scholarly journals Lithuanian Refusals and Politeness

Donata Katinaitė ◽  
Inga Hilbig

This study investigates Lithuanian refusals to comply with requests. Refusals are face-threatening speech acts. They can endanger social relationships, and therefore require mitigation by employing politeness means. The aim of the study is to find out strategies, sub-strategies, internal and external modifications of Lithuanian refusals. The research data was collected from students using an open-ended discourse completion test and consists of 1046 refusals. Summarizing the results, it can be stated that Lithuanians opt for indirect refusals. When refusing directly, the least straightforward strategy – stating the inability to comply with a request – is used, especially by women. Refusals (especially the direct ones) are often mitigated with external modifications that were again more frequent in women’s responses. Socioculturally, the most acceptable and thus polite way to refuse in Lithuanian is to apologize and provide reasons. Overall, there is a clear tendency to express positive politeness when refusing.

Andreas Heuser

This article maps the vital debate on Prosperity Gospel in Africa and its relevance for socioeconomic change. Prosperity Gospel centres mainly on speech acts surrounding faith, wealth and victory, combined with ritual enactments around secondary evidences of divine blessings. Claiming this-worldly success and material well-being as signs of grace it has captured public spheres and has created African religio-scapes of prosperity. The survey on the socioeconomics of African prosperity-oriented Pentecostalism firstly traces the historic genealogy of Prosperity Gospel as transposable message. It appears as a generic formula in paradigmatic reinventions of Pentecostalism in post-second and/or cold war America and in its globalisation in postcolonial Africa. The double resignification of Pentecostal theology - a rereading of ‘mammon’ alongside a new ethic of being in the world - relates to the question of socioeconomic agency. Academic discourse connects Prosperity Gospel social capital with interpretations of its ritual texture thriving around rituals of tithings and offerings. Prosperity Gospel economies are profiled as forms of sacral consumption or sacrificial economy, or else as Pentecostal kleptocracy. Contrarily Prosperity Gospel is portrayed as a variant and porter of African social change. The contextualisation of Prosperity Gospel highlights diverse social agency in different milieus. Rural and peri-urban theologies of survival differ from urban progressive and metropolitan business management Prosperity Gospel. The findings defy generalised views on Prosperity Gospel socioeconomics. African Prosperity Gospel indicates a transformative potential in immediate social relationships, whereas claims of impacting structural parameters of society remain, with a few exceptions, part of Pentecostal imagination.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 125
Denok Lestari

This article analysed Balinese verbs from the study of semantics combining the theories of Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) dan speech acts. The analysed verbs in this article were the speech verbs with illocutionary function. Data were collected through note taking and library research. Data were taken from printed resources, books, and the intuition of the researcher as a Balinese native speaker. The method of analysis was descriptive qualitative which classified data, analysed semantic structures of the speech verbs, and described the semantic components to formulate meaning configuration. The result of the analysis showed several speech verbs in Balinese had illocutionary function, including: 1) assertive (ngorahang ‘telling’, nyambatang ‘mention’, nuturang ‘telling’); 2) directive (nunde?n ‘enjoin’, nagih ‘billing’, nuturin ‘advise’); 3) commissive (mejanji ‘promising’, metanje?nan ‘offer’); 4) expressive ngajumang ‘praise’, ngame?lme?l ‘complain’, see ‘blame’, matbat ‘berate’, ngamadakang ‘pray’); and 5) declarative (ngadanin ‘naming’, nombang ‘forbid’).

Maria Gustini

This article examines Contrastive Analysis of Refusal in Indonesian language and Japanese language. Up to now, there have been no contrastive researchs which compare refusal speech acts within Indonesian language and Japanese language, focused on working situations. This article reports on a study to investigate differences and similarities in the politeness strategies of refusals between Japanese language (JS) and Indonesian language (IS). This study employed politeness theory of Brown and Levinson (1987). Therefore the participants of this research were Indonesian and Japanese who currently work in company, school, etc. This research used descriptive method and collecting data using DCT (Discourse Completion Test) in Indonesian and Japanese. Therefore, the research subjects were those who already worked with the age-range from 22 to 50 years. 40 native speakers of Indonesian (IS) and 40 native speakers of Japanese (JS) participated in this study. All participants were asked to fill out a Discourse Completion Test (DCT) which written in the form role-play questionaire, consisting of 3 situations. DCT situations were categorized based on power and familiarity/social distance between speaker and hearer. Results are as follows: (1) JS and IS using apology, reason, fuka, and requeirment in refusal act. (2) IS explain reason clearly in refusal act. Other hand JS using aimai reason. (3) JS used expressions of apology appropriately according to their power (hierarchical position), while IS made appropriate use of these expressions according to relative social distance. (4) IS tend to using requeirement in each refusal act.

2016 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 9
Atefeh Eshraghi ◽  
Mohsen Shahrokhi

<p>Speech acts are interesting areas of research and there has been much research on speech acts. Complaint is a type of speech act and how to use it in interaction is important to EFL learners. The complaint strategies employed by Iranian female EFL learners and female English native speakers were compared in this study. Also, the effects of contextual variables (Social distance and Social power) on the choice of complaint strategies by Iranian female EFL learners and female native English speakers were studied in this research. Thirty Iranian female EFL learners and thirty female native English speakers participated in this study. The two instruments which were used in this study included Oxford Placement Test (OPT) and Discourse Completion Test (DCT). The (DCT), as an open-ended questionnaire was administrated to them to elicit complaint speech acts. Then, the collected data were analyzed according to a modified taxonomy of complaint strategies proposed by Trosoborg (1995). The results indicated that there was a significant difference between Iranian female EFL learners and female native English speakers in terms of using complaint strategies. Iranian female EFL learners used indirect complaint, while female native English speakers used the direct complaint more frequently; and contextual variables had a great influence on complaint strategy choice by participants of two groups.</p>

Ani Susilowati ◽  
Akhadiyatus Sholihah

This study describes the portrait of speech acts in the East Lampung religious harmony forum. The aim of this research is to know the portrait of the speech act in the activities of the Religious Harmony Forum (FKUB) in East Lampung. The type of this research is qualitative research that uses a pragmatic approach by applying descriptive qualitative methods. This method is used to describe speech events and speech acts based on the data that has been collected by the writer. To complete the data the writer uses listening technique method and proficient technique. From the two methods the writer uses several techniques, namely instruments, recording technique and writing technique. After extracting the data, the next step is processing and analyzing data by using the following steps; the first data transcript containing the speech act which is transcribed into written language. Second puts the results of the data into the data card. Third, the writer analysis the data based on several aspects that has done by the writer. Fourth, the classification of the data based on the type of speech events and speech acts. Based on the results of the research data analysis, it can be concluded that the speech acts used in the Forum of Religious Harmony are locution of speech acts, perlocution of speech acts, and illocution of speech acts which have four forms, namely 1) assertive (declaring, suggesting, reminding). 2) directive (rule, recommend). 3)  expressiveness (thanking, apologizing, condolence). 4) commissive (offering something).

Kurniawan Kurniawan

The act of obeying parents' right to control them or refusing the directives by challenging their parents’ authority are two preferences children may opt for. This present investigation concerns to what extend children respond upon hearing negative utterances aimed for them. This qualitative research applies a theory of speech acts proposed by Austin (1962) to analyze data classified as negation utterances. Four families living at the Kartasura become this research data source. To collect the data, the researcher implements direct observation by recording audio and taking notes on the parents and their children's interaction within a period of approximately an hour. The result of the study implies that mostly Kartasura children do what their parents tell them to do, while few data indicate children's refusal of parents’ negations. One reason is due to the cultural value held tightly and bequeathed by Javanese through a number of centuries that is the act to honor and obey parents’ directives. To sum up, the implementation of negative utterances in the parenting world is not prohibited; however, parents must keep in mind the use of proper portion.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 67
Rudi Rudi ◽  
Gigit Mujianto

Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan bentuk tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA, dan sintaks pembelajaran dengan metode dengar pandang. Penelitian dilakukan dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitati. Sumber data penelitian adalah interaksi pembelajaran antara pengajar dan pemelajar BIPA dalam video Pesta Akademia 21 Tahun APPBIPA: Kelas Maya APPBIPA Jawa Timur dan Sumatra Utara. Adapun data penelitian berupa kalimat yang mencerminkan tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA dan sintaks pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara dengan metode dengar pandang. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan teknik observasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman, yang meliputi tahapan reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan/verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) bentuk tuturan ekspresif pengajar BIPA meliputi ucapan terima kasih, ucapan minta maaf, ucapan memuji, dan ucapan selamat. (2) Sintaks pembelajaran keterampilan berbicara dengan metode dengar pandang meliputi tahapan, penyajian konten oleh pengajar BIPA,  pengajar BIPA menjelaskan konten, pengulangan konten, dan pemelajar BIPA mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara.Katakunci: dengar pandang,  sintaks pembelajaran, tuturan ekspresif Abstract:This study aims to describe the expressive speech act of BIPA teachers and the syntax of learning using dengar pandang method. This research used descriptive qualitative approach. The source of research data was learning interaction between BIPA teachers and learners in the video Pesta Akademia 21 Tahun APPBIPA: Kelas Maya APPBIPA Jawa Timur dan Sumatra Utara. The data were sentences that show the BIPA teacher's expressive speech act and the syntax of learning speaking skills using the pandang dengar method. Data were collected by using observation technique. The data analysis technique used Miles and Huberman model, including the stage of data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion/verification. The results showed: (1) the expressive speech acts of BIPA teachers include thanking, apologizing, praising, and congratulating. (2) The syntax of learning speaking skills using pandang dengar method including stages of content presentation by BIPA teachers, content explanation, content repetition, and BIPA learners develop their speaking skillsKeywords: dengar pandang, learning syntax, expressive speech

2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-200
Laily Rahmatika ◽  
Agus Budi Wahyudi

The case of increasing the corona-virus cluster circulating on social media has reaped various responses from netizens. The research objectives: (1) Determine the form of speech acts in netizens’ responses towards the Covid-19 pandemic text (2) Describe the content in netizens’ responses towards the Covid-19 pandemic text. The research data are in the form of sentences (speech acts) and sentences containing the substance or content of the netizens’ responses. Data sources are as many as 180 netizens’ responses on Instagram and Facebook. The data are collected by reading and taking notes of techniques. The method of data analysis is using a distribution method which is dividing the elements directly and the equivalent method with pragmatic techniques. The results: First, speech acts in netizens’ responses as locutionary acts, illocutionary acts, and perlocutionary acts. Second, the content responses from netizens. i. optimistic ii. pessimistic iii. neutral.Keywords: Netizens Response, Covid-19, Speech act, Content

Aksara ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (2) ◽  
pp. 311
Muhammad Sirotol Mustaqim ◽  
Djatmika Djatmika ◽  
Sri Marmanto

AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari jenis-jenis tindak tutur ekspresif dalam antologi cerpen Penjagal Itu Telah Mati karya Gunawan Budi Susanto. Dan menemukan apa sajakah jenis- jenis tindak tutur ekspresif di dalamnya. Jenis penelitian ini deskriptif-kualitatif, dengan pendekatan teori pragmatik. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah antologi cerpen Penjagal Itu Telah Mati, dan data penelitian ini adalah tuturan yang di dalamnya mengandung tindak tutur ekspresif. Peneliti menggunakan teknik total sampling. Data diperoleh menggunakan metode analisis dokumen atau dokumentasi. Hasil analisis penelitian ini sebagai berikut: Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dari keseluruhan data yang berjumlah 128 data, ditemukan ada 23 jenis tindak tutur ekspresif yang terdiri dari tindak tutur ekspresif; meminta maaf 19 data (14,28%), memuji 12 data (9,02%), sengsara 10 data (7,51%), terima kasih dan menyetujui 9 data (6,76%), membantah, berharap dan salam 8 data (6,01%), dan memprotes 8 data (6,01%). Kemudian tindak tutur ekspresif bersimpati 5 data (3,75%), menyalahkan, bersyukur, kesenangan dan mengkritik 4 data (3,00%), menyesalkan dan mengecam 3 data (2,25%), mengutuk, mengejek, dan mengucapkan selamat 2 data (1,50%), dan memaki, mengumpat, terkejut, dan berdukacita 1 data (0,75%).Kata Kunci: cerpen, pragmatik, tindak tutur AbstractThis study aims to nd the types of expressive speech acts in the short story anthology of Penjagal Itu Telah Mati by Gunawan Budi Susanto. And to discover what kinds of expressive speech acts is in it. This research type is descriptive-qualitative, with the approach of pragmatic theory. The source of this research data is the short story anthology of Penjagal Itu Telah Mati, and the data of this research is a speech in which contains expressive speech acts. The researchers used total sampling technique. Data were obtained by using document analysis method or documentation. The results of this research analysis are as follows: The result obtained from the total data that amounted to 128 data, found there are 23 types of expressive speech acts consisting of expressive speech acts; apologize 19 data (14,28%), praised 12 data (9,02%), miserable 10 data (7,51%), thanks and approved 9 data (6,76%), denied, hoped, and regards 8 data (6,01%), and protested 8 data (6,01%). Then the expressive speech acts sympathetically 5 data (3,75%), blame, grateful, fun, and criticize 4 data (3,00%), deplore and admonish 3 data (2,25%), condemn, mock, and congratulate 2 data (1,50%), and pussy, cuss, shock, and mourn 1 data (0,75%).Keywords: short story, pragmatic, speech act 

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (35) ◽  
pp. 5-19
Tahir Saleem ◽  
Rabia Batool ◽  
Aisha Saleem ◽  
Summiya Azam

In Pragmatics, scholars have given special attention to study the influence of leaners culture and social rules in understanding and using target language pragmatics. For this purpose, speech acts have been studied quite widely. This study investigates the speech act of responding to apology in Pakistani English, British English and Pakistani Urdu, and tries to highlight whether respondents transfer their cultural and social rules in the target language or not. The present study followed quantitative approach for data collection and analysis. A discourse completion test (DCT), consists of 12 apology response scenarios is used for data collection. The findings illustrate that English-using Pakistanis pragmatic choices are clearly influenced by their perceptions of various sociocultural and contextual variables. The English-using Pakistanis and Pakistani Urdu speakers are found using two main strategies (Acceptance, and Acknowledgment). In contrast, British English speakers tend to use Acceptance and Evasion strategies more often. Further, the findings have indicated that English-using Pakistanis and Pakistani Urdu speakers have used more Rejection strategies than their British English counterparts, though such communicative features are not salient in their ARs, and Pakistanis are surprisingly found quite clear and direct. The findings of the study may be helpful to English teachers who should be made aware that L2 learners’ pragmatic transfer is influenced by learners’ culture and social rules, and, as a result, should not be treated simply as a pragmatic ‘error’ or ‘failure’ to be corrected and criticized.

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