Assessment of education process management

Z. Chaczko ◽  
R. Klempous ◽  
J. Nikodem ◽  
J. Rozenblit
10.12737/2624 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Садовникова ◽  
Nadezhda Sadovnikova

Human resource training is one of the major ways to enrich organization’s HR-potential. So the ever-urgent issue is how to design and then manage the HReducation/ training system. Based on analytical review of foreign and domestic authors’ works the concept of “personnel training” is defined; types of education/ training are featured and essence of training for the staff of any organization is proved. Main elements of the HR-training system are outlined the essence of consistency and continuity principles application for the efficiency of teaching process in emphasized. Further Training and Professional Retraining Standard is suggested as a tool for the HR-education process management. The Standard is a document reflecting sets of standards, rules and requirement serving as a model for designing HR-education process in the organization. The Standard is applicable to all units and all types of workers (new recruits and old-timers), as well as to students of higher educational and vocational education establishments, who undergo their internship in the organization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 247-252
Sergey Semenovich Korovin

The quality of school education as a system of the directional usage of the physical culture values is conditionally provided through the effectiveness of the teachers activities (as well as by all the schools subjects) in realization of the management actions with regards to this system functioning optimization, its integrity and stability in the process of the base aim achievement - students physical culture education. Meanwhile the management activity itself as a system stipulates, in its turn, for the definite stages of the management work with regards to the fulfillment a corresponding content of the management actions. So, based on the existing notions about the internal school management system as well as on the experience in management the process of physical education in the bringing up a students physical culture, the following management activities stages and their main content are defined: collection and processing (analysis, synthesis) information about the object of management (physical education); diagnosis of the state of the object (subject) of management and the activity forecast, establishment of the aim (the anticipation of the results in physical culture and sports activities), private goals in the process of students physical culture teaching, management decision taking (the combination of the mental operations and actions, that define a problematic situation, its transfer to the task, formation of the physical culture and sports activities motives and hypothesis about the means of its decision); planning (foreseeing the way how the physical education process will be developed in time); working out a physical culture and sports activities content (system regulation of the elements and processes, that form the subject or phenomenon; the content of physical culture and sports activities - the system of knowledge, movement abilities and skills, experience of the creative value-oriented activity, that provide for the personalitys physical culture formation); activity organization (as a combination of actions for regulation and co-ordination of subject-object physical culture and sports activities in teaching, education and development of the personality); control (complex) of education activity (its biomedicine and psycho-pedagogical forms); collection and processing of education activities results; correction of the aim, planning, content and the processes of physical culture and sports activities and physical education organization.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  

AbstractH.A.R. Tilaar emphasizes to the importance of education based on culture, because education is process of culture. Therefore, between the education and culture has been greatly relation, because the education is not able to be separated from culture that has reflected and grown up dynamically in Indonesian society.The purpose of this research is to determine how the education based on culture according to H.A.R. Tilaar’s perspective. The object of this research was H.A.R. Tilaar’s Perspective which concerns to the education based on culture.The approach of this research was literature review. The source of the data were a text book written by H.A.R. Tilaar and other literatures related to this research. The technique of analyzing data were the content analysis of the text book written by H.A.R. Tilaar and other literatures.The result of this research are : (a) H.A.R. Tilaar conceptualizes the education as an culturing processes; (b) the education process is an culturing process through the interactive process between teachers and students; (c) it is necessary to the Government of Indonesia to correct the National education concept by proposing several aspects such as ; (1) the basic value of education; (2) to notice the function of sociological education; (3) the relation between culture and education; (4) the education as The Agent ofChange, and (5) to get the equalization of education opportunity; and (d) to grow up the creative and adaptive thinking toward education phenomenawhich always move dynamically in the environment of the Indonesian community which has its complexity.Keyword: Education, Culture.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (01) ◽  
pp. 13
Hasbullah Hasbullah

Abstract. Educational environment is needed in the education process, because the educational environment serves to support the process of teaching and learning, a comfortable environment and support for the implementation of an education is needed. The environment is distinguished into the biological environment, the non-living natural environment, the artificial environment and the social environment. Education is one of the first obligations for parents. In Islam, the person most responsible for the education of the child is the parent. The family is the "smallest people" who have leaders and members, has a division of work and work, and the rights and obligations of each member. The best exemplary education for children is if both parents are able to connect their child with the example of Rasûlullâh SAW, as uswah of all mankind. A positive school environment is a school environment that provides facilities and motivation for religious education. Keywords. Environment, Education   Abstrak. Lingkungan pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan dalam proses pendidikan, sebab lingkungan pendidikan berfungsi menunjang terjadinya proses belajar mengajar, lingkungan yang nyaman dan mendukung bagi terselenggaranya suatu pendidikan sangat dibutuhkan. Lingkungan dibedakan menjadi lingkungan alam hayati, lingkungan alam non-hayati, lingkungan buatan dan lingkungan sosial. Pendidikan merupakan salah satu kewajiban pertama bagi orang tua. Dalam Islam, orang yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam pendidikan anak adalah orang tua. Keluarga adalah “umat terkecil” yang memiliki pimpinan dan anggota, mempunyai pembagian tugas dan kerja, serta hak dan kewajiban bagi masing-masing anggotanya. Pendidikan keteladanan terbaik bagi anak, ialah jika kedua orang tua mampu menghubungkan anaknya dengan keteladanan Rasûlullâh SAW, sebagai uswah seluruh umat manusia. Lingkungan sekolah yang positif yaitu lingkungan sekolah yang memberikan fasilitas dan motivasi untuk berlangsungnya pendidikan agama. Kata Kunci. Lingkungan, Pendidikan Daftar Pustaka Ahmadi, Abu dan Nur Uhbiyati. 2001. Ilmu Pendidikan. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Badudu, Js. 1996. Kamus Umum Bahas Indonesia. Jakarta: Pustaka Sinar Harapan. Juhji. 2015. “Telaah Komparasi Konsep Pembelajaran Menurut Imam Al-Zarnuji dan Imam Al-Ghozali”. Tarbawi. 1(02): 17-26 Juli - Desember 2015. Terdapat dalam Nata, Abudin. 2010. Sejarah Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada. Nizar, Samsul dan Zainal Efendi Hasibuan. 2011. Hadist Tarbawi. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Purwanto, Ngalim. 1996. Psikologi Pendidikan. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Ramayulis. 2008. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Jakarta: Kalam Mulia. Soejono, Ag. tt. Pendahuluan Pendidikan Umum. Bandung: CV. Ilmu. Suwarno. 1982. Pengantar Umum Pendidikan. Jakarta: Aksara Baru. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2000. Ilmu Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Islam. Bandung: Remaja Rosda Karya. Tafsir, Ahmad. 2003. Metodologi Pengajaran Agama Islam. Bandung: Rosdakarya. Uhbiyati, Nur. 1997. Ilmu Pendidikan Islam. Bandung: Pustaka Setia.

2013 ◽  
pp. 25-30
Arkadiusz Jurczuk

W artykule przedstawiono istotę i zasady oceny dojrzałości procesowej przedsiębiorstw oraz rolę modeli dojrzałości w podnoszeniu efektywności organizacji w kontekście paradygmatu Business Process Management. Zasadniczym celem poznawczym artykułu jest określenie zasad oceny dojrzałości według modelu CMMI oraz prezentacja nakładów i efektów wynikających z wdrożenia tego modelu. Wskazano także czynniki determinujące sukces wdrożenia modeli dojrzałości w praktyce biznesowej. (abstrakt oryginalny)

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 187-203 ◽  
Jorge Renato Verschoore ◽  
Lucas Borella ◽  
Ingridi Vargas Bortolaso

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