Phosphorus Flux through Epilimnetic Zooplankton from Lake Ontario: Relationship with Body Size and Significance to Phytoplankton

1984 ◽  
Vol 41 (11) ◽  
pp. 1702-1712 ◽  
W. D. Taylor

The flux of phosphate through epilimnetic zooplankton from Lake Ontario was measured by adding 32PO4 into whole lakewater, monitoring its accumulation by zooplankton over 48 h, and then measuring its release when animals were returned to unlabelled lake water. Phosphorus uptake was calculated as the sum of accumulation and release rates. The 10 species examined ranged in size from 36-μm Codonella cratera to 1-mm Daphnia retrocurva. Phosphorus uptake rates of herbivorous zooplankton ranged about 200-fold and increased with body size both within and among species, although not proportionally. Among species, there was a pronounced allometry, with smaller species having much higher rates per unit size. This allometry is similar to that described for other metabolic parameters and body size. There was no tendency for smaller species to release a greater fraction of the label they took up. These results suggest that the biomass of zooplankton consuming a given phytoplankton production will be much smaller if small zooplankton dominate, and therefore, this phosphorus sink will be much smaller. Further, the flow of phosphorus to higher trophic levels may be reduced. The result of changing the zooplankton size-distribution may be to change the amount of spring total phosphorus available to summer phytoplankton.

2014 ◽  
Vol 281 (1797) ◽  
pp. 20142103 ◽  
Marlee A. Tucker ◽  
Tracey L. Rogers

Predator–prey relationships and trophic levels are indicators of community structure, and are important for monitoring ecosystem changes. Mammals colonized the marine environment on seven separate occasions, which resulted in differences in species' physiology, morphology and behaviour. It is likely that these changes have had a major effect upon predator–prey relationships and trophic position; however, the effect of environment is yet to be clarified. We compiled a dataset, based on the literature, to explore the relationship between body mass, trophic level and predator–prey ratio across terrestrial ( n = 51) and marine ( n = 56) mammals. We did not find the expected positive relationship between trophic level and body mass, but we did find that marine carnivores sit 1.3 trophic levels higher than terrestrial carnivores. Also, marine mammals are largely carnivorous and have significantly larger predator–prey ratios compared with their terrestrial counterparts. We propose that primary productivity, and its availability, is important for mammalian trophic structure and body size. Also, energy flow and community structure in the marine environment are influenced by differences in energy efficiency and increased food web stability. Enhancing our knowledge of feeding ecology in mammals has the potential to provide insights into the structure and functioning of marine and terrestrial communities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 ◽  
Jae Joong Kang ◽  
Hyo Keun Jang ◽  
Jae-Hyun Lim ◽  
Dabin Lee ◽  
Jae Hyung Lee ◽  

The current phytoplankton community structure is expected to change, with small phytoplankton becoming dominant under ongoing warming conditions. To understand and evaluate the ecological roles of small phytoplankton in terms of food quantity and quality, the carbon uptake rates and intracellular biochemical compositions (i.e., carbohydrates, CHO; proteins, PRT; and lipids, LIP) of phytoplankton of different sizes were analyzed and compared in two different regions of the western East/Japan Sea (EJS): the Ulleung Basin (UB) and northwestern East/Japan Sea (NES). The average carbon uptake rate by the whole phytoplankton community in the UB (79.0 ± 12.2 mg C m–2 h–1) was approximately two times higher than that in the NES (40.7 ± 2.2 mg C m–2 h–1), although the average chlorophyll a (chl a) concentration was similar between the UB (31.0 ± 8.4 mg chl a m–2) and NES (28.4 ± 7.9 mg chl a m–2). The main reasons for the large difference in the carbon uptake rates are believed to be water temperature, which affects metabolic activity and growth rate, and the difference in euphotic depths. The contributions of small phytoplankton to the total carbon uptake rate were not significantly different between the regions studied. However, the rate of decrease in the total carbon uptake with increasing contributions from small phytoplankton was substantially higher in the UB than in the NES. This result suggests that compared to other regions in the EJS, the primary production in the UB could decrease rapidly under ongoing climate change. The calorific contents calculated based on biochemical compositions were similar between the small (1.01 ± 0.33 Kcal m–3) and large (1.14 ± 0.36 Kcal m–3) phytoplankton in the UB, whereas the biochemical contents were higher in the large phytoplankton (1.88 ± 0.54 Kcal m–3) than in the small phytoplankton (1.06 ± 0.18 Kcal m–3) in the NES. The calorific values per unit of chl a were higher for the large phytoplankton than for the small phytoplankton in both regions, which suggests that large phytoplankton could provide a more energy efficient food source to organisms in higher trophic levels in the western EJS.

D. W. Schindler ◽  
T. M. Frost ◽  
K. H. Mills ◽  
P. S. S. Chang ◽  
I. J. Davies ◽  

SynopsisIn experiments lakes 223 (L223) and 302 South (L302S) in the Experimental Lakes Area in north-western Ontario, and Little Rock Lake (LRL) in northern Wisconsin, were progressively acidified with sulphuric acid from original pH values of 6.1–6.8 to 4.7–5.1. Although the lakes were at different locations with different physical settings and assemblages of plants and animals including fish, there were remarkable similarities in their responses, particularly in regard to biogeochemical processes and effects on biota at lower trophic levels.All three lakes generated an important part of their buffering capacity internally b\ the reduction of sulphate, and to a lesser extent by the reduction of nitrate. Alkalinity production increased as concentrations of biologically-active strong acid anions increased. Models relating the residence times of sulphate and nitrate to water renewal, or first-order kinetics, effectively predicted events.Acidification disrupted nitrogen cycling in all three lakes. Nitrification was inhibited in L223 and L302S, while in LRL, nitrogen fixation was greatly decreased at low pH.The phytoplankton communities of all three lakes were originally dominated by chrysophyceans and cryptophyceans. However acidification changed the dominant species and decreased diversity. Acidification tended to increase phytoplankton production and standing crop slightly, probably because light penetration was increased.Littoral zones of all three lakes became increasingly dominated by a few species of filamentous green algae, which created nuisance blooms by pH 5.6. Mats or clouds of algae changed the entire character of the littoral zone.Acidification of L223 and L302S caused the loss of several species of large benthic crustaceans as pH changed from 6 to 5.6. Large, acid-sensitive littoral crustaceans were absent from LRL before acidification, probably because the lake was already too acidic.As acidity increased, the dominance of cladocerans within zooplankton communities increased. Daphnia catawba appeared at pH values near 5.6 and became more abundant at lower pHs as the lakes were acidified. Its appearance coincided with a decline in other Daphnia species: another cladoceran, Bosmina longirostris, increased in the experimentally-acidified lakes as did Keratella taurocephala: they became the dominant rotifers. Several sensitive zooplankton species declined or disappeared as the lakes were acidified, most notably Daphnia galeata mendotae, Epischura lacustris, Diaptomus sicilis and Keratella cochlearis.The responses of different fish varied; they appeared to depend on the sensitivity of key organisms in the food chain. The ability of key fish species to reproduce was impaired as early as pH 5.8; their reproduction, except for yellow perch in LRL, had ceased at pH 5.0 in all the three lakes.Acidification consistently reduced the diversity and richness of species in taxonomic groups studied, these effects resulting from losses of species and the increased dominance of a few acidophilic taxa.Responses of experimentally-acidified lakes in north-western Ontario and atmospherically-acidified lakes in eastern Ontario were similar in most respects where records allowed comparisons to be made, notably in relation to biogeochemical processes and the disappearance of acid-sensitive biota.When the acidification of L223 was reversed, several biotic components recovered quickly. Fish resumed reproduction at pHs similar to those at which it ceased when the lake was being acidified. The condition of lake trout improved as a result of greatly increased populations of small fish, their prey. Many species of insects and crustaceans that had been extirpated by acidification returned. Assemblages of phytoplankton and chironomids have retained an acidophilic character, although their diversity during recovery is similar to that at comparable pHs during progressive acidification. As their chemistry recovered, atmospherically-acidified lakes in the Sudbury area were able to sustain recruitment by species offish, including lake trout and white sucker, with rapid increases in the diversity of invertebrate taxa. Results from both L223 and lakes near Sudbury suggest a rapid partial recovery of lacustrine communities when acidification is reversed.It is concluded that the experimental lakes responded similarly to acidification, and that experimental acidification can reliably indicate the effects of acidification attributable to acidic precipitation.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (24) ◽  
pp. 7125-7135 ◽  
C. A. Stock ◽  
J. P. Dunne ◽  
J. G. John

Abstract. Pronounced projected 21st century trends in regional oceanic net primary production (NPP) raise the prospect of significant redistributions of marine resources. Recent results further suggest that NPP changes may be amplified at higher trophic levels. Here, we elucidate the role of planktonic food web dynamics in driving projected changes in mesozooplankton production (MESOZP) found to be, on average, twice as large as projected changes in NPP by the latter half of the 21st century under a high emissions scenario in the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory's ESM2M–COBALT (Carbon, Ocean Biogeochemistry and Lower Trophics) earth system model. Globally, MESOZP was projected to decline by 7.9% but regional MESOZP changes sometimes exceeded 50%. Changes in three planktonic food web properties – zooplankton growth efficiency (ZGE), the trophic level of mesozooplankton (MESOTL), and the fraction of NPP consumed by zooplankton (zooplankton–phytoplankton coupling, ZPC), explain the projected amplification. Zooplankton growth efficiencies (ZGE) changed with NPP, amplifying both NPP increases and decreases. Negative amplification (i.e., exacerbation) of projected subtropical NPP declines via this mechanism was particularly strong since consumers in the subtropics have limited surplus energy above basal metabolic costs. Increased mesozooplankton trophic level (MESOTL) resulted from projected declines in large phytoplankton production. This further amplified negative subtropical NPP declines but was secondary to ZGE and, at higher latitudes, was often offset by increased ZPC. Marked ZPC increases were projected for high-latitude regions experiencing shoaling of deep winter mixing or decreased winter sea ice – both tending to increase winter zooplankton biomass and enhance grazer control of spring blooms. Increased ZPC amplified projected NPP increases in the Arctic and damped projected NPP declines in the northwestern Atlantic and Southern Ocean. Improved understanding of the physical and biological interactions governing ZGE, MESOTL and ZPC is needed to further refine estimates of climate-driven productivity changes across trophic levels.

Biology ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 42
Vojsava Gjoni ◽  
Douglas Stewart Glazier

Recently, several studies have reported relationships between the abundance of organisms in an ecological community and their mean body size (called cross-community scaling relationships: CCSRs) that can be described by simple power functions. A primary focus of these studies has been on the scaling exponent (slope) and whether it approximates −3/4, as predicted by Damuth’s rule and the metabolic theory in ecology. However, some CCSR studies have reported scaling exponents significantly different from the theoretical value of −3/4. Why this variation occurs is still largely unknown. The purpose of our commentary is to show the value of examining both the slopes and elevations of CCSRs and how various ecological factors may affect them. As a heuristic exercise, we reanalyzed three published data sets based on phytoplankton, rodent, and macroinvertebrate assemblages that we subdivided according to three distinctly different ecological factors (i.e., climate zone, season, and trophic level). Our analyses reveal significant variation in either or both the CCSR slopes and elevations for marine phytoplankton communities across climate zones, a desert rodent community across seasons, and saltwater lagoon macroinvertebrate communities across trophic levels. We conclude that achieving a comprehensive understanding of abundance-size relationships at the community level will require consideration of both slopes and elevations of these relationships and their possible variation in different ecological contexts.

2010 ◽  
Vol 67 (4) ◽  
pp. 754-762 ◽  
Jennifer B. Korosi ◽  
Andrew M. Paterson ◽  
Anna M. DeSellas ◽  
John P. Smol

Understanding the long-term controls on cladoceran size structure has important implications for aquatic ecosystems. Although there has been considerable interest in zooplankton size trends for Canadian Shield lakes, data are not available for zooplankton size structure prior to the period of anthropogenic disturbances. Here, we present pre- and post-impact size data for the common pelagic cladocerans Bosmina and Daphnia for 44 well-studied Shield lakes in south-central Ontario (Canada). We show that Daphnia were larger and that the length of Bosmina body appendages (mucrones and antennules) was longer in pre-industrial times than they are today. The reduction in Bosmina appendage length we observed may suggest a reduction in copepod predation pressure since pre-industrial times. Reduced maximum body size in Daphnia is a predicted response to a warming climate in north temperate lakes; however, we suggest that alternate explanations, specifically acidification and subsequent recovery following emission reductions, should also be explored as the primary drivers of Daphnia size changes in this lake set. Overall, our results highlight the importance of pre-impact data for understanding the long-term controls on cladoceran body size from pre-1850 to present.

1983 ◽  
Vol 40 (3) ◽  
pp. 328-336 ◽  
Uwe Borgmann ◽  
D. M. Whittle

The particle-size-conversion efficiency (log food consumption/production divided by log predator prey size ratio) is shown to be directly related to the relationship between the concentration of persistent contaminants accumulated primarily through the food chain and body size for organisms in pelagic ecosystems. The difference between particle-size-conversion efficiency for biomass and that for the contaminant gives the slope of the relationship between log contaminant concentration and log body size. This provides a useful theoretical framework for analyzing contaminant concentrations in aquatic biota without the need for specifying trophic level but still incorporating the idea of food chain accumulation. Concentrations of PCB, DDT, and mercury were examined in aquatic organisms from Lake Ontario, ranging in size from zooplankton to large salmonids (a 108 -fold range in dry weight). The slope of the double log plot of concentration versus weight varied from 0.20 to 0.22 for PCB and DDT and was approximately equal to 0.13 for mercury. This indicates that mercury is accumulated less efficiently through the food chain than PCB or DDT. After correcting for incomplete uptake and retention of the contaminant, an estimate of particle-size-conversion efficiency for biomass of about 0.26 was obtained, which agrees reasonably well with previous estimates obtained from growth efficiency experiments and analysis of particle-size spectra. These calculations indicate that potential fish production in Lake Ontario is ~ 120-fold lower than zooplankton production (for fish averaging 108-fold larger in body size as compared to zooplankton).Key words: particle-size-conversion efficiency, PCB, DDT, mercury, zooplankton production, fish production

1987 ◽  
Vol 44 (12) ◽  
pp. 2230-2240 ◽  
D. R. S. Lean ◽  
H-J. Fricker ◽  
M. N. Charlton ◽  
R. L. Cuhel ◽  
F. R. Pick

Primary productivity provides most of the energy to support aquatic food chains. The rate is not only influenced by available solar radiation but also by temperature, availability of phosphorus, and the influence of physical mixing processes. The special features of Lake Ontario such as changes in phosphorus concentration, calcium carbonate precipitation, and silica deficiency on primary productivity, concentration of particulate carbon, and chlorophyll are discussed. Our lack of understanding of food chain and nutrient regeneration processes is illustrated through our failure to balance carbon production with losses through zooplankton grazing and sedimentation. It was demonstrated, however, that bacteria are not responsible for nutrient regeneration through "mineralization" but nutrients are effectively recycled in the water column at the second and third trophic levels.

I. R. Smith

SynopsisThis paper describes the environment, structure and internal physical conditions of the loch. The first section deals with structure, land use and climate of the catchment area. The structure of the loch itself is then considered together with a brief description of the sediments. The bulk of the paper is devoted to the effect of sun, rain and wind on the loch, e.g., radiation and water temperature, water balance and hydraulic conditions. It ends with a summary of the influence of environmental factors on phytoplankton production and higher trophic levels.

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