scholarly journals Mengembangkan Partisipasi Masyarakat Dalam Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup Untuk Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa

Abstracts The research aims to find out about developing community participation in the protection and management of the environment for sustainable national development. The research method used in this study is empirical legal research that uses a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that First, the protection and management of the environment in its area is a shared responsibility, between the government (state), the private sector and the community. One of the roles of the community in environmental activities is the supervision room. Community participation in the framework of protecting the right to a good and healthy environment is accommodated in various environmental instruments, as stipulated in the PPLH Law. Secondly, empirically the involvement of the community so far in managing the new environment is solely looking at the community as the information provider (public information) or merely limited to counseling so that activities related to the environment run unimpeded. In the future, optimizing the role of the community in protecting and managing environmental activities needs to be further enhanced by opening up a wider space of participation. Keywords: Community Participation, Environment. Sustainable Development Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengembangkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup untuk pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pertama, Perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup pada dasanya merupakan tanggung jawab bersama, antara pemerintah (negara), swasta dan masyarakat. Salah satu peran masyarakat dalam aktivitas lingkungan hidup adalah ruang pengawasan. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam kerangka untuk melindungi hak atas lingkungan yang baik dan sehat, diwadahi dalam berbagai instrumen lingkungan hidup, sebagaimana diatur dalam UU PPLH. Kedua, Secara empiris pelibatan masyarakat selama ini di dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup baru semata-mata hanya  memandang masyarakat sebagai penyampai informasi (public information) atau hanya sebatas penyuluhan sehingga suatu kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup berjalan tanpa hambatan. Kedepan, harus dilakukan optimalisasi peran serta masyarakat dalam aktivitas perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup perlu lebih ditingkatkan dengan membuka lebih luas ruang partisipasi. Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Masyarakat, Lingkungan Hidup. Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Keneilwe Molosi- France ◽  
Kenneth Dipholo

Many governments in Africa give priority to rural development mainly because a significant proportion of their populations live in the rural areas where poverty is severe. Thus, one of the goals of rural development is to address the problem of poverty in the rural areas with an emphasis on promoting participation of people in decisions that affect them. The Village Development Committee (VDC) is a village-level institution that is responsible for ensuring that the community actively participates in the development process in order to promote grassroot development. Essentially, VDCs have been established to offer a forum for community engagement in the processes that concern their development with a view to promote a sense of responsibility, commitment and ownership by the community. This discussion is informed by a qualitative study that used semi-structured interviews to gather data. Two findings pertaining to the weak role of the VDC and unequal power relations are seen to be hindering community participation. As such, this paper argues that VDCs in Khwee and Sehunong settlements do not serve their intended purpose of engaging the community as other stakeholders pay lip service to community participation, hence not fully involving the VDC. The paper recommends that the Government of Botswana as the main stakeholder in national development, including the development of San communities, should commit to genuine community participation, while on the other hand the San should be empowered so that they can embrace and demand to be involved in their own development.

Yuridika ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 313
I Made Gemet Dananjaya Suta ◽  
I Gusti Agung Mas Prabandari ◽  
Ni Luh Gede Astariyani

The role of the community is very important in realizing the fulfillment of the right to a good and healthy environment for everyone as part of human rights. The lack of awareness of the disclosure of information on environmental documents to the public in conducting surveillance of activities or businesses that have an important impact on the environment is one of the many violations of environmental law that results in environmental damage and pollution. This paper seeks to examine the importance of information disclosure on environmental documents in supporting the role of community oversight of activities that have an important impact on the environment. The research method used is a normative legal research method with the statutory approach and conceptual approach. The conclusion of this paper discovered that disclosure of information on environmental documents is important as an effort to optimize the role of public monitoring. Environmental documents are used as a guide for detailed information related to compliance with the implementation of activity on its terms and obligations. This disclosure information must be seen as the implementation of the right to access information in support of the implementation of community responsibility for guaranteeing and fulfilling the rights of everyone to a good and healthy environment as a human right so that environmental damage and pollution from activities that are illegal and/or violate their environmental permits can be controlled and prevented.

2006 ◽  
pp. 54-75
Klaus Peter Friedrich

Facing the decisive struggle between Nazism and Soviet communism for dominance in Europe, in 1942/43 Polish communists sojourning in the USSR espoused anti-German concepts of the political right. Their aim was an ethnic Polish ‘national communism’. Meanwhile, the Polish Workers’ Party in the occupied country advocated a maximum intensification of civilian resistance and partisan struggle. In this context, commentaries on the Nazi judeocide were an important element in their endeavors to influence the prevailing mood in the country: The underground communist press often pointed to the fate of the murdered Jews as a warning in order to make it clear to the Polish population where a deficient lack of resistance could lead. However, an agreed, unconditional Polish and Jewish armed resistance did not come about. At the same time, the communist press constantly expanded its demagogic confrontation with Polish “reactionaries” and accused them of shared responsibility for the Nazi murder of the Jews, while the Polish government (in London) was attacked for its failure. This antagonism was intensified in the fierce dispute between the Polish and Soviet governments after the rift which followed revelations about the Katyn massacre. Now the communist propaganda image of the enemy came to the fore in respect to the government and its representatives in occupied Poland. It viewed the government-in-exile as being allied with the “reactionaries,” indifferent to the murder of the Jews, and thus acting ultimately on behalf of Nazi German policy. The communists denounced the real and supposed antisemitism of their adversaries more and more bluntly. In view of their political isolation, they coupled them together, in an undifferentiated manner, extending from the right-wing radical ONR to the social democrats and the other parties represented in the underground parliament loyal to the London based Polish government. Thereby communist propaganda tried to discredit their opponents and to justify the need for a new start in a post-war Poland whose fate should be shaped by the revolutionary left. They were thus paving the way for the ultimate communist takeover

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 141-152
Dwi Widia Astuti

The role of taxes is very important in the state finances. Taxes become necessary in financing the expenditures of the state, especially the routine state expenditures. However, not infrequently there are taxpayer actions that cause in State losses. The condition is realized by the government so that the government issued Law Number 11 Year 2016 on Tax Amnesty. However, with the issuance of the Tax Forgiveness Law, it has resulted in various views in the community because for some obedient taxpayers, it is assumed that taxpayers are granted the convenience of their mistakes. So that does not reflect justice as one of the objectives of the law. Based on the issue, the authors will conduct further research on the legality of tax debt relief in the framework of tax forgiveness and the urgency of determining the tax forgiveness rule. This study is qualified as a normative juridical legal research with a type of legal research doctrinal using a statutory approach, and a conceptual approach. From this research, it is expected that the writer can analyze related to the legality of tax debt relief in the framework of tax forgiveness and the urgency of determining tax forgiveness rule.

2017 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-103
Husnul Khatimah

This study analyzes the role of sukuk in national economic development. During this time the source of development financing consists of several kinds including taxes, bonds, foreign debt and Islamic bonds (sukuk). Sukuk has been developed in Indonesia since 2002 (published Indosat) and is still growing and the number of issuers are even greater. The research method using descriptive quantitative, data source in this research is secondary data obtained, balance of payments in the government, the state budget. This study uses a quantitative descriptive approach. Data were processed using matrix comparison of the performance of sukuk and conventional bonds to finance national development. The role and contribution of sukuk to finance the construction has been increasing. In 2011 amounted to 34% of financing needs are met through sukuk. Until 2016 the proportion was 60%. Instead the role of foreign debt be decreased. In 2011 only 7%, and by 2016 the portion close to 0%.

2021 ◽  
Vol 890 (1) ◽  
pp. 012068
Maskun ◽  
H Assidiq ◽  
S N Bachril ◽  
N Al-Mukarramah

Abstract Indonesia has ratified the United Convention Law of the Sea of 1982 with the Law No. 17 of 1985 concerning the Ratification of United Nations Convention on The Law of the Sea 1982. It means that Indonesia has the right to use, conserve, and manage fish resources in the Indonesia’s Exclusive Economic Zone (IEEZ). To guarantee the optimal and sustainable management of Indonesian fish resources, the role of fishery supervisors and community participation in an efficient and effective manner is needed. Law enforcement in the field of fisheries is very important and strategic to support fishery development in accordance with the principle of fishery management, so that the sustainable development of fisheries can be done continuously. Therefore, the existence of legal certainty is absolutely necessary to support fishery management in Indonesia.

Development on national basis is imperative to the sustenance and growth of a Nation. The focus of the paper is on the imperative of insurance and technical education towards national development. The methodology adopted is mainly secondary source, relevant materials were considered and opinion formed. The various development plans in Nigeria from First Development Plan (1962 – 1968) to the most recent of National Industrial Revolution Plan of 2014. Technical education as a strategy for National Development. The experience of countries such as Malaysia, South Korea, Australia and Japan among others as guide for Nigeria. Means of acquiring technical education was also explained. The challenges encountered by the provider of technical education, such peoples attitude to technical education, dearth of teachers and instructors on technical education, funding among others. The paper also took a critical look at the role of insurance in National Development. These roles includes; offering Insurance and financial protection, instilling sense of security and peace of mind, acting as stabilizing factor, acting as institutional investor, and public safety and new product development. Other roles include; enhancing financial security and peace of mind among others. It was further stated that for insurance to function effectively in this role, the government and other stakeholders have a role to play. In conclusion, suggestions for improvement to enable insurance and technical education contribute positively to national development includes Government training Institutions, Parent and Guardian, Development Partners and Employers as stakeholders who must be ready to play a proactive role to achieve a sustainable national development of our dream.

Luthfi Widyantoko

This paper discusses the rights of the poor and marginalized in obtaining the right to education as one of the basic human rights. This paper is based on the condition that the urgency of educational development is one of the top priorities in the national development agenda. Educational development is very important because of its significant role in achieving progress in various fields of life: social, economic, political, and cultural. Therefore, the Government is obliged to fulfill the rights of every citizen in obtaining education services in order to improve the quality of life of the Indonesian people as mandated by the 1945 Constitution, which requires the Government to be responsible in educating the life of the nation and creating public welfare. The lack of equal distribution of education in Indonesia is a classic problem which until now there has not been any strategic steps from the government to handle it. This paper confirms that the achievement of the right to education in Indonesia has not been achieved and is motivated by several key factors, among government policies. In addition, human resources and infrastructure are also one of the causes of unequal access to education in Indonesia.

ICCD ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 199-201
Muhammad Isradi ◽  
Acep Hidayat

Environmental sanitation is part of public health which includes the principles of efforts to eliminate or master environmental factors that can cause disease through activities aimed at (i) water sanitation, (ii) food sanitation, (iii) sewage systems, (iv) air sanitation, (v) vector control and disease rodents, (vi) home hygiene. When sanitation problems arise in dense residential areas that are not well ordered and are also not handled in a way that is not sanitary, it will pollute the surrounding environment. Changes in community behavior to be more environmentally friendly do not just happen, but through the process of forming behavior that has a background and motivation. The motivation then raises behavior that influences the actions and efforts of the community towards the sustainability of the activity. So that this study will also analyze the role of the community and other involved stakeholders in the mechanism of improving the sanitation of the slum environment. MCK management activities are part of the practice of community behavior in improving sanitation. The government of the North Kembangan village has tried to improve this condition through programs to improve the settlement environment with the concept of community empowerment, this program involves community participation starting from the planning, implementation to the utilization and maintenance stages. It is expected that with this community participation a sense of ownership of development outcomes can be achieved so that the sustainability of the program can be achieved.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 1328
Billy Samuel ◽  
Rasji .

Cigarettes is a culture that has existed since time immemorial and has come down to the heir of the nation to this day, cigarettes which initially is a habit that is done to fill the vacuum of time, has now turned into something that makes people dependence on cigarettes. Therefore based on the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia in Article 28H paragraph (1) states that the right of citizens to obtain a good and healthy environment, and get good health services, need to be regulated further about health, especially the imposition cigarette. Now cigarettes that use tobacco which is one of addictive substances, has been regulated further by Law Number 36 Year 2009 About Health which is one of the realization of the ideals of the Constitution Article 28H Paragraph (1). However, control isn’t enough, in fact the government only carries the imposition of excise products that containing addictive substances. The research method used is normative legal research method that comes from primary, secondary, and supported by interview with related experts, which is analyzed deductively. In addition, the theory of the legal system not only refers to the substance of the law but also supported the legal culture that is more directed to the attitude of society, public confidence, values adopted by society and their ideas or expectations that determine how the legal system to obtain a place that is appropriate and acceptable to citizens within the framework of better society culture for Indonesia.

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