scholarly journals Abdominal Tuberculosis Complicated by Intestinal Perforation

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-3
Michiel L. Sala ◽  
Samuel M. Verhage ◽  
Frank Zijta

Although relatively rare, there is an increasing incidence of abdominal tuberculosis (TB) in the developed countries, with the peritoneum being the most common site of involvement. Manifestation of abdominal TB should be considered in patients with relevant clinical symptoms and risk factors, including a history of prior TB infection and residence in or travel to an area where tuberculosis is endemic. We report a case of intestinal tuberculosis with a complicated disease course after the completion of treatment. Persisting abdominal symptoms during or after treatment should raise suspicion of subclinical intestinal obstruction. Early clinical recognition and surgical treatment may avoid poor outcome due to intestinal perforation.

2010 ◽  
Vol 17 (04) ◽  
pp. 532-537

Objective: To find out the effective diagnostic algorithm (clinical features and investigations) for intestinal tuberculosis. Design: A retrospective study. Place and Duration of Study: B.V. Hospital Bahawalpur, June 2007 -2009. Patients and Methods: 100 cases of diagnosed abdominal tuberculosis were included in the study. Demographic variables, symptomology, investigations and management detail were recorded from the hospital record of surgical department of B.V. Hospital Bahawalpur. Results: Out of 100 diagnosed cases of intestinal T.B, 55 patients were male. 62 patients were bellow 30 years. Most Common presentation was obstruction (29 %), peritonitis (18%) Abdominal distention (20%) and Abdominal Mass (15%), Histopathology (97%) and laparoscopy (82%) were most sensitive. Operative procedure were right Hemicolectomy (26%), resection Anastomosis (23%), stricturoplasty (13%0, Ileostomy (9%), adhesiolysis (17%). Conservativelymanaged patients on anti-tuberculous therapy (ATT) were (12%). Wound infection and dehiscence (12%) were the common complications. Four patients died. Conclusions: All patients with prolonged history of weight loss, vague health and non specific abdominal symptoms and those who are under consideration for intestinal tuberculosis should follow the protocol comprising histopathology (laparoscopic/ USG guided /open), complemented by the diagnostic laparoscopy and radiological studies. 

2002 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-70 ◽  
Jong-il Kim

The total factor productivity (TFP) growth controversy and the recent economic crisis raise many questions about the future growth of East Asia. Our analysis of historical experiences shows that low TFP growth in the East Asian newly industrialized economies (NIEs) is a natural pattern of growth at the initial phase of industrialization. Empirical evidence shows that East Asian NIEs in recent decades have been proceeding toward an efficiency-based growth as developed countries did some time ago. The history of Latin America, however, indicates that the reform of old-fashioned institutions is needed if East Asia is to follow the path of the developed countries.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-472
Rakesh Kumar Deepak ◽  
Prabin Kumar ◽  
Abhinav Saurabh ◽  
Narendra Bagri ◽  
Sonia Verma

Primary immunodeficiency disorders (PIDs) are a group of genetic abnormalities characterized by defectin one or more constituents of the immune system.This group of disorders are largely undiagnosed and unreported worldwide due to lack of awareness among the medical practitioners,parents as well as lack of state of art diagnostic facilities. Earlier we had reported the distribution pattern of various categories of PID in children of north India; in this report we are appending the data with current findings.In this retrospective study we pooled data from PIDs workup of 706 children with suspected PIDs, below the age of 18Yrs, in the period of May 2017 October 2019. The clinical assessment and presentation of these children was suggestive of PID. The peripheral blood of these children was used for flow cytometry based immunophenotyping of immune cells. PIDs were classified according to the International Union of Immunological Societies’ (IUIS) criteria.A total of 133 (18.38%) children were diagnosed with one or other form of PID with overall median age was 3.25 years (male: 2.3 and female: 4.2Yrs). Chronic infection, persistent diarrhea and retarded growth were the common warning signsin these patients. Combined humoral and cellular immunodeficiency was observed in 32%, phagocytic defect in 23%, antibody defect in 17%, dysregulated innate immunity in 19% and other well defined syndromes in 9% of total diagnosed PID children. Around 15.78% of PID cases were seen in coupleswithconsanguineous marriage, past family history of PID in 20.30% and families with sibling death of unknown cause in 24.06%. The cause of death of the sibling was not known. PID diagnosed children received prophylactic antibiotics and/or antifungals in addition tospecific therapy for the underlying immune deficiency.The field of PID remainsunexplored worldwide. The awareness in the developed countries is more than that of developing countries like India. The developing countries face several challenges in the diagnosis of PIDs such as awareness among patients and medical practitioners, mostly in the rural settings, lack of sufficient number of tertiary care centres, lack of equipped immunological laboratory to diagnose the disease.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 393-414
Paweł Dybel

Psychoanalysis and patriarchalism. Comments on the emancipation claim of Freud’s theory within the history of psychoanalysis in Poland 1900–1939: The article is a polemic with how Eli Zaretsky captures the role of Freud’s psychoanalysis in transforming the self-knowledge of modern societies in his Secrets of the soul. According to Zaretsky, in Central European countries, Poland included, psychoanalysis then served in the democratization of social life and led to the destruction of the patriarchal order; while in Western countries it became medicated, becoming a tool of social control. The author considers both of these claims to be problematic. In the first case, this is due to the limited social impact of Freud’s theory until 1939, in the second, basing this theory on patients’ personal unconscious, it supported their release from the influence of tradition and served them in making free life decisions. This was because in the period up to 1939, in the countries of Central Europe, the second industrial revolution was not as advanced as in the developed countries of Western Europe and the United States. So only in these last countries has psychoanalysis become socially popular and one has witnessed the dynamic development of the psychoanalytic movement.

2017 ◽  
Vol 89 (1) ◽  
pp. 22-31 ◽  
Tomasz Banasiewicz ◽  
Wojciech Francuzik ◽  
Adam Bobkiewicz ◽  
Łukasz Krokowicz ◽  
Maciej Borejsza-Wysocki ◽  

Diverticulosis, its associated symptoms and complications are one of the most common pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract in more economically developed countries. Presence of diverticuli and their clinical consequences can be divided into four categories: 1) diverticulosis, i.e. an asymptomatic presence of diverticuli that are usually found by accident 2) symptomatic uncomplicated diverticulosis 3) diverticulitis (acute uncomplicated diverticulitis) 4) complications of diverticulitis (conditions requiring hospital stay). The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyze the efficacy of rifaximin in preventing diverticulitis in patients visiting proctology clinics. The diagnostic criterium for diverticulosis was confirmation by colonoscopy, barium enema or CT colography (virtual colonoscopy) as well as history of at least one documented episode of diverticulosis. History of diverticulosis was evaluated based on medical records, clinical symptoms, elevated level of CRP (>5.0) and/or diagnostic imaging (ultrasound, CT). After setting strict exclusion criteria, 248 patients were qualified for the study out of 686, and they were later divided into two groups: control group (group I – 145 patients) and studied group (group II – 103 patients receiving rifaximin prophylaxis). Diverticulitis rate was comparable in both groups over a period of 6 months before study (p = 0.1306) and 6 months of treatment (p=0.3044). Between the 6th and 12th month of treatment, a significantly lower rate of diverticulitis was noted in the group receiving rifaximin compared to control group (p<0.0001). Patients receiving rifaximin reported higher quality of life (which was assessed using the VAS scale) compared to control group after 12 months. The results confirmed the efficacy of riaximin in prevention of diverticulitis, even in the scheme of repeated courses every 3 months. Not only did application of rifaximin lower the rate of diverticulitis and its complications in patients after an episode of diverticulitis, but also it improved the patients’ quality of life. It seems that diverticulitis prophylaxis based on rifaximin can be economically efficient, however, it requires further research.

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 056-061 ◽  
Alakananda Dasgupta ◽  
Navjeevan Singh ◽  
Arati Bhatia

ABSTRACT Background: Along with the increased incidence of pulmonary tuberculosis in parallel with the increase in population in various parts of the world, in recent years, the incidence of abdominal tuberculosis has also increased. The pathogenetic events in intestinal tuberculosis, which culminate in ulcer formation, perforation, and stricture, still have to be identified. Aim: To correlate the gross and microscopic features in intestinal tuberculosis, in particular tuberculous perforation with changes in mesenteric vasculature. Patients and Methods: A one-year prospective study of excised/resected tissues from patients with abdominal tuberculosis requiring surgical intervention was conducted. Tissues from fifty-six patients were included in the study — of which 36 were resected intestinal segments and 20 were intestinal and lymph node biopsies. Hematoxylin and Eosin and Ziehl-Neelsen stains were used for histopathological examination. Results: Tuberculous enteritis was found to be present in 49 of the 56 patients (87.5%) (ileum being the site most commonly affected), while nodal involvement was seen in 39 (69.6%) patients. Perforations were present in 39 out of 49 (79.6%) intestinal tissues; most being solitary and ileum was the commonest site. Typical epithelioid cell granulomas were seen in the intestine and lymph nodes, with caseation being more prevalent in the latter. The mesenteric vasculature was frequently involved by granulomatous inflammation, with intravascular organizing thrombus being present in 30% of the resected specimens with perforation. Acid fast bacilli were demonstrated in the tissue sections of 37.5% of the patients. AFB positivity was higher in caseating granulomas. Conclusion: Involvement of mesenteric vasculature by granulomatous inflammation was commonly associated with the ulcerative type with perforation, suggesting that ischemia caused by vascular thrombosis is responsible for tissue breakdown. This implies that vasculitis plays an important role in the natural history of abdominal tuberculosis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. e233645 ◽  
In Sun Na ◽  
Kevin Nguyen ◽  
Bradley Potenzi ◽  
Minz Cheah

A 66-year-old Caucasian woman was admitted with deteriorating mental health in the setting of background history of schizophrenia and depression. Her husband reported that she had increasing negative thoughts and decreased motivation regarding her self-care over a few weeks with no obvious stressors. Initial laboratory tests were unremarkable except for isolated normocytic anaemia. Physical examination revealed widespread bilateral upper limb ecchymoses and lower limb petechial rash. After an extensive investigation with no definitive results to explain her clinical presentations, diagnosis of scurvy was suspected and confirmed with severely low serum vitamin C level. Her clinical symptoms improved markedly with oral supplementation, which further supported the diagnosis of scurvy. Although it is now a rare condition in developed countries, this case will remind modern medical practitioners that patients with scurvy may present with non-specific symptoms and clinical findings such as depression and anaemia.

2014 ◽  
Vol 584-586 ◽  
pp. 790-795
Wei Yang Jia

The barrier-free environment is the guarantee for the vulnerable groups such as the senior citizens and the disabled, which reflects the civilization level of the society. And America and Britain are the most advanced countries which have longer history of barrier-free design. Their barrier-free design laws, regulations and standard system are complete, covering a wide range of security objects and having developed into the universal design or inclusive design stage with their own features. The barrier-free design of China was carried out late and yet within 30 years’ development, China still has made many achievements. However, in terms of scientific research and civil consciousness, the gap to the developed countries is still big. Summarizing the development trend of American and British barrier-free design features, comparison can provide the working direction for the barrier-free design cause of China, namely, the improvement of the researches on barrier-free design, the functions of organizations for the disabled, public participation and regulations enforcement.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 121-136
Yenik Pujowati

AbstrakKemiskinan tentunya bukanlah masalah sosial yang hanya dialami oleh negaranegaraberkembang seperti Indonesia, namun dialami juga oleh negara-negara maju sepertiamerika. Di Indonesia kemiskinan terus menjadi masalah sosial yang fenomenal sepanjangsejarah Indonesia. Kemiskinan telah membuat jutaan anak-anak indonesia tidak bisamengenyam pendidikan yang berkualitas, kesulitan membiayai kesehatan, kurangnyatabungan dan tidak adanya investasi untuk masa depan, kurangnya akses ke pelayananpublik, kurangnya lapangan pekerjaan, kurangnya jaminan sosial dan perlindunganterhadap keluarga, menguatnya arus urbanisasi kekota, dan yang lebih parah,kemiskinan menyebabkan jutaan rakyat memenuhi kebutuhan pangan, sandang dan papansecara terbatas. Ada dua kondisi yang menyebabkan kemiskinan bisa terjadi, yaknikemiskinan alamiah dan karena buatan. Kemiskinan alamiah terjadi antara lain akibatsumber daya alam yang terbatas, penggunaan teknologi yang rendah dan bencana alam.Kemiskinan "buatan" terjadi karena lembaga-lembaga yang ada di masyarakat membuatsebagian anggota masyarakat tidak mampu menguasai sarana ekonomi dan berbagaifasilitas lain yang tersedia, hingga mereka tetap miskin. Maka itulah sebabnya para pakarekonomi sering mengkritik kebijakan pembangunan yang sering terfokus pada pertumbuhanketimbang pemerataan.Kata Kunci: Kemiskinan, Pelayanan Publik, Kebijakan PembangunanAbstractPoverty is certainly not the only social problems experienced by developing countries such asIndonesia, but experienced by the developed countries like the United States. In Indonesia,poverty continues to be a social problem that is phenomenal in the history of Indonesia.Poverty has made millions of children Indonesia can not get an education of quality,difficulty to finance health care, lack of savings and investments for the future, lack of accessto public services, lack of jobs, lack of social security and protection of the family, thestrengthening of urbanization kekota, and worse, poverty causes millions of people to meetthe needs of food, clothing and shelter are limited. There are two conditions that causepoverty can happen, namely poverty because of natural and artificial. Poverty naturallyoccur partly as a result of limited natural resources, the use of low technology and naturaldisasters. Poverty "artificial" occurred because the institutions that exist in the community tomake some community members are not able to master the economic means and variousother facilities available, so they remain poor. So that is why economists are often criticizeddevelopment policies are often focused on growth rather than equity.Keywords: Poverty, Public Service, Policy Development

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 44
Mohamed Buheji

Development has been happening the last two decades and specially the beginning of the 21st century shows that the emerging economies are going to change the formula of the current market dominated leadership. Certainly, many emerging economies as the BRICS countries is a must watch and explore markets from the perspective of being economies that having the strong diversified mix to make more sustainable as the developed countries markets and even more. The work of Malerba et al. (2017) team is highly important since it reflects not only the literature review but also the actual observations of the history of development of the BRICS countries, which resembled by China, India and Brazil. In fact, the book also shows the best practices in how did these new market leaders emerge and become key players in their respective industries. This review is considered of importance since it shows a model for other countries and how to manage the high industries risk and still manage to create market development. The review shows that there are similar industries as automotive, pharmaceutical and ICT industries which can contribute to the success of the developing countries and enable them to become market leaders too. The researchers were very focused on defining market leadership from the following three angles mainly: domination of local market, global reach and the innovative capabilities and capacity of the production or the processes.

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