scholarly journals Prevalence of Occupational Asthma and Respiratory Symptoms in Foundry Workers

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Servet Kayhan ◽  
Umit Tutar ◽  
Halit Cinarka ◽  
Aziz Gumus ◽  
Nurhan Koksal

This cross-sectional study was conducted in a foundry factory to assess the prevalence of respiratory symptoms and occupational asthma in foundry workers. Physical examination, spirometric evaluation, chest radiograph, and a questionnaire related to respiratory symptoms were performed. Monitoring of peak expiratory flow rates, spirometric reversibility test, and high-resolution computed tomographies were performed for the participants having respiratory symptoms and/or impaired respiratory function test. A total of 347 participants including 286 workers from production department and 61 subjects who worked in nonproduction departments were enrolled in this study. It is found that phlegm (n: 71, 20.46%) and cough (n: 52, 14.98%) were the most frequent symptoms. The other symptoms were breathlessness (n: 28, 8.06%), chest tightness (n: 14, 4.03%), and wheezing (n: 7, 2.01%) . The prevalence of occupational asthma was found to be more frequent among the subjects who worked in the production department (n: 48, 16.78% ) than the other persons who worked in the nonproduction department (n: 3, 4.91%) by chi-square test (P: 0.001). To prevent hazardous respiratory effects of the foundry production, an early diagnosis of occupational asthma is very important. Cessation of cigarette smoking and using of protective masks during the working time should be encouraged.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 115
Dini Yuliansari

The well is one of the source water used for bathing, washing, and drinking by the citizens in Jiken Hamlet, Rarang Village, Terara Sub-District. Poor dug well construction conditions can affect the amount of coliform bacteria contained in the dug well water. The purpose of this study is to identify the construction of dug wells and the content of coliform bacteria in dug well water and determine the relationship between dug well construction and the content of coliform bacteria. This research is analytic with a cross sectional study design. The results were obtained from 11 samples of dug wells which were observed in construction and the coliform content was known that all samples did not requirements as good dug well construction. Coliform content test results showed that as many as 5 dug well water samples did not pass the clean water quality standards. The results of data analysis with the chi-square test variable construction of dug wells with coliform content variable  showed 0,172 > 0,05, then the concluded is the dug well not suitable to use by people in that area as a source of water for daily needs.

GIS Business ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (6) ◽  
pp. 359-370
Dr. Ravi S. Dalawai

Indian population is in growing trend from 942.2 million in 1994 to 1.36 billion in 2019.Among this six per cent of India's population was of the age 65 and above (UNFPA, 2019). Today the work culture is totally changed. Both husband and wife are forced to work in the current scenario and unable to take care of their parents. The changing structure created increased problems for old age people leads to loneliness, psychological, physical health and financial insecurity. The study paper provides insight into the social and demographic factor and health related sickness of the oldest people. This research explained the cross-sectional study included a representative sample (n=116) of adults aged ≥60 years. The sample was chosen using a four-stage stratified random-cluster survey sampling method .The Chi Square test and ANOVA test was analyzed using SPSS20.

2006 ◽  
Vol 67 (3) ◽  
pp. 143-147 ◽  
Foyez Haque ◽  
Alberto G. de la Rocha ◽  
Betty Ann Horbul ◽  
Patricia Desroches ◽  
Craig Orrell

Purpose: In Canada, the incidence of childhood obesity has tripled within the past 20 years. The prevalence of obesity in the Timmins, Ontario, student population was studied to gain knowledge for program planning and resource allocation, and to compare Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) criteria with Cole’s international criteria for childhood obesity. Methods: Anthropometric measurements of 801 students were taken. Students were chosen from randomly selected schools for each grade. Data were analyzed according to age, gender, and ethnicity. Data were also compared with other studies. Intragroup comparisons were performed using hypothesis testing for significance with the z table and chi-square test. Results: Overweight and obesity prevalence was 28% according to CDC criteria. No statistical difference was found between genders or among ethnic groups, or between this study and other Canadian studies. In comparison with the CDC criteria, Cole’s international criteria indicated less obesity and increased overweight prevalence. These differences were not statistically significant. Conclusions: The findings suggest that in the northern Ontario community of Timmins, the prevalence of childhood obesity is of epidemic proportions. When the findings are shared with different agencies, this study will help the health unit to take necessary public health measures to curb the epidemic.

Dur-e- Nishat

Background: Family medicine is a field in which complete and detailed set of healthcare services are provided to the patients and their families. In developed countries, freshly graduated students choose family medicine as a priority for their career. However, in Pakistan it is not the case. The present study is undertaken to determine the perceptions of final year medical students’ about Family Medicine as a viable career. Methods: A total number of 504 students participated in the study. This was a cross-sectional study. The study participants were in their final year of medical college. Data was collected using a preapproved questionnaire. Data was entered and analyzed via SPSS version 17 and Chi-Square test was used post-stratification. Results: Only 14.3% (n=72) medical students had heard about Family Medicine. Only 18% (n=92) would select family medicine as a profession. The most frequent rationale for choosing the field of Family Medicine was the variety of patients seen in general practice (55.4% n=51). Conclusion: There is a dire need to focus on increasing awareness about the field of family medicine among medical students. The students should be counseled on the advantages along with the disadvantages of choosing this field as a medical profession.

Aswathy S. ◽  
Lakshmi M. K.

The study was aimed to assess the breastfeeding practices among mothers of infants in Peringara Gramapanchayat in Kerala. Study was a community based cross-sectional study among mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat using a pretested questionnaire. 142 breastfeeding mothers of infants in Peringara gramapanchayat were studied and mothers who were not present at home during the study were excluded from the study. Study period consisted of 18 days between December 2015 and January 2016. Study variables includes type of delivery, initiation of breastfeeding, breastfeeding practices and role of ASHAs in promoting good breastfeeding practices. Statistical analysis was done using Pearson’s Chi-square test and T test. The study found that exclusive breastfeeding has been done by 68.3% of mothers. There is no practice of giving pre-lacteal feed, 95.8% of mothers have given colostrum to the new born. Statistically significant association was found between the type of delivery and time of initiation of breastfeeding (p less than 0.05). Time of initiation of breastfeeding was prolonged in case of Caesarean section. 49.3% of mothers have breastfed the baby within one hour. 55.6% of mothers were informed about importance of breastfeeding by ASHAs and only 20.4% of mothers were informed about period of exclusive breastfeeding and period of complimentary feeding by ASHAs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 440
Sri Handayani ◽  
Puteri Fannya ◽  
Putri Nazofah

<p><em>Based on data from the Indonesia Ministry of Health in 2015, In Indonesia, new professional nurses were just 2% of the total nurses. This figure was much lower than the Philippines which has reached 40% with bachelor and master level as their education. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between age, and leadership with the performance of health personnel</em><em>. </em><em>The design of this research was analytical research with Cross Sectional Study. The population in this study was all nurses and doctors who served in the internal room, children, surgery and midwifery</em><em>. </em><em>Sampling using total sampling</em><em> </em><em>by questionnaires. The data was processed by univariate and bivariate analysis using Chi-square test</em><em>. </em><em>The result showed that 57,8% nurses had poor performance, 56,3% doctors had poor performance, 64,4% nurses had average age 26-35 years, 56,2% doctors had average age  36-45 years, 64.4% nurses have poor leadership, </em><em>and </em><em>50.0% of doctors have less good leadership</em><em>.</em><em> There is a relationship between age</em><em> and </em><em>leadership with the performance of health personnel.</em><em></em></p><p><strong><em> </em></strong></p><p>Berdasarkan data kemenkes RI tahun 2015 jumlah tenaga kesehatan terbanyak yaitu perawat sebanyak 147.264 orang (45,65%). Di Indonesia, perawat profesional baru mencapai 2% dari total perawat yang ada. Angka ini jauh lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan Filipina yang sudah mencapai 40% dengan pendidikan strata satu dan dua. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara umur, kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah desain penelitian analitik dengan Cross Sectional Study. Populasi pada penelitian ini adalah semua perawat dan dokter. Pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan Total Sampling. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner. Data diolah dengan analisis univariat menggunakan statistik deskriptif dan analisis bivariat menggunakan uji Chi-square. Hasil penelitian didapatkan 57,8% perawat memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 56,3% dokter memiliki kinerja kurang baik, 64,4% perawat memiliki umur rata-rata 26-35 tahun 64,4%, 56,2% dokter memiliki umur rata-rata 36-45 tahun, 64,4% perawat memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik, 50,0% dokter memiliki kepemimpinan kurang baik. Terdapat hubungan antara umur dan kepemimpinan dengan kinerja tenaga kesehatan.</p>

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 ◽  
pp. 129-142 ◽  
Raj Kumar Subedi

Insomnia is one of the major and unsolved problems in older people. Most of the sleep studies report that the different forms of insomnia like Difficulty Initiating Sleep (DIS), Difficulty Maintaining Sleep (DMS) and Non-Restorative Sleep (NRS) are common among the elderly that are associated to many factors. The objective of the study was to measure the prevalence of insomnia and the factors associated to it among the elderly people. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 142 elderly people of and above 60 years of age in Sarangdanda VDC of Panchthar District of Eastern Nepal. The presence or absence of insomnia and the associated factors were assessed on them by the help of interview schedule. The results were analyzed using chi-square test in SPSS (version 11.5). DMS was the most common reported form of insomnia among the elderly followed by DIS and NRS. Association between insomnia and each of factors like use of tobacco before sleeping hours, eating too close to bedtime, use of tea/coffee before sleeping hours and use of alcohol before sleeping hours were statistically significant at 95% level of confidence. Insomnia affects a large proportion of elderly and is triggered by many factors like use of tobacco before sleeping hours, use of tea/coffee before sleeping hours, eating too close to bedtime and use of alcohol before sleeping hours. Keywords: Alcohol; tea/coffee; difficulty initiating sleep (DIS); difficulty maintaining sleep (DMS); non-restorative sleep (NRS); tobacco DOI: 10.3126/dsaj.v4i0.4517 Dhaulagiri Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Vol.4 2010 pp.129-142

Olayinka Stephen Ilesanmi ◽  
Priscilla Onaopemipo Akosile ◽  
Aanuoluwapo Adeyimika Afolabi ◽  
Victor Okoliko Ukwenya

Abstract Background This study aimed to assess the level of trust in the COVID-19 risk communication efforts in Nigeria. Methods We conducted a descriptive cross-sectional study among community members aged 15 years and above in Ondo state in October, 2020. Data were collected using an interviewer-administered questionnaire. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22. Descriptive statistics were summarized using frequencies. Trust was ranked from “1” implying “Low level of trust” to “7” denoting “High level of trust”. We conducted bivariate Chi-square test on respondents’ level of trust in the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) and socio-demographic characteristics. The level of significance was set at p<0.05. Results Among the 691 respondents, 244 (35.3%) were aged 21 to 29 years, and 304 (51.4%) used the NCDC to obtain COVID-19 knowledge. Overall, 205 (41.8%) had high level of trust in the NCDC. Furthermore, 51 (51.5%) individuals aged 30-39 years had high level of trust in the NCDC (ᵡ2=17.455, p= 0.001). Also, 114 (48.5%) persons who lived with children below 18 years had high level of trust in the NCDC (ᵡ2= 8.266, p= 0.004). Conclusion Policy makers should prioritize the involvement of young and educated persons in COVID-19 risk communication strategies.

Joonho Ahn ◽  
So-Jung Ryu ◽  
Jihun Song ◽  
Hyoung-Ryoul Kim

This study aimed to evaluate the association between shift work and dry eye disease (DED) in the general population. The 2011 Korea Health Panel (KHP) was used. Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression were used to assess the relationship between shift work and DED. Stratification analysis was conducted by sex and age. Overall, the odds ratio (OR) of DED according to shift work did not showed significant results (adjusted OR = 1.230, 95% CI 0.758–1.901). When findings were stratified based on age older or younger than 40 years, the OR of DED increased to 2.85 (95% CI: 1.25–5.90) in shift workers under 40 years of age. Our results show an association between shift work and DED in a group of younger subjects.

2013 ◽  
Vol 2013 ◽  
pp. 1-7 ◽  
Hailegebriel Wondimu ◽  
Zelalem Addis ◽  
Feleke Moges ◽  
Yitayal Shiferaw

Background. Transfusion associated bacterial infection has remained more frequent with a sever risk of morbidity and mortality. This study assessed the bacteriological safety of blood collected for transfusion. Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted at University of Gondar hospital blood bank from December 2011 to June 2012. Bacterial isolation, identification, and antimicrobial susceptibility tests were done as per the standard procedure. Chi-square test and P value were used to assess associations between risk factors and the bacterial isolation rate. Results. Twenty-one (15.33%) blood units were found contaminated with bacteria, and 95.24% contamination was due to external sources. The commonly isolated bacteria were Staphylococcus aureus, Coagulase negative Staphylococci, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella species, Streptococci species, Enterobacter species, and Citrobacter species. All of the bacteria isolated were 100% sensitive to Gentamicin, Chloramphenicol, Amoxicillin, and Doxycycline. Multiple antimicrobial resistances were observed in 66.7% of the isolates. Not using glove by phlebotomist, touching disinfected phlebotomy site and double puncture at the same hand or both hands of a donor were found to be risk factors for bacterial contamination. Conclusion. Bacterial contamination of blood to be transfused is a common problem in the hospital. So attention should be given to activities performed at the blood bank for safe transfusion practices.

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