2013 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 30-44 ◽  
Seth David Chaiklin ◽  
Mariane Hedegaard

ABSTRACT: We emphasize that pedagogical practice was not just a way of validating and testing scientific findings but it has also, to generate new hypotheses and new challenges and research directions. This relationship between research, knowledge, and practice was recognised from the beginning days of the cultural-historical tradition, such as Vygotsky’s focus on practice for resolving the crisis in psychology. In a dialectical conception, pedagogical research should be developed as an interaction between theoretical conceptions in the cultural-historical tradition and the demands and needs of the societal practices. This article illustrates this idea concretely, using the idea of radical-local teaching and learning (HEDEGAARD; CHAIKLIN, 2005). The discussion starts with a brief comment about the dialectical tradition; than we illustrate one way to engage with the idea of full human development, viewing this in terms of personality development. We first explain the general idea of radical-local teaching and learning as a way to address the practical problem, and then show how it embodies the philosophical concerns of the dialectical tradition. The main idea is that core conceptual relations within subject-matter areas have to be related specifically to children’s life situation so that this academic knowledge can become integrated with local knowledge, thereby qualitatively transforming children’s everyday concepts and their possibility to use this knowledge in their local practice. We want to highlight the idea of how working with subject-matter content in a radical-local perspective can provide conditions for children to develop theoretical thinking and motive orientation, which is relevant to personality development, and which can be oriented to their full human development.RESUMO: Enfatizamos que práticas pedagógicas não são somente formas de validação de investigações científicas, mas são também formas de se gerar novas hipóteses e novos desafios para a pesquisa. Essa relação entre investigação, conhecimento e prática foi reconhecida nos primórdios da teoria histórico-cultural quando Vygotsky discutiu a prática como forma de resolução da crise da psicologia. Na concepção dialética, a pesquisa pedagógica deve se desenvolver em interação com as concepções teóricas presentes na tradição histórico-cultural e as demandas e necessidades da prática social. Este artigo ilustra essa ideia concretamente, utilizando a ideia de radical-local ensino e aprendizagem (HEDEGAARD; CHAIKLIN, 2005). A discussão começa com um breve comentário sobre a tradição dialética, então, ilustramos um caminho para relacionar com a ideia de totalidade do desenvolvimento humano, considerando-o em termos do desenvolvimento da personalidade humana. Nós primeiramente explicamos a ideia geral sobre o modelo radical-local de ensino e aprendizagem como uma forma de chegar ao problema prático e então mostrarmos como esse processo de insere numa tradição dialética. A ideia principal é que concepções teóricas relacionadas como assuntos/temas-problemas precisam ser relacionados com as situações de vida das crianças de forma que os conhecimentos acadêmicos integrem-se aos conhecimentos locais/do contexto social dos sujeitos, com a finalidade de transformar a qualitativamente os conhecimentos cotidianos das crianças para que possam utilizá-los nas suas práticas sociais. Queremos enfatizar o quanto a proposta de trabalhar com assuntos/temas-problemas numa perspectiva radical-local possibilita condições para o uso desses conhecimentos na prática social local dos sujeitos para que eles possam desenvolver pensamentos teóricos diferenciados e orientar o desenvolvimento de sua personalidade na sua totalidade histórica e social.


Ayurveda is regarded as one of the ancient most science which is having it’s root of origin in vedic literature. In vedic period, the teaching and learning were dependant on Guru Shishya Parampara were-in the knowledge was given by the teachers to the disciples direcly by speech. The literatures were made easy to understand with help of describing and comparing the principles with examples such as exemplifications. Exemplification means giving specific, vivid examples for the purpose of adding more information to explain, define and illustrate a general idea and to elaborate the main idea. Exemplification make the literature easy to understand and it plays a very important role in learning and teaching in Ayurvedic Samhitas. In Ayurved exemplification is called as Drushtanta. Drushtanta is a part of Tantrayukti. Tantrayukti means a logical compilation of a text. Tantrayukti is very essential to understand the science in correct way. Better understanding of Shastra is only possible with the knowledge of Tantrayukti. It provides knowledge of writing techniques, explains hidden meaning. Sushruta-Samhita is not merely a surgical text. It is a comprehensive encyclopedic work on Ayurveda as a whole including its fundamental principles  This article will help readers to know more about Drushtanta and it’s application in Sushrut Samhita.    

Otavio Oliveira Silva ◽  
Francyhélia Benedita Mendes Sousa ◽  
Flávio Luiz de Castro Freitas ◽  
Vanessa Leite Da Silva ◽  
Jaqueline Santos C. Leite ◽  

The new Coronavirus Pandemic has revealed the need for a methodological redefinition of teaching and learning attitude of teachers and students, through the pedagogical use of digital technologies. Therefore, this article aims to present reflections on the use of the Flipped Classroom methodology as a re-signifying possibility for the teaching of Philosophy in Higher Education, considering the context of remote emergency teaching. Assuming that there is a concern with the didactic-pedagogical and sociopolitical process of teaching and learning that constitutes teaching practice in the teaching of Philosophy in Brazilian Academies, the question is: what are the advantages and challenges of using the flipped classroom methodology in the process of teaching and learning Philosophy in Higher Education? For this, two fundamental aspects of the formal educational process are discussed: the first refers to the didactic-pedagogical and sociopolitical aspects of the teaching and learning process that constitute the teaching practice, as the content and didactics are emphasized. that is, the “what” and the “how to teach” and the second, it is about the need for re-signification/updating of traditional teaching in face of active methodologies. Based on the current context of remote teaching and/or hybrid teaching in Higher Education in Brazil, it is concluded that is necessary to reframe pedagogical practice in terms of the production of academic knowledge, without losing sight of the conditions in which it is produced.

Som Naidu

A major premise of this keynote address is that pedagogical design plays an important role in promoting and assuring educational quality. Pedagogical design has to do with approaches to teaching and learning which comprise, how learners interact with the subject matter content, their learning activities, how their learning is assessed, and how feedback is provided to them. Approaches to learning and teaching are informed by our knowledge and understanding of human learning and cognition, of which there are several major strands. These theories of how we learn help us develop models of learning and teaching which we believe are suitable for teaching particular kinds of subject matter, skills or attitudes. Our views and perspectives on learning and cognition have been changing over time and this has impacted how we approach and conduct our teaching activities. Currently, the popular view is that learning is a constructive process, that learning and teaching is most potent when they are “situated” within a meaningful context, and in the culture and the community within which learners live. This view suggests that learning is a process of developing understanding through problem-solving and critical reflection within a meaningful context. This paper discusses and demonstrates how this view and its attendant principles have been implemented in the Master of Arts in Teacher Education (International) Program ( MATE–I) currently on offer in the distance education mode at the Open University of Sri Lanka. The MATE–I program utilizes a situated cognitive approach to learning and teaching called “Scenario-Based Learning”.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-24
Khusnul Tri Hartanti ◽  
Udjang Pairin M. Basir ◽  
Claudya Zahrani Susilo

Many students find it difficult to accept fraction material from the teacher because student are more receptive to material through the surrounding environment such as fruit, bread, marbles, stones, etc. The purpose of this researchs to determine student learning outcome whether thereis influence when use the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) model of mathematics subject matter in the 4th grade SDN Jombatan IV Jombang. This type of research is PreExperimental Design, the design used is one-group pretest -posttest design. The study focus on student learning outcomes in fraction material with the CTL model. Based on research that has been done, it can seen than more than 90% of students can achieve KKM value. In testing the test-t if the value of t is greater than t table then the hypothesis is accepted. It is evident from the results of the study that tcount = 5.344219271 and ttable = 2.178812827, which means that it has a strong signification shows that there is an influencer on student learning outcomes. The one-party test, it turns out that tcount falls in the area of acceptance of Ha, which the result test shows menunjukkan thitung ˃ ttabel so that the conclusion are Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected. So it can be said that learning uses Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) can affect of student learning outcomes.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 111-132
Anna-Lena Østern ◽  
Kristin Solli Schøien

An important part of teachers’ work constitutes being seen, heard and understood in communicative practice in encounters with pupils, colleagues and parents. This performative relational communication practice is a cross-disciplinary competence, which, independent of subject, is of great importance for the performance of pedagogical practice. The teaching profession is a phonic profession, and personal expression through language, voice, body, gaze and face is of decisive importance in a teacher’s daily work. In this position paper the elements of this competence are described. The authors identify and make visible how it can be trained, developed and learnt. They make an argument for professional orality (PO) as a transdisciplinary field of knowledge and compound competence in need of exploration and research. Based on a review of relevant research the authors outline three perspectives on teaching and research in the field of knowledge connected to PO: ethics, teaching and learning of PO with a performative and aesthetic approach, and adults’ transformative learning. The characteristics of training of PO are illustrated through development of a basic arts educational model. In the conclusion the challenges regarding developing a vocabulary for the teaching and learning of PO are presented, and the distinct areas in need of exploration and research are acknowledged.

Ekaterina Komarova

Введение. Важнейшей задачей современного образования является обеспечение возможностей для личностного и профессионального роста и для осуществления самореализации. Изложены основные подходы к изучению понятия «самореализация». Приводятся результаты анкетирования будущих учителей русского языка. Выявлены представления будущих учителей русского языка в отношении их профессиональной самореализации. Материалы и методы. Исследование было проведено на основе анализа теоретических источников по проблеме самореализации и результатов анкетирования студентов филологического факультета. Авторская анкета состояла из трех вопросов открытого типа и четырех вопросов закрытого типа. Результаты и обсуждение. Проанализированы различные подходы к пониманию названных понятий и обоснована собственная позиция по этому вопросу. По результатам анкетирования установлено, что 15 % студентов третьего курса и 55 % студентов четвертого курса уверены, что профессиональная самореализация подразумевает постоянное совершенствование в выбранной профессии и потребность в совершенствовании. Охарактеризованы потребности, возникающие у будущих учителей русского языка в ходе педагогической практики, которая является ключевым звеном между теоретическим обучением будущих учителей русского языка и их самостоятельной работой в образовательном учреждении. Заключение. Самоактуализация понимается автором как тенденция к самореализации. А самореализация – как процесс развития личности, предполагающий активную содеятельность с другими людьми, приложение собственных усилий. Выявлено, что критической точкой в становлении будущего учителя русского языка является педагогическая практика. До практики основными трудностями у студентов являются неуверенность в себе и нехватка знаний в области методических дисциплин. Это можно скорректировать опытом работы в качестве учителя. После педагогической практики основанными барьерами самореализации для студентов становятся отсутствие свободного времени у учителей русского языка и высокая интенсивность работы. Это заставляет будущих учителей русского языка сомневаться в правильности выбора сферы своей дальнейшей профессиональной деятельности. Поднимается вопрос о психолого-педагогическом сопровождении студентов во время практики.Introduction. The most important task of modern education is to provide opportunities for personal and professional growth and for the implementation of self-realization. The main approaches to the study of the concept of selfrealization are outlined. The results of a survey of future teachers of the Russian language are presented. The ideas of future teachers of the Russian language in relation to their professional self-realization are revealed. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the basis of the analysis of theoretical sources on the problem of self-realization and the results of a survey of students of the philological faculty. The author’s questionnaire consisted of 3 open-ended questions and 4 closed-ended questions. Results and discussion. Various approaches to understanding these concepts are analyzed and their own position on this issue is substantiated. According to the results of the survey, it was found that 15% of 3-year students and 55% of 4-year students are sure that professional self-realization implies continuous improvement in the chosen profession and the need for improvement. The needs arising for future teachers of the Russian language during pedagogical practice, which is a key link between the theoretical training of future teachers of the Russian language and their independent work in an educational institution, are characterized. Conclusion. Self-actualization is understood as a tendency to self-realization. And self-realization is a process of personality development, involving active cooperation with other people, the application of one’s own efforts. It is revealed that the pedagogical practice is a critical point in the formation of the future teacher of the Russian language. Before practice, the main difficulties for students are self-doubt and lack of knowledge in the field of methodological disciplines. After teaching practice, the lack of free time among teachers of the Russian language and the high intensity of work become the basic barriers for self-realization for students. This makes future teachers of the Russian language doubt their further professional activities. The question arises of the psychological and pedagogical support of students during practice.

2012 ◽  
Vol 20 ◽  
Robin K. Hill ◽  
Jill W. Fresen ◽  
Fawei Geng

Lecturers in higher education often consider the incorporation of web technologies into their teaching practice. Partially structured and populated course site templates could aid them in getting started with creating and deploying webbased materials and activities to enrich the teaching and learning experience. Discussions among instructional technology support staff and lecturers reveal a paucity of robust specifications for possible course site features that could comprise a template. An attempted mapping from the teaching task as understood by the instructor to the envisaged course website properties proves elusive. We conclude that the idea of an initial state for a course site, embodied in a template, remains useful and should be developed not according to a formula but with careful attention to the context and existing pedagogical practice. Any course template provided for the use of lecturers should be enhanced with supporting instructions and examples of how it may be adapted for their particular purposes.Keywords: course template; learning platform; pedagogical dimensions; course site properties(Published: 17 December 2012)Citation: Research in Learning Technology 2012, 20: 18665 -

2021 ◽  
pp. 0092055X2110224
Dennis A. Francis

Not only does teaching about gender and sexuality diversity lead to some very interesting and often emotionally evocative, pedagogical exchanges; it can also create challenging issues for teachers and students alike. This article focuses on what happens when a module that addresses compulsory heterosexuality and schooling is broached in an undergraduate sociology class. More importantly, it offers an analysis of the critical incidents and tensions that pay specific attention to how power, knowledge, and emotion feature in teaching and learning. Using antioppressive and affect theories, this article offers an analysis of how we might understand pedagogical practice, especially as it relates to addressing the power of normative heterosexuality in a university classroom. With reflections emerging from the module, I argue for more sociological theorization and analysis of the role of affect in pedagogies that seek to advance liberatory teaching and learning in the area of anti-heterosexism education.

Carolina Picchetti Nascimento

Educational research grounded in the theoretical perspective of developmental teaching can provide some ideas, challenges, and proposals to be discussed. From a developmental perspective, the fundamental content of teaching and learning covers the theoretical concepts of each school subject. Through the area of physical education, the author discusses the process for identifying and systematizing the theoretical concepts that organize school subjects. This discussion is proposed from the point of view of its philosophical foundations in dialectical materialism and from concrete possibilities and challenges in educational research. Through analysis and systematization of the essential and necessary relations that organize physical education and by an attempt at making these relations concrete, the author highlights the value and challenges that arise during a process of a subject matter analysis in educational research.

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