scholarly journals Kepentingan Pendapatan Halal Dalam Konsep Pemakanan Halalan Tayyiban: Kajian Kepada Penerima Anugerah Keluarga Mithali (AKM) Peringkat Kebangsaan (The Importance of Lawful Income within the Concept of Halalan Tayyiban Dietary: A Study of the National Recipients of Exemplary Family Awards (AKM))

Khairudin Shaary ◽  
Mohammad Amir Wan Harun

Lawful income is one of important element in Islam to uphold the Concept of Halalan Tayyiban Dietary (KPHT). An income that is sourced from unlawful or ambiguous (syubhah) trade or occupation, directly affects the source of foods obtained therefrom. Therefore, this study purports to observe the importance of lawful income in upholding the concept of halalan tayyiban dietary based on the practices of AKM recipients.  This study adapted qualitative methodology as well as utilizing direct interview technique by Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to collect data. The analysis of interview data was duly processed by employing the assistance of Non-numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing (NUD.IST) software, or also known as QSR NVivo version 10. Tespondents from this research are recipients of national Exemplary Family Awards (AKM) organized by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM). The result of the study demonstrated that lawful income has a very significant importance in KPHT. Meanwhile, three main themes could be produced to form a model known as the Concept of Halalan Tayyiban Dietary of Exemplary Family (KPHTKM). Within this model, a total of four subthemes were successfully developed to describe the connotation of lawful income of the AKM recipients, and following that, can be correlated to its importance within KPHT. The results of the study is seen to be contributing towards the development of a guideline for earning lawful income of Muslim families. Subsequent studies are suggested, focusing on other aspects in KPHTKM that are still untouched by this study.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (6) ◽  
pp. 26-37
Khairudin Shaary ◽  
Mohammad Amir Wan Harun

Ambiguity (syubhah) as a legal scope is clearly mentioned in the hadith of the Prophet PBUH. This leaves negative implications upon the Concept of Halalan Toyyiban Nutrition (KPHT) which is an indicator in the Quran. Hence, this research is carried out to study the concept of ambiguity based on the perspectives of the recipients of Exemplary Family Awards (AKM). The research applied qualitative methodology and utilized Focus Group Discussion (FGD) interview technique to collect data. The analysis of data from the interviews was processed using Non-Numerical Unstructured Data Indexing Searching and Theorizing (NUD.IST) or also known as QSR NVivo Version 10. Research respondents are the winners of the Exemplary Family Awards (AKM) at the national level. The awards were organized by Yayasan Dakwah Islamiah Malaysia (YADIM). Results of the research can be utilized to develop the main theme demonstrating that AKM recipients are taking attentive steps regarding ambiguous matters. Additionally, two other sub-themes were categorized successfully under the main theme; first, ambiguity in the income and secondly, ambiguity in the (physical aspect of the) food that is to be consumed. This research can contribute to the development of guidelines for halalan toyyiban nutrition for Muslim family, especially in Malaysia. Subsequent studies should be carried out to improve this research while focusing on the concept of ambiguity, widening it to a different scope of respondents.

2019 ◽  
pp. 1354067X1989493
Subaita Zubair ◽  
Urwah Ali

The present psychological anthropological study tends to explore the perception of single men and their understanding of cultural role regarding post-marriage body between both genders. A qualitative methodology of in-depth interviews and one focus group discussion were employed. The sample included late adolescents (aged 18–24) and early adults (24–34) from Islamabad and Rawalpindi (Pakistan). Purposive sampling was applied and thematic analysis was used as a qualitative paradigm. The number of respondents comprised of 17 males of which each 7 were gym-goers. Results highlighted that Pakistani culture has its biased and paradoxical ways when it comes to expectations genders face with regard to body after marriage. Overall, males have an upper hand when it comes to body image both pre and post marriage. With the female body, men associate modesty and role of spouse and with their own body its supremacy. Expectations are not much held for men with regard to body image, but if they are looking after their body, it is all out of their own will, needs, reason and to some extent on spouse demand.

2009 ◽  
Vol 27 (15_suppl) ◽  
pp. e15145-e15145
N. Srinivasaiah ◽  
B. Joseph ◽  
J. Gunn ◽  
J. Hartley ◽  
J. Monson

e15145 Background: Patient preferences should play an important role when decision making in cancer care. Literature is increasingly demonstrating that surgeons and physicians have divergent preferences for treatment options compared with their patients and with each other. Cancer psychology is an important aspect of cancer care. Qualitative research is a gateway to explore this. We aim to explore opinions and thoughts among surgical colleagues about “patient decision making in cancer care”. Methods: A pilot focus group discussion among members of the academic surgical unit involving 4 consultants, 3 registrars and 3 research fellows. The discussion was audio-taped and transcribed. Qualitative methodology was adopted for analysis. Thematic analysis using framework approach was done thereby identifying Themes & Outcomes. Results: Themes that emerged are Evidence based clinical practice, Knowledge, Decision making, Patient Information, Risk, Communication, Consent, Socioeconomic factors and Patient empowerment, Outcomes derived are to increase the evidence base, Increase the clinician and patient knowledge, provide adequate information, Decisions to be based on patients best interest, Communicate risk in a understandable manner, Take patients views, knowledge and demands into consideration, Conclusions: Patient decision making in cancer care is slowly evolving, where decisions are not only made taking into account patients views, knowledge and demand but are also driven by them in a minority. Time is a factor and in years to come the patients will play an increased role in their treatments taking into account tradeoffs and risks between survival and quality of life. No significant financial relationships to disclose.

Ahmad Syatori ◽  
Sadari Sadari ◽  
Taufiq Ridwan

Pendidikan multikultural, sebagai sebuah konsep,  dipahami dan dimengerti orang dengan beragama cara. Pemahaman seseorang atau sekelompok orang tentang konsep ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh pemahamannya tentang konsep multikulturalisme, sebab merupakan konsep dasar yang menjadi latar belakang munculnya istilah pendidikan multikultural. Jadi, untuk mengetahui bagaimana dan sejauh apa implementasi konsep pendidikan multikultural oleh seseorang atau sekelompok orang, maka terlebih dahulu mesti diketahui bagaimana pemahaman mereka mengenai konsep dan ide-ide tentang multikulturalisme dan konsep pendidikan multikultural. Dalam konteks penelitian ini, orang atau kelompok orang itu mengacu pada kategori siswa, guru, pengurus madrasah dan komite madrasah MAN Model Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon. Karena pertimbangan alur pikir inilah maka penelitian ini berusaha untuk menganalisis dan mengurai masalah penelitian pada tiga level data sekaligus. Pertama, data mengenai pemahaman dan sikap subyek penelitian mengenai ide-ide multikulturalisme. Kedua, data mengenai pemahaman dan sikap subyek penelitian mengenai konsep pendidikan multikultural, dengan proses pencarian dan pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui teknik survey dengan penyebaran kuesioner yang didukung oleh data hasil wawancara mendalam (indept interview) dan FGD (Focus Group Discussion). Ketiga, data mengenai implementasi atau penerapan konsep pendidikan multikultural dalam proses belajar mengajar di MAN Model Babakan Ciwaringin Cirebon. Selain dari hasil wawancara mendalam (indept interview), data pada level ini juga ditunjang dengan data hasil FGD (Focus Group Discussion), pengamatan terlibat dan studi dokumen Kata Kunci : Pendidikan, Multikultural dan MAN Ciwaringin

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 (6) ◽  
pp. 19
Yen H. Hoang ◽  
Nhung T. H. Nguyen ◽  
Ngoc B. Vu ◽  
Duong T.T. Nguyen ◽  
Linh H.T. Tran

benefits they can gain from each other in the cooperation process. In that process, the perspectives of each party are very likely to determine the outcome of the cooperation. This study is conducted to examine the perspectives of banks and fintech companies in the collaboration process, hence, identify factors that can potentially affect the success of a bank-fintech partnership. A qualitative methodology was adopted, including in-depth interviews and focus group discussion with two groups of commercial banks and fintech companies conducted in Vietnam in 2019. The study findings include the benefits, the obstacles, advantages and disadvantages of each party as well as their strengths and weaknesses, partner selection criteria are among important factors that can influence the cooperation process. Obtained findings imply important policies to ensure successful partnerships between banks and fintech in Vietnam.

Inovasi ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 153-162 ◽  
Wanda Kuswanda

Salah satu habitat gajah yang masih tersisa adalah Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser (TNGL), terutama di wilayah Besitang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi karakteristik sosial ekonomi, kepemilikan lahan, pemetaan wilayah dan mitigasi konflik manusia dengan gajah di Resort Besitang, TNGL. Metode pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan penyebaran kuesioner, wawancara dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Analisis data menggunakan tabel frekuensi dan analisa deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa wilayah yang memiliki potensi konflik gajah di Resort Besitang adalah Daerah Halaban, Aras Senapal, Sekundur, Bukit Selamat dan Bukit Mas dengan intensitas konflik rendah sampai tinggi. Penyebab utama konflik manusia dengan gajah adalah fragmentasi kawasan hutan,  ketidakpastian status lahan di daerah penyangga, pertumbuhan penduduk yang tinggi dan meningkatnya pendatang di wilayah Besitang, perambahan dan ilegal logging yang terus terjadi, minimnya kesadaran masyarakat dan peranan lembaga desa dalam mendukung konservasi gajah. Rekomendasi resolusi mitigasi konflik gajah diantaranya: 1) memperbaiki habitat gajah yang sudah terfragmentasi di dalam kawasan TNGL; 2) meningkatkan peran Tim CRU (Conservation Response Unit); 3) membentuk unit reaksi cepat penanganan konflik gajah dengan melibatkan para pihak; 4) menanam jenis tanaman yang tidak disukai dan dijauhi oleh gajah; 5) mereduksi ketergantungan masyarakat akan sistem pertanian yang membutuhkan lahan yang luas; 6) mengembangkan program untuk membantu peningkatan hasil panen; dan,  7) penyuluhan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bahwa gajah merupakan bagian dari ekosistem yang harus lestari.   Kata kunci: gajah, konflik, habitat, Besitang, Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 14-21
Rili Windiasih

Perkembangan Teknologi informasi dan komunikasi di era globalisasi, demokratisasi dan desentralisasi sudah menjadi kebutuhan sekaligus tantangan khususnya bagi pemerintah daerah dalam komunikasi pembangunan untuk pelayanan publik dan pemberdayaan masyarakat. Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif studi kasus, dengan pengumpulan data melalui dokumentasi, wawancara, pengamatan dan Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Subjek penelitian dipilih secara purposif yaitu pemerintah daerah di Eks-KaresidenanBanyumas Jawa Tengah, akademisi dan civil society. Penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis interaktif melalui reduksi data, penyajian data, penarikan kesimpuan dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) Pentingnya komunikasi pembangunan dengan media teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui e-Government untuk meningkatkan pelayanan publik yang baik, cepat dan responsif, adanya partisipasi aktif dari publik dan transparansi baik anggaran serta program pembangunan. (2) Perlunya mengantisipasi adanya kesenjangan teknologi informasisehingga membutuhkan peningkatan kompetensi sumber daya manusia di pemerintahan daerah dan publik, serta memperluas fasilitas akses jaringan informasi.Kata kunci: komunikasi pembangunan, pelayanan publik, partisipasi, teknologi informasi, transparansi 

Widyaparwa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 45 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-164
Novita Sumarlin Putri

Tindak tutur komisif merupakan salah satu aspek pragmatik yang harus diperhatikan oleh penerjemah ketika menerjemahkan teks. Hal itu dilakukan agar menghasilkan terjemahan yang berkualitas dari aspek keakuratan dan keberterimaan. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan terjemahan kalimat yang mengakomodasi tindak tutur komisif dengan pendekatan pragmatik. Data yang digunakan ialah tuturan komisif dan hasil penilaian kualitas terjemahan. Data bersumber dari novel Insurgent karya Veronica Roth dan informan. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara analisis dokumen, kuesioner dan Focus Group Discussion. Selanjutnya, data dianalisis dengan cara analisis domain, taksonomi, komponensial, dan tema budaya. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa terjemahan dalam novel Insurgent mempunyai nilai keakuratan dan keberterimaan yang cukup tinggi. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, dapat disimpulkan bahwa tingkat keakuratan dan keberterimaan pada setiap jenis tindak tutur komisif memiliki dampak terhadap kualitas keseluruhan terjemahan kalimat yang mengandung tindak tutur komisif.Commissive speech act is one of the pragmatic aspects to regard by the translator in translating the text. It aims to produce a qualified translation in regarding accuracy and acceptability aspects. According to the aspects, this research aims to describe accuracy and acceptability of translation in sentences which accommodate commissive speech act using pragmatic approach. The data used is commissive speech and qualitative translation value result. The sources of the data are an Insurgent novel by Veronica Roth and informants. The data were collected through document analysis, questionnaire, and Focus Group Discussion then analyzed the domain, taxonomic, componential analysis, and cultural theme. The result shows that translation in the Insurgent novel has high accuracy and acceptability values. This research concludes that the accuracy and acceptability level in each commissive speech act has an impact on quality of whole translated sentences which contain commissive speech act.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 53
Bejo Danang Saputra

Perencanaan pengembangan uji kompetensi perawat Indonesia akan dikembangkan  dengan metode OSCE.. Pelaksanaan uji OSCE membutuhkan persiapan yang matang, terutama kesiapan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dalam hal ini adalah dosen untuk melaksanakan uji OSCE. Mengetahui kesiapan SDM dalam pengembangan uji OSCE di Prodi D3 Keperawatan Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKES) Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan rancangan studi kasus. Informan penelitian adalah 6 orang dosen dan Kepala Program Studi D3 keperawatan. Data diperoleh melalui, focus group discussion, wawancara mendalam dan studi dokumentasi. Data kemudian dianalisis dengan menggunakan constant comparative method. Penelitian menunjukan bahwa pengetahuan dosen tentang OSCE dan kompetensi berdasarkan pendidikan memenuhi persyaratan untuk pengembangan uji OSCE, namun masih membutuhkan pelatihan mengenai OSCE. Uji OSCE dapat diselenggarakan dengan melibatkan dosen dari prodi lain karena jumlah dosen di Prodi D3 Keperawatan  STIKES Al-Irsyad Al-Islamiyyah Cilacap belum memenuhi kebutuhan pelaksanaan uji OSCE. Hambatan penyelenggaraan OSCE adalah SDM belum terkoordinasi, belum terlatih dan keterbatasan sarana pendukun. Pengetahuan dan kompetensi dosen berdasarkan tingkat pendidikan memenuhi syarat dalam pengembangan OSCE dan OSCE dapat diselenggarakan dengan melibatkan dosen prodi lain.

Dewi Novianti ◽  
Siti Fatonah

Social media is a necessity for everyone in communicating and exchanging information. Social media users do not know the boundaries of age, generation, gender, ethnicity, and religion. However, what is interesting is the user among housewives. This study took the research subjects of housewives. Housewives are chosen as research subjects because they are pillars or pillars in a household. If the pillar is strong, then the household will also be healthy. Thus, if we want to build a resilient and robust generation, we will start from the housewives. A healthy household starts from strong mothers too. This study aims to find out the insights of the housewives of Kanoman village regarding the content on smartphones and social media and provide knowledge of social media literacy to housewives. This study used a qualitative approach with data collection techniques using participant observation, interviews, focus group discussion (FGD), and documentation. The results of the study showed that previously housewives had not experienced social media literacy. Then the researchers took steps to be able to achieve the desired literacy results. Researchers took several steps to make them become social media literates. They become able to use social media, understand social media, and even produce messages through social media.

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