scholarly journals Susceptibility of domestic swine to experimental infection with SARS-CoV-2

2020 ◽  
Brad S. Pickering ◽  
Greg Smith ◽  
Mathieu M. Pinette ◽  
Carissa Embury-Hyatt ◽  
Estella Moffat ◽  

AbstractSARS-CoV-2, the agent responsible for COVID-19 has been shown to infect a number of species. The role of domestic livestock and the risk associated for humans in close contact remains unknown for many production animals. Determination of the susceptibility of pigs to SARS-CoV-2 is critical towards a One Health approach to manage the potential risk of zoonotic transmission. Here, pigs undergoing experimental inoculation are susceptible to SARS-CoV-2 at low levels. Viral RNA was detected in group oral fluids and nasal wash from at least two animals while live virus was isolated from a pig. Further, antibodies could be detected in two animals at 11 and 13 days post infection, while oral fluid samples at 6 days post inoculation indicated the presence of secreted antibodies. These data highlight the need for additional livestock assessment to better determine the potential role domestic animals may contribute towards the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.

1993 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
pp. 199-220 ◽  
Mohammed Sabihuddin Buti ◽  
Aroon Jamal

The fertility phase of the demographic transition has increasingly been viewed as a movement from high to low levels of fertility, and as a shift from natural fertility to deliberately controlled fertility. In an attempt to gain more insight into this process, the present study, in the context of Pakistan, is based on intensive National Population, Labour Force, and Migration Survey data covering 10,000 households. It aims to focus on the determinants of fertility in Pakistan, specifically the determinants of the adoption of deliberate fertility regulations. The role of socia-economic modernisation and cultural factors in the determination of the potential family size and the adoption of deliberate fertility control through a knowledge of fertility regulations have also been explored. The 'Synthesis Framework' of fertility determination, applied to Sri Lanka and Colombia by Easterlin and Crimmins (1982), and with its recent modifications by Ahmed (1987), is the main vehicle for the study.

2017 ◽  
Vol 76 (4) ◽  
pp. 145-153 ◽  
Jana Nikitin ◽  
Alexandra M. Freund

Abstract. Establishing new social relationships is important for mastering developmental transitions in young adulthood. In a 2-year longitudinal study with four measurement occasions (T1: n = 245, T2: n = 96, T3: n = 103, T4: n = 85), we investigated the role of social motives in college students’ mastery of the transition of moving out of the parental home, using loneliness as an indicator of poor adjustment to the transition. Students with strong social approach motivation reported stable and low levels of loneliness. In contrast, students with strong social avoidance motivation reported high levels of loneliness. However, this effect dissipated relatively quickly as most of the young adults adapted to the transition over a period of several weeks. The present study also provides evidence for an interaction between social approach and social avoidance motives: Social approach motives buffered the negative effect on social well-being of social avoidance motives. These results illustrate the importance of social approach and social avoidance motives and their interplay during developmental transitions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 37 (2) ◽  
pp. 96-104 ◽  
Hasida Ben-Zur

Abstract. The current study investigated the associations of psychological resources, social comparisons, and temporal comparisons with general wellbeing. The sample included 142 community participants (47.9% men; age range 23–83 years), who compared themselves with others, and with their younger selves, on eight dimensions (e.g., physical health, resilience). They also completed questionnaires assessing psychological resources of mastery and self-esteem, and three components of subjective wellbeing: life satisfaction and negative and positive affect. The main results showed that high levels of psychological resources contributed to wellbeing, with self-enhancing social and temporal comparisons moderating the effects of resources on certain wellbeing components. Specifically, under low levels of mastery or self-esteem self-enhancing social or temporal comparisons were related to either higher life satisfaction or positive affect. The results highlight the role of resources and comparisons in promoting people’s wellbeing, and suggest that self-enhancing comparisons function as cognitive coping mechanisms when psychological resources are low.

1987 ◽  
Vol 26 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
S. Selvaraj ◽  
M. R. Suresh ◽  
G. McLean ◽  
D. Willans ◽  
C. Turner ◽  

The role of glycoconjugates in tumor cell differentiation has been well documented. We have examined the expression of the two anomers of the Thomsen-Friedenreich antigen on the surface of human, canine and murine tumor cell membranes both in vitro and in vivo. This has been accomplished through the synthesis of the disaccharide terminal residues in both a and ß configuration. Both entities were used to generate murine monoclonal antibodies which recognized the carbohydrate determinants. The determination of fine specificities of these antibodies was effected by means of cellular uptake, immunohistopathology and immunoscintigraphy. Examination of pathological specimens of human and canine tumor tissue indicated that the expressed antigen was in the β configuration. More than 89% of all human carcinomas tested expressed the antigen in the above anomeric form. The combination of synthetic antigens and monoclonal antibodies raised specifically against them provide us with invaluable tools for the study of tumor marker expression in humans and their respective animal tumor models.

1981 ◽  
M Yamamoto ◽  
K Watanabe ◽  
Y Ando ◽  
H Iri ◽  
N Fujiyama ◽  

It has been suggested that heparin caused potentiation of aggregation induced by ADP or epinephrine. The exact mechanism of heparin-induced platelet activation, however, remained unknown. In this paper, we have investigated the role of anti-thrombin III ( AT ) in heparin-induced platelet activation using purified AT and AT depleted plasma. When ADP or epinephrine was added to citrated PRP one minute after addition of heparin ( 1 u/ml, porcine intestinal mucosal heparin, Sigma Co. USA ), marked enhancement of platelet aggregation was observed, compared with the degree of aggregation in the absence of heparin. However, in platelet suspensions prepared in modified Tyrode’s solution, heparin exhibited no potentiating effect on platelet aggregation induced by epinephrine or ADP. Potentiation of epinephrine- or ADP-induced platelet aggregation by heparin was demonstrated when purified AT was added to platelet suspensions at a concentration of 20 μg/ml. AT depleted plasma, which was prepared by immunosorption using matrix-bound antibodies to AT, retained no AT, while determination of α1-antitrypsinα2- macroglobulin and fibrinogen in AT depleted plasma produced values which corresponded to those of the original plasma when dilution factor was taken into account. The activities of coagulation factors were also comparable to those of the original plasma. Heparin exhibited potentiating effect on ADP- or epinephrine-induced aggregation of platelets in original plasma, but no effect in AT depleted plasma. When purified AT was added back to AT depleted plasma at a concentration of 20 μg/ml, potentiation of platelet aggregation by heparin was clearly demonstrated.Our results suggest that effect of heparin on platelet aggregation is also mediated by anti-thrombin III.

1970 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-30
Анжеліка Шамне

У статті розглянуто сучасні підходи до інтерпретації категорії розвитку, розкрито теоретичні  та методологічні підходи до вивчення категорії розвитку у сучасній психології, визначено її психологічний  зміст,   моделі,   структуру   та   динаміку.   Категорія   розвитку   розглядається   як   епіцентр   наукової  проблематики у психології та як поняття інтегративного типу. Розвиток проаналізовано як категорію,  явище і проблему психології розвитку в різних аспектах аналізу. Розглянуто місце розвитку в системі  споріднених психологічних понять. У статті також аналізуються психологічні аспекти теоретичних та  методологічних  постнекласичних  тенденцій  вивчення  природи,  характеру  та  визначення  психічного  розвитку. Постнекласична парадигма та плюралістична методологія пізнання визначають розмитість  дисциплінарної мови  та  врахування  ролі  соціокультурного  контексту  при  вивченні  психологічних явищ.  Важливими тенденціями сучасного теоретико-методологічного стану психологічних досліджень розвитку  також є визнання неефективності моністичного підходу до його вивчення, взаємозв'язок теоретичних ідей  та   спроби   створення   метатеоретичних   схем,   постнекласичне   розуміння   розвитку   як   принципово  незавершеного   процесу   саморуху,   актуалізація   антропологічного   діапазону   проблем   та   посилення  спрямованості на роль культурного контексту в дослідженні розвитку людини.  The article deals with the modern approaches to the interpretation of the category of development, reveals  the theoretical and methodological approaches to study of development in modern psychology, its psychological  content, patterns, structure and dynamics. Category of development is viewed as an epicenter of scientific issues in  modern  psychology  and  the  concept  of  the  integrative  type.  Category  of  development  is  considered  as  the  phenomenon  and  the  problem  of  developmental  psychology  in  various  aspects  of  the  analysis.  Analyzed  the  development site in the related psychological concepts. The article analyzes the psychological aspects of theoretical  and methodological postnonclassical contemporary trends in the study of nature, character, and determination of  mental  development.  Postnonclassical  paradigm  and  pluralistic  methodology  of  knowledge  determine  the  disciplinary blurring and increase of the role of the analysis of socio-cultural context in the study of psychological  phenomenon. The important tendencies of modern theoretical and methodological state of psychological researches  of development are facts of inefficiency of the monistic approach to its study, interconnection of theoretical ideas  and   attempts   of  creating   metatheoretical   schemes,   postnonclassical   understanding   of   development   as   a  fundamentally  uncompleted  process  of  self-motion,  actualization  of  anthropological  range  of  problems  and  strengthening of focus on the role of cultural context in research of human development.   

2016 ◽  
pp. 64-66
S.Yu. Vdovichenko ◽  

The objective: to show a role of the family focused technologies in depression of frequency of pathology of pregnancy at women of high obstetric risk. Patients and methods. For determination of efficiency of prophylaxis of pathology of pregnancy on the basis of use of the family focused technologies complex clinical-psychological and laboratory and tool examination of 300 women with factors of obstetric risk which were divided into two groups was conducted. In the main group – 182 women with motivation on partner labors to which provided training on system of individual preparation of married couple to labors. The comparison group consisted of 118 women who were not in prenatal training and had individual support in childbirth, with the traditional approach to pain management. Results. Use of the family focused technologies during pregnancy allows to reduce significantly the frequency of the main complications of pregnancy, especially not incubation and premature births. Conclusion. In our opinion, the technique is simple, available and can widely be used in practical health care at women with high obstetric risk. Key words: obstetric risk, the family focused technologies, prophylaxis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-37
Andreea Gheorghe ◽  
Oana Fodor ◽  
Anișoara Pavelea

This study explores the association between task conflict and team creativity and the role of group cognitive complexity (GCC) as a potential explanatory mechanism in a sample of 159 students organized in 49 groups. Moreover, we analyzed the moderating effect of collective emotional intelligence (CEI)in the relationship between task conflict and GCC.As hypothesized, we found that task conflict has a nonlinear relationship with GCC, but contrary to our expectations, it follows a U-shaped association, not an inversed U-shape. In addition,the moderating role of CEI was significant only at low levels. Contrary to our expectation, the mediating role of GCC did not receive empirical support. Theoretical and practical contributions are discussed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Astri Furqani ◽  
Hafidhah .

In this era, a lot of activities that can not be separated from the practice of cheating or fraud , no exception In the government . Inspektorat Sumenep is the leading institution of internal Local Government in preventing and detecting fraud in the Local Government appropiate Perbup Sumenep No. 29 of 2008 . Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep need attention on the issue . This is due to Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep an agency with the largest number of assets and managing large budgets . These conditions led to the formulation of the problem is How Inspektorat Sumenep role in preventing and detecting fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep. This study used a qualitative approach in which the focus of this study is Inspektorat role in preventing and detecting fraud at Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . Primary data obtained by direct interviews with the parties directly related to the determination of the source of research data in a qualitative study using nonprobability sampling . The sampling technique used was purposive sampling . The conclusion of this study, role of the Inspektorat Sumenep in the prevention of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep still not maximal . This is due to Inspektorat Sumenep not supervise from the planning / budgeting and not optimal in overseeing and assisting the implementation of the SPIP as an instrument of fraud prevention in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep . The role of Inspektorat Sumenep in the detection of fraud in Dinas Pendidikan Sumenep done by conducting an audit of financial and asset management in each financial year.Keywords: fraud, government, inspektorat.

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