2015 ◽  
Vol 44 (2) ◽  
pp. 130
I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani

Constitutional Court Decision No. 85 / PUU - XII / 2014 to restore control over the water resources of the country, including in terms of management and enterprise. This study discusses how the construction of the state's right to control the management of the water resources of our doctrines of the welfare state. Methods used juridical empirical. This research resulted in the construction of the state's right to control the management of the water resources of our doctrines of the welfare state that is the heart of the Law on Water ResourcesPutusan Mahkamah Konstitusi RI Nomor 85/PUU-XII/2014 mengembalikan penguasaan atas sumber daya air kepada negara termasuk dalam hal pengelolaan dan pengusahaannya. Penelitian ini membahas bagaimana konstruksi hak menguasai negara dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air sebagai perwujudan doktrin negara kesejahteraan. Metode Penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis empiris. Penelitian ini menghasilkan konstruksi hak menguasai negara dalam pengelolaan sumber daya air sebagai perwujudan doktrin negara kesejahteraan yang merupakan jantung Undang-Undang tentang Sumber Daya Air

2021 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 286-308
Febriansyah Ramadhan ◽  
Ilham Dwi Rafiqi

This article is the result of research on the heart article in the 3 Constitutional Court Decisions which canceled the entire contents of the law, namely the Constitutional Court Decision Number 001-021-022/PUU-I/2003 which canceled Law Number 20 of 2002 concerning Electricity, Constitutional Court Decision 006/PUU-IV/2006 which canceled Law 27 of 2004 concerning the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, Constitutional Court Decisions 11-14-21-126 and 136/PUU-VII/2009 which canceled the Law Number 9 of 2009 concerning Legal Education Entities, and the Constitutional Court Decision 85/PUU-XI/2013 which canceled Law Number 7 of 2004 concerning Water Resources. The term 'heart article' is the term coined by the Constitutional Court and used as the main reason for canceling the entire contents of the law. Unfortunately, in these decisions, the Constitutional Court did not elaborate further on the concept and characteristics of an article categorized as the heart article. Departing from this issue, this research aims to find out what are the concepts and characteristics of the "heart article" of a law that was completely canceled by the Constitutional Court? To help answer this question, this research employed a normative method intended to trace all legal materials, both of the Constitutional Court decisions, statutory regulations, to the literature supporting the research. The importance of this research is to give meaning to the concept of the heart article, which, in the development of legal science, is still rarely discussed. Moreover, it can serve as a reference for petitioners to conduct the judicial review and to identify whether the article being tested is the heart article.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 080
Zaka Firma Aditya

Tulisan ini hendak membahas mengenai konsistensi putusan-putusan mahkamah konstitusi dalam pengujian undang-undang berdasarkan asas preseden. MK beberapa kali dipandang tidak konsisten karena kerap mengeluarkan putusan yang bersifat overrulling. Namun, sebenarnya tidak sedikit juga putusan MK yang konsisten mengikuti preseden. Meskipun penggunaan asas preseden hanya dikenal di negara yang menganut tradisi common law, MK ternyata juga menerapkannya. Putusan MK tentang pengujian UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama adalah salah satu bentuk dianutnya asas preseden di MK. Putusan ini secara konsisten menyatakan bahwa UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama tetap konstitusional karena akan terjadi kekosongan hukum apabila UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama diputus inkonstitusional. Dalam perkara tersebut, MK mempertahankan ratio decidendinya terhadap konstitusionalnya UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama karena meskipun MK sadar bahwa UU a quo banyak mengandung kelemahan. Konsistensi standing MK terhadap UU Pencegahan Penodaan Agama ini merupakan salah satu bentuk dari dipraktekannya doktrin preseden.This paper will discuss the consistency of the constitutional court decision in the judicial review cases based on the principle of precedent. MK several times deemed inconsistent because often issued a ruling that is overruling. However, there were actually a lot of MK decisions that consistently followed the precedent. Although the use of the precedent principle is only known in common law tradition, the Constitutional Court apparently also applies it. The Constitutional Court’s decision regarding the Blasphemy Prevention Act was one form of the principle of precedent in the Constitutional Court. This decision consistently states that the Blasphemy Prevention Act remains constitutional because a legal vacuum will occur if the Blasphemy Prevention Law was decided to be unconstitutional. In this case, the Court retained its ratio decidendi to the constitutionality of the Blasphemy Prevention Law, even though the Court was aware that the Law contained many weaknesses. The consistency of the Constitutional Court on the judicial review of the Blasphemy Prevention Act is one form of the practice of precedent doctrine.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Nadia Astriani

This study is based by the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources by the Indonesian Constitutional Court. Over the past 10 years, the law is the basis for the water resources management in Indonesia. The cancellation of the law would provide great impact for water resources management policy, especially with regard to the provision of right to water. Hence, this study aimed to determine the legal status of Right to Water provided by the local government after the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2014 on Water Resources. The object of this normative study includes legal principles and systematic. This is due to the focus of this study is the meaning of the right principle to ruled state in the context of realizing the peoples’ prosperity and the position of Water Resources Act as the basis for the issuance of Government Regulation and Right to Water. The results of study indicate that in order to provide legal certainty for permit holder for Right to Use Water and Right to Commercialize Water, the ministry has issued various ministerial regulations, although the nature of these regulations only fills a legal vacuum. In the case of permit to Use of Water Resources, all permits for use of water resources that use surface water issued before the decision of Constitutional Court No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 are still valid. To permit referred to it, evaluation is conducted based on 6 (six) the principles of water resources management. Request new permit are in the process or for renewal of permit to use water resources that use surface water, processed as 6 (six) principles of water resources management. Although, in order to ensure legal certainty, the government should immediately issues the Act in Lieu of Water Resources Management which will be the basis for water resources management in Indonesia.

I Gede Pasek Pramana

This research aims to analyze about the significance of the Constitutional Court Decision No.46/PUU-VIII/2010 the position of anak astra in Bali customary law. The research method used is a normative study by selecting the type of statue approach and the conceptual approach. Sources of legal materials that were examined in this study consisted of primary legal materials and secondary legal materials and techniques were analyzed with the description, systematic, evaluation and argumentation. Based on the perspective ( review ) Constitutional Court Decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010, anak astra have a civil relationship with her biological father and his family along can be proved by science and technology and / or other evidence according to the law. The juridical consequences of the Constitutional Court Decision No. 46/PUU-VIII/2010 to the norms of Bali customary law about anak astra Bali is must conform to the directions of law in the Decision of the Constitutional Court.

2018 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 369
Titis Anindyajati

Pada pokoknya, persekongkolan tender merupakan salah satu bentuk persekongkolan yang dilarang UU Nomor 5/1999 tentang Larangan Praktek Monopoli dan Persaingan Usaha Tidak Sehat dan juga menjadi perkara yang paling sering diproses KPPU. Namun baik secara teoritis maupun praktik menimbulkan permasalahan yaitu karena adanya pemaknaan yang bias akan frasa “pihak lain” dalam Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999. Hal inilah yang melatarbelakangi adanya pengujian Pasal 22 ke MK. Dalam penulisan ini yang dibahas yaitu bagaimana pengaturan persekongkolan tender menurut peraturan perundang-undangan, bagaimanakah implikasi yuridis Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 tentang pengujian Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta bagaimana analisis hukum terhadap pertimbangan hukum Putusan MK tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis normatif dimana obyek penelitian ini adalah peraturan perundang-undangan dan Putusan MK. Dalam hal ini Penulis menyimpulkan, yaitu, Pertama, persekongkolan tender yang merupakan suatu bentuk kerja sama antara dua pihak atau lebih untuk menguasai pasar yang bersangkutan dan/atau memenangkan peserta tender yang mengakibatkan terjadinya persaingan usaha tidak sehat diatur secara eksplisit dalam Pasal 1 angka 8 dan Pasal 22 UU Nomor 5/1999 serta Peraturan KPPU Nomor 2/2010, Kedua, Implikasi yuridis Putusan MK Nomor 85/PUU-XIV/2016 bermanfaat untuk menjamin kepastian hukum dan keadilan bagi para pihak seperti pengusaha utamanya masyarakat. Untuk itu, perlu adanya harmonisasi antara satu peraturan dengan peraturan lainnya, pengujian UU terhadap UUD terkait pengaturan persekongkolan tender dalam persaingan usaha tidak sehat ataupun revisi terhadap UU Nomor 5/1999.Principally, tender conspiracy is one form of conspiracy that subjected by the Law No. 5/1999 on The Prohibition of Monopolistic Practices and Unfair Business Competition, and also as a type of case that frequently occurred and processed by the KPPU. However, in theory, and in practice, there are some issues that plague the regulation, because of the occurrence of bias and unclear interpretation of the phrases “other parties” contained in Article 22 of Law 5/1999. This interpretation issue then became the background in the petition for review of Article 22 to the Constitutional Court. This paper mainly discussed the regulation of tender conspiracy according to the existing Law, and also to study the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 concerning the review of Article 22 Law 5/1999. This paper also delves into the legal analysis of the court considered in the aforementioned Decision. This paper utilized the means of normative juridical research methodology, with the existing regulations and Constitutional Court Decision as the object of research. In the paper, the writer concludes that, first, tender conspiracy is a form of cooperation between one party or more to control particular market and/or to determine the awardees of tenders which may cause unfair business competition explicitly regulated in Article 1 number 8 and Article 22 Law 5/1999 and also the KPPU Regulation Number 2/2010, second, the juridical implications of Constitutional Court Decision Number 85/PUU-XIV/2016 was necessary in order to guarantee the equitable legal certainty and fairness toward all parties especially business practising citizens. Thus, there is a necessity to achieve harmony among these regulations, which can be obtained through the judicial review of laws against the Constitution concerning the regulations of tender conspiracy and by means of legislative revision toward Law 5/1999.

Gede Marhaendra Wija Atmaja ◽  
Nyoman Mas Aryani ◽  
Anak Agung Sri Utari ◽  
Ni Made Ari Yuliartini Griadhi

The purpose of this study is to find out the position of the Constitutional Court which later? an understanding of the politic of International agreement law adopted by the Republic of Indonesia. This can be reviewed from the legal considerations that underlying the Constitutional Court Decision. It is a legal research that examines the laws and regulation related to Constitutional Court through several stages: elaborate textual studies, completing textual studies, analyzing legal materials and determine conclusions. The study shows that International and legalized agreement that has not been ratified are placed as part of national law and are used as a reference to enrich the reasoning horizon in interpreting the constitution. Law on the ratification of the International Agreement containing norms which are attachments and an inseparable part of the law, which in its existence as a law constitutes the authority of the Constitutional Court to examine its constitutionality. In this context, the constitutional Court embraced the politic law of monism with the primate of national law and the Constitutional Court embraced the politic law of dualism when examining the constitutionality of the law concerning the ratification of the International Agreement-in terms of subject matter. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sikap Mahkamah Konstitusi yang nantinya akan memberikan pemahaman tentang politik hukum Perjanjian Internasional yang dianut Negara Republik Indonesia. Hal ini dapat ditinjau dari pertimbangan hukum yang mendasari amar Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi. Artikel ini merupakan suatu penelitian hukum yang mengkaji Peraturan Perundang-undangan dan Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi yang ada dengan langkah-langkah melakukan studi tekstual, melengkapi studi tekstual serta melakukan analisis terhadap bahan hukum yang terkumpul dan menarik kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Perjanjian Internasional yang telah disahkan maupun yang belum disahkan ditempatkan sebagai bagian dari hukum nasional dan dijadikan rujukan guna memperkaya cakrawala penalaran dalam menafsirkan Undang-Undang dasar. Undang-Undang tentang pengesahan Perjanjian internasional memuat norma yang merupakan lampiran dan bagian yang tidak terpisahkan dari Undang-Undang bersangkutan, yang dalam keberadaannya sebagai Undang-Undang merupakan kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk menguji konstitusionalitasnya. Dalam konteks ini Mahkamah Konstitusi  menganut  politik hukum monisme dengan primat hukum nasional dan Mahkamah Konstitusi menganut politik  hukum dualisme saat menguji konstitusionalitas Undang-Undang tentang pengesahan Perjanjian Internasional dalam hal menyangkut pokok perkaranya.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-267
Mastura Mastura ◽  
Said Sampara ◽  
Nurul Qamar

Penelitian bertujuan untuk menganalisis dari putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor 56/PUU-XVII/2019 terhadap hak mantan narapidana menjadi calon kepala daerah. Penelitian ini adalah meggunakan tipe penelitian Hukum Normatif. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa: 1) pertimbangan hukum majelis hakim dalam Putusan mahkamah Konstitusi Nomor: 56/PUU-XVII2019 untuk menjadi calon kepala daerah dengan syarat setelah mejalani masa tunggu selama 5 tahun sejak di bebaskan serta terbuka dan jujur mengemukakan kepada publik bahwa yang bersangkutan mantan narapidana. Atas dasar itu Mahkamah Konstitusi memberikan hak kepada mantan narapidana untuk mencalonkan diri menjadi kepala daerah. 2) hak mantan narapiana untuk mencalonkan diri dalam pemilihan kepala daerah dalam putusan MK telah mengembalikkan hak-hak mantan narapidana yakni hak untuk ikut berpartipasi dalam politik dan hak yang sama dihadapan hukum. The research aims to analyze the decision of the Constitutional Court Number 56 / PUU-XVII / 2019 on the rights of ex-convicts to become candidates for regional head. This research is to use the Normative Law research type. The results of this study conclude that: 1) the legal considerations of the panel of judges in the Constitutional Court Decision Number: 56 / PUU-XVII2019 to become a candidate for regional head with the conditions after undergoing a waiting period of 5 years since being released and openly and honestly telling the public that the person concerned ex-convict. On that basis, the Constitutional Court gives the right to ex-convicts to run for regional head. 2) The right of former prisoners to run for regional head elections in the Constitutional Court decision has restored the rights of former prisoners, namely the right to participate in politics and equal rights before the law.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-159
Xavier Nugraha ◽  
Kusuma Wardani Raharjo ◽  
Ahmad Ardhiansyah ◽  
Alip Pamungkas Raharjo

The Constitutional Court as the guardian of the constitution and the guardian of human rights has the duty to ensure that the Law does not contradict the constitution and does not violate human rights. One of the manifestations of this can be seen in the Constitutional Court Decision Number 1 / PUU-X / 2013, where the Constitutional Court removed the element "Some other deeds or unpleasant treatment/act" in Article 335 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code. With the removal of the core elements of Article 335 paragraph (1) of the Criminal Code, raises questions related to the existence of the offense whether it still exists or not. Based on this, this study will examine 1) Application of Article 335 of the Criminal Code Before the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 1 / PUU-X / 2013 and 2.) Application of Article 335 of the Criminal Code After the Decision of the Constitutional Court Number 1 / PUU-X / 2013. This research is a normative legal research with a statute approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Based on this research, it was found that after the Constitutional Court Decision Number 1 / PUU-X / 2013 that offenses of unpleasant acts had been reconstructed into forced offenses.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 250
Nadia Astriani

This study is based by the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2004 on Water Resources by the Indonesian Constitutional Court. Over the past 10 years, the law is the basis for the water resources management in Indonesia. The cancellation of the law would provide great impact for water resources management policy, especially with regard to the provision of right to water. Hence, this study aimed to determine the legal status of Right to Water provided by the local government after the cancellation of Act No. 7 of 2014 on Water Resources. The object of this normative study includes legal principles and systematic. This is due to the focus of this study is the meaning of the right principle to ruled state in the context of realizing the peoples’ prosperity and the position of Water Resources Act as the basis for the issuance of Government Regulation and Right to Water. The results of study indicate that in order to provide legal certainty for permit holder for Right to Use Water and Right to Commercialize Water, the ministry has issued various ministerial regulations, although the nature of these regulations only fills a legal vacuum. In the case of permit to Use of Water Resources, all permits for use of water resources that use surface water issued before the decision of Constitutional Court No. 85/PUU-XI/2013 are still valid. To permit referred to it, evaluation is conducted based on 6 (six) the principles of water resources management. Request new permit are in the process or for renewal of permit to use water resources that use surface water, processed as 6 (six) principles of water resources management. Although, in order to ensure legal certainty, the government should immediately issues the Act in Lieu of Water Resources Management which will be the basis for water resources management in Indonesia.

2018 ◽  
Ali Marwan Hsb

Article 24C Section (1) of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia authorizes the Constitutional Court to reviewthe law against the constitution. However, when referring to the hierarchy of legislation, the law has the equal hierarchy with government regulation in lieu of law. It makes a question whether the Constitutional Court truly has the authority to review government regulation in lieu of law against the constitution? Based on the research in this paper, it was found that by the Constitutional Court Decision Number 138/PUU-VII/2009, the Constitutional Court stated that the authority to review government regulation in lieu of law under the authority of the Constitutional Court because the substance of government regulation in lieu of law is similar with the substance of law. So, the Constitutional Court has the authority to review a government regulation in lieu of law materially. Such decision is correct; the Constitutional Court has the authority to review a government regulation in lieu of law in material because the substance is similar with the law. While formally reviewing should be the authority of the Supreme Court due to government regulation in lieu of law formally is in the form of government regulation

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