Cowboys and Schoolteachers: Gender in Romance Novels, Secular and Christian

2005 ◽  
Vol 48 (4) ◽  
pp. 461-479 ◽  
Laura Clawson

This article uses content analysis of 120 novels to consider romance novels as evidence for a particular culture of gender and the family, and as a means of comparing cultural representations of secular and Christian masculinity, femininity, and families. It finds that, although on the surface the texts are most obviously differentiated by religion, gender differences within the religious categories are greater than overall differences between those categories themselves. The most interesting and significant difference between secular and Christian romances emerges in the male hero. Specifically, this analysis finds that secular men are depicted as overwhelmingly strong, economically and physically, but that this strength is frequently overcome by the emotional strength of the heroine, who tames them. Christian heroes, on the other hand, are less overpowering figures at the beginning of the texts but are more dominant within the relationship, subject instead to the will of God.

Brittany Pearl Battle

This chapter examines the sociocognitive dimensions of cultural categorizations of deservingness. The social issue of poverty has been a persistent source of debate in the American system of policy development, influenced by conceptual distinctions between the “haves” and “have-nots,” “working moms” and “unemployed dads,” and the “deserving poor” and the “undeserving poor.” Although there is a wealth of literature discussing the ideological underpinnings of stratification systems, these discussions often focus on categorical distinctions between the poor and the nonpoor, with much less discussion of distinctions made among the poor. Moreover, while scholars of culture and policy have long referenced the importance of cultural categories of worthiness in policy development, the theoretical significance of these distinctions has been largely understudied. I expand the discourse on the relationship between cultural representations of worth and social welfare policy by exploring how these categories are conceptualized. Drawing on analytical tools from a sociology of perception framework, I create a model that examines deservingness along continuums of morality and eligibility to highlight the taken-for-granted cultural subtleties that shape perceptions of the poor. I focus on social filters created by norms of poverty, welfare, and the family to explore how the deserving are differentiated from the undeserving.

2021 ◽  
pp. arabic cover-english cover
علي عبد العزيز سيور

يجيب البحث عن إشكالية تتعلق بالعلاقات الأسرية من جهة الاحتكام للأعراف في النفقة والمسكن والملبس وغيرها، مما يترتب على ذلك خلافات تفضي ببعضها إلى المحاكم، وقد تنتهي بالطلاق. وقد هدف البحث إلى : 1 ـ تقديم منظومة معرفية متعلقة بدلالات العشرة بالمعروف من أجل الإسهام في إعادة تشكيل عقلية ناضجة للزوجين تضبط العلاقة بينهما عند الخلاف. 2 ـ تسليط الضوء على أبعاد وحدود المعروف نصًا والمعروف عرفًا في الأسرة. 3 ـ التأكيد على أن العشرة بالمعروف متبادلة بين كل من الزوج والزوجة، لا يقتصر هذا التكليف على واحد دون الآخر. وقد اعتمدت المنهج الاستقرائي عبر جمع الايات القرآنية ذات الصلة وذكر أقوال المفسرين والفقهاء، والمنهج التحليلي في فهم دلالات الألفاظ وتوجيهات المفسرين، والمنهج الاستنباطي بغية الوصول إلى ضوابط جامعة تخدم الهدف العام للبحث، وانتهى البحث إلى مجموعة من النتائج والتوصيات ومنها: اعتبار العرف الذي لا يخالف نصًا شرعيًا قاعدة من القواعد المعتبرة في ضبط العلاقات بين الزوجين. بشرط أن يقع تحت قدرة الزوج وطاقته، وأن يكون مما انتشر بين الناس، وينطبق على الأسرة مثله. القرآن الكريم ـ العشرة بالمعروف – العلاقة الأسرية – الحقوق بين الزوجين – العرف وأثره بين الزوجين. Summary The research answers a problem related to family relations in terms of resorting to customs in alimony, housing, clothing, and others...which results in disputes that may lead to some of them in the courts and may end in divorce. The aim of the research was to 1 - presenting a knowledge system related to the semantics of the good-natured in order to contribute to reshaping a mature mentality of the spouses that controls the relationship between them in the event of disagreement. 2 - and to shed light on the dimensions and limits of what is textually known and what is known by convention in the family. 3 - Emphasis on that good practice is mutual. Between both husband and wife, this assignment is not limited to one without the other. The inductive approach was adopted by collecting the relevant Qur’anic verses and mentioning the sayings of the commentators and jurists, the analytical approach in understanding the semantics of the words and the directives of the interpreters, and the deductive approach in order to reach comprehensive controls that serve the general objective of the research, and the research ended with a set of results and recommendations, including: Considering the custom that does not contradict A legal text is one of the considered rules in controlling relations between spouses. Provided that it falls under the husband’s ability and energy, and that it is something that has spread among people, and applies to the family like him. The Noble Qur’an - Ten Laws - Family Relationship - Rights between spouses - Custom and its effect between spouses.

Bothe Michael

This chapter focuses on rules of the law of neutrality concerning the protection of the victims of armed conflicts, which must be considered as part of international humanitarian law. ‘Neutrality’ describes the particular status, as defined by international law, of a state not party to an armed conflict. This status entails specific rights and duties in the relationship between the neutral and the belligerent states. On one hand, there is the right of the neutral state to remain apart from, and not to be adversely affected by, the conflict. On the other hand, there is the duty of non-participation and impartiality. The right not to be adversely affected means that the relationship between the neutral and belligerent States is governed by the law of peace, which is modified only in certain respects by the law of neutrality. In particular, the neutral State must tolerate certain controls in the area of maritime commerce. The duty of non-participation means, above all, that the state must abstain from supporting a party to the conflict. This duty not to support also means that the neutral state is under a duty not to allow one party to the conflict to use the resources of the neutral state against the will of the opponent.

Medicina ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 55 (8) ◽  
pp. 487
Joanna Baran ◽  
Aneta Weres ◽  
Ewelina Czenczek-Lewandowska ◽  
Justyna Leszczak ◽  
Katarzyna Kalandyk-Osinko ◽  

Background and Objectives. The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between children’s birth weight/length and a risk of overweight and obesity. Materials and Methods. The study involved 747 children from kindergartens, as well as primary and middle schools from southeastern Poland. All the subjects were examined on fasting status. Each child was examined for body mass and height, in order to calculate their body mass index (BMI), and BMI centile. The parents completed a questionnaire related to basic information about the child and the family. Results. In the study group, the male infants presented greater birth body weight and birth body length. A comparison of the distribution of birth weights and lengths between the children with normal BMI and with high BMI showed statistically significant differences only in the case of birth length of 12–15-year-old children and in the group of boys aged 12–15 years. In the case of the female children and the group of 7–11-year-olds a statistically significant difference was found in the BMI centile at a later age—a higher centile was found in the girls and in the children aged 7–11 years classified as adequate for gestational age (AGA). Conclusions. Birth body weight is positively related to BMI centile; however, no significant differences were found in birth weight between children with overweight/obesity and children with normal body weight. Birth length is associated with a lower BMI centile only in boys aged 12–15 years, and lower birth length is found in boys with overweight and obesity.

1997 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 173-178 ◽  
Drew S. Mendoza ◽  
Sharon P. Krone

A business-owning family and a soon-to-be-wed couple often face two mutually exclusive goals that seem impossible to reconcile. On the one hand, a couple considering marriage wants to believe that love alone will keep them together. On the other hand, statistics today say there is a good chance the relationship will not last. A prenuptial agreement provides the protection an individual or the family may want against a possible divorce, but the process by which the document is introduced and negotiated can deplete the relationship of intimacy. How can a woman from a wealthy business-owning family express and reinforce the emotional commitment and trust she has for her partner while presenting a prenuptial agreement] How can a son administer a prenuptial agreement to his fiancee without controlling the process or outcome of his spouse's financial welfare] How can a family require a prenuptial agreement without jeopardizing their future relationship with the newlyweds] In the following interview, Judy Barber, a consultant and licensed marriage and family counselor specializing in the psychology of money, outlines several recommendations for families and couples who are considering a prenuptial agreement.

Scrinium ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 281-294
Alexander V. Pigin

(1567) is a Northern Russian hagiographical work devoted to the founder of the St. Niсholas Alexander-Oshevensky Monastery, which was located nearby the town of Kargopol. The article analyses hagiographer Theodosius’ techniques for dealing with literary sources, especially with two Byzantine texts, The Ladder by John Climacus and The Life of Alexis the Man of God. Theodosius uses these sources to develop one of the major themes of his own work, that is, the relationship between St. Alexander and his family. The family theme bears ambiguous meaning. On the one hand, the family is rejected from the standpoint of monastic asceticism, but on the other hand, it is rendered as the ultimate value and stronghold of Christian morality.

1997 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-199 ◽  
Sotirios Sarantakos

This paper uses Australian data to examine the relationship between parental lifestyles and family environments on the one hand, and occurrence, type and frequency of delinquency on the other. These data, collected by means of interviewing, relate to a part of a longitudinal study including 512 children; 233 were children of cohabiting couples and 279 of married couples. The findings presented in this paper show that (a) there are proportionally more offenders coming from families of cohabiting than of married couples; (b) there are proportionately more offenders who become recidivists coming from families of cohabiting than of married couples; and that (c) the family environments of the majority of offenders are marked by instability, low integration, hostile parental attitudes, domestic violence, parental conflicts and parental indifference.

2012 ◽  
Abdul Hakim Arief Suryadinata

The position of women in society is often regarded as second-class, making the backward condition and used as scapegoats for the backwardness of a society and nation. And even worse, the treatment of women by putting it as second-class communities are often mentioned as religious injunctions of Islam. On the other hand, there are those who want to empower women by giving women the freedom to freely, by demanding their equality with men in all aspects, without considering the differences that have been given by God to men and women. So what happens is the increasing number of family breakdown leading to divorce and loss of sosial community building. Hence<br />the need for reconstruction of a fair idea about the position of women, both on the relationship of women with men, as well as the position and role of women in family and society. Based on observations of the hadiths of the Messenger of Allah, it was shown that a Muslim woman at the time (shahabiyah) has had a very complex role in the community. Nevertheless, they do not leave their primary role in the family and still uphold the ethics<br />of religion in the publik domain.

Wardah ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 181
Nuraida Nuraida ◽  
Muhammad Zaki

This study focuses on the pattern of gender communication within the family. The purpose of this study is to analyze the gender communication pattern that is considered still inequality in the family. Four patterns of family communication consist of; Equality Pattern, Balance Split Pattern, Unbalance Split Pattern and Monopoly Pattern. The four patterns illustrate the division of roles and position of each member in the family. The findings in this study are the pattern of communication equation is the most supportive pattern in instilling gender values in the family because this pattern emphasizes equality among family members. Indeed, family relationships can be implemented depending on a number of factors, including: First, the number of interaction systems in the family should be considered. Second, family structure affects relationships. Third, family relationships are influenced by the nature of parents. Fourth, the distance between one and the other affects the relationship within the family. Although it is concurrently recognized that socio-cultural constructions continue to have a significant effect on the division of roles played by men (husband) and women (wife) in family institutions.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
Nova Purmahardini Purma Hardini

Abstract    In the effort of decreasing the rate of population, government, implement the family plan program in order to make the quality family in year 2018. Many use injection hormonal contraception since it has the effective work, practice, cheap and safe relatively. In selecting the contraception effected by several factors, for instance age, education, work, parity, knowledge, resident, economic status, decision in the household, and culture. Economic status can influence someone in choosing the contraception particularly injection contraceptive.    The purpose of this search is to know the relationship between economic status and injection contraception selecting.    Research design is using analytic with cross sectional. This research was conducted at BPM Mogita Tlanakan Pamekasan starting from July 01, 2018  to August 31, 20018. Population is all the family plan acceptor and sample taking was done by probability sampling with sampling random simple with sample size is 49 respondents.    The research result denoted that from 49 respondents, 10 of then have the high economic statuses who are wearing injection are 3 persons and not are 7 persons. 14 respondents have the mid-economic status are wearing injection us 11 person and not is 3 persons and 25 respondent have the low economic status are wearing injection is 23 person and are not is 2 persons.    By using the Mann Whitney statistic with level of significant is 0,05 was obtained count  ≤  thus H0 was rejected, meaning that there is difference economic status with selecting the injection contraception and non-injection at di BPM Mogita Tlanakan Pamekasan.    Of the result research can be drawn the conclusion that economic status constitutes factor that influence the injection family plan selecting. In which they have the low economic status tend to choose the injection family plan than the high one. However, it needs the further research with seeing and enter the other factors that influence in contraception selecting. Keywords: economic status, injection contraception selecting.

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