2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 24
Rozzi Kesuma Dinata

Traditional Aceh cuisine is a dish cooked by the people of Aceh and marinade formulated by the people of Aceh. Based on the results of interviews with the community around the traditional dishes are often cooked every day such as "kuah plik/ patarana, kuah asam keu-eung, kuah masak puteh, kuah lemak/santan, kuah masak mirah, boh manok U, asam sabee, bileh payeh, asam u, dan urap Aceh".  Nowadays according to the advanced application can help the young mothers who from not able to cook become skilful cooking Aceh cuisine, one of them is from the application of traditional recipe of Aceh-based recipe android so that the young mothers can be assisted in the process of way cooking Aceh cuisine. In implementing the AHP method, the authors use the method on the portion of the cuisine divided into 3 (three) portion division of which the three portion, the seven portions and the 12 portions. We show that results in rankings of the most desirable of the 12th share with the highest ranking value of the calculation are 0.37.

Muhammad Zakaria ◽  
Saifuddin Muhammad Jalil ◽  
Trisna Trisna ◽  
Zuraida Zuraida

The village is the lowest regional unit in the state administrative apparatus in Indonesia Indonesia, where the village is currently entering a new era after the birth of the Village Law. Village are expected to become socially, culturally, economically, and politically independent. Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDes) as business and economic institutions is expected to welcome the village community to be more independent, especially in economy. Currently BMUG Pulo Makmue is still facing various obstacles in carrying out its operations, especially in determining business strategies to increase business scale based on priority scales. This study aims to determine the policy priorities that can be taken as a business strategy to increase the Business Scale of BMUG Ulee Makmue. With the increase in business scale, BMUG Pulo Makmue will become an independent and advanced BMUG so that it can meet the expectations of the people of Ulee Pulo Village in terms of improving their welfare. The research was conducted by conducting surveys and collecting data directly in the field while still applying the Covid 19 process. The research method used was the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) analysis to determine the potential for developing study BUMDes in Ulee Pulo Village. The expected result in this study is the potential of Gampong that can be developed by considering the available resources based on a priority scale.

2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 25-39
Luluk Suryani ◽  
Raditya Faisal Waliulu ◽  
Ery Murniyasih

Usaha Kecil Menengah (UKM) adalah salah satu penggerak perekonomian suatu daerah, termasuk Kota Sorong. UKM di Kota Sorong belum berkembang secara optimal. Ada beberapa penyebab diantaranya adalah mengenai finansial, lokasi, bahan baku dan lain-lain. Untuk menyelesaikan permasalah tersebut peneliti terdorong untuk melakukan pengembangan Aplikasi yang dapat membantu menentukan prioritas UKM yang sesuai dengan kondisi pelaku usaha. Pada penelitian ini akan digunakan metode Analitycal Hierarchy Process (AHP), untuk pengambilan keputusannya. Metode AHP dipilih karena mampu menyeleksi dan menentukan alternatif terbaik dari sejumlah alternatif yang tersedia. Dalam hal ini alternatif yang dimaksudkan yaitu UKM terbaik yang dapat dipilih oleh pelaku usaha sesuai dengan kriteria yang telah ditentukan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan mencari nilai bobot untuk setiap atribut, kemudian dilakukan proses perankingan yang akan menentukan alternatif yang optimal, yaitu UKM. Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan yang dikembangkan berbasis Android, dimana pengguna akan mudah menggunakannya sewaktu-waktu jika terjadi perubahan bobot pada kriteria atau intensitas.  Hasil akhir menunjukkan bahwa metode AHP berhasil diterapkan pada Aplikasi Penentuan Prioritas Pengembangan UKM.

2019 ◽  
Vol 21 (3) ◽  
pp. 259-265
Meinarini Catur Utami

Abstract:  An electronic wallet is an electronic service to store the data of the payment instrument, such as a payment instrument using the card and/or electronic money, which can also accommodate the funds, to make the payment. The number of similar applications of electronic wallets available in Indonesia leads to confusion of which applications offer many advantages, easy to use and guaranteed transaction security. By using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to conduct research on three popular electronic wallet applications in Indonesia, especially among students, Dana, Go-Pay, and LinkAja. These three electronic wallet applications compare based on pre-defined criteria and sub criteria to be decided by the AHP calculation where Go-Pay is the best E-wallet Application for students to use

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 77-90
Loneli Costaner ◽  
Guntoro Guntoro ◽  
Febrizal Alfarasy

Sekolah khoiru ummah merupakan salah satu lembaga yang selalu berhubungan dengan tenaga pendidik sebagai aktor pertama dan tenaga kependidikan sebagai support organisasi. Permasalahan terjadi ketika harus menyeleksi calon tenaga pendidik, dimana banyaknya pelamar membuat proses penyeleksian dalam menentukan alternatif  terbaik yang dilakukan masih dengan cara menimbang setiap skor secara manual diatas kertas. Kondisi tersebut terjadi kendala sulitnya untuk memutuskan calon tenaga pendidik yang sesuai kebutuhan dikarenakan harus menimbang dengan prasaan, kemudian proses keputusan juga masih lambat karena harus bermusyarawah yang cukup panjang dari personalia, kepala sekolah hingga yayasan demi konsistensi keputusan tepat untuk dipilih. Dengan demikian persoalan ini dibutuhkan suatu solusi proses keputusan yang relevan dan cepat dengan analisis metode Analytical hierarchy  process (AHP) dengan kriteria kelengkapan adminitrasi pelamar, ujian tertulis, penilaian personality, wawancara dan micro teaching. Sedangkan sampel data alternatif ada tiga pelamar yang akan dianalisis dengan metode  AHP. Data nilai awal masukan didapatkan melalui quisioner perbandingan yang dinilai oleh personalia, kepala sekolah dan Yayasan dengan konsistensi kriteria 0.08 dimana nilai ini falid karena sesuai dengan kaedah konsistensi standar Thomas l.Saaty yaitu konsisten nilai < 0.1. Pengujian ini dilakukan dengan langkah perhitungan consisten indek dan index random yang terdapat pada tahapan AHP kepada nilai masukan nilai tabel matrik perbandingan dari data alternatif. Hasil pengujian dengan nilai konsistensi seluruh data baik kriteria dan alternatif mendapatkan keputusan tebaik  rekomendasi dengan nilai tertinggi didapatkan oleh Husen ahmad dengan nilai 0.729, kedua Sikin al hafidz dengan nilai 0.163 dan Sulaiman akhbar dengan nilai 0.109.   Abstract  The khoiru ummah school is one of the institutions that is always in touch with educators as the first actors and educational staff as organizational support. The problem occurs when it comes to selecting prospective teaching staff, where many applicants make a selection process in determining the best alternative which is still done by weighing each score manually on paper. In this condition, there is an obstacle in the difficulty of deciding the candidate for educators who are suitable for their needs because they have to weigh carefully, then the decision process is also still slow because they have to have a long discussion from personnel, principals to foundations for consistency in the right decision to be chosen. Thus, this problem requires a solution for the decision process that is relevant and fast by analyzing the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method with the criteria for completeness of applicant administration, written examinations, personality assessments, interviews and micro teaching. Meanwhile, the sample of alternative data were three applicants who were analyzed using the AHP method. Initial input value data were obtained through comparative questionnaires assessed by personnel, principals and foundations with the consistency of the criterion of 0.08 where this value was falid because it was in accordance with Thomas L.aaty's standard consistency principle, which was consistent with a value of <0.1. This test is carried out by calculating the consisten index and random index contained in the AHP stage to the input values ​​of the comparison matrix table values ​​from alternative data. The results of the test with the consistency value of all data, both criteria and alternatives, get the best recommendation with the highest value obtained by Husen Ahmad with a value of 0.729, both Sikin al Hafidz with a value of 0.163 and Sulaiman akhbar with a value of 0.109.

Ilham Pramuja Nasution ◽  
Arjon Samuel Sitio

The budget allocation of a village fund is very important and take big effect to village progress Because the office to distribute the tax result for village development. But, that allocation is not accurately. Therefore there was design a system to support a decision a budget allocation of village funds by using an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. This research done to the make-easy an office village in budgeting is the allocation of village funds. An method of Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is one of a method known as important as the highest level. An AHP method is look for the best alternative

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 57
Rudianto Rudianto ◽  
Andik Isdianto

Lokasi Batam sangat strategis karena terletak di rute perdagangan internasional dan terletak di pusat segitiga pertumbuhan Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapura (IMS-GT). Mempertimbangkan meningkatnya permintaan lahan di Pulau Batam, Pemerintah Kota Batam telah memperluas area melalui proses reklamasi untuk kawasan industri dan komersial lainnya. Proses reklamasi secara signifikan berdampak pada penurunan kualitas lingkungan di Pulau Batam. Kondisi kerusakan akan semakin parah sehingga akan menyebabkan buruknya kualitas perairan akibat pencemaran perairan pesisir dan laut. Salah satu area reklamasi adalah Tering bay. Reklamasi teluk Tering saat ini dalam kondisi dengan kualitas air yang sangat buruk. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mempelajari pengelolaan kawasan teluk Tering yang berkelanjutan, mengingat reklamasi merupakan kegiatan yang menjadi kebutuhan masyarakat.Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode Partial Least Square (PLS) dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). PLS digunakan untuk menentukan ada tidaknya hubungan antara variabel laten dalam reklamasi pantai, serta membentuk model konstruktif. Sementara itu, metode AHP berguna untuk menentukan skala prioritas penanganan pengelolaan kawasan reklamasi pesisir yang berkelanjutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa untuk mencapai reklamasi berkelanjutan diperlukan pengelolaan yang baik. Manajemen meliputi: peningkatan peran masyarakat, pemerintah daerah, sektor swasta dan pengetatan peraturan. Namun, manajemen harus memperhatikan proses erosi dan abrasi dengan mempertimbangkan bahwa wilayah ini memiliki gelombang laut yang cukup kuat. Abstract Batam's location is very strategic as it lies on international trade routes and is located in the center of Indonesia-Malaysia-Singapore (IMS-GT) growth triangle. Considering the increasing land demand in Batam Island, Batam City government has expanded the area through reclamation process for industrial and other commercial area. Reclamation process has significantly impacted the deterioration of environmental quality in Batam Island. The condition of the damage will become more severe so that it will cause the poor quality of waters due to pollution of coastal and marine waters. One of the reclaimed areas is Tering bay. The reclamation of the Tering bay is currently under conditions with very poor water quality. The purpose of this research  is to study the management of Tering bay area which is sustainable, considering the reclamation is an activity that become the society need.The method used in this research using Partial Least Square (PLS) and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. PLS is used to determine whether or not there is a relationship between latent variables in coastal reclamation, as well as forming a constructive model. Meanwhile, AHP method is useful to determine the priority scale of handling management of coastal reclamation area sustainable.The results show that to achieve sustainable reclamation requires good management. The management includes: increased role of community, local government, private sector and tightening of rules. However, the management should pay attention  to the process of erosion and abrasion with  considering that this region has a strong enough sea waves.  

Jurnal Teknik ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Rahma Farah Nungrum

Abstrack Good University Governance is needed by all higher education institutions that want to compete in producing good quality colleges. One of them is STT PLN which has a vision of realization of modern universities, independent and superior in the field of energy and electricity. To achieve good management governance, an objective, accountable and transparen,t assessment is required in recommending a lecturer to occupy a structural position. The process of determining attribute criteria, sub criteria and alternatives using the input of expert respondents in the form of questionnaires are processed by using statistical methods Cochran Q Test to obtain the decision attributes used in the study. While the analytical techniques in determining the priority weight of the alternative that will be done, using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method approach with data processing tool using Expert Choice software. Keywords : Good University Governance, Lecturers, structural positions, Cochran Q Test, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP)

2020 ◽  
pp. 76-82
Hardiansyah Putra ◽  

Bureau of Student Advisory Center (BSAC) Universitas Pembangunan Panca Budi is a center for career development and character building for students. In this case, a soft skill seminar is conducted to find the best candidate employees in the field of recruitment offered based on the criteria of student soft skill training. Determining the level of soft skill competences of students using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method and the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE). For decision support systems using the AHP and PROMETHEE methods in determining the level of soft skill competencies, in order to obtain prospective employees who have the required soft skill competency level. Data collection was carried out by conducting research. The data is taken from the seminar results with 100 participants. The data that has been collected, processed and analyzed before being used as input and output as a basis for learning or training using the AHP and Promethee methods. Based on the calculations of the two methods, namely the AHP and Promethee methods, there are differences in calculations. In other words, because Promethee does not support the determination of weights and the hierarchy of criteria and does not have the assurance of consistency when determining weights like AHP. So that the program execution has a different time in the results, in the AHP method, program execution until the final result is obtained is better than the Promethee method. AHP has advantages in determining weights and criteria hierarchy, while Promethee has advantages in the alternative ranking process using different preference and weight functions.

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