Perceptions of an ageing agricultural workforce and farmers’ productivity strategies: Evidence from Prachinburi Province, Thailand

2021 ◽  
pp. 003072702110250
Sylvia Szabo ◽  
Chidchanok Apipoonanon ◽  
Malay Pramanik ◽  
Kevin Leeson ◽  
Devendra Raj Singh

Thailand’s agriculture is facing an ageing workforce, which could negatively influence agricultural production. Yet, there is still limited evidence regarding the perception of the ageing agricultural labour force in the country and a lack of insights into farmers’ strategies to improve agricultural output. To fill this gap, we analysed primary data from questionnaire-based surveys of 365 households in Prachinburi Province, Thailand. The results show that household poverty, farm experience, retirement, health concerns, and farm accidents are positively associated with the farmers’ perception on the ageing workforce, whereas education level, having an ageing farmer in the family, farm size, mentoring and access to new technology have a negative influence on the perception of the ageing workforce. Given the anticipated implications of the population ageing in Thailand, the government should consider establishing policy options to encourage younger entrants into the agricultural sector and prioritising policies related to intergenerational support.

1973 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 433-437
Sarfaraz Khan Qureshi

In the Summer 1973 issue of the Pakistan Development Review, Mr. Mohammad Ghaffar Chaudhry [1] has dealt with two very important issues relating to the intersectoral tax equity and the intrasectoral tax equity within the agricultural sector in Pakistan. Using a simple criterion for vertical tax equity that implies that the tax rate rises with per capita income such that the ratio of revenue to income rises at the same percentage rate as per capita income, Mr. Chaudhry found that the agricultural sector is overtaxed in Pakistan. Mr. Chaudhry further found that the land tax is a regressive levy with respect to the farm size. Both findings, if valid, have important policy implications. In this note we argue that the validity of the findings on intersectoral tax equity depends on the treatment of water rate as tax rather than the price of a service provided by the Government and on the shifting assumptions regard¬ing the indirect taxes on imports and domestic production levied by the Central Government. The relevance of the findings on the intrasectoral tax burden would have been more obvious if the tax liability was related to income from land per capita.

2017 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 27 ◽  
Martin Paul Jr. Tabe-Ojong ◽  
Ernest L. Molua

Agriculture is the mainstay of Cameroon’s economy as it serves the purposes of food, livelihood and employment. Nevertheless, the country’s agriculture is plagued by low productivity and inefficiency in production. One of the main reasons for low productivity is the inability of farmers to fully exploit available technologies and production techniques. An important research question that comes to mind is, what are the major factors that hinder the technical efficiency of smallholder farmers? This study thus aimed to determine the level of technical efficiency in the production of tomato in smallholder farms, relying on primary data collected using a structured survey instrument administered to 80 tomato farmers in the Buea municipality of Cameroon. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and a stochastic frontier analysis method in the Cobb-Douglas production function. The STATA.14 software was used to obtain both stochastic frontier estimates and the determinants of technical efficiency. The results indicate that farmers are not fully technically efficient with a mean technical efficiency score of 0.68 with one farmer operating on the frontier. The study also revealed that most of the farmers irrespective of the size of the holdings have shown technical inefficiency problems. The older farmers were observed with the best measures of technical efficiency. Education, age and the adoption and practice of agronomic techniques had a positive and significant influence on technical efficiency while the nearest distance to the extension agent had a rather negative influence on technical efficiency. The input-output relationship showed that the area of tomato cultivation and the quantity of improved seed used were positive and significantly related to output at the 5% level of probability. As a result, it is recommended that farmers should increase their farm size, use of improved seeds and the adoption and practice of novel techniques in production. More emphasis should be placed on extension agents as they have a significant role to play in terms of improving and augmenting farmers’ education and information base through on farm demonstrations and result oriented workshops as all this will ensure increased production and productivity thereby increasing technical efficiency and achieving food self-sufficiency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 25 ◽  
pp. 126-133
Hai Ninh Nguyen Thi

Agricultural cooperatives have been established in Vietnam since the 1950s. During its development, agricultural cooperatives have made significant contributions to the growth of agricultural sector and to the improvement of farmers' income who are members of the cooperatives. Since Vietnam implemented the "Innovation-Doi moi" in 1986, the Government has continued to issue many policies to support for agricultural cooperatives. However, the impact of these policies on the development of almost all agricultural cooperatives has not been as expected. This paper aims to analyze the implementation of several policies supporting for agricultural cooperatives; to identify advantages and disadvantages of these policies; and to propose solutions for improving policies in the furture. In addition to secondary data from the Vietnam Cooperative Alliance, this paper uses primary data collected from 60 agricultural cooperatives in the Red River Delta to analyze the implementation of policies on cooperative staffs training, cooperative finance supporting, and cooperative land supporting. Bascially, the results show that the policy on training cooperative staff is quite well implemented, it helps to improve the capacity of cooperative managers in all surveyed cooperatives. In contrast, the finance supporting policy has many regulations that make it difficult for agricultural cooperatives to access capital, only nearly 30% of surveyed cooperatives get loans for production. Similarly, the land supporting policy also has unreasonable regulations which prevent agricultural cooperatives from scaling-up production because of the lack of farm-land. Consequently, about 60% of surveyed cooperatives are supported to rent farm-land for expanding agricultural production.

Semboja Haji Hatibu ◽  
Hafidh Ali Hafidh

This policy research paper analyses employability factors contributing to youth unemployment and also provides working recommendations for further dialogue and engagement on youth employability in the EA countries. The data and policy analyses are based on the theory of 4-Es as propounded by International Labour Organization and Youth Employment Network literature. The field research survey, focus group discussion, combined observational and consultations with key informants were major research methods used in collecting secondary and primary data and other information. Data analysis used non-parametric methods, mainly frequency, and cross tabulations. The study found that the governments and private sectors have not created adequate, remunerative and sustainable job opportunities to match with increasing labour force within the country through effective utilization of natural resources available and improvement of production technology within the region. Diversification of the economy is limited. The government fiscal policies and other systems have not been effective in reducing unemployment for both youths with ought and with disability. The paper recommends optimal employment creation conditions. The proposed implementation strategies include creation of pro-economic growth job opportunities; diversification of the economy; creation of the environment conducive for fiscal policies adjustment; increasing participation of youth with disabilities in the job planning process and strengthening the institutional capacities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 167
Nyoman Utari Vipriyanti ◽  
Dewa Ayu Puspawati ◽  
Putu Lasmi Yulianthi Sapanca ◽  
Made Emy Handayani Citra

The Covid 19 pandemic has brought significant changes to the economy of Bali as a domestic and foreign tourist destination. The tourism sector, as the main contributor to the largest contributor to Gross Regional Domestic Product (GRDP), experienced a contraction, which had an impact on other sectors. One of the sectors affected in the agricultural sector, especially the marketing of food products. In the new normal era in Bali, it is necessary to strengthen the rural economy through the application of technology but the process of implementing these innovations is not always successful. The success of collective action is determined by the rational boundaries of society. The rational boundaries of society can be expanded by the presence of symmetrical information. The research objective was to analyze the role of collective action on the application of the Integrated System of Rice Ducks as an effort to increase farmers' income. This research is a case study in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan Sub District, Tabanan-Bali District. Primary data were collected through direct observation and questionnaires while secondary data were collected through literature studies. Analysis of the role of collective action in the application of the integrated system of rice ducks (STIP) was carried out statistically descriptive of farm costs and farmer income. The results showed that the STIP innovation as an effort to increase farmers' income was successfully implemented through Collective action. The collective action mechanism plays a role in strengthening social capital which encourages the application of STIP technology so that the income of Subak member farmers in Subak Lanyah, Tabanan-Bali increases. The success in implementing STIP technology is done by building a process of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.of communication, trust, and networks of farmers with the government, private sector, and universities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
Kokoh Prasetyo ◽  
Ertien Rining Nawangsari ◽  
Johan Vivaldi Alex Sander

Indonesia is a country that has quite a large population, one of which is the largest population in the city of Surabaya as a metropolis. With this large number of people, the poverty rate for families in the community is high, so the government provides a program to break the poverty chain, the Family Hope Program (PKH). The purpose of this study is to determine the implementation of social empowerment in the city of Surabaya through the family hope program that can make the community / beneficiary socially and economically independent life and measure the family hope program as a manifestation of community independence. This study used descriptive qualitative method. Data sources consist of primary data and secondary data. Primary data sources were obtained from observations and interviews. Data processing is done through the process of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion checking or verification. The analysis used in this research is to use the basic principle model of community independence. The results of this study, show that social empowerment through the family of hope program by using a model of community independence is still not going well to create an economically and socially independent community. This can be seen from the data of the community / beneficiaries can live independently after receiving a family of hope program. Through the basic principle model of community independence from Sunyoto Usman (2003) which includes: creating climate, strengthening power, and protecting.Keywords: Human Development Index, Social Empowerment,Welfare

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 165
Hikmah Miraj Muttaqina ◽  
Sutisna Sutisna

Abstract. This study discusses the dispensation of underage marriage related to the determination of the case Number 0049/Pdt.P/ 2017/ PA.JP. The application of marriage dispensation is proposed to protect the dignity of the family from any behavior that deviates from the religious values, as well as to avoid a bigger slump. One of the age limits specified in the Marriage Law Number 1 Year 1974 Article 7 that for married men is 19 years and for women is 16 years old. This research was conducted to find out how the procedure of submitting application of marriage dispensation in Central Jakarta Religious Court and what kind of judge consideration in granting the application of marriage dispensation under age. This research uses qualitative method, the type of data used is primary data that is the determination of Central Jakarta Religious Court with Number of case 0049 Pdt.P/2017 /PA.JP. about the research data the authors obtained from interviews and literature study. The results showed that the procedure for submission of application for marriage dispensation to the Court, namely Table I, Cashier, Table II, Stipulation of Judges by the Chairman of the Court, Substitute Registrar, and Session Establishment.As for the basis of the judge's consideration law in establishing the marriage dispensation that is the relative competence of the Central Jakarta Religious Court authority, the prevailing laws and regulations, namely namely the Government Regulation Number 9 of 1975 on the explanation of the Act. Marriage Number 1 Year 1974, and Presidential Instruction Number 1 Year 1991 on Compilation of Islamic Law, and Fiqh Rule, then the basic rule of fiqh Dar'ul mafasid muqaddamun 'ala jalbil mashalih And the rules of fiqh "Tasharruful imaam' ala rraa'iyati manuutun bil mashlahat" . Further legal consideration is on the basis of certainty that the woman has been pregnant out of wedlock and urged to be married soon to avoid a greater kemudharatan.Keyword: Marital, Submissal Dispensation, Religious Court  Abstrak: Penelitian ini membahas mengenai dispensasi nikah dibawah umur terkait dengan penetapan perkara Nomor 0049/Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP. Permohonan dispensasi nikah diajukan untuk melindungi martabat keluarga dari segala perilaku yang menyimpang dari nilai-nilai Agama, serta agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar. Salah satu batas umur yang telah ditentukan di dalam Undang-Undang Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974 Pasal 7 bahwasanya bagi laki-laki usia menikah yakni 19 tahun dan bagi perempuan yakni 16 tahun. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana prosedur pengajuan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah di Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat serta apa saja pertimbangan Hakim dalam mengabulkan permohonan Dispensasi Nikah dibawah umur. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif, jenis data yang dipergunakan adalah data primer yaitu penetapan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat dengan Nomor perkara 0049 Pdt.P/2017/PA.JP, mengenai data penelitian penulis memperoleh dari hasil wawancara dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa prosedur pengajuan permohonan dispensasi nikah ke Pengadilan, Yakni Meja I, Kasir, Meja II, Penetapan Majelis Hakim (PMH) oleh Ketua Pengadilan, Penetapan Panitera Pengganti (PP), dan Penetapan Hari Sidang (PHS). Adapun yang menjadi dasar hukum pertimbangan Hakim dalam menetapkan Dispensasi Nikah yakni kompetensi relatif kewenangan Pengadilan Agama Jakarta Pusat, peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku, yaitu PP. No. 9 Tahun 1975 atas penjelasan mengenai UU. Perkawinan Nomor 1 Tahun 1974, dan Inpres Nomor 1 Tahun 1991 tentang Kompilasi Hukum Islam, serta Kaidah Fiqh, lalu dasar kaidah fiqh Dar’ul mafasid muqaddamun ’ala jalbil mashalih Serta kaidah fiqh “Tasharruful imaam ‘ala raa’iyati manuutun bil mashlahat”. Pertimbangan hukum selanjutnya yakni atas dasar kepastian bahwa perempuan tersebut telah hamil diluar nikah dan mendesak untuk segera dinikahkan agar terhindar dari kemudhorotan yang lebih besar.Kata Kunci: Dispensasi, Nikah Di bawah Umur, Pengadilan Agama

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Noor Rahmansyah ◽  
Mahrus Aryadi ◽  
Hamdani Fauzi

Bamboo is a plant that can botanically be classified in the family Gramineae (grass). The economic and ecological benefits of bamboo, among other things, when compared to wood commodities, bamboo plants can provide an increase in the income of the surrounding community in a relatively fast time, which is 4-5 years. Demand that remains high is not followed by an increase in quality and prices that are compared to similar goods made from wood or other materials. This is a consideration and reduces the interest of the community to develop the business. This study aims to explore the understanding and role of community empowerment through the use of bamboo, explore the role of government in empowering bamboo-based communities and develop strategies for empowering local communities in the use of bamboo. This research is qualitative by using an emic approach that is focused on data and analysis based on answers from key people. The type of data consists of primary data obtained through interviews and observations. While the secondary data comes from the problem report documents that will be examined, writing and the results of research on the Local Community Empowerment Development Strategy. The results of this study indicate that the local community in Loksado District has the potential to develop processed bamboo production through community participation in bamboo processing and utilization training, the government and village apparatus support the processing and utilization of bamboo through programs / activities, cooperation, bamboo ecotourism and bamboo industrial products, and constraints in the empowerment of bamboo in Loksado District is in marketing and capital strategies.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-12
Adewuyi Adekunle Kolawole ◽  
Amurtiya Michael

Abstract This study is focused on analysing the economics of rice production by the small-holder female rice-farmers in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study described female rice-farmers’ socio-economic characteristics, analysed their technical and allocative efficiencies, and also assessed their economic efficiency in the area. Primary data were collected from 180 randomly selected female rice-farmers in Adamawa State using a semi-structured questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and stochastic frontier function were used analysing the data collected. Findings of the study revealed that the technical in-efficiency of the farmers is influenced by farming experience, education, and access to credit facilities. Also, the allocative in-efficiency of female farmers was influenced by education, household size, and access to credits. The result showed that education and access to credit facilities were common factors affecting the technical and allocative efficiency of female rice farmers in the area. The mean economic efficiency of the female farmers was 0.6. Therefore, the study recommends that the government and other actors in the agricultural sector should facilitate women’s access to credit facilities and other agricultural information relevant to rice production.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-12
Abdulraheem Mukhtar Iderawumi ◽  
Iderawumi Mubarakat Abiodun

Over the years, demands for education have become progressively more insistent, more persuasive and complex. The kind of education given impinges on society in a variety of ways to meet an ever-widening range of needs. This research is to examine the effect of rural-urban migration on education and economic development with reference to Ibarapa East Local Government Area of Oyo State. The man and specific motives are to find out the causes of rural-urban migration how it affects the students’ performance and aimed at examining its effect on productivity level of Ibarapa East Local Government Area. The instrument used for collecting the data is the questionnaire. Hypotheses were formulated, whereas simple percentage methods were used to analyze the data. The finding shows that there are the different impacts of rural-urban migration on education and development of Ibarapa East Local Government causes short fall of the labour force, short of qualified and low productivity especially in the agricultural sector. Rural-urban migration contributes to the high rate of unemployment. It increases the number of juvenile delinquencies crimes and other social vices in the society, and it has effect on the educational development of the study area. Based on all the findings, recommendation was made that the government should provide social and infrastructural facilities such as good road network, regular supply of electricity and so on for rural dwellers. And also with the various youth programs, it could be possible to reduce rural-urban migration, most especially when the young ones are exposed to sustainable livelihood activities that they could embark upon.  

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