze how this process is constructed and interpreted by the marketplace's agents. Cadeg operates mediations in space, time and the ways people imagine the city. Through the observation of daily marketplace, I realized that Cadeg is a mediator of social and symbolic relations, temporal and spatial categories.Keywords: Heritage. Marketplace. Public space. Rio de Janeiro.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 317-328 ◽  
Verônica C. Araujo ◽  
Christina M. B. Lima ◽  
Eduarda N. B. Barbosa ◽  
Flávia P. Furtado ◽  
Helenice Charchat-Fichman

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (45) ◽  
pp. 118-122
Victor Paes Dias Gonçalves ◽  
Hugo Leonardo Matias Nahmias ◽  
Marcus Menezes Alves Azevedo

Among contact sports, the practice of martial arts offers a greater risk of causing dental trauma and fractures as contact with the face is more frequent. The primary objective of the research is to evaluate the incidence of mouthguard use, and the secondary objective is to verify which type has a greater predominance and the difficulties in its use correlating to the type of mouthguard used. A documentary study was carried out with 273 athletes of different contact sports, among them: MMA, Boxing, Muay Thai, Jiu-Jitsu, and Taekwondo of the city of Campos dos Goytacazes, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was concluded that the most commonly used mouthguard is PB Boils and Bites - Type II and its level of approval is poor, interfering with the athletes’ performance, mainly in relation to the breathing factor.

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