oriented activity
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N. Y. Pitel ◽  
I. M. Novak

The article is devoted to the research of theoretical bases of organization of management of ecologically oriented production. The analysis of the financing of environmental protection measures in Ukraine shows a positive trajectory of expenditures on environmentally oriented activities during 2010–2019: total expenditures increased from UAH 13 to 44 billion, or more than 3.3 times. The structure of expenditures is dominated by own funds of enterprises (79 %), funds of state and local budgets – only 2 %. Global improvement of the environment can be achieved only through comprehensive cooperation between the state and enterprises with the support of society. Nature management can be optimized by creating a more advanced management system and introducing new efficient resource-saving technologies. Ecologically oriented activity ensures the observance by enterprises of socio-economic interests under the condition of rational use of natural resources and minimization of anthropogenic impact on the environment. At the same time, sustainable economic growth and stable improvement of financial and economic performance are achieved. The system of environmental production management must be organically integrated into the long-term strategy of enterprise management. The defining priority of ecological production is the target orientation on integration and harmonization of human relations with the environment. We have defined a set of measures for the effective organization of management of environmentally oriented production of enterprises. Among them are the development of environmental policy, compliance with environmental legislation, organizational structure, analysis of indicators and development of environmental programs, formalization of hazardous processes, staff training, document management, monitoring of deviations in environmental management, data accounting, environmental audit and environmental management. Their comprehensive implementation will allow to organize and ensure effective activities that will achieve the optimal ratio of environmental and economic indicators.

Olga Puyo 

Modern society pays considerable attention to the intellectual development of children. Emotional and value development of preschool children for many years remained out of the attention of the educational department, parents. The new state standard of preschool education has initiated positive changes in this direction, but the problem of the uniqueness of the formation of value orientations of older preschool children is little studied, which increases the urgency of the problem. The aim of the article is to reveal the structure of the phenomenon of value orientations of older preschool children, its features in the light of educational reformation processes. The article highlights the components of the phenomenon of value orientations of older preschool children: emotional, semantic, and activity. It highlights the components that correspond to these components: emotional-volitional, cognitive, and activity. The criteria of each component are defined: emotional-volitional – sensory-oriented criterion, cognitive – knowledge-oriented, activity - operational. These criteria are met by indicators of the formation of value orientations of older preschool children. Indicators of understanding the emotions, the expression  of compassion, the ability to control emotions correspond to the sensory-oriented criterion; knowledge-oriented criterion includes the presence of knowledge about the values of interaction, empathy and friendship, the content and rules of mobile games, the rules of conduct in the game; operational criterion is responsible for the ability to express  emotions and respond to the emotions of others, follow the rules of the game, take responsibility, initiate and establish interaction between all participants in the game. The research work was carried out using the methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, comparison, systematization, scientific generalization, dialectical method of cognition. As a result of the study we provide three-stage integral of the phenomenon of value orientations of preschool children with selected components, components, indicators and methods.

Т.Л. Шапошникова ◽  
Е.А. Трунова ◽  
Я.В. Косачев ◽  
А.Ю. Тавадян

В статье представлены критерии когнитивной готовности индивида к дальнейшему обучению. Известно, что в России сложилась система непрерывного образования, и обеспечение преемственности между ступенями – одна из ключевых задач. Также известно, что в современном мире популярна концепция «образования через всю жизнь». Но очевидно, что для конкретного индивида реализация данной концепции возможна лишь в том случае, если он готов к обучению на дальнейшем этапе (последующей ступени). Недостаточная разработанность моделей и методов диагностики готовности индивида к дальнейшему обучению препятствует совершенствованию системы непрерывного образования, обеспечению преемственности между его ступенями. При выделении критериев когнитивной готовности авторы учитывали, что компетенции и личностно-профессиональные качества включают в себя не только соответствующие знания и умения, но также личный опыт соответствующей деятельности. Теоретическая значимость результатов настоящего исследования в том, что они могут быть базой для дальнейшего научного осмысления проблемы становления конкурентоспособной личности в системе непрерывного образования, практическая значимость – в том, что они могут быть использованы в системах психолого-педагогического мониторинга (мониторинга личностно-профессионального развития). Методы исследования: анализ научной литературы и передового педагогического опыта, моделирование, методы квалиметрии, метод экспертных оценок, методы математической статистики, методы теории множеств, методы линейной алгебры, методы инфометрии. Методологические основы исследования: системный, социологический, компетентностный, личностно-ориентированный, деятельностный, квалиметрический и вероятностно-статистический подходы. The article presents the criteria of an individual's cognitive readiness for further education. It is known that Russia has a system of continuing education, and ensuring continuity between the stages is one of the key tasks. It is also known that the concept of “lifelong learning" is popular in the modern world. But it is obvious that for a particular individual, the implementation of this concept is possible only if he is ready to learn at a further stage (subsequent stage). Insufficient development of models and methods for the diagnosis of an individual's readiness for further education hinders the improvement of the system of continuing education, ensuring continuity between its stages. When identifying the criteria of cognitive readiness, the authors took into account that competencies and personal and professional qualities include not only relevant knowledge and skills, but also personal experience of the relevant activity. The theoretical significance of the results of this study is that they can be the basis for further scientific understanding of the problem of becoming a competitive personality in the system of continuing education, the practical significance is that they can be used in systems of psychological and pedagogical monitoring (monitoring of personal and professional development). Research methods: analysis of scientific literature and advanced pedagogical experience, modeling, methods of quantification, method of expert assessments, methods of mathematical statistics, methods of set theory, methods of linear algebra, methods of info-metric. Methodological foundations of the research: systematic, sociological, competence-based, personality-oriented, activity-based, qualimetric and probabilistic-statistical approaches.

2021 ◽  
pp. 75-82
Trofimcuk N.V.

The article is substantiated, that the concept of environmental culture of students is one of the most important priorities of modern training in colleges, which provides for a proper mastery of the system of scientific knowledge and practical skills, value landmarks and behavioral and activity imperatives that certify the responsible attitude towards the socio-natural environment. and the ability of harmonious interaction with it. The process of formation of ecological culture is organically inscribed in the context of training, education and personality development, which is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the concept of environmental education.The research is carried out on the principle of integrative approach. Its methodological basis is the generaloretical methods of scientific knowledge, the fundamental provisions of the ecological economy, the concept of sustainable development and environmental ethics.According to the purpose and objectives of the study, the following components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian and engineering colleges are distinguished: cognitive, axiological, humanistic and activity. It is revealed that the cognitive component detects human ability to strategic thinking. It contains environmental purposes and closely linked by the concept of strategic forecasting, which provides for cognitive mobilization of mental resources on the basis of comprehension of environmental risks and errors and prevention of environmental disasters.It is emphasized that the importance of an axiological component is determined by the fact that human ecology is now an urgent stage of modern humanism, represented by the system of ideological priorities and meanings, recognition of the value of man as integrity (microcosm), spirituality as a lever of transformation of human mass behavior with orientation to the implementation of sustainable development ideas and a co-evolutionary future. It is proved that the activity component characterizes the inclusion of a person in the sphere of interaction with nature, its ecological-oriented activity aimed at protecting and restoring natural resources in accordance with the level of knowledge and existing values.Summated that the distinguished components of the ecological culture of students of economic and humanitarian colleges provide for the transformation of the general forms of objective cultural reality into the individual richness of the student’s personality, and his creative potential - in the constructive actualization of general cultural achievements.Key words: ecological culture, cognitive component, axiological component, humanistic component, activity component. У статті обґрунтовано, що поняття екологічної культури студентів є одним з одним з найвагоміших пріоритетів сучасної професійної підготовки у коледжах, що передбачає належне оволодіння системою наукових знань та практичних навичок, ціннісних орієнтирів та поведінкових і діяльнісних імперативів, які засвідчують відповідальне ставлення до соціально-природного середовища та здатність гармонійної взаємодії з ним. Процес формування екологічної культури органічно вписаний у контекст навчання, виховання та розвитку особистості, що здійснюється відповідно до положень Концепції екологічної освіти.Дослідження здійснено назасадах інтегративного підходу. Його методологічною основою є загаль-нотеоретичні методи наукового пізнання, фундаментальні положення екологічної економіки, концепції сталого розвитку та екологічної етики.Відповідно до мети та завдань дослідження виокремлено наступні компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних та інженерних коледжів: когнітивний, аксіологічний, гуманістичний та діяльнісний. Розкрито, що когнітивний компонент виявляє здатність людини до стратегічного мислення. Він містить екологічне цілепокладання і тісно пов’язане із ним поняття стратегічного прогно-зування, що передбачає когнітивну мобілізацію психічних ресурсів на основі осмислення екологічних ризиків і помилок та попередження екологічних катастроф.Підкреслено, що важливість аксіологічного компонента визначається тим, що екологія людини нині є актуальною стадією сучасного гуманізму, представленого системою світоглядних пріоритетів і смислів, визнанням цінності людини як цілісності (мікрокосму), духовності як важеля трансформації масової поведінки людей з орієнтацією на реалізацію ідей сталого розвитку і коеволюційного майбутнього. Доведено, що діяльнісний компонент характеризує включення особистості у сферу взаємодії з природою, її екологоорієнтовану діяльність, спрямовану на захист та відновлення природних ресурсів відповідно до рівня сформованих знань та наявних цінностей. Резюмовано, що виокремлені компоненти екологічної культуристудентів економіко-гуманітарних коледжів передбачають трансформацію загальних форм об’єктивної культурної реальності в індивідуальне багатство особистості студента, а його творчого потенціалу – у конструктивну актуалізацію загальнокультурних надбань.Ключові слова: екологічна культура, когнітивний компонент, аксіологічний компонент, гуманістичний компонент, діяльнісний компонент.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (11) ◽  
pp. 692
Katarina Nilfyr ◽  
Jonas Aspelin ◽  
Annika Lantz-Andersson

The international trend of positioning the preschool as a pre-academic learning environment is challenging for preschool teachers, as it necessitates a balance between emotionally supportive interaction and goal-oriented learning instruction. However, previous research suggests that the complexities of such interactions need to be further studied. This article contributes by presenting a very detailed exploration of how social adaptation is pursued in a goal-oriented documentation activity. The study used a micro-sociological approach, characterized by the careful analysis of verbal and nonverbal interactions. Two research questions were raised: (1) How is social adaptation pursued in verbal and nonverbal interactions in preschool teacher–child relationships during a goal-oriented activity? and (2) How can social adaptation in the preschool context be understood in terms of a “deference-emotion system”? Interactions between a teacher and child in two video-recorded episodes were transcribed and sequentially analyzed thoroughly. The findings suggest that the interactions were regulated through an informal system of social sanctions, in which nonverbal signs of deference played a key role. The interaction was shown to be embedded in an institutional context that advocates goal-oriented instruction, thus highlighting the challenge of preschool teaching in attempting to promote goal-oriented processes while simultaneously maintaining respectful, caring teacher–child relationships.

2021 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Xingfeng Huang ◽  
Rongjin Huang ◽  
Mun Yee Lai

PurposeThis paper presented the learning process of a group of primary mathematics teachers who participated in two iterations of lesson design, enactment and reflection in a Chinese Lesson Study.Design/methodology/approachAn expansive learning theory was employed to examine the teachers’ learning process in lesson study (LS) on representing fractions on a number line. The evolution of a germ cell was utilized to feature the transformation of the object of activity from abstract to concrete through resolving contradictions among LS members. The videos of lesson planning, research lessons (RLs) and debriefing meetings were collected and analyzed to reveal the expansive learning process.FindingsThe analysis showed that the teachers expanded their learning through transforming the object from diffuse to concrete and expanded through consciously articulating the germ cell. The outcomes of object-oriented activity include improving the enacted lesson which promoted students’ conceptual understanding.Originality/valueThis study made a unique contribution to understanding the learning process of teachers in Chinese LS from the perspective of expansive learning.

L. Kostyrko ◽  
R. Kostyrko ◽  
O. Sereda ◽  
E. Chernodubova

Abstract. The concept of sustainable development forms the latest principles of economic, social and environmental development. Sustainable development of enterprises in the real sector of the economy is constrained by a number of factors, among which the priority is financial security and limitations in building their financial potential. When forming the strategy of sustainable development of enterprises it is necessary to be guided by economic and environmental imperatives, which provides a justification for effective financial and economic levers for regulating environmentally oriented activities that ensure their investment attractiveness. The scientific and methodical approach to the analysis of financial maintenance of sustainable development of the enterprises taking into account economic and ecological imperatives which integrates is offered, the analysis of a condition and tendencies of development of ecologically oriented activity; assessment of the patterns of influence of factors on the level of financial support for its development and assessment of investment attractiveness. It is established that the introduction of the environmental management system will help create conditions for increasing the financial potential of sustainable development of enterprises and increase competitiveness by: preventing or mitigating the negative impact on the environment; improving environmental performance; resource efficiency, additional economic, social and environmental benefits; strengthening the market position as a result of the implementation of environmental actions. Based on the analysis, the relationship between the implementation of environmental management systems in enterprises and financial performance indicators of enterprises. An integrated index for assessing the investment attractiveness of enterprises is modeled, which combines two groups of indicators - the open ratio of financial condition and the results of environmentally oriented activities. The results of the study can be used by practitioners in various fields in developing a financial strategy for sustainable development of enterprises. Keywords: financial support, ecologically oriented activity, sustainable development, investment attractiveness, ecological management, economic and ecological imperatives, analysis. JEL Classіfіcatіon G30 Formulas: 0; fig.: 1; tabl.: 3; bibl.: 22.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 195-222
Junichi Yagi

Abstract Adopting a single case analysis, this article examines how the learning of the Japanese word burikko is occasioned in a bilingual lunch conversation through enactments that are employed for three interactional purposes: (a) renewal of laughter, (b) vocabulary explanation (VE), and (c) demonstration of understanding. The interactional analysis is enhanced by Praat to respecify the role of prosody in enactments. I first describe how burikko, the laughable of a humor sequence, becomes a learnable through a repair sequence. I then analyze a reinitiated joking sequence, where the VE recipient categorizes one of the co-participants as burikko and escalates the categorization through multimodal enactments. I argue that this jocular mockery, occasioning a demonstration of understanding, exhibits that the learning opportunity has been taken. Furthermore, I discuss how a repair work embedded within a larger humor-oriented activity may afford resources for language learning outside of the classroom, while sacrificing progressivity for intersubjectivity. The fact that the VE recipient, after intersubjectivity has been achieved, resumes the original activity of pursuing humor through the same means employed for the explanation of the target word offers interesting implications for CA-SLA and pragmatics.

Валентина Воронецька

The article considers the stages of implementation of the model of development of students' creative potential of a humanitarian gymnasium, created on the basis of the provisions of personality-oriented, activity, competence, subject, culturological, environmental, acmeological and axiological approaches. In the course of the research it was found out that, the development of the students' creative potential of a humanitarian gymnasium should be carried out at the following stages: motivational-target, content-cognitive, activity and evaluation-effective. At the first, motivational-target stage, the tasks of testing the spiral of students' creative potential and “degrees of creativity” on the example of communities of children and adults in the humanitarian gymnasium were solved. Such communities have become the educational and cognitive community of classmates as the ones most likely to be organized at school. At the second, semantic and cognitive stage, the task was to test the “spiral of development of the students' creative potential” in the communities of children and adults formed in the institution of additional education. The implementation was carried out in various forms of activities: collective creative work, field creative meetings, creative reviews conducted in a non-traditional form. At the third, activity stage, the task of testing the idea of creating a variety of creative children and adults communities in the educational institution and ensuring the right of a child choice was solved. This allowed clarifying the types of pedagogically organized children and adults communities, to use fully the opportunities of coordinated professional activities of the “team of like-minded teachers” for the development of creative individuality of each child. At this stage, the following forms of work were used: talks-discussions, creative games, press conferences, marathons of thoughts, TV relays, and projective activities. The logic of the organization of the life of communities and the content of each stage are presented in accordance with the program “The Spiral of the Development of Student's Creative Potential”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 68-81
Andrey D. Maydansky ◽  

Relevance. The solution of all other problems of scientific psychology depends on the solution of the problem of the nature and evolution of the psyche. In post- Vygotsky activity psychology, the notion of affect was not at the forefront. Objective: To continue the study of the psyche as a form of affective activity begun by Vygotsky. Methodology and methods: The principle of activity and the cultural-historical approach in human psychology. Results of the research: Following Spinoza and Vygotsky, adopting affect as the “alpha and omega” of mental life, the author traces the initial stages of mental evolution in the process of subject activity. Phase analysis of this cyclical process allows us to determine the specificity of mental activity. The psyche is defined as an affect-inducing reflection of activity on its subject. The cellular form of mental activity, affect, is a state of the acting body, due to which the activity potential of the body, i.e. the level of motivation and the assortment of activity schemes, increases or decreases. The simplest affect is desire; in the process of subject activity, desire performs an orientation function and turns into the affects of pleasure or dissatisfaction, the “primary forms of purely mental behavior”, according to Vygotsky. Considered from the objective side, in relation to the object of perception, affect acts as an image of the senses. In relation to the subject of perception, the same affect appears as an emotion. As mental activity develops, its cognitive and emotional, and its subject and reflexive sides become differentiated. With regular repetition, action becomes automatic: the pattern of activity is fixed in the structure of the body, and the affective orienting reaction is replaced by the reflexive one. Affects arise and function at the “creative” pole of divided activity – in situations when a new scheme of activity needs to be developed or a previously acquired one needs to be corrected. They signal a change in the external conditions of activity, triggering a search-oriented reaction. The article provides evidence that conditionally reflex activity is derived from mental activity and gives a critique of the concept of the orienting reflex

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