2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-32
Sahila Rizkya

Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan April 2012 di Pulau Pramuka, Kepulauan Seribu, DKI Jakarta. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling artinya sesuai dengan namanya, sampel diambil dengan maksud atau tujuan tertentu. Kuadran transek berukuran 1 x 1 m diletakkan jarak 10 meter dari satu plot ke plot berikutnya dengan arah tegak lurus garis pantai sampai ke tubir atau daerah yang pertumbuhan makroalganya sangat jarang, kemudian dengan menggunakan line transek sepanjang 100 meter ditarik tegak lurus dari garis pantai ke arah tubir. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah kelimpahan Lambis yang didapatkan pada Pulau Pramuka selama penelitian seluruhnya ada 21 individu, dengan jumlah total pada Stasiun 1 yaitu 11 individu, pada Stasiun 2 dengan jumlah 2 individu dan Stasiun yang ke 3 dengan jumlah 8 individu. Spesies Lambis spp. yang ditemukan saat penelitian yaitu Lambis crocata, Lambis lambis, Lambis scorpius, dan Lambis chiragra dengan komposisi Lambis crocata 52 %, Lambis lambis 29 %, Lambis scorpius 14 % dan yang paling rendah yaitu Lambis chiragra dengan 5 %. Jenis-jenis makroalga yang ditemukan adalah spesies Sargassum sp, Halimeda sp, Padina sp, Caulerpa sp dan Euchema sp.Kata kunci : Gastropoda (Lambis spp.), Makroalga, Pulau PramukaAbstractThe study was conducted on April 2012 at Pramuka Island, Seribu Island, Jakarta. The sampling technique used purposive sampling method means that as the name suggests, the samples were taken with the intent or purpose. Transect quadrant 1 x 1 m placed a distance of 10 meters from one plot to the next plot in the direction perpendicular to the shoreline or the edge of a growth area macroalgae very rarely, and then using the line transect along the 100 meter perpendicular drawn from the shoreline to the edge. The results obtained are found in abundance Lambis the Pramuka Island during the study a total of 21 individuals, with the total at Station 1 is 11 individuals, at Station 2 with 2 individuals and the number of stations 3 were 8 individuals. Species of Lambis spp. found during the study are Lambis crocata, Lambis lambis, Lambis scorpius, and Lambis chiragra with the composition Lambis crocata 52%, Lambis lambis 29%, Lambis scorpius 14% and the lowest is Lambis chiragra by 5%. The species of macroalgae found are Sargassum sp, Halimeda sp, Padina sp, Caulerpa sp and Euchema sp.Keywords : Gastropods (Lambis spp.), Macroalgae, Pramuka Island

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Jayens Alotia ◽  
Saroyo Saroyo ◽  
Sendy Rondonuwu

Biodiversitas Burung pada Perkebunan Kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara(Bird Biodiversity in Coconut Plantation in North Minahasa Distric, North Sulawesi Province) Jayens Alotia1)*, Saroyo1), Sendy Rondonuwu1)1)Program Studi Biologi, FMIPA Universitas Sam Ratulangi, Manado 95115*Email korespondensi: [email protected] Diterima  1 Februari 2019, diterima untuk dipublikasi 28 Februari  2019 Abstrak Burung memerlukan tempat atau ruang yang digunakan untuk mencari makan, minum, berlindung, bermain, dan tempat berkembang biak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis biodiversitas burung pada habitat perkebunan kelapa di Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Pengambilan data dilaksanakan dari bulan Desember 2017 sampai dengan bulan Maret 2018 di perkebunan kelapa di Desa Maumbi, Desa Tatelu dan Desa Pinili  Kabupaten Minahasa Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Utara.  Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode survei. Teknik penentuan petak contoh menggunakan metode purposive sampling yaitu teknik penentuan sampel dengan pertimbangan tertentu. Petak contoh ditentukan sebanyak 3 transek berbentuk garis transek (line transect) dengan panjang masing-masing transek 2000 m dan lebar 20 m dengan pengambilan data sebanyak 5 kali. Berdasarkan penelitian diperoleh hasil sebanyak 23 jenis burung dengan indeks biodiversitas sebesar 2.76, dari 23 jenis burung tersebut diketahui jumlah jenis burung yang dianggap kurang mengkhawatirkan (LC) terdapat 21 jenis burung, sedangkan status rentan (VU) terdapat 1 jenis yaitu Penelopides exarhatus dan status hampir punah (NT) terdapat satu jenis yaitu Accipiter nanus.Kata kunci: biodiversitas, burung, perkebunan kelapa, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara. Abstract Birds buy places or spaces that are used to find food, drink, shelter, play, and breed. This study aims to analyze biodiversity in coconut plantation habitat in North Minahasa Regency. Data collection was carried out from December 2017 to March 2018 in coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province in Maumbi Village, Tatelu Village, Pinili Village. Data retrieval is done using the survey method. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method which is a sample selection technique with certain considerations. Sample plots are determined by 3 transects, forming line transects (line transects) with the length of each transect of 2000 m and width of 20 m by taking data 5 times. Based on research conducted in plantation habitats, North Minahasa Regency obtained research on species of birds on plantations in North Minahasa Regency, North Sulawesi Province, which consisted of 23 species of birds with a biodiversity index of 2.76, of 23 species of birds there are according to the type of bird that is considered less alarming (LC) there are 21 species of birds, while the vulnerable status (VU) there is 1 type, Penelopides exarhatus and the status is almost extinct (NT) there is 1 type, Accipiter nanus. Keywords: biodiversity, birds, coconut plantations, North Minahasa Regency.

2021 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 46-54
Tika Zelin Fitriyana ◽  
Fajar Gustiawaty Dewi ◽  
Pigo Nauli

Turnover can also be defined as the movement of workers out of the organization. Turnover refers to the final reality faced by an organization in the form of the number of employees who leave the organization in a certain period, while the desire of employees to move (turnover intentions) refers to the results of individual evaluations regarding the continuation of relationships with the organization that have not been manifested in definite actions to leave the organization. This study aims to determine the effect of Financial Compensation on Turnover Intention, Knowing the effect of Non-Financial Compensation on Turnover Intention and Knowing the effect of Job Satisfaction on Turnover Intention. In this study, sample selection was carried out using purposive sampling method. The purposive sampling method is a sampling technique with certain considerations. The sample in the study was selected using purposive sampling and obtained 65 samples. Based on the research results, financial compensation has no significant positive effect on the dependent variable, namely Turnover intention (Y), non-financial compensation has no effect on the dependent variable, namely Turnover intention (Y) and Job Satisfaction has no effect on the dependent variable, namely Turnover intention.

Equity ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (2) ◽  
pp. 5
Jetmi Ade Cecasmi ◽  
Samin Samin

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of Board of Commissioner, Leverage, and Ownership Structure on the Enterprise Risk Management disclosure of banking firm listed in Indonesian Stock Exchange for the period from 2013 to 2015. Sampling technique using purposive sampling (purposive sampling method). The sampel used in this study is a banking company that meets the criteriaas set out in this study to obtain 21 banking. The data obtained derived from the annualreport and financial report of the banks publishe. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression to test the classical assumption first. The result showed that the Board of Commissioner have a significant influence on the Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure. Leverageand Ownership Structure is not significantly effects on Enterprise Risk Management Disclosure.

Elkawnie ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 133
Juhardi Sembiring ◽  
Taufiq Siddiq Azvi

Abstract : Orangutan is classified as an endangered species. Forest clearance for a variety of purposes and functions over the region led to the limited habitat for orangutans. Orangutans habitat is fragmented into several regions led to the survival of a population of a species depends on habitat conditions. Performing a nest survey is important to give a deeper understanding of the ecology and help determine the best protective management measures. We provide basic data of orangutan density and orangutan nesting characteristics in protected forest area Sibongkaras village. This study was conducted in April 2019 until June 2019 in protected forest area Sibongkaras village, Pakpak Bharat. Tracking begins with observed the presence of a nest based on a purposive sampling method. And data retrieval was done by line transect method. Data analyzed at Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara. Our result showed that the orangutan population density was 0.0072 individuals/km2 or 0.72 individuals/ha. The dominant position of the nest is in a position which is a position I nest close to the main stem of the tree with the nest number 13 (43.3%). Generally, the nest is found at an altitude of  >15 meters with a sum of 27 nests (90%).Abstrak : Orangutan diklasifikasikan sebagai spesies yang terancam punah. Penebangan hutan untuk berbagai tujuan dan fungsi di kawasan tersebut menyebabkan terbatasnya habitat orangutan. Habitat orangutan yang terfragmentasi menjadi beberapa wilayah menyebabkan kelangsungan hidup suatu populasi suatu spesies tergantung pada kondisi habitat. Melakukan survei sarang penting untuk memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang ekologi dan membantu menentukan langkah-langkah manajemen perlindungan terbaik. Kami menyediakan data dasar kepadatan orangutan dan karakteristik sarang orangutan di kawasan hutan lindung Desa Sibongkaras. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan April 2019 hingga Juni 2019 di kawasan hutan lindung Desa Sibongkaras, Pakpak Bharat. Pengamatan dimulai dengan mengamati keberadaan sarang berdasarkan metode purposive sampling. Dan pengambilan data dilakukan dengan metode transek garis. Data yang diperoleh di analisis di Universitas Nahdlatul Ulama Sumatera Utara. Hasil Penelitian kami menunjukkan kepadatan populasi orangutan di 0,0072 individuals/km2 atau 0,72 individu / ha. Posisi sarang yang dominan adalah pada posisi sarang yang berada di posisi paling dekat dengan batang utama, dengan jumlah sarang 13 (43,3%). Umumnya sarang ditemukan di ketinggian > 15 meter dengan jumlah 27 sarang (90%).


Wagini; TheRelationshipof Educationand Training Toward EmployeePerformance in Religion Ministry in Seluma District. Purpose of this study is todetermine the relationship ofeducationandtrainingon employee performancein religion ministry in Seluma Regency. The populationin this study is all existing employeewithin the office of Religion Ministry inSeluma District. The sampling technique used in this study isa purposive sampling method. Based on the criteria set of samples so the sample is taken from 50 people. The result shows a good indicator of education and training as well as the performance obtained good grades,means by getting employees follow the training will be followed by increasing in performance, because in general training followed by civil servantsat the Religion Ministry in Seluma Districtisa training to in crease knowled geandinsight about jobs and regulations relating to the dutiesand functions of each principal.Kata kunci: Pendidikan dan Pelatihan, Kinerja Pegawai

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 233-246
Baiq Wardah

This research uses a quantitative approach using descriptive methods. The population of this research is all stocks that are included in the largest market capitalization for the period January - March 2020 with a total of 50 shares. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method, so that 28 stocks were obtained as the research sample. The variables of this research are stock price, JCI, Bi 7-Day Repo Rate, Return, Risk, Selected Shares and Proportion of Funds. The data analysis method used in this study is the Single Index Model. Based on the research results, it is concluded that there are 3 stocks that meet the criteria for optimal portfolio formation and the proportion of funds for each of these stock, namely PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk. (FASW) 53.40%, 45.48% stock of PT. Bayan Resources Tbk. (BYAN) by 45.48% and stock of PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk. (POLL) by 1.12%. The implication of this research is to provide an overview or information for investors about the advantages and disadvantages of Islamic stocks during the Covid-19 pandemic.   Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif. Populasi penelitian ini adalah seluruh saham yang masuk dalam kapitalisasi pasar terbesar periode Januari – Maret tahun 2020 dengan jumlah 50 saham. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini menggunakan metode purposive sampling, sehhingga diperoleh 28 saham sebagai sampel penelitian. Variabel penelitian ini adalah harga saham, IHSG, Bi 7-Day Repo Rate, Return, Risiko, Saham Terpilih dan Proporsi Dana. Metode analisis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah Model Indeks Tunggal. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian diperoleh kesimpulan, bahwa terdapat 3 saham yang memenuhi kriteria pembentukan portofolio optimal dan besar proporsi dana masing-masing saham tersebut, yakni saham PT. Fajar Surya Wisesa Tbk. (FASW) sebesar 53,40%, 45,48% saham PT. Bayan Resources Tbk. (BYAN) sebesar 45,48% dan saham PT. Pollux Properti Indonesia Tbk. (POLL) sebesar 1,12%. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan gambaran atau informasi bagi para investor tentang potensi keuntungan dan kerugian saham syariah pada saat masa pandemi Covid-19.

2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
Agung Rachmadi S

In this study, researcher aims to discuss about advertising and public relations as tools to create brand awareness on Citilink Airlines. This study was a quantitative research appertaining descriptive research. Sampling technique in this study was nonprobability sampling with purposive sampling method with 100 respondents who stay in Malang Raya and respondents must be more than 17 years old and stay in Malang for long periode of time or just for awhile and know Citilink Airlines. Analyze tool of data which used was multiple regression analyze. The results of this study is advertising and public relations have significant effect on brand awareness as parsial

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (4) ◽  
pp. 102
Kadek Nita Puri Rahayu

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine whether certification can build business competency or just a mere formality / tick the box. The sampling technique that is done is by conducting interviews with informants and documentation.  The informants in the study were determined by purposive sampling method.  The informant referred to by the researcher is the first informant or the most suitable key informant is the Project Management Expert who has followed the certification of expertise then the Project Management Expert directs the next informant to the K3 Construction Expert, the K3 Expert Construction then directs the next informant who oversees  the course of the project and the Overseer direct the next informant is the Builder who is considered capable of providing information in this study.  The results of the study indicate that certification is not a check box / limited to mere formality, but is able to improve the business competencies of the workforce.  This can be said by the author because certification is a very important factor to improve the competence and quality of their work, because the skills knowledge gained in the certification program can be applied directly in the field to the maximum, so that the completion of the project is completed on time. The results of the study indicate that certification is not a check box / limited to mere formality, but is able to improve the business competencies of the workforce.  This can be said by the author because certification is a very important factor to improve the competence and quality of their work. From the results of interviews conducted by the authors that the implementation of certification has been effective but around 50% of the workforce has not yet received certification.  Therefore, the next researcher is expected to be able to explore more specific information about what factors have caused the workforce to not have been certified.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 135-146
Novianti Zalukhu ◽  
Susi Hendriani ◽  
Kurniawaty Fitri

This study aims to determine the effect of recruitment and training on the commitment and performance of Village Bussiness Entity managers in Kampar district. The population in this study were all managers who were members of Village Bussiness Entity in Kampar Regency. Primary data in this study were collected by using questionnaire as research instrument to prove the results of the study. Multiple regression analysis with the assistance of the SPSS program was used to test the hypothesis in this study. The sampling technique was purposive sampling method (30 Village Bussiness Entity in 30 Kampar District Villages). The results showed that: 1) There's is positive and significant influence between recruitment and commitment of Village Bussiness Entity, 2) There was positive but not significant effect between training and commitment of Village Bussiness Entity managers, 3) There is positive and simultaneously significant effect between recruitment and training towards Village Bussiness Entity, 4) There is positive and significant effect between the commitment and performance of Village Bussiness Entity.

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 175
Dwi Rafita Mukti ◽  
Sri Wahyu Lelly Hana Setyanti ◽  
Lilik Farida

This study aims to knowing the influence of performance appraisal system based on e-performance on employee achievement through job satisfaction as an intervening variable on Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Banyuwangi. This study is causal research, it means problem characteristics research in a form cause-effect between two variables or more. Population is employees of Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatatn Sipil Kabupaten Banyuwangi with the amount 80 employees. The sampling method for this study was doing with purposive sampling technique and it has been gotten 37 respondents as samples. Data analysis method is Path Analysis. The hypothesis of research are performance appraisal based on e-performance has significantly affected job achievement, performance appraisal based on e-performance has significantly affected job satisfaction, and job satisfaction has significantly affected job achievement. The result of study was performance appraisal based on e-performance has positive and significantly affected employees achevement. It means performance appraisal based on e-performance can increase employee achievement. Performance appraisal based on e-performance has positive and significantly affected job satisfaction on employees. It means performance appraisal based on e-performance can increase job satisfaction on employees. Job satisfaction has positive and significantly affected employees achievement. It means the employees successfully in doing the tasks which have been given by company can increase job satisfaction which got. Keywords: Performance Appraisal, E-Performance, Job Saticfaction, employee acievement.

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