scholarly journals Faktor – Faktor yang Berhubungan dengan Status Gizi pada Anak Usia 0-23 Bulan Berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Karangayu Kota Semarang

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 104-112
Erlita Nur Andini ◽  
Ari Udiyono ◽  
Dwi Sutiningsih ◽  
Moh Arie Wuryanto

Background: According to UNICEF, half of all deaths of children are caused by malnutrition. The conventional anthropometric index to measure nutritional status is unable to measure the overall prevalence of malnutrition and multiple malnutrition. The solution is to measure it using the Composite Index of Anthropomeric Failure (CIAF). The aim of the study was to analyze the factors that affect the nutritional status of children aged 0-23 months based on Composite Index of Anthropomeric Failure (CIAF).Methods: This research was an observational analytic study with cross-sectional study design. This research was conducted in the working area of Karangayu Health Center with 231 study sample of mothers who have 0-23 months old children (population used as sample). Chi-square and fisher exact test were used as statistical test.Result: Factors associated with the nutritional status of children aged 0-23 months based on the Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) were the age of the child (p=0,029); birth length (p=0.005); maternal age during pregnancy (p=0.002); maternal height (p=0.025); gestational age of maternal (p=0.049). While factors unassociated were gender (p=0.997), birth weight (p=0.316), nutritional status of the mother during pregnancy (p=0.232), maternal employment (p=0.614), and education level (p=0.951).Conclusion: Age of child, birth length, maternal age during pregnancy, mother’s height, and gestational age of maternity mothers were factors associated with nutritional status of 0-23 months old children based on CIAF. A dominant factor that affected the nutritional status of children aged 0-23 months was the mother's age during pregnancy.

2013 ◽  
Vol 7 (12) ◽  
pp. 538
Nurani Rahmadini ◽  
Trini Sudiarti ◽  
Diah Mulyawati Utari

Upaya menurunkan prevalensi kurang gizi pemerintah membuat program Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Cakupan Kadarzi Kota Depok tahun 2011 rendah (12,7%) dan prevalensi gizi kurang, pendek, kurus berturut-turut 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. Penelitian bertujuan mengetahui faktor dominan terhadap status gizi balita 6 - 59 bulan berdasarkan Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Penelitian menggunakan data sekunder hasil survei Kadarzi 2011. Survei dilakukan di sebelas kecamatan Kota Depok menggunakan desain cross sectional. Sampel sebanyak 1.176 keluarga yang memiliki balita termuda umur 6 _ 59 bulan. Variabel yang diteliti adalah status gizi balita, perilaku Kadarzi, status Kadarzi, karakteristik balita, dan karakteristik keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan prevalensi balita gagal tumbuh 31%. Terdapat dua variabel yang memberikan pengaruh status gizi balita secara bersama-sama yaitu penimbangan balita (nilai p = 0,003) dan pendidikan ibu (nilai p = 0,034). Uji regresi logistik ganda menunjukkan penimbangan balita sebagai faktor dominan terhadap status gizi balita. Balita yang ditimbang tidak teratur berisiko 1,5 kali mengalami gagal tumbuh dibandingkan yang ditimbang teratur. Indeks CIAF berguna untuk mengetahui prevalensi gizi kurang secara keseluruhan dan penanggulangannya. Diperlukan penyuluhan dan promosi yang lebih aktif kepada masyarakat mengenai pentingnya pemantauan pertumbuhan balita melalui posyandu dan melakukan pembinaan kader posyandu dalam pemantauan status pertumbuhan anak sebagai deteksi dini adanya gangguan pertumbuhan.Effort to reduce malnutrition governments make Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi). Kadarzi in Depok 2011 still low (12,7%) and the prevalence of underweight, stunting, wasting are respectively 7,89%, 7%, 4,75%. This study aimed to determine the dominant factor for nutritional status of children based on Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF). Research using secondary data survey Kadarzi 2011. The survey was conducted using a cross sectional study in 11 districts. Samples of 1,176 families who have children youngest aged 6 - 59 months. The variables studied were the nutritional status, Kadarzi behaviors, Kadarzi status, children characteristics, and family characteristics. Results showed prevalence of growth faltering (31%). There are two variables that influence nutritional status, child’s weighing (p value = 0,003) and mother’s education (p value = 0,034). Multiple logistic regression analysis show child’s weighing as a dominant factor to the nutritional status of children. Children who are weighed not regularly are more risky 1,5 to get growth faltering then children who are weighed regularly. CIAF is useful to determine prevalence of undernutrition clearly and its solution. Counseling and promotion about child’s growth monitoring are required as early detection of growth faltering.

2022 ◽  
Tria Astika Endah Permatasari ◽  
Yudi Chadirin

Abstract Background: Composite Index of Anthropometric Failure (CIAF) can assess anthropometric failure by combining the three conventional index measurements of weight-for-age, length/height-for-age, and weight-for-length/height to determine the nutritional status of children under five years. This study aims to assess undernutrition using the CIAF and its determinants on children under five years in the rural area of ​​Bogor District, in Indonesia.Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted during February-May 2019 among 330 pairs of mother-children (under five years). Sample selected by systematic random sampling from four villages as undernutrition pockets in the rural area of ​​Bogor District, Indonesia. The nutritional status of children was assessed by measuring weight and length/height. Then, Z-score was calculated using WHO Anthro software and categorized based on conventional indices that included weight-for-age (WAZ), length/height-for-age (HAZ), weight-for-length/height (WHZ). CIAF is measured based on a combination of conventional index measurements. In addition, the characteristics of mother’s and child, and clean living behavior measured by structured questionnaires. Meanwhile, environmental sanitation is assessed by the environment meter. Binary logistic regression analysis with SPSS version 22.0 was used to analyze the dominant factors associated with undernutrition.Results: The prevalence underweight, stunted, and wasted was 27.8%, 29.7%, and 10.6% respectively. Children who are undernutrition are 42.1% according to the CIAF of which about a quarter (17.8%) of undernutrition children experience a single anthropometric failure, about half (22.2%) had dual failure, and 2.1% had multiple failures. The most dominant factor associated with underweight, stunted, and wasted is family income [p-value=0.018; AOR=5.44; 95% CI: 1.34-22.11], mother's height [p-value=<0.001; AOR=3.29; 95% CI:1.83-5.91], and child's age [p-value=0.013; AOR=2.59; 95% CI: 1.22-5.47] respectively. Mother's height is the most dominant factor associated with anthropometric failure (CIAF) [p-value=0.008; AOR=1.95; 95% CI: 2.19-3.19].Conclusion: CIAF is worthwhile in preventing undernutrition in children under five years. The CIAF can identify more malnourished children than the conventional index. CIAF can use more widely in various regions in Indonesia and other developing countries. Furthermore, improvements in improving nutrition for mother’s in the child since the First 1000 days of life period are needed to determine optimal nutritional status as an indicator of growth success.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-6 ◽  
Neima Endris ◽  
Henok Asefa ◽  
Lamessa Dube

Background. Child malnutrition continues to be the leading public health problem in developing countries. In Ethiopia, malnutrition is a leading cause of child illness and death. Recently the composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF) has been implemented to measure the prevalence of malnutrition. This index presents a more complete picture compared with the previous conventional indices. In this study, CIAF was used to determine the prevalence of malnutrition among children aged 0–59 months in rural Ethiopia. Methods. Data was extracted from the 2014 Ethiopian Mini Demographic and Health Survey (EMDHS) for this study. A total of 3095 children were included in the analysis. The composite index of anthropometric failure (CIAF) was used to measure the nutritional status of the children. Logistic regression was fitted, to identify factors associated with malnutrition among children in rural Ethiopia, using STATA 13. Result. The prevalence of malnutrition among rural children in Ethiopia was 48.5%. Age of the children, preceding birth interval, educated status of mother, wealth status, and region were factors independently associated with nutritional status of children in rural Ethiopia. Conclusion. The prevalence of malnutrition among children in rural Ethiopia was high. A child older than 12 months, having uneducated mother, living in a household with poor wealth status, born with short birth interval, and living in some region of the country are associated with increased odds of being malnourished.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (4) ◽  
pp. 379
Santik Wijayanti ◽  
Triska Susila Nindya

 Background: Family conscious nutrition (Kadarzi) is an Indonesia government program that aims to address the nutrition problem. The family expected to be able to independently giving the best nutrition to improve health. Each Kadarzi indicator has an important role to resolve and prevent the occurrence of utrition problem as indicator of vitamin A supplementation is used to resolve vitamin A deficiency.  Nutrition problems can be seen by using nutritional status. Children under five years are age-prone to experiencenutritional problem such as underweight, stunting, and wasting. Objective: The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the application of Kadarzi behavior with the nutritional status of children under five (WAZ, HAZ, and WHZ). Method: The research was an analytic obsevation research, using cross sectional design. The sample consist of 72 toddlers in Salakkembang Village, Kalidawir Subdistrict, Tulungagung Regency. The data were collected by using weight and height measurement, also Kadarzi bahavior questionnaire. The data were analyzed using Fisher Exact test. Result: The results of the study showed that there was a correlation between Kadarzi behavior with nutitional status of toddlers based on WAZ (p=0.010), and HAZ (p=0.000) but not with WHZ (p=0.368). Conclusion: The better apllication of Kadarzi behavior, the better the nutritional status of toddlers WAZ and HAZ. Mothers should apply Kadarzi behavior to prevent toddlers from nutritional problems. ABSTRAK Latar belakang: Keluarga Sadar Gizi (Kadarzi) merupakan program pemerintah Indonesia yang bertujuan mengatasi masalah gizi. Keluarga diharapkan dapat secara mandiri mewujudkan keadaan gizi yang sebaik-baiknya untuk meningkatkan kesehatan. Setiap indikator Kadarzi memiliki peran penting untuk mengatasi dan mencegah terjadinya masalah gizi seperti indikator pemberian suplemen vitamin A digunakan untuk mengatasi kekurangan vitamin A. Masalah gizi dapat dilihat salah satunya dengan menggunakan status gizi. Balita merupakan usia yang rawan mengalami masalah gizi seperti underweight, stunting, dan wasting.Tujuan: Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis hubungan antara penerapan perilaku Kadarzi dengan status gizi balita (BB/U, TB/U, dan BB/TB).Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasinol analitik, dengan desain penelitian cross sectional. Sampel terdiri dari 72 balita di Desa Salakkembang, Kecamatan Kalidawir, Kabupaten Tulungagung. Pengumpulan data menggunakan penimbangan berat badan, tinggi badan, dan kuesioner perilaku Kadarzi. Data dianalisis menggunakan Fisher Exact test. Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan terhadap hubungan antara perilaku Kadarzi dengan status gizi balita BB/U (p=0,010) dan TB/U (p=0,000) namun tidak dengan BB/TB (p=0,368).Kesimpulan: Semakin baik penerapan perilaku Kadarzi maka semakin baik status gizi balita BB/U dan TB/U. Ibu dan seluruh anggota keluarga seharusnya menerapkan perilaku Kadarzi agar balita terhindar dari masalah gizi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (SPL2) ◽  
pp. 124-131
Anuhya B ◽  
Nisha B ◽  
Ruma Dutta ◽  
Timsi Jain

Malnutrition among under-five children is a major public health problem all around the world. About more than 30% of the malnutrition world-wide is prevalent in southern Asia, a significant proportion of which is contributed by India. It is well known that malnutrition is frequently a part of a vicious cycle that includes poverty and infections, which can last a life-time and may also affect the next generations. This study aims to assess the nutritional status of children less than 5 years in a semi-urban area of Tamil Nadu using a composite index of anthropometric failure. A cross-sectional community-based study was undertaken among 168 children and anthropometric measurements were taken. Using conventional Z score indicators, 22.62% of the children were found to be stunted, 43.45% of the children were underweight and wasting was found in 45.83% of the children. Whereas using CIAF, the results were found to be 38.69% (no failure), 11.90% (Only wasting), 23.21% (Wasting and underweight), 11.31% (Wasting, underweight and Stunting), 6.55% (Stunting and underweight) 5.36% (Only stunting) and 2.98% (Only underweight). There was an unacceptably high prevalence of malnutrition among under-five children. Therefore, using CIAF showed better classification of undernutrition than conventional indicators. Also, health institutions at all levels should integrate nutrition as a health component and there is a need to educate the parents to provide age-appropriate energy-rich, locally available and nutritionally balanced food items. Accelerating the reduction in under-5 mortality is possible by expanding effective preventive and curative interventions that target the main causes of undernutrition. This will, in the long run, help in making this nation healthier, stronger, and more prosperous.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 24-29
Eka Vivtin Agustiani ◽  
Agus Santosa

Phlebitis is one of nosocomial infections that frequently occurred in hospitals. Phlebitis is mainly related with infusion and therapy. Many risk factors can cause phlebitis. The purpose of this study was to predict the prevalence of phlebitis in patients based on the causal factors in Banyumas Regional Hospital. The design of this study was an analytic survey of cohort approach, with a sample of 218 by using consecutive sampling. The study was conducted from November to December 2019 using checklist of observation sheets. The results demonstrates 5 phlebitis risk factors associated with the occurrence of phlebitis, namely the type of fluid (P = 0.011), nutritional status (P = 0.001), catheter size (P = 0.002), injection therapy (P = 0.027) and comorbidities (P = 0.003). The probability of 5 risk factors for the occurrence of phlebitis (88.28%) with nutritional status being the dominant factor (b = 3.928) with probability of (13.48%). To minimize the prevalence of phlebitis, the medical personnel may conduct initial phlebitis screening to determine accurate and appropriate preventive measures.

2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (3) ◽  
Okta Vianis

<p>Based on monitoring reports nutritional status of children in Lubuk Kilangan Puskesmas Padang in 2014, from 291 infants who weighed by BB / U, known malnutrition by 10 people (3.44%), malnutrition as many as 54 people (18.56%), and good nutrition as much as 222 (76.3%). The purpose of this study to see if Factors Associated with the Nutritional Status In Toddlers in Sub Bandar Buat Padang District of Lubuk Kilangan 2016.</p><p>Types and methods of this research is analytic survey with cross sectional design. The research was conducted in the village of Lubuk Kilangan Bandar Buat District of Padang in May 2016. The population is all the mothers who have children amounted to 755 people. Samples taken as many as 88 people with cluster random sampling techniques and sample used for the randomization Simple Random Sampling technique. Data collected by using a questionnaire. Processing of data by univariate and bivariate data analysis performed using Chi-Square test.</p><p>The results were obtained over the majority 51.1% children have malnutrition. Mothers who are knowledgeable low of 3.6%, which the family income &lt;1.615 million as much as 47.7%. Mothers who do not give exclusive breastfeeding much as 52.3%. Of test statistics in get a significant relationship between the nutritional status of children with a mother knowledge (p value 0.000), there was a significant relationship between the nutritional status of children with family incomes (p value 0.000), and no significant correlation between the nutritional status of children with exclusive breastfeeding ( p value 0.034).</p><p> It was concluded that there is a relationship between the nutritional status of children with the knowledge of the mother, family income and exclusive breastfeeding in Lubuk Kilangan Puskesmas Padang Year 2016. For the Lubuk Kilangan health center in order to do counseling at least 1 time a month on Nutrition in infants in order to improve knowledge of mothers on nutritional status.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 7-16
Eny Pemilu Kusparlina

Low Birth Weight incidence is caused by several factors including maternal age <20/> 35 years and LILA <23.5 cm. The results of the preliminary study at the TawangrejoCommunity Health Center in the City of Madiun, from 2016 there were 20 Low Birth Weightwhile in January-June 2017 there were 24 Low Birth Weight. The problem of this study isthe increase in the incidence of Low Birth Weight.To analyze the relationship between age and maternal nutritional status based on thesize of the upper arm circumference with the type of Low Birth Weight.This study is an analytical cross-sectional study with a population of all infants withbirth weight less than 2500 gram in January-April 2011 taken by simple random sampling of23 infants. Data sourced from secondary data in the form of medical records. Theindependent variables of maternal age and nutritional status based on the size of the upperarm circumference and the dependent variable type Low Birth Weight were then analyzedusing the Fisher Exact test.This study showed that the majority (69.6%) of mothers giving birth in the agecategory were not safe, causing premature Low Birth Weight (38.5%) and Low Birth Weightat term (61.5%). And most (65.1%) mothers gave birth in the category of Lack of ChronicEnergy, causing premature Low Birth Weight (38.5%) and Low Birth Weight dismatured(61.5%). From the Fisher Exact test results obtained value p = 0.011 for age and p = 0.024for LILA size with a significance level of α = 0.05, because p <α then H1 is accepted.This study has a relationship between age and maternal nutritional status based on thesize of the upper arm circumference with the type of Low Birth Weight. Pregnant and givingbirth at an unsafe age and Lack of Chronic Energy tend to give birth to babies with LowBirth Weight. From the research conducted, it is expected that health workers will furtherimprove health promotion by carrying out prevention through early detection of pregnancyby early ANC examination with the 7T standard.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 053-061
Fitriyani Fitriyani

Every year the incidence of premature rupture of membranes ranges from 5-10% of all preterm preterm births and membranes occurring in 1% of all pregnancies.70% of cases of premature rupture of membranes occur in early pregnancy, prematurerupture of membranes is the cause of preterm birth as much as 30% (Manuaba, 2010). Atthe Derah Kepahiang General Hospital, the incidence of premature rupture of membranesis 219 cases in 2016.This research is analytical descriptive research with case controldesign. The sample in this study amounted to 138 people divided into two groups of 69cases and 69 controls. Statistical test using chi square test and binary logisticregression.Results of the study of 69 people with premature rupture of membranes atmaternal age <20 and> 35 years (46.4%), primiparity and grandemultipara parity(62.3%), fetal abnormalities (33.3%), gestational age aterm ( 63.8%) and those with ahistory of premature rupture (18.8%) in Kepahiang Hospital by 2016. Maternal age (pvalue0.013 OR = 2.646), parity (p-value 0.0,0 OR OR = 3.111) (p-value 0,0017 OR =2,950), gestational age (p-value 0,386) and history of premature rupture (p-value 0,167)at Kepahiang Hospital 2016. The most dominant factor causing premature rupture ofmembranes in RSUD Kepahiang year 2016 is parity (Exp (B) 2,806).It is expected thatthe hospital can use the research as input to suppress the incidence of premature ruptureof membranes, by counseling to explain the risk factors of premature rupture ofmembranes, especially maternal age, parity and fetal abnormalities.

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