scholarly journals Stochastic modelling of transition dynamic of mixed mood episodes in bipolar disorder

Yashaswini Kunjali Ajeeth Kumar ◽  
Adithya Kishore Saxena

In the present state of health and wellness, mental illness is always deemed less importance compared to other forms of physical illness. In reality, mental illness causes serious multi-dimensional adverse effect to the subject with respect to personal life, social life, as well as financial stability. In the area of mental illness, bipolar disorder is one of the most prominent type which can be triggered by any external stimulation to the subject suffering from this illness. There diagnosis as well as treatment process of bipolar disorder is very much different from other form of illness where the first step of impediment is the correct diagnosis itself. According to the standard body, there are classification of discrete forms of bipolar disorder viz. type-I, type-II, and cyclothymic. Which is characterized by specific mood associated with depression and mania. However, there is no study associated with mixed-mood episode detection which is characterized by combination of various symptoms of bipolar disorder in random, unpredictable, and uncertain manner. Hence, the model contributes to obtain granular information with dynamics of mood transition. The simulated outcome of the proposed system in MATLAB shows that resulting model is capable enough for detection of mixed mood episode precisely

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 67-82

This article addresses the subject of stand-up and mental health through the prism of comic persona, generating new, non-diagnostic discourses around mental illness. The article focuses on British and Australian comedians whose material addresses conditions such as bipolar disorder (John Scott), depression and anxiety (Seymour Mace; Lauren Pattison; Felicity Ward), or feigns the staging of mental collapse (Stewart Lee). Based on the analysis of live events and one-on-one interviews, the essay considers the role that persona plays in mediating the relationship between the comedian and their material, arguing that shaping persona is key to developing practices framed within a poetics of vulnerability.

2012 ◽  
Vol 82 (4) ◽  
pp. 491-510
Rochelle Skogen

In this article Rochelle Skogen takes up the subject of university professors diagnosed with severe mental illness and asks why so little is known about these individuals. As an assistant professor who suffers from bipolar disorder, Skogen discusses the impact of stigma on a professor's decision to either disclose or conceal her illness. While it appears that most mentally ill academics choose to hide their diagnoses—perhaps believing that concealment will keep them free of stigma—Skogen argues that such thinking is but an illusion of freedom, because it is based on an emancipation that depends on the “goodwill” of would-be emancipators. Skogen depicts her own journey of “coming into presence” as a process of subjectification rooted in Jacques Rancière's theory of a new logic of emancipation, as interpreted by Bingham and Biesta.

Somatechnics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2-3) ◽  
pp. 291-309
Francis Russell

This paper looks to make a contribution to the critical project of psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff, by elucidating her account of ‘drug-centred’ psychiatry, and its relation to critical and cultural theory. Moncrieff's ‘drug-centred’ approach to psychiatry challenges the dominant view of mental illness, and psychopharmacology, as necessitating a strictly biological ontology. Against the mainstream view that mental illnesses have biological causes, and that medications like ‘anti-depressants’ target specific biological abnormalities, Moncrieff looks to connect pharmacotherapy for mental illness to human experience, and to issues of social justice and emancipation. However, Moncrieff's project is complicated by her framing of psychopharmacological politics in classical Marxist notions of ideology and false consciousness. Accordingly, she articulates a political project that would open up psychiatry to the subjugated knowledge of mental health sufferers, whilst also characterising those sufferers as beholden to ideology, and as being effectively without knowledge. Accordingly, in order to contribute to Moncrieff's project, and to help introduce her work to a broader humanities readership, this paper elucidates her account of ‘drug-centred psychiatry’, whilst also connecting her critique of biopsychiatry to notions of biologism, biopolitics, and bio-citizenship. This is done in order to re-describe the subject of mental health discourse, so as to better reveal their capacities and agency. As a result, this paper contends that, once reframed, Moncrieff's work helps us to see value in attending to human experience when considering pharmacotherapy for mental illness.

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Arief Datoem

ABSTRACT This article aims at deepening the possibility of utilizing the art of photography that is rich of sig- nificance of the socio-cultural representation. The visual ethnographic field or photo-ethnography, which is relatively new, can provide assistance and answer for this. Therefore, the author has tried a form of collaboration between the photo-ethnographic approach and the sense approach in doing his research on the subject in order to obtain the deep understanding and the truth significance attached to them. The method of digital photography art creation which is intuitively the basis of the art cre- ation in digital domain, then was tried to be formulated, based on heuristics research in the process of the art of digital photography. This concept was developed from the experience in the field of digital photography and visual anthropology, guided by the basic theories of creativity, quantum theory in art, and theory of artistic creation that has existed before. Through emotional approach as a method, along with the structured systematic approach of photo-ethnography and with the deep awareness of the environment and social life of the subject leads to the creation of the image that tends to be better and more meaningful, more productive in a social sense, and offers a credible empiric documentation. Keywords: photo-ethnography, photography art works  ABSTRAK Artikel ini dibuat dalam upaya melakukan pendalaman mengenai kemungkinan peman- faatan seni fotografi yang kaya makna representasi sosio-kultural. Bidang etnografi visual atau foto-etnografi yang relatif masih baru, dapat memberikan bantuan dan jawaban un- tuk hal ini. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba suatu bentuk kolaborasi antara pendekatan foto-etnografi dengan pendekatan rasa ketika melakukan penelitian terhadap subjek agar diperoleh pemahaman mendalam serta makna kebenaran yang menyertainya. Metode penciptaan seni fotografi digital yang merupakan dasar dari penciptaan seni secara intu- itif dalam domain digital, kemudian dicoba dirumuskan, berdasarkan penelaahan heu- ristik dalam proses seni fotografi digital. Konsep ini dikembangkan dari pengalaman di bidang fotografi digital dan antropologi visual, dipandu oleh teori-teori dasar kreativitas, teori kuantum dalam seni, dan teori penciptaan seni yang telah ada sebelumnya. Melalui pendekatan emosional sebagai metode, disertai dengan pendekatan sistematis yang ter- struktur dari foto-etnografi dan dengan kesadaran yang mendalam mengenai lingkungan dan kehidupan sosial subjek mengarah pada penciptaan gambaran yang cenderung lebih baik dan lebih bermakna, lebih produktif dalam arti sosial, dan menawarkan dokumentasi empiris yang kredibel. Kata kunci: foto-etnografi, karya seni fotografi

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Yusnawarni Yusnawarni

To commemorate the 21st century, a new learning model was designed in 2013 curriculum, in which there is a shift from teachers give knowledge to students become student must actively seek out knowledge from a variety of learning resources. In this case, the teacher acts as facilitators. Thus, language is a very central role, because the language should be in front of all other subjects. Curriculum 2013 imposed a thematic integrated learning which is no longer based subjects. Various subjects for primary schools (such as: Religion, Civics, Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and so on) are integrated intoone book. The subject matter is not presented in textbook, but it presented in book thematics lesson, the themes are about nature, social life and culture. In this new curriculum, learning process is implemented by applying a scientific approach (observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and networking) that includes three aspects such as attitudes, knowledge, and skills. So, how is the role of Indonesian in an integrated thematic learning by applying scientific approaches in primary schools in 2013 curriculum? By appying the method, the object of this paper is to gain preview about the role of Indonesian in 2013 curriculum that uses integrated thematic learning by scientific approach in primary schools.AbstrakUntuk menyongsong abad ke-21, model pembelajaran baru dirancang dalam Kurikulum 2013, yang di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran dari siswa diberi tahu menjadi siswa harus aktif mencari tahu ilmu pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber belajar. Dalam hal ini, guru berperan sebagai fasilitator. Dengan demikian, peran bahasa menjadi sangat sentral, karena bahasa harus berada di depan semua mata pelajaran lain. Kurikulum 2013 memberlakukan pembelajaran tematik terpadu yang tidak lagi berbasis mata pelajaran. Berbagai mata pelajaran untuk sekolah dasar (seperti: Agama, PPKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, dan sebagainya) diintegrasi menjadi satu buku. Materi pelajaran tidak disajikan dalam buku mata pelajaran, tetapi dalam buku tema pelajaran, baik tema alam, sosial, maupun budaya. Proses pembelajaran dalam kurikulum baru ini diimplementasikan melalui pendekatan saintifik (mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengomunikasikan) yang mencakup tiga aspek, yaitu sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Lalu, bagaimana peran bahasa Indonesia dalam pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 ini? Melaluimetode deskriptif, yang menjadi tujuan penulisan ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peran bahasa Indonesia dalam Kurikulum 2013 yang menggunakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (7) ◽  
pp. 518-523
Rugül Köse Çinar

Objective: Neuroserpin is a serine protease inhibitor predominantly expressed in the nervous system functioning mainly in neuronal migration and axonal growth. Neuroprotective effects of neuroserpin were shown in animal models of stroke, brain, and spinal cord injury. Postmortem studies confirmed the involvement of neuroserpin in Alzheimer’s disease. Since altered adult neurogenesis was postulated as an aetiological mechanism for bipolar disorder, the possible effect of neuroserpin gene expression in the disorder was evaluated. Methods: Neuroserpin mRNA expression levels were examined in the peripheral blood of bipolar disorder type I manic and euthymic patients and healthy controls using the polymerase chain reaction method. The sample comprised of 60 physically healthy, middle-aged men as participants who had no substance use disorder. Results: The gene expression levels of neuroserpin were found lower in the bipolar disorder patients than the healthy controls (p=0.000). The neuroserpin levels did not differ between mania and euthymia (both 96% down-regulated compared to the controls). Conclusion: Since we detected differences between the patients and the controls, not the disease states, the dysregulation in the neuroserpin gene could be interpreted as a result of the disease itself.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-91
Ctibor Határ

The present scientific study, mostly of theoretical and methodological nature, is intended to penetrate into the near past (and present) of geragogy as a discipline and analyze briefly the process of creating the constitution and methodology in the area of Europe (with emphasis on the Czech and Slovak and German provenance). Emphasis is also placed on theoretical and methodological basis of the current geragogy, covering the subject of investigation, content, objectives and tasks, science-systemic geragogy anchor being a methodological and methodical basis of senior education in various spheres of their individual and social life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Xinyu Liu ◽  
Xiaojuan Ma ◽  
Wenchen Wang ◽  
Jian Zhang ◽  
Xia Sun ◽  

Abstract Background The aim was to explore the associations between clinical symptoms, demographic variables, social and neurocognitive functioning in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder (BD) stratified by subgroups of DSM-IV BD (type I (BD-I) and type II (BD-II)) and occupational status (employed/unemployed), and to highlight the significance of occupational status when assessing social and neurocognitive functioning in euthymic BD patients. Methods A total of 81 euthymic BD patients were participated in the study. The severity of the depressive and manic/hypomanic symptoms was measured using the 17-item Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS-17) and the Young Mania Rating Scale (YMRS), respectively. Social functioning and neurocognitive functioning were evaluated by the Functioning Assessment Short Test (FAST) and neurocognitive measures, respectively. Results Employed BD patients displayed greater social functioning (autonomy, occupational functioning, interpersonal relationship domain) and better verbal learning performance and speed of processing than unemployed BD patients. The correlation between neurocognitive functioning and social functioning was stronger in the employed group than in the unemployed group. There were no significant differences in neurocognitive and social functioning between the BD-I and BD-II groups, and the correlation between neurocognitive functioning and social functioning was similar between the BD-I and BD-II groups. Conclusion Employed BD patients may present greater occupational functioning and interpersonal relationships, as well as better verbal learning performance and speed of processing.

2021 ◽  
pp. 095269512098224
Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad

The Caraka Saṃhitā (ca. first century BCE–third century CE), the first classical Indian medical compendium, covers a wide variety of pharmacological and therapeutic treatment, while also sketching out a philosophical anthropology of the human subject who is the patient of the physicians for whom this text was composed. In this article, I outline some of the relevant aspects of this anthropology – in particular, its understanding of ‘mind’ and other elements that constitute the subject – before exploring two ways in which it approaches ‘psychiatric’ disorder: one as ‘mental illness’ ( mānasa-roga), the other as ‘madness’ ( unmāda). I focus on two aspects of this approach. One concerns the moral relationship between the virtuous and the well life, or the moral and the medical dimensions of a patient’s subjectivity. The other is about the phenomenological relationship between the patient and the ecology within which the patient’s disturbance occurs. The aetiology of and responses to such disturbances helps us think more carefully about the very contours of subjectivity, about who we are and how we should understand ourselves. I locate this interpretation within a larger programme on the interpretation of the whole human being, which I have elsewhere called ‘ecological phenomenology’.

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