2020 ◽  
pp. 52-64
Ammar Putrapratama ◽  
Dewi Khairani

Abstrak. This study aims to identify the news about the Covid-19 Task Force in the three online media editions of 20-23 March 2020. The four stages of Framing Entmant include: Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Make moral judgment and Treatment recommendation. This study uses theanalysis method framing Robert N. Entmanwith a qualitative approach. The results show that the Define Problem in reporting related to government policy in cooperating with influencers is not considered the right choice, Diagnose cause is shown in the indifference of the millennial generation in responding to the Covid-19 pandemic, Make moral judgment in the form of affirming that influencers are not paid in this program as a form of their contribution to the country, and the treatment recommendation offered is for the government to provide influencers with a strong understanding of covid-19 before becoming a mediator to deliver messages for millennials. Online media is a public space that is considered important as a reference in increasing public information literacy, so that the news is expected to be more objective and educational. Abstrak. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentikasi pemberitaan terkait kinerja Bandan Penanggunalangan Covid-19 dalam tiga media online edisi 20-23 Maret 2020. Pembingkaian pemberitaan melalui empat tahap yaitu, definisi problem, diagnosis penyebab, penyusunan keputusan moral/etika dan rekomendasi.  Kajian ini menggunakan metode analisis pembingkaian dari Robert N. Entwan dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam tahap difinisi permasalahan dalam pemberitaan terkait kebijakan pemerintah bekerjasama dengan influencer dianggap sebagai pilihan yang tidak tepat. Tahap diagnosis penyebab ditunjukkan dengan ketidakpedulian generasi milenial dalam menyikapi pandemi Covid-19. Tahap penilaian moral dan etika dalam bentuk menegaskan bahwa influencer tidak dibayar dalam program ini sebagai bentuk kontribusinya kepada Negara. Sedangkan dalam rekomendasi pengobatan yang ditawarkan adalah agar pemerintah memberikan pemahaman yang kuat tentang covid-19 kepada influencer sebelum menjadi mediator untuk menyampaikan pesan kepada milenial. Media online merupakan ruang publik yang dianggap penting sebagai acuan dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi publik, sehingga pemberitaannya diharapkan lebih obyektif dan mendidik.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 85-104
Kheyene Molekandella Boer ◽  
Mutia Rahmi Pratiwi ◽  
Nalal Muna

This study aims to identify the coverage of the Covid-19 Task Force in the three online editions of March 20-23, 2020. The four stages of Framing Entmant include: Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Make moral judgment, and Treatment recommendations. This research uses Robert N. Entman's framing analysis method with a qualitative approach. The results showed that Define Problem in reporting related to government policy in cooperating with influencers was considered not the right choice, the diagnosis cause was shown in the form of indifference to millennials in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Make a moral judgment in the form of an assertion that influencers were not paid in this program as a form of their contribution to the country, and the treatment recommendations offered are that the government equip influencers with a strong understanding of COVID-19 before becoming a mediator in delivering messages to millennials. Online media is a public space that is considered important as a reference in increasing general information literacy so that the news is expected to be more objective and educational.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pemberitaan mengenai Gugus Tugas penanganan Covid-19 di ketiga media online tersebut edisi 20-23 Maret 2020. Empat tahap Framing Entmant mencakup: Define Problem, Diagnose Cause, Make moral judgment dan Treatment recommendation. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis framing Robert N. Entman dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Define Problem dalam pemberitaan berkaitan dengan kebijakan pemerintah dalam menggandeng para influencer dinilai bukan pilihan yang tepat, Diagnose cause ditunjukkan dalam bentuk sikap acuh para generasi milenial dalam menanggapi pandemi Covid-19, Make moral judgment dalam bentuk penegasan bahwa para influencer tidak dibayar dalam program ini sebagai bentuk kontribusi mereka kepada negara, dan treatment recommendation yang ditawarkan adalah pemerintah membekali influencer pemahaman yang kuat terkait covid-19 sebelum menjadi mediator penyampai pesan bagi milenial. Media online merupakan ruang publik yang dianggap penting sebagai rujukan dalam meningkatkan literasi informasi masyarakat, sehingga pemberitaannya diharapkan agar lebih objektif dan mendidik.

ICCD ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 48-55
Denada Faraswacyen L. Gaol ◽  
Samsinar Samsinar

Indonesia as the largest country in ASEAN with more than 240 million population in 500 cities and 17 thousand islands, needs various efforts in conducting the 2015 ASEAN Community socialization. Effective socialization cannot only rely on conventional methods as previously carried out by agencies related to socialization through seminars to local governments, universities, schools, and other public organizations, as well as the installation of banners and billboards in public places. To support socialization to be more effective and efficient, it can be helped by using mass media, especially online media. Online media is chosen related to the development of ICT and public connectivity, which generally can access news via the internet or gadgets that are owned. The lag behind the public information about the implementation of the 2015 ASEAN Community in December 2015 cannot be separated from geographical, demographic, and information dissemination that is less equitable from the relevant agencies. This phenomenon is an obstacle in the readiness to implement the ASEAN Community. While the readiness of the government and the public is expected to be able to compete with other ASEAN member countries regarding the era of competition that will be implemented. PKM activities with the theme "Socialization and Training of Access to Information on ASEAN Community through New Media by New Students in Bhakti Luhur Ciputat Special School" in June 2016 were intended to increase their knowledge and insight. This is because many of them do not know the information related to the ASEAN program or agenda, especially those related to free competition by ASEAN Community which has begun this year. Students who have limitations (physical or mental) also have the right to get information related to ASEAN Community so that they are more motivated to equip themselves with knowledge and skills to be independent and compete in the upcoming ASEAN Community era.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 110-116

The right to information is a human right as derogable right. Fulfilment of the right to information often leads to information disputes with Information and Documentation Management Officer (IDMO) as administrative officials who are given the task of managing information and documentation. Information dispute resolution becomes important to be resolved immediately because it is related to fulfilling a sense of justice and fulfilling the right to information for the community. The Establishment of the Government Administration Act (GA Act) causes the dualism of information dispute resolution. Article 53 of the GA Act will be the basis for resolving information disputes in the administrative court domain, while the Public Information Officer/PIO Act is the basis for resolving information disputes within the Information Commission domain. This dualism needs to be resolved to ensure legal certainty for the government and society as Justicia Belen. The development of dispute resolution reconstruction of information is conducted by strengthening information dispute resolution in non-litigation. Ideal information dispute resolution should be resolved first through administrative remedies (objections and administrative appeals) and through the Information Commission. The court becomes the ultimum remedium in resolving a dispute. Therefore, strengthening the Information Commission in terms of development, finance and authority is one way to strengthen the resolution of information disputes outside the court.

2020 ◽  
pp. 213-229
Karina Chérrez-Rodas

El siguiente escrito es una revisión bibliográfica que se desarrolla en función de tres conceptos claves de Lefebvre: El Derecho a la Ciudad, El Control Social y el Espacio Urbano; concebidos en el marco de sus líneas de investigación y orientación marxista. La investigación pretende emplear apreciaciones del autor en mención, enmarcadas en el acontecer de la ciudad en la actualidad, y trasladar a la relectura de problemáticas puntuales en dos ciudades latinoamericanas: Cuenca-Ecuador y Córdoba-Argentina. A partir del Derecho a la Ciudad definido por Lefebvre; se realiza una crítica, al trazado de la nueva área de planificación urbanística en Cuenca, basado en principios funcionalistas, que ha jerarquizado la circulación vehicular, en detrimento del uso peatonal del espacio público. En la misma línea de la crítica de la modernidad, el control social se manifiesta en un sector de la ciudad de Córdoba, el predio de la Casa de Gobierno. Analizar problemáticas en contextos similares, pero a la vez con diferentes escalas de ciudad, permiten validar las tesis y reflexiones de Lefebvre en su época para la planificación de ciudades contemporáneas, cuyos modelos de desarrollo han tenido como consecuencia deficiencias en la vida urbana. Palabras clave: Ciudades, control social, Derecho a la ciudad, espacio urbano, vida urbana. AbstractThe following piece of writing is a bibliographic review that was developed from three key concepts of Lefebvre: Right to the City, Social Control and Urban Space. It was conceived within the framework of his lines of research and Marxist orientation. The research intends to use the author's appreciations in mention, framed in the events of the city at present, and to transfer to the re-reading of specific problems in two Latin American cities: Cuenca-Ecuador and Córdoba-Argentina. Based on the right to the city defined by Lefebvre, a critique was made of the new urban planning area in Cuenca, based on functionalist principles, which has hierarchized vehicle circulation to the detriment of the pedestrian use of public space. Under the same line of the criticism of modernity, social control was manifested in a sector of the city of Córdoba, the Government House site. Problems in similar contexts were analyzed, but at the same time with different city scales. It allowed us to validate Lefebvre's thesis and reflections in his time for the planning of contemporary cities, whose development models have resulted in deficiencies in urban life. Keywords: Cities, social control, Right to the city, urban space, urban life.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 17-36
Zanniro Sururi Hsb

This study explores the Indonesian Ulema Council’s polemic coverage about the concept of Islam Nusantara through online media framing analysis. To look at online media framing, I use qualitative methods with Robert N. Etnman’s framing study that examines two things: selecting issues and the emphasis or promotion of certain aspects. The analysis contained four concepts: defining problems, diagnosing causes, making a moral judgment, and treatment recommendations. The results showed that three online media gave rise to a variety of news reports. brings up news about scholars’ polemic in the Indonesian Ulema Council area behind Islam Nusantara’s concept eight times, five times, and three times. Interpretations of the three online media have different attitudes. in framing can not be said to be neutral, but there has been a bit of a splash of neutrality by displaying statements as a bit of a counterparty, although dominated by pre-party views. is more impressed to provoke the public to respond to the construction of reality in framing because many use the election diction provocative title. is more neutral compared to and Kompas media tends to use the principle of cover both sides, and the news is more in the form of articles or public opinion.Studi ini mencoba untuk mengeksplorasi pemberitaan polemik Majelis Ulama Indonesia tentang konsep Islam Nusantara melalui analisis framing media online. Untuk melihat framing media online, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan analisis framing Robert N. Etnman yang mengkaji dua hal, yaitu seleksi isu dan penekanan atau penonjolan aspek-aspek tertentu. Analisis tersebut terdapat empat konsep, yaitu define problems (pendefenisian masalah), diagnose causes (memperkirakan penyebab masalah), make moral judgement (membuat pilihan moral), dan treatment recommendation (menekankan penyelesaian). Hasil studi menunjukkan bahwa tiga media online memunculkan vitur berita yang beragam. memunculkan berita tentang polemik ulama di kawasan MUI dibalik konsep “Islam Nusantara sebanyak 8 kali”, sebanyak 5 kali, dan sebanyak 3 kali. Interpretasi dari ketiga media online tersebut memiliki sikap berbeda-beda. dalam melakukan framing belum bisa dikatakan netral, akan tetapi sudah ada sedikit percikan kenetralan dengan menampilkan pernyataan sekelumit pihak kontra walaupun didominasi pernyataan pihak yang pro. lebih terkesan memprovokasi masyarakat untuk menanggapi konstruksi realitas yang di framing karena banyak menggunakan pemilihan diksi judul yang provokatif. lebih netral dibandingkan dengan dan Media Kompas cenderung menggunakan prinsip cover both side dan pemberitaannya lebih banyak berbentuk artikel ataupun opini masyarakat.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 240-249 ◽  
Aprista Ristyawati

The current global pandemic clearly raises public concern. Therefore, the Government must provide protection to the community in the prevention and handling of COVID-19 cases in accordance with the mandate of UUD NRI Tahun 1945. during the effective Pandemic period according to UUD NRI Tahun 1945. The method of approach used in this research is normative juridical and analytical descriptive that is describing the object that is the subject of the problem, from the depiction taken an analysis adapted to existing legal theories and putting the law as a norm building system. The results of this study indicate that if it is associated with the mandate of UUD NRI Tahun 1945, many PSBB policies are less effective because surely the community feels that they have not fully received legal protection over the existing policies made by the current government. To avoid other levels of infertility, the following efforts were made so that the PSBB policies provided during the effective pandemic period in accordance with UUD NRI Tahun 1945 include (1) the Central Government and Regional Governments ensuring the disclosure of public information in a real way to be able to know the chain of spread of the virus, (2 ) must be able to guarantee and ensure especially to the lower middle class are able to meet their needs to guarantee the right to life of their people and not diminish any dignity of the people (in accordance with the mandate of UUD NRI Tahun 1945 and the need for public roles in terms of mutual care, mutual reminding, and help each other.            Keywords:  Effectiveness, PSBB, UUD NRI Tahun 1945  Abstrak Pandemi global yang terjadi saat ini jelas menimbulkan kekhawatiran masyarakat. Oleh karena itu, Pemerintah harus memberikan perlindungan kepada masyarakat dalam pencegahan maupun penanganan kasus COVID-19 sesuai amanat Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektifitas kebijakan  pemerintah pada masa pandemi dan bagaimana upaya yang dilakukan agar kebijakan yang diberikan selama masa Pandemi efektif sesuai UUD NRI Tahun 1945. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normatif dan bersifat deskriptif analitis yaitu menggambarkan objek yang menjadi pokok permasalahan, dari penggambaran tersebut diambil suatu analisa yang disesuaikan dengan teori-teori hukum yang ada dan meletakan hukum sebagai sebuah bangunan sistem norma. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jika dikaitkan dengan amanat Undang-Undang Dasar Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 1945, kebijakan PSBB banyak yang kurang efektif karena pasti masyarakat merasa bahwa belum sepenuhnya mendapatkan perlindungan hukum atas kebijakan yang ada yang dibuat oleh pemerintah saat ini. Untuk menghindari tingkat kefatalan lainnya, berikut upaya yang dilakukan agar kebijakan PSBB yang diberikan selama masa pandemi efektif sesuai UUD NRI Tahun 1945 antara lain (1) Pemerintah Pusat dan Pemerintah Daerah memastikan keterbukaan informasi publik secara nyata untuk dapat mengetahui rantai penyebaran virus tersebut, (2) harus dapat menjamin dan memastikan terutama kepada kaum menengah ke bawah mampu memenuhi kebutuhannya untuk menjamin hak atas hidup masyarakatnya dan tidak terkurangi suatu apapun harkat martabat masyarakatnya (sesuai amanat UUD NRI Tahun 1945) dan perlunya peran publik dalam hal saling menjaga, saling mengingatkan, dan saling membantu satu sama lain.            Kata Kunci : Efektifitas, PSBB, UUD NRI Tahun 1945

2019 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 79-92
Kadek Cahya Susila Wibawa

Abstracts The research aims to find out about developing community participation in the protection and management of the environment for sustainable national development. The research method used in this study is empirical legal research that uses a conceptual approach. The results of the study show that First, the protection and management of the environment in its area is a shared responsibility, between the government (state), the private sector and the community. One of the roles of the community in environmental activities is the supervision room. Community participation in the framework of protecting the right to a good and healthy environment is accommodated in various environmental instruments, as stipulated in the PPLH Law. Secondly, empirically the involvement of the community so far in managing the new environment is solely looking at the community as the information provider (public information) or merely limited to counseling so that activities related to the environment run unimpeded. In the future, optimizing the role of the community in protecting and managing environmental activities needs to be further enhanced by opening up a wider space of participation. Keywords: Community Participation, Environment. Sustainable Development Abstrak Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui mengembangkan partisipasi masyarakat dalam perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup untuk pembangunan nasional berkelanjutan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris yang menggunakan pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Pertama, Perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup pada dasanya merupakan tanggung jawab bersama, antara pemerintah (negara), swasta dan masyarakat. Salah satu peran masyarakat dalam aktivitas lingkungan hidup adalah ruang pengawasan. Partisipasi masyarakat dalam kerangka untuk melindungi hak atas lingkungan yang baik dan sehat, diwadahi dalam berbagai instrumen lingkungan hidup, sebagaimana diatur dalam UU PPLH. Kedua, Secara empiris pelibatan masyarakat selama ini di dalam pengelolaan lingkungan hidup baru semata-mata hanya  memandang masyarakat sebagai penyampai informasi (public information) atau hanya sebatas penyuluhan sehingga suatu kegiatan yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan hidup berjalan tanpa hambatan. Kedepan, harus dilakukan optimalisasi peran serta masyarakat dalam aktivitas perlindungan dan pengelolaan lingkungan hidup perlu lebih ditingkatkan dengan membuka lebih luas ruang partisipasi. Kata Kunci: Partisipasi Masyarakat, Lingkungan Hidup. Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Koneksi ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 366
Nishya Gavrila ◽  
Farid Rusdi

On July 29, 2019, Jakarta's air quality was ranked first on the website with the worst air quality statement in the world. According to, Jakarta's Air Quality Index (AQI) stands at 188, which means the air quality in Jakarta is not healthy. On the same date, and reported on the poor quality of Jakarta's air. The reason the author chose the latter is because based on the site, both news portals have the highest number of visitor readers in Indonesia. This study aims to determine and analyze and in framing unhealthy air quality in Jakarta. The approach in this study uses a constructivist paradigm. by using Robert N. Entman's framing model that defines problems, diagnoses causes, makes moral judgment and recommendation treatment. From the results of this study, further explained the response of Anies Baswedan regarding poor air quality in Jakarta, while on that poor air quality in Jakarta was a challenge for the government and the government could be convicted if it continued. Pada tanggal 29 Juli 2019, kualitas udara Jakarta menempati peringkat pertama di situs dengan pernyataan kualitas udara terburuk di dunia. Menurut, Air Quality Index (AQI) Jakarta berada pada angka angka 188, yang artinya kualitas udara di Jakarta tidak sehat. Pada tanggal yang sama dan memberitakan tentang buruknya kualitas udara Jakarta. Alasan penulis memilih kedua tersebut karena berdasarkan situs, kedua portal berita tersebut memiliki jumlah pengunjung pembaca terbanyak di Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis dan dalam membingkai kualitas udara di Jakarta yang tidak sehat.Pendekatan dalam penelitian ini memakai paradigma konstruktivis, dengan menggunakan framing model Robert N. Entman yakni define problems, diagnose cause, make moral judgement dan treatment recommendation. Dari hasil penelitian ini, lebih menjelaskan tanggapan dari Anies Baswedan terkait buruknya kualitas udara Jakarta, sementara pada bahwa buruknya kualitas udara di Jakarta merupakan tantangan pemerintah dan pemerintah bisa dipidana jika terus dibiarkan.

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (04) ◽  
pp. 469-484
Muhammad Kamran ◽  
Irfan Ullah ◽  
Muhammad Kaleem

The study attempted to analyze the role of right to information in ensuring good governance in Pakistan. The study objectives were to investigate the experiences of public information officers and civil society actors regarding the right to information contribution to good governance and to analyze the challenges in the implementation of right to information law. For the selection of sampling size, purposive sampling was used and data were collected from 11 ministries public information officers and 3 civil society actors through in depth interviews in Islamabad, Pakistan. Being qualitative study, data were analyzed by using thematic analyses. Jurgen Habermas theory of ‘Public Sphere” was used to throw light on main theme of the study. The findings indicated that right to information is an effective tool in promoting good governance along with all its features like, accountability, transparency, mutual trust between the government and general public, common man facilitation, rule of law and corruption elimination. Study concluded that right to information would be an effective tool in promoting the good governance only when hurdles that prevent it from its true implementation were removed.

Comunicar ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 13 (25) ◽  
María-Magdalena da-Costa-Oliveira

To transform an individual pain into a collective feeling of suffering is a capacity of all mass media. However, television has, in this point, a tremendous power. The capacity to join millions of TV viewers in front of itself is its most admirable merit, but it’s also its most dreadful danger. Principally when the point are the human rights, as the right of privacy or the right of not suffer in the public space, the demand of quality appears not only as an obligation of the Government but also as a duty of citizenship of all TV viewers. Although it is not properly a novelty in some European countries, the existence of a TV Ombudsman2 will be a reality in Portugal only this year. The Government has approved a legal diploma to create this figure, which will evaluate the programming and information of the public channel RTP. As the ombudsmen of press that we already know, the TV Ombudsman will be the person who receives the critics and observations of TV viewers, evaluates them and writes about them an impression to the administration of the channel. Being a self-regulatory proceeding, the TV Ombudsman is fundamentally a mechanism that implicates citizens. It is not only an entity of vigilance on ethics of Television. It is essentially a platform of dialogue between journalists, programmers and TV viewers. As in the press, the Ombudsman is a mediator. Although it is probably not an absolute guarantee of quality, TV Ombudsman is surely an argument of citizens against the bad things diffused by the box that we believe is the one by which the most important of our lives goes trough. Transformar uma dor individual num sentimento colectivo de sofrimento é uma capacidade de todos os meios de massa. Todavia, a televisão tem a este título um poder tremendamente grande. A capacidade de reunir milhões de telespectadores à sua frente é o seu mais admirável mérito, mas também o seu mais temível perigo. Sobretudo quando estão em causa direitos humanos, como o direito à privacidade ou a não sofrer no espaço público, a procura de qualidade surge não somente como uma obrigação do governo como também como um dever de cidadania de todos os espectadores. Não sendo propriamente novidade em alguns países europeus, a existência do Provedor do Telespectador1 só será uma realidade em Portugal este ano. O governo aprovou um diploma para a criação desta figura que deverá avaliar a programação e a informação do canal público RTP. Como os provedores dos leitores que conhecemos, também o Provedor do Telespectador será a pessoa que receberá as críticas e as observações dos telespectadores, as avaliará e emitirá sobre elas um parecer para a administração do canal. Sendo um procedimento de auto-regulação, o Provedor do Telespectador é fundamentalmente uma entidade de vigilância da ética da televisão. Essencialmente é uma plataforma de diálogo entre jornalistas, programadores e telespectadores. Tal como na imprensa, o Provedor é um mediador. Ainda que não seja provavelmente uma garantia absoluta de qualidade, o Provedor do Telespectador é seguramente um argumento dos cidadãos contra os males difundidos pela caixa que se crê ser aquela por onde passa o mais importante das nossas vidas.

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