scholarly journals A National “Struggle for Survival”? – The Badeni Crisis of 1897 in Cisleithania’s German-language Press

2017 ◽  
Victor Jaeschke

A National “Struggle for Survival”? – The Badeni Crisis of 1897 in Cisleithania’s German-language PressThis article observes the role of Cisleithania’s (i.e. the Austrian “half” of the Austro-Hungarian dual monarchy) Germanlanguage press in the so-called Badeni Crisis of 1897 which was triggered by the issuance of two language ordinances designed to make Czech, together with German, an equally valid language in the inner administration of the Crownlands of Bohemia and Moravia. By comparing the reporting style of two newspapers from different regions – the Viennese newspaper Neue Freie Presse and the Bohemian newspaper Prager Tagblatt – this essay explores how interpretations of this serious political crisis differed in the periphery and the centre of the Habsburg empire. The author shows that, even though the Badeni Crisis directly affected mainly German-speaking Bohemians, the reporting style of the Prager Tagblatt was less sensationalist and its choice of words less nationalistic and militaristic than the coverage of the same events by its Viennese counterpart, the Neue Freie Presse. In a second step, reasons for this surprising discrepancy are traced. Narodowa „walka o przetrwanie”? Kryzys Badeniego 1897 roku w niemieckojęzycznej prasie PrzedlitawiiArtykuł poświęcony jest roli niemieckojęzycznej prasy w Przedlitawii (czyli austriackiej „połówce” Monarchii Austro-Węgierskiej) podczas tzw. kryzysu Badeniego w 1897 roku, wywołanego przez wydanie dwujęzycznych ordynacji, co miało sprawić, że język czeski, obok niemieckiego, stanie się równorzędnym językiem wewnętrznej administracji Królestw Czech i Moraw. Poprzez porównanie sposobu przekazu informacji w ukazujących się w dwóch regionach gazetach – wiedeńskiej „Neue Freie Presse” i czeskiej „Prager Tagblatt” - autor docieka, w czym interpretacja tego poważnego kryzysu politycznego różniła się na peryferiach i w centrum imperium Habsburgów. Pokazuje, że choć kryzys Badeniego bezpośrednio dotknął przede wszystkim niemieckojęzycznych Czechów, to ton przekazu w „Prager Tagblatt” był mniej sensacyjny, mniej nacjonalistyczny i militarystyczny w doborze słownictwa, niż to miało miejsce w relacjach o tych samych wydarzeniach, które ukazywały się w wiedeńskim odpowiedniku gazety, „Neue Freie Presse”. Następnie autor prześledził powody tej zaskakującej rozbieżności.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (3) ◽  
pp. 131-137
T. A. Yakovleva

The article is devoted to the study of the national-cultural specifics of the German language in Austria in the fields of economics, politics and law. The introduction examines the pluricentric and pluriareal approaches to considering the status of Austrian German, which differ in understanding the language and the way it is described, emphasizes the role of the Bavarian-Austrian dialects in the formation of the German literary language and gives factors that influenced the linguistic development of Austria. The author introduces the typology of culturally-marked vocabulary. The study provides examples of full equivalents in German German and Austrian German, Austrian tokens, which serve to express concepts that are not in German culture and are denoted by the term ‘equivalent vocabulary’ and partially equivalent lexemes having a mismatch in the volume of denotative meaning. The main content of the study is to analyze the national-cultural specifics in the Austrian national version of the German language in the framework of the thematic groups “Economic vocabulary”, “Socio-political vocabulary” and “Legal vocabulary”. The results of this study may be of interest for use in linguistic studies courses in German-speaking countries and in pedagogical practice, as well as find application in lexicography.

Yu. O. Chura

The article deals with the most famous of German-speaking Mazepa-works of the nineteenth century – the historical tragedy of R. Gottschal’s "Mazepa" and its Ukrainian translation by Yu. Fedkovich. An overview of the critical reception of the German-speaking Mazepa-works proves that the work has received the greatest resonance in Ukrainian literary criticism. In addition, the historical tragedy is the only German-language work on Hetman translated into Ukrainian by Yurij Fedkovich. Among the most important factors of Y. Fedkovych's appeal to work on the historical tragedy is the Ukrainian theme from the past of our people. The analysis of the Ukrainian language version is based on the following criteria for the adequacy of the translation: the translation of realities, in particular, military terminology and ranks of the Cossack army; idioms; reproduction of author syntax and style; observance of the equilibrium of the original work. The article is based on the identification of priorities in the use of expressive means. As a result of comparison of realities, it was discovered that most of the time Y. Fedkovych made a contextual translation or found a situational collocation that was understandable to the people. Military ranks and attributes of the Cossack army were translated with the help of hyperonymic renaming, which testifies to the priority of the principle of historical authenticity in Y. Fedkovych's approach as a bearer of language. It was made possible to describe the features of the creative manner and the individual author’s style of Y. Fedkovych’s translation, embodied in his interpretation of German tragedy. The role of the historical tragedy of R. von Gottschal in promoting the German-speaking Mazepa-works is decisive. Y. Fedkovich's translation remains the only Ukrainian-language version among a number of numerous German-language works devoted to Ivan Mazepa.

Mikhail V. Koryshev ◽  

This paper is an analysis of church hymns in the folk language using medieval German-speaking Catholic hymnography as a case study. Understudied by literary scholars, this phenomenon used to be in the center of attention of liturgics scholars. The only exceptions included philological and historical studies of ancient writings in the German language. The existence of church chant (German Kirchenlied) is manifested by a separate genre, which, in contrast to the views of Germanic language philologists in Germany is not a special case of the spiritual song (German Geistliches Lied). In relation to the German Middle Ages, the emergence is described of church hymns as a genre represented by the most ancient artifacts of the German language. A borderline is drawn between seemingly similar phenomena: translations of Latin hymnography into German, which did not always have liturgical / paraliturgical significance, and actual church chants. Analysis of the writings (more than one and a half thousand texts) suggests a six-part subgenre system in medieval German Catholic hymnography (translated hymns, acclamations, leisen, canticles, antiphonic chants, church readings and macaronic songs). The peripheral role of German-speaking church chants in medieval pre-reformation Germany is highlighted.

2017 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 91-105 ◽  
Vera Hagemann

Abstract. The individual attitudes of every single team member are important for team performance. Studies show that each team member’s collective orientation – that is, propensity to work in a collective manner in team settings – enhances the team’s interdependent teamwork. In the German-speaking countries, there was previously no instrument to measure collective orientation. So, I developed and validated a German-language instrument to measure collective orientation. In three studies (N = 1028), I tested the validity of the instrument in terms of its internal structure and relationships with other variables. The results confirm the reliability and validity of the instrument. The instrument also predicts team performance in terms of interdependent teamwork. I discuss differences in established individual variables in team research and the role of collective orientation in teams. In future research, the instrument can be applied to diagnose teamwork deficiencies and evaluate interventions for developing team members’ collective orientation.

2014 ◽  
pp. 30-52 ◽  
L. Grigoryev ◽  
E. Buryak ◽  
A. Golyashev

The Ukrainian socio-economic crisis has been developing for years and resulted in the open socio-political turmoil and armed conflict. The Ukrainian population didn’t meet objectives of the post-Soviet transformation, and people were disillusioned for years, losing trust in the state and the Future. The role of workers’ remittances in the Ukrainian economy is underestimated, since the personal consumption and stability depend strongly on them. Social inequality, oligarchic control of key national assets contributed to instability as well as regional disparity, aggravated by identity differences. Economic growth is slow due to a long-term underinvestment, and prospects of improvement are dependent on some difficult institutional reforms, macro stability, open external markets and the elites’ consensus. Recovering after socio-economic and political crisis will need not merely time, but also governance quality improvement, institutions reform, the investment climate revival - that can be attributed as the second transformation in Ukraine.

2019 ◽  
Vol 58 (2) ◽  
pp. 249-259
Joseph Acquisto

This essay examines a polemic between two Baudelaire critics of the 1930s, Jean Cassou and Benjamin Fondane, which centered on the relationship of poetry to progressive politics and metaphysics. I argue that a return to Baudelaire's poetry can yield insight into what seems like an impasse in Cassou and Fondane. Baudelaire provides the possibility of realigning metaphysics and politics so that poetry has the potential to become the space in which we can begin to think the two of them together, as opposed to seeing them in unresolvable tension. Or rather, the tension that Baudelaire animates between the two allows us a new way of thinking about the role of esthetics in moments of political crisis. We can in some ways see Baudelaire as responding, avant la lettre, to two of his early twentieth-century readers who correctly perceived his work as the space that breathes a new urgency into the questions of how modern poetry relates to the world from which it springs and in which it intervenes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (4) ◽  
pp. 1-14 ◽  
William R. Kinney

SYNOPSIS This Commentary is intended to help beginning Ph.D. students identify, evaluate, and communicate essential components of proposed empirical accounting research using a three-step process. The first step is a structured top-down approach of writing answers to three related questions—What, Why, How—that emphasize the central role of conceptual thinking in research design, as well as practical relevance. The second step is a predictive validity assessment that anticipates concerns likely to arise in the scholarly review process, and the third is consideration of the likely outcome and potential problems to be encountered if the proposal is implemented as planned. First-hand accounts of Ph.D. student experiences using the three paragraphs and three-step approach are presented, along with an exercise that beginners can use to help themselves identify, analyze, and anticipate problems to improve chances for research success ex ante.

Alison Carrol

In 1918 the end of the First World War triggered the return of Alsace to France after almost fifty years of annexation into the German Empire. Enthusiastic crowds in Paris and Alsace celebrated the homecoming of the so-called lost province, but return proved far less straightforward than anticipated. The region’s German-speaking population demonstrated strong commitment to local cultures and institutions, as well as their own visions of return to France. As a result, the following two decades saw politicians, administrators, industrialists, cultural elites, and others grapple with the question of how to make Alsace French again. The answer did not prove straightforward; differences of opinion emerged both inside and outside the region, and reintegration became a fiercely contested process that remained incomplete when war broke out in 1939. The Return of Alsace to France examines this story. Drawing upon national, regional, and local archives, it follows the difficult process of Alsace’s reintegration into French society, culture, political and economic systems, and legislative and administrative institutions. It connects the microhistory of the region with the macro levels of national policy, international relations, and transnational networks, and with the cross-border flows of ideas, goods, people, and cultural products that shaped daily life in Alsace. Revealing Alsace to be a site of exchange between a range of interest groups with different visions of the region’s future, this book underlines the role of regional populations and cross-border interactions in forging the French Third Republic.

Camilla Tenaglia

Abstract This essay addresses the relations between Pius XII and Germany at the beginning of his pontificate through the role of Vatican Media, especially Vatican Radio. During the interwar period, the Vatican media system (media ensemble) underwent major transformations, including the creation of a radio broadcasting station in 1931. Pacelli was one of the main agents of these improvements: as Secretary of State supporting Guglielmo Marconi’s project, as Pope through his extensive use of the mass media at his disposal, from radio to cinema. At the end of the 30s the difficult diplomatic relations between the Holy See and the Third Reich also had an impact on mass media, as shown by the election of Pacelli in March 1939. The role of Vatican Radio in Vatican diplomacy towards Nazi Germany was already clear during the events surrounding the Anschluss in 1938 and it became a tool for unofficial communication to convey more explicit stances on the regime during World War II. The same strategy was employed during the Option in Südtirol in 1939, when Catholics were able to deliver anti-Nazi propaganda thanks in part to radio in the attempt to avoid the voluntary resettlement of German-speaking Italian citizens from the area. The Holy See maintained a neutral position throughout the events, but at the same time Vatican Radio broadcast programmes in German about the condition of the Catholic Church under the Nazi regime. These broadcasts supported the efforts especially of the Archbishop of Trento Celestino Endrici and his clergy, who opposed the resettlement. Once again Vatican Radio proved a crucial tool for conveying unofficial communications while maintaining the neutral stance typical of the Holy See‘s foreign policy.

Transilvania ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 37-46
Doris Sava

The number of projects dedicated to the digitization of newspaper collections in libraries and archives has risen continuously in recent years. The main focus is on securing German-language press inventory outside of the German-speaking area, which often cannot be copied due to the aging process, and – with a view to developments, cross-connections and research approaches – making them available for broad use for future independent investigations. Through various funding programs, the ministries responsible for education and research and national research infrastructures also work to keep this cultural heritage alive, to digitize it on a larger scale, to develop it and to make it internationally accessible. The article therefore shows some of the noteworthy newspapers and magazines of the German minority in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe and some efforts for documentation of the German minority press in this region.

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