scholarly journals Theory and Practice in Nature Conservation – Where to Seek Sustainability?

2017 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-82
Zbigniew Mirek ◽  
Zbigniew Witkowski

AbstractContemporary nature conservation is the subject of serious disputes, with biocentrists emphasising the superiority of the good of nature, while anthropocentrists believe that conservation space should also take account of the good of humankind. The dispute concerns two very important values perceived differently, and not resolvable within any scientifi c framework. The authors postulate a return to the Christian roots of our civilisation. It was God who gave human beings the goods He had created, expecting them to be used in line with His plan. The man who lost God’s plan, destroys the life of nature as well as his own. The postulated solution is the proper shaping of conscience, to condition biodiversity conservation in line with the idea of sustainable development.

2014 ◽  
Vol 693 ◽  
pp. 141-146
Jan Prachař ◽  
Helena Fidlerová ◽  
Peter Sakál ◽  
Tatiana Zbojová

The aim of the project was to optimize the company's inventory management and to suggest measures to minimize inventory and costs and maximize production in an effective and sustainable way. The effectiveness and sustainability of the logistics processes was focused on streamlining of inventory management through the actualization and improvement of existing system Kanban. In the context of sustainable development we propose the Kanban method because its principles are to eliminate waste and to ensure employees satisfied. In the centre of attention is the employee and the company should care for its satisfaction by means of enhancement of workplaces. The objective of this paper is to present characteristics of the Kanban method in theory and practice; it addresses actualization and improvement of the Kanban system and recommendations for future sustainable Kanban system. The work is a part of KEGA project No. 037STU-4/2012 -Implementation of the subject “Sustainable Corporate SocialEntrepreneurship” into the study program Industrial management in the second degree at the MTF STU Trnava.and submitted project VEGA No.č.1/0510/15Sustainable strategic management vs. sustainable corporate social responsibility vs. integrated managementsystem of strategic business units.

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (4) ◽  
pp. 540-553
Christoph Wulf

Abstract The Formation of the Subject in the Anthropocene. Sustainability, Mimesis and Ritual The article argues that we live in the Anthropocene, where human beings become the telluric power and determine the future of the planet. This situation requires a re-evaluation of our understanding of individuality and subjectivity. Human beings must reconsider their self-concepts, their self-images, their planetary role and develop new perspectives on education. Ultimately, this also calls for practices of sustainable development, mimetic learning and ritual arrangements.

Workineh Kelbessa

This paper explores the role of African worldviews in biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. African worldviews recognise the interdependence and interconnectedness of human beings, animals, plants and the natural world. Although it is not always the case that what one does depends on what one thinks and believes, indigenous African people’s ideas and beliefs about the human–nature relationship have influenced what they have done in and to nature. In African worldviews, the present generation has moral obligations to the ancestors and future generations. It ought to preserve the environment, which is rich in biodiversity, for posterity. This paper insists that it is extremely urgent that every effort be made to document the knowledge of peasant farmers and indigenous people in general. This paper further stresses that indigenous environmental knowledge makes a big difference to sustaining diverse environments, and it is imperative to preserve such knowledge before it dies out.

Valerii Zhuk ◽  
Kateryna Melnyk

Introduction. Scientists generate many conflicting interpretations of the subject of the audit; this indicates the weakness of the current version of audit theory. But in practice, audit from a professional-closed system is increasingly acquiring the status of a socio-economic institute. Therefore, there is a need for a clear identification of the public utility of the audit institute – its mission. The formation of the mission is a priori based on the potential of the subject of the audit, the cognition of which is the primary task of academic science.The purpose of the article is to develop theoretical ideas about the subject of the audit and formulate its new essence on general scientific philosophical foundations and doctrines and the concept of sustainable development.Research methods. In the article has been used general scientific and specific research methods, in particular: abstraction, induction and deduction, comparison – to study of theoretical research of the conceptual and categorical apparatus of audit theory; graphic – to study the models and development strategies of the audit institute; analysis and synthesis – to identify the institutional trend of semantic growth of the substantive functionality of the audit.Results. The research results form the basis for the further development of theoretical ideas about the subject of the audit. The methodology of cognition of the essence of the subject of the audit, based only on the connection to its objects, was critically assessed.  It has been proven that such scientific approach solves the problem of cognizing the subject situationally, but does not form a stable idea about the subject in the theory and practice of audit. The methodology for understanding the subject of the audit institute was proposed taking into account the development of its functionality. The institutional trend  of the substantial increase in audit objects and functions was revealed. The model of    the subject-functional growth of audit and the development strategy of the audit institute has been built on the basis of modern institutional scientific doctrines and the concept of sustainable development. According to the authors, the subject of the audit is the study of the nature of audit functionality, aimed at reducing uncertainty in economic and sustainable development. Steps have been taken towards the formation of a stable version of the audit theory in terms of the sustainability of its audit subject and mission.Discussion. Further research into the essence of the subject of the audit should      be combined with modern economic and social theories, doctrines and the concept of sustainable development, challenges from audit practice. The improvement of the methodology of cognition of the subject of the audit should be based on the application of techniques and methods of practical integrity and axiological methodology, especially in the concept of “audit functionality”.

2021 ◽  
Vol 49 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 267-287
Barbara Fogarasi ◽  
Andrea Dúll

While the reasons that lead to the current crisis of the heritage preservation sector in Hungary are manifold, it is worth looking into what might be done to draw attention to some issues that may help consolidate the ground of common values; the foundation, upon which a meaningful dialogue can be constructed, leading to the appreciation of and willingness to care for the historic environment by all actors. There seems to be a hidden conflict between the values of conservation experts and those of laypeople. Possessing thorough knowledge about the nature of historical and architectural values and trained to easily identify these, we are bound to focus more on people, their meanings and values. Much can be learned from pervious, human-centred architectural theory and practice, some of which are reviewed in the study, with special attention to the work of Gyula Hajnóczi. Referring to his space theory and ideas about the perception of space, we are especially grateful for his term homo aedificator suggesting that architecture satisfies material and spiritual needs universal to all human beings. Recognizing the challenges that stem from the differences between architects and non-architects, and likewise, heritage professionals and laypeople, the concepts of environmental psychology can help us show the way to universal values. We look into the method of the semantic differential scale to identify the affective meanings of built historic environments. The first steps of an empirical psychological research allow us to see into the minds and hearts of heritage professionals by assessing how they qualify the subject of their daily expertise. While these preliminary results are definitely intriguing, shedding light on how professionals tend to give meaning, our research continues with the aim to reveal the attitudes and meanings people associate with built historic heritage and find viable tools to mitigate the discrepancies between the profession and the general public.Miközben a magyarországi műemlékvédelem jelenlegi válságának számos oka lehet, érdemes figyelmet fordítanunk arra, hogy mit tehetünk azért, hogy megerősítsük a közös értékek talaját; azt az alapot, amire olyan értelmes párbeszédeket építhetünk, melyek a történeti környezet értékelése és törődése iránti hajlandósághoz vezetnek. Egyre gyakrabban üti fel a fejét az a rejtett ellentét, ami a műemlékes szakértők és a laikusok értékei között feszül. Szakértőként, átfogó ismerettel a történeti és építészeti értékekről, melyeket megtanultunk könnyen azonosítani, hasznos lehet a figyelmünket az emberekre, az ő jelentésadásaikra és értékeikre fordítanunk. Sokat okulhatunk a korábbi, ember- központú építészetelméleti és gyakorlati példákból, melyek közül néhányat tanulmányunkban átte- kintünk, kiemelve Hajnóczi Gyula munkásságát. Térelméletére és térészlelési gondolataira hivat- kozva, különösen hálásak vagyunk a homo aedificator fogalmáért, utalva arra, hogy az építészet minden emberi lény anyagi és szellemi igényeit kielégíti. Felismerve az építész–nemépítész és ehhez hasonlóan a műemlékes szakember–laikus közötti különbözőségek kihívásait, a környezetpszicholó- gia segíthet az univerzális értékek felé vezető út megtalálásában. A szemantikus differenciál módsze- rét hívjuk segítségül az épített történeti környezet érzelmi jelentésének feltárására. Empirikus kutatá- sunk első lépéseivel betekintést nyerünk a műemlékes szakemberek vélekedéseibe, pontosabban abba, hogy hogyan minősítik szakértelmük tárgyát. Bár már ezek az előzetes eredmények is – melyek rávilágítanak arra, hogy a szakemberek hogyan értelmezik a műemlékeket – érdekesek lehetnek, kuta- tásunk azzal a céllal folytatódik, hogy általánosságban feltárjuk az emberek vélekedéseit és a történeti épületeknek tulajdonított jelentéseket. Eredményeinkkel használható eszközöket kívánunk nyújtani a szakmabeliek és a laikusok közötti ellentétek feloldására.

2015 ◽  
Vol 42 (2) ◽  
pp. 245-252 ◽  
P. G. Moore

The coverage of natural history in British newspapers has evolved from a “Nature notes” format – usually a regular column submitted by a local amateur naturalist – to professional, larger-format, presentations by dedicated environmental correspondents. Not all such environmental correspondents, however, have natural-history expertise or even a scientific background. Yorkshire's Michael Clegg was a man who had a life-long love of nature wedded to a desire to communicate that passion. He moved from a secure position in the museum world (with a journalistic sideline) to become a freelance newspaper journalist and (subsequently) commentator on radio and television dealing with, and campaigning on, environmental issues full-time. As such, he exemplified the transition in how natural history coverage in the media evolved in the final decades of the twentieth century reflecting modern concerns about biodiversity, conservation, pollution and sustainable development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-37
Syarifudin Syarifudin

Each religious sect has its own characteristics, whether fundamental, radical, or religious. One of them is Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, which is in Cijati, South Cikareo Village, Wado District, Sumedang Regency. This congregation is Sufism with the concept of self-purification as the subject of its teachings. So, the purpose of this study is to reveal how the origin of Insan Al-Kamil Congregation, the concept of its purification, and the procedures of achieving its purification. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a normative theological approach as the blade of analysis. In addition, the data generated is the result of observation, interviews, and document studies. From the collected data, Jamaah Insan Al-Kamil adheres to the core teachings of Islam and is the tenth regeneration of Islam Teachings, which refers to the Prophet Muhammad SAW. According to this congregation, self-perfection becomes an obligation that must be achieved by human beings in order to remember Allah when life is done. The process of self-purification is done when human beings still live in the world by knowing His God. Therefore, the peak of self-purification is called Insan Kamil. 

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 68
А. Н. Сухов

This given article reveals the topicality not only of destructive, but also of constructive, as well as hybrid conflicts. Practically it has been done for the first time. It also describes the history of the formation of both foreign and domestic social conflictology. At the same time, the chronology of the development of the latter is restored and presented objectively, in full, taking into account the contribution of those researchers who actually stood at its origins. The article deals with the essence of the socio-psychological approach to understanding conflicts. The subject of social conflictology includes the regularities of their occurrence and manifestation at various levels, spheres and conditions, including normal, complicated and extreme ones. Social conflictology includes the theory and practice of diagnosing, resolving, and resolving social conflicts. It analyzes the difficulties that occur in defining the concept, structure, dynamics, and classification of social conflicts. Therefore, it is no accident that the most important task is to create a full-fledged theory of social conflicts. Without this, it is impossible to talk about effective settlement and resolution of social conflicts. Social conflictology is an integral part of conflictology. There is still a lot of work to be done, both in theory and in application, for its complete design. At present, there is an urgent need to develop conflict-related competence not only of professionals, but also for various groups of the population.

Pyotr Ivanov

In this article, based on the study and analysis of operational-search legislation, scientific publications, law enforcement practice and the criminal situation in the field of legalization, the operationalsearch counteraction to the legalization of income received from the Commission of tax crimes is considered. The paper focuses on the stages (stages) of laundering, the existing points of view on this account, as well as on the methods of illegal withdrawal of funds abroad. The author of the article aimed to develop scientifically based proposals and recommendations for improving the effectiveness of this type of activity by the territorial bodies of internal Affairs and their divisions of economic security and anti-corruption. It is proposed to put forward and work out operational search versions within the subject of study, as well as to develop, taking into account the methods (schemes) used by criminals to launder criminal proceeds and illegally withdraw funds abroad for the purpose of their subsequent legalization, operational search measures to document their criminal actions. In addition, the author recommends constant monitoring of money laundering methods based on operational and investigative practices. The results and key conclusions formulated in this article can be used in the theory and practice of operational investigative activities of internal Affairs bodies to counteract the legalization of income received from tax crimes.

2019 ◽  
pp. 83-88
E. N. Valiev ◽  
E. N. Veysov

The importance of the subject of this study is attributable to the need of developing the theory and practice of formation of bank marketing, its features and new trends associated with this concept. Prospects for the development of banks and their ability to quickly and efficiently address new challenges presented by the market can be determined through modern forms, methods of management and creative use of financial marketing opportunities.Aim. The presented study aims to examine the specific aspects, principles, conditions, factors of emergence, and prospects for the development of bank marketing and forms of its management in modern economic conditions.Tasks. The authors identify the major trends and perspective directions in the development of bank marketing in Azerbaijan at the current stage.Methods. As its methodological and theoretical basis, this study uses a systems approach to the analysis of its subject, conceptual approaches outlined in the works of Azerbaijani, Russian, and foreign scientists in the field of bank marketing. These methods are used to determine the essence of bank marketing, present the types and organization of marketing research, and identify the characteristic traits, new forms, and directions for the development of bank marketing.Results. The study uses general scientific methods of cognition in various aspects to identify characteristic traits, trends, and new directions of bank marketing. A review of scientific publications shows that academic papers tend to focus on general conceptual approaches to the practical application of marketing. The authors believe that the issues of organization of a comprehensive bank management system, its implementation based on innovations in the promotion of banking products and services in the financial market, and substantiation of channels for their distribution among consumers are insufficiently explored. This makes the subject of this study extremely relevant due to the inevitable optimization of the organizational structure of banks through comprehensive implementation of the marketing system.Conclusions. Theoretical and practical issues of bank marketing are examined. As a result, the specific features and characteristic traits of this mechanism, conditions and factors for its emergence, and its prospects in the context of the digital economy are analyzed.

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