Analysis of Office Staff Productivity Factors

V. Polyakov ◽  
Irina Fomicheva

The adaptation of well-known approaches to the assessment and identification of reserves for improving the productivity of managerial, administrative and other office work due to the changing format and technologies of its implementation as a result of digitalization is considered. A scientific approach to measuring and evaluating the productivity of intellectual labor is proposed based on the method of calculating productivity reserves as a value that depends on the time of organizational and qualification losses. The article shows the specifics of calculating such criteria for assessing labor productivity as possible and maximum productivity, the size of their reserves and the time loss factor for a particular employee or various organizational structures of managerial, administrative or office activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (6) ◽  
pp. 8831-8856
María-Isabel Sánchez-Segura ◽  
German-Lenin Dugarte-Peña ◽  
Antonio de Amescua ◽  
Fuensanta Medina-Domínguez ◽  

<abstract> <p>As innovative technologies emerge, there is a need to evolve the environments in which these technologies are used. The trend has shifted from considering technology as a support service towards making it the means for transforming all complex systems. Smart cities focus their development on the use of technology to transform every aspect of society and embrace the complexity of these transformations towards something leading to the well-being and safety of people inhabiting these cities. Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) is an essential aspect to be considered in the design of a smart city and its digital ecosystems, however, it remains unconsidered in most smart city's frameworks, despite the need for a specific space for smart OHS. This paper summarizes a 9-month process of generation of a value proposition for evolving the sector of OHS based on a value-map in whose creation several stakeholders have participated. They focused on identifying the products, the methods, the organizational structures and the technologies required to develop an updated, dynamic and robust prevention model focused on workers in smart and complex contexts, and to improve the organizations' capability to guarantee safety even in the most changing, digital and disruptive settings. To assess the relevance and validity of this value-map, a study was carried out to match the set of its elements and its specific and conceptual products discovered, considering also the definition of the past needs and future trends of the sector that a set of renowned stakeholders and key opinion leaders (with mastery in OHS from several companies and industries) have recently defined for the decade of 2020. A prospective analysis of this match is presented, revealing that there is still an existing gap to be covered in the context of smart cities design: the explicit guarantee of safety for workers.</p> </abstract>

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 590-609
A. St. Aisyah Nur ◽  
Anwar Ramli ◽  
Mrs. Inanna ◽  
Andi Muhamad Iqbal Akbar Asfar ◽  
A. M. Irfan Taufan Asfar ◽  

Curiosity is an attitude and action that always tries to find out more deeply and broadly from something that is learned. Meanwhile, analogy is a thought process to draw conclusions based on similar processes or data. This is inversely proportional to the reality in the field based on the observations of researchers at University of Muhammadiyah Bone, researchers see that the curiosity and analogy skills of college student in the economic learning process are still classified as very low. Lecturers can strive for learning by using innovative, effective and creative learning, which can provide opportunities and encourage college student to have high curiosity in order to practice their analogical reasoning skills. In connection with this, the efforts made by researchers to build curiosity and analogy skills of college student in economic learning, namely the need for a scientific approach or a scientific process-based approach which is the organization of learning experiences in a logical order including the learning process by observing, questioning, collecting information, reason (associate) and communicate. The type of research used is quantitative research using experimental quantitative methods. The research design used, namely Quasi Experimental Design with the form of Non-equivalent Control Group Design. The results of this study are proven by the results of the analysis of the recapitulation of the student's analogy ability test which can be seen in the average final test in the experimental class, which is 7,621 and the initial test reaches a value of 6,961. While the results of the final test recapitulation of the analogy ability of college student in the control class reached a value of 6,276 while the initial test results reached a value of 7.5. While the results of student responses are in the valid and reliable category.

2021 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-118
Benedek Nagy

To meet the requirements of global competition, the European Union (EU) places particular emphasis on the development of knowledge‑intensive, innovative industries. The pharmaceutical industry, as a high‑tech manufacturing subsection, has a long tradition in Europe. However, the distribution of pharmaceutical industry employment and value added is not even within the Union, and its temporal dynamics is also different. In the present paper, I examine the change of the structure of the pharmaceutical industry within the Union using country groups. I compare the development of pharmaceutical industry employment in the period between 2000 and 2018 in three country groups. I use a simple decomposition method to separate the effects of sector growth and labor productivity change on the change of pharmaceutical employment to find out how similarly this industry evolved in the different country groups. The analysis shows that while in the 12 original, i.e., pre–2004, member states (Core EU), employment slightly increased alongside a considerable increase in value added, the nine post‑socialist countries (PS9) achieved slightly greater value added expansion combined with substantial employment growth. Meanwhile, the four Visegrád countries (V4) achieved a value added growth similar to the PS9, but an even greater employment growth. This indicates that the part of the pharmaceutical industry operating with higher labor productivity is concentrating in the Core EU countries, while in the less developed post‑socialist countries, the part of the pharmaceutical industry with lower labor productivity is developing.

HortScience ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 46 (5) ◽  
pp. 744-752 ◽  
Jane Dyrhauge Thomsen ◽  
Hans K.H. Sønderstrup-Andersen ◽  
Renate Müller

The study presented in this article represents an initial attempt to generate in-depth information about how ornamental plants in real-life office workplaces interact with workplace characteristics, thus influencing working environment and well-being of the employees. Using a qualitative, explorative, and inductive case-study design, the study provides an example of how a cross-disciplinary unit engaged in administrative office work at a Danish institution applied ornamental plants. The results document that ornamental plants are an integrated part of the workplace. The employees used ornamental plants in numerous ways to either actively manipulate different aspects of the surroundings or more passively cope with demands from the surroundings. Furthermore, the use of the ornamental plants was structured by a number of factors: culture and traditions, provisional orders, organizational structures, practices, values and history, company policies, and characteristics of the indoor architectural environment. Ornamental plants were perceived as affecting many aspects of the working environment (e.g., the physical surroundings, the social climate, image of the workplace, etc.), the individual's well-being (e.g., mood, general well-being, emotions, self confidence, etc.), and to some degree the workplace's competitiveness. However, the actual effects were the results of a complex interaction among the way the ornamental plants were applied, characteristics of the present ornamental plants (e.g., size, species and condition), and characteristics of the individual employee (e.g., personal experiences, preferences, and values).

2003 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 185-195
Lucio Biggiero ◽  
Domenico Laise

To the extent an organizational structure is the outcome of an intentional and rational choice, such a choice is complex. A relevant aspect of such a complexity is the number of different and usually conflicting criteria employed by the decision maker. The application of traditional and pragmatic approaches implies the choice of one type of organizational structure through multiple assessing criteria. A multicriteria choice is involved even in a purely scientific approach: different organization theories suggest different criteria. The standard decision theory, based on the maxi-minimization of some utility function, cannot deal with multicriteriality. The task can be fulfilled in a rigorous and formal way by outranking methods, which are a branch of operations research. With an application to the problem of choosing the organizational structure, a tutorial example of outranking methods is discussed, addressing the larger theoretical framework where they can be placed and developed in management science.

A. Kostylev ◽  
A. Lyahina

The article includes an analysis of the concept of labor productivity, its characteristics and factors that have a direct impact on it. Studies of the influence of various factors on labor productivity, identifying the most promising for use, taking into account the specifics of the state of the industry. Study of the main national projects affecting this issue. Analysis of the state of the industry in the Russian Federation. Studying the features of digital transformation, ways of its application and efficiency in enterprises. Development of a model for implementing digital transformation in an organization with the greatest efficiency to increase ore productivity, a description of system implementation. Assessment of the company's prospects and its current state, readiness for digital transformation, as well as audit and verification of the availability of the necessary resources. The digital transformation of control includes the automation of process control systems. Identification of the three main blocks of implementation. Digital transformation of production includes production automation, replacement of outdated equipment with new ones. The digital transformation of office work includes digitization and the use of special programs, settlement systems. For effective implementation of digital transformation, a necessary element is the creation of a roadmap. At the final stage of the study, the problems arising during the digital transformation of enterprises and the ways of solving them are identified.

Moskvych Yu.V.

The article presents an analysis of sacred syncretism as one of the leading motifs of the work of the modern Ukrainian writer Anna Bagryana. It is noted that the phenomenon of this transcendent phenomenon is interpreted by modern Ukrainian literature based on the aesthetic practices of postmodernism and traditionalism in culture.It is emphasized that Ukrainian poetry of the XXI century, having absorbed these opposite trends, uses them, on the one hand, to formalize the linguistic and communicative shell of the poem, on the other, to reflect the exclusivity of the national character, creating a type of new worldview not on differences, but on syncretism, the interpenetration of various trends, in which the whole diversity of the world is revealed.With the help of cultural, phenomenological, comparative-historical methods that study the philosophical perception of the sacred by the author, as well as using aesthetic, biographical approaches and psychoanalysis to understand the artistic world of her poems, the research has achieved its purpose: the eclectic nature of the sacred in the lyrics of Anna Bagryana is revealed.The article notes that, following the main trends of postmodernism, including the loss of the highest meaning of human life, reflection, relativism and internal confusion, the manner of presentation of the writer is also characterized by specific features: a certain theocentricity, religiosity, the desire to preserve spiritual values. In the conflict of these polarities, a synergistic transformation of the sacred matures, its so-called illogical form, characterized by the sublimity of the supernatural and at the same time its ordinariness.The results of the work are implemented tasks: the concept of the sacred in the poems of Anna Bagryana is clarified, its syncretism is revealed and the change in the aesthetics of the transcendent is reflected; the eclecticism of the feeling of the supernatural by the lyrical heroine is characterized; the protective function of the sacred in the artistic work of the poetess is analyzed. Conclusions. The sacred, which is a common motif of Anna Bagryana’s poetry, is perceived by her in the context of a scientific approach. This understanding implies a distinction between the human and otherworldly worlds. The traditional aesthetics of the sacred is based on beauty as a means of sensory-spiritual worldview, which led to the replacement of the material worldview with a value one. Postmodern stylistics reproduces the syncretism of the sacred, adding to its interpretation the illogical nature of used images, the search for new meanings, and internal expression. Recognizing the specifics of Ukrainian literature, which in modern social theory does not break with the achievements of previous eras, the writer retains the human-centered and imaginative richness of her lyrics.Key words: sacrum, eclecticism, postmodernism, tradition, symbolism. У статті подано аналіз синкретизму сакрального як одного із провідних мотивів творчості сучасної української письменниці Анни Багряної.Зазначено, що феномен цього трансцендентного явища сучасна українська література інтерпретує, виходячи з естетичних практик постмодернізму та традиціоналізму в культурі.Підкреслено, що українська поезія ХХІ ст., увібравши ці протилежні тенденції, послуговується ними, з одного боку, для оформлення мовно-комунікативної оболонки вірша, з іншого, щоб відобразити винятковість національного характеру, створюючи тип нового світовідчуття не на розбіжностях, а на синкретизмі, взаємопроникненні різних тенденцій, у якому розкри-вається вся багатоплановість світу.За допомогою культурологічного, феноменологічного, порівняльно-історичного методів, що досліджують філософське сприйняття сакрального авторкою, а також послуговуючись естетичним, біографічним підходами та психоаналізом для розуміння худож-нього світу її поезій, у розвідці досягнуто поставлену мету: розкрито еклектичну природу сакрального в ліриці Анни Багряної.У статті зауважено, що, наслідуючи основні тенденції постмодерну, серед яких втрата вищого сенсу життя людини, рефлексія, релятивізм і внутрішня розгубленість, манера викладу письменниці характеризується й специфічними рисами: певною теоцентричністю, релігійністю, прагненням зберегти духовні цінності. У конфлікті цих полярностей визріває синергетична трансформація сакрального, його т.зв. алогічна форма, що характеризується піднесеністю надприродного та водночас його буденністю.Результатами роботи є реалізовані завдання: з’ясовано поняття сакрального у віршах Анни Багряної, розкрито його синкретизм і відображено зміну естетики трансцендентного; схарактеризовано еклектику відчуття надприродного ліричною героїнею; проаналізовано захисну функцію сакрального в художній творчості поетеси.Висновки. Сакральне, яке є поширеним мотивом поезії Анни Багряної, сприймається нею в контексті наукового підходу. Таке розуміння передбачає розрізнення світу людського та потойбічного. Традиційна естетика сакрального ґрунтується на красі як засобі чуттєво-духовного світогляду, що спричинило заміну матеріального світосприйняття ціннісним. Постмодерна стилістика відтворює синкретизм сакрального, додаючи до його інтерпретації алогічність уживаних образів, пошук нових смислів, внутрішню експресію. Визнаючи специфіку української літератури, яка в сучасній соціальній теорії не пориває з надбаннями попередніх епох, письменниця зберігає антропоцентричність та образне багатство своєї лірики. Ключові слова: sacrum, еклектика, постмодерн, традиція,символізм.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-114
Indah Kusumarini

This reseach was conducted by using the theory of service quality dimensions from Zeithaml-Parasuraman-Berry (1996). Data obtained by distributing 100 questionnaires to Japanese tourists on August 2019. The variable created refers to the role of the front office clerk from Bagiono (2012). Based on SPSS calculations, the accuracy of this research model is 73% at an error rate of 5%. From the results of data processing it is known that the average value of the service quality of front office staff at star hotels in Bali is 4.11 (good). But there are still indicators that are not good, that is, an indicator of Japanese language ability, with an average value of 3.23. Based on the results of exploratory factor analysis of 31 variables, found 7 factors forming the quality of front office staff services,  1) responsiveness with a value (13,916), 2) empathy (2,355), 3) reliability (1,513), 4) tangible (1,486) , 5) assurance (1.29), 6) friendly (1,220), and 7) communication (1,140).  The biggest factor influencing the satisfaction of Japanese tourists towards the quality of front office staff services is the responsiveness factor while the lowest factor is the communication factor.

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