The pyroclastic deposits of the 1875 eruption of Askja, Iceland

The 1875 explosive eruption of Askja, Iceland was part of a series of regional volcanic and tectonic events which took place in the northern rift zone in 1874 and 1875. These events were marked by regional seismicity, graben formation and a basaltic fissure eruption at Sveinagja, and the plinian eruption of Askja on 28-29 March. Crustal rifting caused basaltic magma to be mixed with rhyolitic magma, triggering the plinian eruption. A caldera, Oskjuvatn, was formed in Askja measuring 3 x 4 km and 267 m deep. Six distinguishable pyroclastic layers can be recognized. The main eruption began with a small sub-plinian pumice eruption forming layer B. The next phase produced a fine-grained, poorly sorted pumice and ash deposit with well developed stratification (layer C), which contains base surge beds near source and is interpreted as phreatomagmatic in origin. The main plinian phase of the eruption lasted 6 h and formed a coarse-grained, poorly bedded pumice-fall deposit (layer D) which contains 75% of the total ejecta. Late-stage explosions formed a layer of lithic clasts (layer E). Isopach and grain-size isopleth maps show that the vents migrated from south to north along a line 1.5 km long in the area now occupied by Oskjuvatn. The intensity and column height of the eruption increased with time as shown by reverse grading and an increasing dispersal index in successive layers. Most of the ejecta is composed of white rhyolitic pumice and ash. Lithics consist of rhyolitic obsidian, partially fused trondhjeimite, and basalt fragments: layer D contains 2.1 mass % lithics. All layers contain abundant grey pumice clasts consisting of intimate mixtures of dark brown basaltic and brown rhyolitic glasses. The mass percentage of mixed pumice in layer D is 4.7, of which 40 % is basaltic glass. These mixed pumice clasts are concentrated at distances of 30-80 km in layer D by aeolian sorting. A grey, crystal-rich, andesitic pumice occurs as inclusions in the white pumice. Layer D shows a systematic decrease in median grain diameter, but no change in cr^ with distance from source. Layer C shows no change in median grain diameter, but a decrease in with distance from source. Phreatomagmatic deposits such as layer C can be readily distinguished from plinian deposits on a Md$ against cr^ diagram, on a against a* (skewness) diagram and on the F against D plot of Walker (1973). The downwind, coarse-tail grading in layer C is attributed to fall-out of fine ash as clumps and aggregates. The total grain-size distributions of both layers D and C show bimodality. In layer D a minor mode in the ash size classes reflects secondary processes of fragmentation by collisions in the vent and column, whereas the major mode is due to disruption of magma by expanding gases. In layer C the fine mode is dominant and represents extensive fragmentation by explosive interaction with water. Field and grain-size studies of layer D show that impact breakage is of major importance near source.

2021 ◽  
Vol 83 (4) ◽  
S. Adam Soule ◽  
Michael Zoeller ◽  
Carolyn Parcheta

AbstractHawaiian and other ocean island lava flows that reach the coastline can deposit significant volumes of lava in submarine deltas. The catastrophic collapse of these deltas represents one of the most significant, but least predictable, volcanic hazards at ocean islands. The volume of lava deposited below sea level in delta-forming eruptions and the mechanisms of delta construction and destruction are rarely documented. Here, we report on bathymetric surveys and ROV observations following the Kīlauea 2018 eruption that, along with a comparison to the deltas formed at Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō over the past decade, provide new insight into delta formation. Bathymetric differencing reveals that the 2018 deltas contain more than half of the total volume of lava erupted. In addition, we find that the 2018 deltas are comprised largely of coarse-grained volcanic breccias and intact lava flows, which contrast with those at Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō that contain a large fraction of fine-grained hyaloclastite. We attribute this difference to less efficient fragmentation of the 2018 ‘a‘ā flows leading to fragmentation by collapse rather than hydrovolcanic explosion. We suggest a mechanistic model where the characteristic grain size influences the form and stability of the delta with fine grain size deltas (Pu‘u ‘Ō‘ō) experiencing larger landslides with greater run-out supported by increased pore pressure and with coarse grain size deltas (Kīlauea 2018) experiencing smaller landslides that quickly stop as the pore pressure rapidly dissipates. This difference, if validated for other lava deltas, would provide a means to assess potential delta stability in future eruptions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (9) ◽  
pp. 5123-5132 ◽  
J. Hernández-Rojas ◽  
F. Calvo

The aggregation and physical growth of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon molecules was simulated using a coarse-grained potential and a stochastic Monte Carlo framework. In agreement with earlier studies, homomolecular nucleation of pyrene, coronene and circumcoronene is found to be limited at temperatures in the 500–1000 K range. Heteromolecular nucleation is found to occur with a minor spontaneous segregation toward pure and equi concentrations.

2007 ◽  
Vol 551-552 ◽  
pp. 387-392 ◽  
Wen Juan Zhao ◽  
Hua Ding ◽  
D. Song ◽  
F.R. Cao ◽  
Hong Liang Hou

In this study, superplastic tensile tests were carried out for Ti-6Al-4V alloy using different initial grain sizes (2.6 μm, 6.5μm and 16.2 μm) at a temperature of 920°C with an initial strain rate of 1×10-3 s-1. To get an insight into the effect of grain size on the superplastic deformation mechanisms, the microstructures of deformed alloy were investigated by using an optical microscope and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results indicate that there is dramatic difference in the superplastic deformation mode of fine and coarse grained Ti-6Al-4V alloy. Meanwhile, grain growth induced by superplastic deformation has also been clearly observed during deformation process, and the grain growth model including the static and strain induced part during superplastic deformation was utilized to analyze the data of Ti-6Al-4V alloy.

Geophysics ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 68 (5) ◽  
pp. 1547-1558 ◽  
L. D. Slater ◽  
D. R. Glaser

Resistivity and induced polarization (IP) measurements (0.1–1000 Hz) were made on clay‐free unconsolidated sediments from a sandy, alluvial aquifer in the Kansas River floodplain. The sensitivity of imaginary conductivity σ″, a fundamental IP measurement, to lithological parameters, fluid conductivity, and degree of saturation was assessed. The previously reported power law dependence of IP on surface area and grain size is clearly observed despite the narrow lithologic range encountered in this unconsolidated sedimentary sequence. The grain‐size σ″ relationship is effectively frequency independent between 0.1 and 100 Hz but depends on the representative grain diameter used. For the sediments examined here, d90, the grain diameter of the coarsest sediments in a sample, is well correlated with σ″. The distribution of the internal surface in the well‐sorted, sandy sediments investigated here is such that most of the sample weight is likely required to account for the majority of the internal surface. We find the predictive capability of the Börner model for hydraulic conductivity (K)estimation from IP measurements is limited when applied to this narrow lithologic range. The relatively weak dependence of σ″ on fluid conductivity (σw) observed for these sediments when saturated with an NaCl solution (0.06–10 S/m) is consistent with competing effects of surface charge density and surface ionic mobility on σ″ as previously inferred for sandstone. Importantly, IP parameters are a function of saturation and exhibit hysteretic behavior over a drainage and imbibition cycle. However, σ″ is less dependent than the real conductivity σ′ on saturation. In the case of evaporative drying, the σ″ saturation exponent is approximately half of the σ′ exponent. Crosshole IP imaging illustrates the potential for lithologic discrimination of unconsolidated sediments. A fining‐upward sequence correlates with an upward increase in normalized chargeability Mn, a field IP parameter proportional to σ″. The hydraulic conductivity distribution obtained from the Börner model discriminates a hydraulically conductive sand–gravel from overlying medium sand.

2007 ◽  
Vol 539-543 ◽  
pp. 2928-2933 ◽  
V.S. Yusupov ◽  
A.I. Milyaev ◽  
Galia F. Korznikova ◽  
Alexander V. Korznikov ◽  
J.K. Kovneristii

Results of experimental research into evolution of the structure and microhardness of the hard magnetic Fe-30Cr-8Co-0,7Ti-0,5V-0,7Si alloy during complex two-level loading (compression + torsion) in isothermal conditions at various temperatures in single-phase region are reported. It was revealed that the deformation leads to a strong refinement of initial coarse-grained structure in the whole volume of the sample, however the generated structure is non-uniform through the body of the sample. In an active zone of deformation, near to mobile head, there is a microcrystalline layer with a grain size of about 5 microns which thickness poorly depends on the formation. With removal from the active zone of deformation the grain size increases, and microhardness decreases.

2008 ◽  
Vol 584-586 ◽  
pp. 470-474 ◽  
Egor Prokofiev ◽  
Dmitriy Gunderov ◽  
Alexandr Lukyanov ◽  
Vladimir Pushin ◽  
Ruslan Valiev

Amorphous-nanocrystalline Ti49.4Ni50.6 alloy in the shape of a disc 20 mm in diameter has been successfully produced using high pressure torsion (HPT). Application of HPT and annealing at temperatures of 300–550°C resulted in formation of a nanocrystalline (NC) structure with the grain size (D) about 20–300 nm. The HPT samples after annealing at Т = 400°C with the D= 20 nm possess high yield stress and high ultimate tensile strength (more than 2000 MPa). There is an area of strain-induced transformation B2-B19’ on the tensile curve of the samples with the grain size D =20 nm. The stress of martensitic transformation (σm) of samples is 450 MPa, which is three times higher than σm in the initial coarse-grained state (σm ≈ 160 MPa). The HPT samples after annealing at Т = 550°C with the D= 300 nm possess high ductility (δ>60 %) and high ultimate tensile strength (about 1000 MPa).

Sunal Ahmet Parasiz ◽  
Reid VanBenthysen ◽  
Brad L. Kinsey

Sheet metal forming often consists of bending processes in which gradients of deformation exists through the thickness of the workpiece in a localized deformation area. In microscale bending, these deformation gradients become much steeper, as the changes in the deformation occur over short distances (in the order of micrometers). In addition, with miniaturization, the number of grains that are present through the thickness decreases significantly. In this research, the effect of grain size and specimen size on the deformation distribution through the thickness of microbent sheet specimens was investigated via microhardness evaluations. It was found that the deformation distribution, i.e., hardness profile, is not affected significantly by the grain size when the sheet thickness is large (for 1.625 mm specimens) or by miniaturization of the specimen size when the grain size is fine. However, the deformation distribution of the coarse grained specimens deviates from the fine grained ones and from the 1.625 mm thick sheet specimens when the specimen size is miniaturized.

Processes ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 108
Carlos Enrique Zambra ◽  
Luciano Gonzalez-Olivares ◽  
Johan González ◽  
Benjamin Clausen

This research numerically studies the transient cooling of partially liquid magma by natural convection in an enclosed magma chamber. The mathematical model is based on the conservation laws for momentum, energy and mass for a non-Newtonian and incompressible fluid that may be modeled by the power law and the Oberbeck–Boussinesq equations (for basaltic magma) and solved with the finite volume method (FVM). The results of the programmed algorithm are compared with those in the literature for a non-Newtonian fluid with high apparent viscosity (10–200 Pa s) and Prandtl (Pr = 4 × 104) and Rayleigh (Ra = 1 × 106) numbers yielding a low relative error of 0.11. The times for cooling the center of the chamber from 1498 to 1448 K are 40 ky (kilo years), 37 and 28 ky for rectangular, hybrid and quasi-elliptical shapes, respectively. Results show that for the cases studied, natural convection moved the magma but had no influence on the isotherms; therefore the main mechanism of cooling is conduction. When a basaltic magma intrudes a chamber with rhyolitic magma in our model, natural convection is not sufficient to effectively mix the two magmas to produce an intermediate SiO2 composition.

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