Foto-Etnografi dalam Proses Penciptaan Karya Seni Fotografi

Panggung ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 23 (2) ◽  
Arief Datoem

ABSTRACT This article aims at deepening the possibility of utilizing the art of photography that is rich of sig- nificance of the socio-cultural representation. The visual ethnographic field or photo-ethnography, which is relatively new, can provide assistance and answer for this. Therefore, the author has tried a form of collaboration between the photo-ethnographic approach and the sense approach in doing his research on the subject in order to obtain the deep understanding and the truth significance attached to them. The method of digital photography art creation which is intuitively the basis of the art cre- ation in digital domain, then was tried to be formulated, based on heuristics research in the process of the art of digital photography. This concept was developed from the experience in the field of digital photography and visual anthropology, guided by the basic theories of creativity, quantum theory in art, and theory of artistic creation that has existed before. Through emotional approach as a method, along with the structured systematic approach of photo-ethnography and with the deep awareness of the environment and social life of the subject leads to the creation of the image that tends to be better and more meaningful, more productive in a social sense, and offers a credible empiric documentation. Keywords: photo-ethnography, photography art works  ABSTRAK Artikel ini dibuat dalam upaya melakukan pendalaman mengenai kemungkinan peman- faatan seni fotografi yang kaya makna representasi sosio-kultural. Bidang etnografi visual atau foto-etnografi yang relatif masih baru, dapat memberikan bantuan dan jawaban un- tuk hal ini. Oleh karena itu penulis mencoba suatu bentuk kolaborasi antara pendekatan foto-etnografi dengan pendekatan rasa ketika melakukan penelitian terhadap subjek agar diperoleh pemahaman mendalam serta makna kebenaran yang menyertainya. Metode penciptaan seni fotografi digital yang merupakan dasar dari penciptaan seni secara intu- itif dalam domain digital, kemudian dicoba dirumuskan, berdasarkan penelaahan heu- ristik dalam proses seni fotografi digital. Konsep ini dikembangkan dari pengalaman di bidang fotografi digital dan antropologi visual, dipandu oleh teori-teori dasar kreativitas, teori kuantum dalam seni, dan teori penciptaan seni yang telah ada sebelumnya. Melalui pendekatan emosional sebagai metode, disertai dengan pendekatan sistematis yang ter- struktur dari foto-etnografi dan dengan kesadaran yang mendalam mengenai lingkungan dan kehidupan sosial subjek mengarah pada penciptaan gambaran yang cenderung lebih baik dan lebih bermakna, lebih produktif dalam arti sosial, dan menawarkan dokumentasi empiris yang kredibel. Kata kunci: foto-etnografi, karya seni fotografi

Xawery Stańczyk

National landscape with Lenin in the background. Imagined national communitiesin the former Eastern BlocThe paper is a critical review of two recently published monographs on the subject of the everyday and banal forms of nationalism in the post-socialist countries of Europe and Asia. The authors of the monographs, drawing on the theories of national identity and nationhood by Benedict Anderson, Ernest Gellner, Eric Hobsbawm, Michael Billig, Michael Skey, Tim Edensor and others, showed their deep understanding of the processes of nation-building, while their ethnographic approach allowed them to gather original and non-obvious data on everyday practices and discourses by which citizens of the post-socialist countries reproduce and reconstruct their identities. However, both volumes display some shortcomings resulting from their renditions of the historical background, including the ethnic policies of the socialist states, as well as from constraints of the Western liberal perspective as applied to the social reality of the former Eastern Bloc. Pejzaż narodowy z Leninem w tle. Narodowe wspólnoty wyobrażone w byłym Bloku WschodnimCelem artykułu jest krytyczna recenzja dwóch opublikowanych ostatnio monografii na temat codziennych, banalnych form nacjonalizmu w krajach postsocjalistycznych Europy i Azji. Autorzy obu monografii, bazując na teoriach narodu i tożsamości narodowej Benedicta Andersona, Ernesta Gellnera, Erica Hobsbawma, Michaela Billiga, Michaela Skeya, Tima Edensora i innych badaczy, wykazali się głębokim zrozumieniem procesów konstruowania narodu, natomiast dzięki przeprowadzeniu badań etnograficznych zebrali oryginalny i nieoczywisty materiał dotyczący codziennych praktyk i dyskursów, poprzez które obywatele krajów postsocjalistycznych reprodukują i rekonstruują swoje tożsamości. Jednak oba tomy wykazują pewne mankamenty wynikające z ukazania zjawisk na skromnym tle historycznym, chociażby w kwestii polityk etnicznych państw socjalistycznych, jak również ograniczenia związane z nakładaniem liberalnej perspektywy zachodniej na realia społeczne byłego Bloku Wschodniego.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 171
Yusnawarni Yusnawarni

To commemorate the 21st century, a new learning model was designed in 2013 curriculum, in which there is a shift from teachers give knowledge to students become student must actively seek out knowledge from a variety of learning resources. In this case, the teacher acts as facilitators. Thus, language is a very central role, because the language should be in front of all other subjects. Curriculum 2013 imposed a thematic integrated learning which is no longer based subjects. Various subjects for primary schools (such as: Religion, Civics, Indonesian, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, and so on) are integrated intoone book. The subject matter is not presented in textbook, but it presented in book thematics lesson, the themes are about nature, social life and culture. In this new curriculum, learning process is implemented by applying a scientific approach (observing, questioning, experimenting, associating, and networking) that includes three aspects such as attitudes, knowledge, and skills. So, how is the role of Indonesian in an integrated thematic learning by applying scientific approaches in primary schools in 2013 curriculum? By appying the method, the object of this paper is to gain preview about the role of Indonesian in 2013 curriculum that uses integrated thematic learning by scientific approach in primary schools.AbstrakUntuk menyongsong abad ke-21, model pembelajaran baru dirancang dalam Kurikulum 2013, yang di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran dari siswa diberi tahu menjadi siswa harus aktif mencari tahu ilmu pengetahuan dari berbagai sumber belajar. Dalam hal ini, guru berperan sebagai fasilitator. Dengan demikian, peran bahasa menjadi sangat sentral, karena bahasa harus berada di depan semua mata pelajaran lain. Kurikulum 2013 memberlakukan pembelajaran tematik terpadu yang tidak lagi berbasis mata pelajaran. Berbagai mata pelajaran untuk sekolah dasar (seperti: Agama, PPKN, Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, IPA, IPS, dan sebagainya) diintegrasi menjadi satu buku. Materi pelajaran tidak disajikan dalam buku mata pelajaran, tetapi dalam buku tema pelajaran, baik tema alam, sosial, maupun budaya. Proses pembelajaran dalam kurikulum baru ini diimplementasikan melalui pendekatan saintifik (mengamati, menanya, menalar, mencoba, dan mengomunikasikan) yang mencakup tiga aspek, yaitu sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan. Lalu, bagaimana peran bahasa Indonesia dalam pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar pada Kurikulum 2013 ini? Melaluimetode deskriptif, yang menjadi tujuan penulisan ini adalah mendapatkan gambaran mengenai peran bahasa Indonesia dalam Kurikulum 2013 yang menggunakan pembelajaran tematik terpadu melalui pendekatan saintifik di sekolah dasar.

2011 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-91
Ctibor Határ

The present scientific study, mostly of theoretical and methodological nature, is intended to penetrate into the near past (and present) of geragogy as a discipline and analyze briefly the process of creating the constitution and methodology in the area of Europe (with emphasis on the Czech and Slovak and German provenance). Emphasis is also placed on theoretical and methodological basis of the current geragogy, covering the subject of investigation, content, objectives and tasks, science-systemic geragogy anchor being a methodological and methodical basis of senior education in various spheres of their individual and social life.

2010 ◽  
Vol 49 (3) ◽  
pp. 445-463 ◽  
Antoine Cordelois

In this article, we use digital technologies (the Subcam and Webdiver) to capture, share and analyze collectively specific user experience. We examine the transition between ‘outside’ and ‘inside’ when people come home, and the steps needed to build the ‘being-at-home’ feeling. Understanding what ‘being at home’ means for the subject is part of our larger project of analyzing the impact of home automation. We provide a model which describes the relation between the home and its inhabitant as instrumental ‘functional coupling’, which, when achieved, provides the ‘at home’ feeling. This article illustrates how digital tools can make the ethnographic approach a collaborative analysis of human experience.

2021 ◽  
pp. 115-120
T.M. Tagiyeva ◽  

Presented is the analysis of scientific and theoretical approaches to the problem of migration in modern science. Migration is a complex concept in modern science, and therefore attracts attention of many social and humanitarian sciences. It is determined that this direction of scientific research was originated already in ancient historical science then became the subject of study of economic science. Today, thanks to increased interest in this area of social life, theoretical and methodological foundations have emerged for an integrated approach to the analysis of any social phenomenon, associated with migration. This is evident from the number of scientific publications in the world, related to the analysis and forecasting of specific processes and situations of migration. In the future, methodology of research in this area will be enriched through the use of capabilities of mathematics and statistics methods, as well as achievements of psychological science.

2020 ◽  
pp. 1-9

Acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) is a heterogeneous, most common type of acute leukaemia that involves mutation in haematopoietic and progenitors stem cells (HPSCs) leading to uncontrolled division, self-renewal and differentiation. Though it was untreatable about a half century ago, AML is now considered to be treatable in up to 40% of adults and those who are at or under 60 years of age. For the post-induction treatment, the mutation testing and cytogenetics are still an important prognostic tool. The AML treatment remains unchanged for almost three decades, although the field is advanced with the discovery of new drugs and deep understanding of the disease biology. Still, many people are relapsing and are dying eventually from the disease. This review discusses the broader aspects of AML, reflecting some of the most important and productive areas of research on the subject and was conducted using thoroughly searching databases, including Health Research and Development Information network Plus (HERDIN Plus), google scholar and PubMed to critically analyses the recent advances, available treatments and future prospectives of AML.

Simon Caney

This chapter explores the relevance of facts and empirical enquiry for the normative project of enquiring what principles of distributive justice, if any, apply at the global level. Is empirical research needed for this kind of enquiry? And if so, how? Claims about global distributive justice often rest on factual assumptions. Seven different ways in which facts about national, regional and global politics (and hence empirical research into global politics) might inform accounts of global distributive justice are examined. A deep understanding of the nature of global politics and the world economy (and thus empirical research on it) is needed: to grasp the implications of principles of global distributive justice; to evaluate such principles for their attainability and political feasibility; to assess their desirability; and, first, to conceptualize the subject-matter of global distributive justice and to formulate the questions that accounts of global distributive justice need to answer.

2021 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 157-167
Grzegorz Sokół

The subject of this essay is Andrzej Waśkiewicz’s book Ludzie – rzeczy – ludzie. O porządkach społecznych, gdzie rzeczy łączą, nie dzielą (People–Things–People: On Social Orders Where Things Connect Rather Than Divide People). The book is the work of a historian of ideas and concerns contemporary searches for alternatives to capitalism: the review presents the book’s overview of visions of society in which the market, property, inequality, or profit do not play significant roles. Such visions reach back to Western utopian social and political thought, from Plato to the nineteenth century. In comparing these ideas with contemporary visions of the world of post-capitalism, the author of the book proposes a general typology of such images. Ultimately, in reference to Simmel, he takes a critical stance toward the proposals, recognizing the exchange of goods to be a fundamental and indispensable element of social life. The author of the review raises two issues that came to mind while reading the book. First, the juxtaposition of texts of a very different nature within the uniform category of “utopia” causes us to question the role and status of reflections regarding the future and of speculative theory in contemporary social thought; second, such a juxtaposition suggests that reflecting on the social “optimal good” requires a much more precise and complex conception of a “thing,” for instance, as is proposed by new materialism or anthropological studies of objects and value as such.

Oksana Balanaieva

The article deals with the analysis of the process of forming terminological units by means of lexis de-symbolization. The functioning of this way and its meaning for forming legal terminology is examined here. The lexical base of analysis is formed with the complex of lexis of the German legal terminological system. The objective of the current research is a multifaceted study and description of the semantic foundations of lexical units of law. The requirement to implement this objective has determined the need to solve the following research task: to investigate the process of de-symbolization of words, i. e. the transformation of words into terminological units primarily through the restoration of their semantic foundations (as exemplified by a number of German lexemes). The object of the research is the lexicon of the domain of the legal terminology of the said language. The subject of the research is the formation of legal terms as a result of the process of de-symbolization of the respective words (notions). The material involved in the study was considered from the standpoint of a systematic approach. In order to obtain objective data when determining the semantic foundations of terminological units of law, the descriptive method and the comparative one were used, as well as the method of semantic bundles (series). Examining the process of de-symbolization of lexical units makes it possible to draw the conclusion that the functioning of words in the context of certain semantic parameters determines the change in the content of those words' symbolic foundations. The words are used in a narrower sense, since they have become terms.

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 146-163
Daniel Renfrew ◽  
Thomas W. Pearson

This article examines the social life of PFAS contamination (a class of several thousand synthetic per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) and maps the growing research in the social sciences on the unique conundrums and complex travels of the “forever chemical.” We explore social, political, and cultural dimensions of PFAS toxicity, especially how PFAS move from unseen sites into individual bodies and into the public eye in late industrial contexts; how toxicity is comprehended, experienced, and imagined; the factors shaping regulatory action and ignorance; and how PFAS have been the subject of competing forms of knowledge production. Lastly, we highlight how people mobilize collectively, or become demobilized, in response to PFAS pollution/ toxicity. We argue that PFAS exposure experiences, perceptions, and responses move dynamically through a “toxicity continuum” spanning invisibility, suffering, resignation, and refusal. We off er the concept of the “toxic event” as a way to make sense of the contexts and conditions by which otherwise invisible pollution/toxicity turns into public, mass-mediated, and political episodes. We ground our review in our ongoing multisited ethnographic research on the PFAS exposure experience.

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