scholarly journals An Artificial Intelligence System to Predict Quality of Service in Banking Organizations

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Mauro Castelli ◽  
Luca Manzoni ◽  
Aleš Popovič

Quality of service, that is, the waiting time that customers must endure in order to receive a service, is a critical performance aspect in private and public service organizations. Providing good service quality is particularly important in highly competitive sectors where similar services exist. In this paper, focusing on banking sector, we propose an artificial intelligence system for building a model for the prediction of service quality. While the traditional approach used for building analytical models relies on theories and assumptions about the problem at hand, we propose a novel approach for learning models from actual data. Thus, the proposed approach is not biased by the knowledge that experts may have about the problem, but it is completely based on the available data. The system is based on a recently defined variant of genetic programming that allows practitioners to include the concept of semantics in the search process. This will have beneficial effects on the search process and will produce analytical models that are based only on the data and not on domain-dependent knowledge.

Marina Nikolaevna Iakovleva

This article is devoted to the study of the role of artificial intelligence in the banking sector. Today, the introduction of new technologies in all spheres of life is a very relevant topic. The article reveals the concept of artificial intelligence as a factor in the development of the banking sector in particular and the economy as a whole. An overview of the use of the artificial intelligence system in banks in Russia and the world is presented.

2013 ◽  
Vol 01 (01) ◽  
pp. 28-36
Ali Khan

The Hierarchical Service Quality Model (HSQM), developed by Brady and Cronin (2001) to capture the quality of services sector, was used as base to extend it to evaluate Pakistan's banking sector services' quality and its outcomes in the form of banking sector customers'satisfaction, trust and loyalty. Sample included 240 bank-customers of six different randomly selected banks located in Islamabad-Rawalpindi area. A 5-item Likert scale questionnaire was used which yielded data on customers' responses with good reliability tests measuring Cronbach's alphas ranged from acceptable (0.70s) to good (0.80s) and very good (0.90s) levels. Econometrically modeled HSQM's replication coupled with its extensions aiming at to measure various outcomes like customers' satisfaction, trust and loyalty behaved well and yielded statistically significant results. Based on the results, the HSQM extended econometric model is recommended to measure services quality in other sectors.

Susi Minarsih ◽  
Ary Sutrischastini

The aims of this study are to measure the level of service quality and how to improve the quality of service execution in re-measurement tera and tera of UTTP in Commerce On duty Co-Operation, Industrial and Commerce Of Sub-Province of Pacitan. This research’s object is traditional market of Minulyo Pacitan as mains market in Sub-Province of Pacitan with 100 perpetrator people of sample as user/owner of UTTP (ukur,timbang, takar, dan perlengkapannya) with method intake of sampel by Convenience Sampling. The technique of collecting data uses questionnaires and direct interview. This research use qualitative analysis instrument test of validity and reliability to know valid or not and reliabel or not about the questions of questionnaire. Then, this research was done with Servqual method as instrument to do measurement of service quality. The measurement of service quality in Servqual method pursuant to five service dimension that is tangibles, responsiveness, realibility, assurance, and empathy. This research will be measured of gap 5 that is difference among performance and its expectation. Ad for yielded gap from a enumeration of Servqual 5 gap, -146 progressively lower him mount the quality of given service activities. Therefore, its needs the existence of priority repair of service quality, in this case is service of remeasurement tera and tera of UTTP at biggest difference or gap that is at variable of Responsiveness ( Energy Listen carefully) and attribute that has smallest difference that is – 0.44 at dimension question of variable of Tangibles ( Evidence Physical). Keyword: Quality Of Service, Method of Service Quality.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Intan Nurrachmi

This study departs from the hajj bailout financing facility which is a booming product because of the customer's interest, but in this case there is a difference in the target achievement between Bank Syariah Mandiri (BSM) Ujungberung KCP which is less successful in improving the hajj bailout products while the Rancaekek KCP is very superior in one consolidation Ahmad Yani Branch Office Bandung. This is what is interesting for researchers to carry out this research, the difference constraints include service quality and promotion factors. This phenomenon raises problems that must be examined, namely how the influence of service quality and promotion of market share expansion products hajj bailouts at Bank Syariah Mandiri KCP Ujungberung and KCP Rancaekek Bandung. This study aims academically to contribute in the study of Islamic economics in worksheets, especially the quality of service and promotion of market share expansion and practically expected to be able to provide input to all employees of BSM KCP Ujungberung regarding the quality of service and promotion of market expansion of bailout products. Hajj that has been successfully carried out by BSM KCP Rancaekek.The conclusion of this study is that there is a significant influence of service quality on the expansion of market share by 53.3% with a strong correlation of 0.730 and through t test, where t counts at 8.245 (> t table), then H_0 is rejected and H_i is accepted. Furthermore, there is a significant influence of promotion on the expansion of market share by 30.3% with a moderate / sufficient correlation of 0.550 through t test, where t counts is 4.219 (> t table), then H_ (0) is rejected and H_i is accepted. Then there is a significant influence of service quality and promotion simultaneously to the expansion of market share by 60.6% and a strong correlation of 0.784 and through Test F, where F count is 67.023 (> F table), then 〖H〗 _ ( 0) rejected and H_i accepted.

Liquidity ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 72-80
Viva Faronika ◽  
Asriyal Asriyal

If the customer is greater than acceptable level of service, the cutomer is not satisfied. Conversely, if an acceptable level of service greater than the expectations of customers, the customer will be satisfied. This means that if Bank BRI branch Fatmawati can improve service quality to its customer it will affect the level of satisfaction. In this research found evidence that, in terms of the creation of quality services, Bank BRI branch Fatmawati is one of the branches that participate to implement the established policies and service in accordance with the exiting service standard in the banking world. Amount of influence the determination of quality of service policies applied by the Bank BRI branch Fatmawati indicated by r2. r2 value only 45 % and the rest 55 % influenced by other variables not studied. Meanwhile, the variable relationship of service quality to customer satisfaction can be seen from the values r = 0,67. This shows the value of the correlation coefficient between the variables of service quality to customer satisfaction. This means there are strong relationships between the independent variable X (quality of service) to the dependent variable Y (customer satisfaction). Since r = 0,67 (67 %) greater then 50 %.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 34
Priyo Wismantoro ◽  
Fika Dwiyanti

Business banking is a service business based on principles of trust and t5he customer is a major asset. Under conditions of business competition among banks strict bank that has resulted in only a competitive advantage (compatative advantage as well as a competitive advantage) who can reach the highest position in the eyes of cusmers or the public. Competitive advantage can be obtained from the quality of customer servicr, so the focus on customers (customer focus), responsive to the development of customer desires and continuously innovate is an acitivity that can be done to anticipate the cimpetitive conditions. In this case, the bank should always evaluate the quality of service given to customers and is reflected in the level of customer satisfaction obtained. Rate the quality of service branch of bank syariah mandiri bogor whole is still under service, because it still was below expectations, this is evident also that the general level of service is still not meeting customer expectations, because the level of hope (expectation0 the customer is generally higher than the level of performance (perfromance) or perception(perception)customer.        Empathy dimension of service quality dimensions are most critical or have any impact on the most powerful influence on the level of satisfaction. In this case, the willingness og bank syariah mandiri branch bogor provide individual attention in serving its clients is crucial. Empathy dimension attributes inclide individual attention, operational time , personal attention, giving interests, and understand the needs. These attributes is the main priority of service quality improvements are intensive and comprehensive.           Customer service strategy to be implemented by the management of bank syariah mandiri in perspective five dimensioris of service quality(tangibles, realiability,responsiveness, assurance and empathy) looks not optimal. In an effort to provide the best service (service excellence) and focus to the customer(customer focus), then the customer satisfaction can be obatained with significantly improved and the improvement of quality of serivice aspects and impticalions of the strategy need to be consldered

Masrukin Masrukin ◽  
Hermanto Hermanto

Customer satisfaction is influenced by service quality factors, this study aims to find out and analyze how much influence the quality of service on customer satisfaction is felt by customers who use the service of Poor Rice (Raskin) at the Office of Public Companies Logistics Agency (Perum BULOG) in Sampit City Regency East Kotawaringin. The research method used in this study is the method of observation, questionnaire/questionnaire and documentation using a Likert scale and the method of determining the sample used is the error rate of 5% as many as 213 samples. Testing the hypothesis used is a statistical test with the formula "Product moment person". The results showed that there was a very strong correlation between Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction of the Office of Public Company of the Logistics Affairs Agency (Perum BULOG) in the District of East Kotawaringin. As much as 0.9968514278 based on the calculation of Pearson Product Moment value.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (02) ◽  
Shofia Zulfa Amalina ◽  
Sri Hartono ◽  
Ratna Damayanti

The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of whether or not the quality of service, store atmosphere and promotion of consumer satisfaction at Pondok Jowi Restaurant Solo. The population in this study were consumers of Pondok Jowi Solo Restaurant in January 2020 at May 2020 with a total of 14,030 people. The sampling techniquemismpurposive samplingm which is a sampling technique with certain considerations by taking 100 respondents. Data collection uses a Likert scale questionnaire to measure respondents' answers to identify the relationship between service quality, store atmosphere and promotion of customer satisfaction. The results show that service quality, store atmosphere and promotion have a simultaneous and significant effect on customer satisfaction, servicei quality has assignificant effect on customer satisfaction, store atmosphere has a significant effect on customer satisfaction, and promotion has significant effect on customer satisfaction. Keywords: Service quality, Store atmosphere, Promotion, Consumer satisfaction

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