Your Baby's First Year

2015 ◽  

Your Baby's First Year is the definitive all-in-one resource that provides authoritative advice on every aspect of infant care. Featuring new and expanded content, including the latest reports on cutting-edge research into early brain development, the fully illustrated fourth edition of Your Baby's First Year includes * Guidelines for prenatal care, with spotlights on maternal nutrition, exercise, and screening tests during pregnancy * Growth and developmental milestones through the first twelve months of a child's life, including physical, emotional, and cognitive development * An updated chapter on developmental disabilities * A complete health encyclopedia covering injuries, illnesses, and congenital diseases * Breastfeeding discussion, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges, as well as nutritional needs and vitamin/iron supplementation * Recommendations for choosing child care programs * Updated safety standards: the very latest AAP recommendations, including immunizations, childproofing, car seat usage, and toy safety * And much more!

2017 ◽  

The one guide pediatricians most recommend is now completely revised, updated and available in Spanish. From the American Academy of Pediatrics, the nation's most trusted name in child care, comes El primer año de su bebe , the definitive all-in-one resource that provides authoritative advice on every aspect of infant care. Featuring new and expanded content, including the latest reports on cutting-edge research into early brain development, Your Baby's First Year includes Guidelines for prenatal care, with spotlights on maternal nutrition, exercise, and screening tests during pregnancy Growth and developmental milestones through the first twelve months of a child's life, including physical, emotional, and cognitive development An updated chapter on developmental disabilities A complete health encyclopedia covering injuries, illnesses, and congenital diseases Breastfeeding discussion, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges, as well as nutritional needs and vitamin/iron supplementation Recommendations for choosing child care programs Updated safety standards: the very latest AAP recommendations, including immunizations, childproofing, and toy safety Safety checks for home, including bathing, preventing drowning, poisoning, choking, burns, and falls Car safety, including information on car safety seats And much more

2005 ◽  

This Spanish version of Caring for Your Baby and Young Child: Birth to Age 5 offers a wealth of parenting resources and tools for Spanish speakers: Guidelines and milestones for physical, emotional, social, and cognitive growth; A complete health encyclopedia covering injuries, illnesses, congenital diseases, and other disabilities; Guidelines for prenatal and newborn care with sections on maternal nutrition, exercise, and screening tests during pregnancy; An in-depth guide to breastfeeding, including its benefits, techniques, and challenges; A complete guide for immunizations and updated information on vaccine safety; A guide for choosing child care programs and car safety seats; Ways to reduce your child’s exposure to environmental hazards such as tobacco smoke; Winner of the "Best Health Book" award at the 2001 Latino Hall of Fame Awards.

2021 ◽  
pp. 155982762110181
Sam Sugimoto ◽  
Drew Recker ◽  
Elizabeth E. Halvorson ◽  
Joseph A. Skelton

Background. Many diseases are linked to lifestyle in the United States, yet physicians receive little training in nutrition. Medical students’ prior knowledge of nutrition and cooking is unknown. Objective. To determine incoming medical students’ prior nutrition knowledge, culinary skills, and nutrition habits. Methods. A dual-methods study of first-year medical students. Cross-sectional survey assessing prior knowledge, self-efficacy, and previous education of cooking and nutrition. Interviews of second-year medical students explored cooking and nutrition in greater depth. Results. A total of 142 first-year medical students participated; 16% had taken a nutrition course, with majority (66%) learning outside classroom settings. Students had a mean score of 87% on the Nutritional Knowledge Questionnaire versus comparison group (64.9%). Mean cooking and food skills score were lower than comparison scores. Overall, students did not meet guidelines for fiber, fruit, vegetables, and whole grains. Interviews with second-year students revealed most learned to cook from their families; all believed it important for physicians to have this knowledge. Conclusions. Medical students were knowledgeable about nutrition, but typically self-taught. They were not as confident or skilled in cooking, and mostly learned from their family. They expressed interest in learning more about nutrition and cooking.

2010 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Nurul Pujiastuti

KORELASI ANTARA STATUS GIZI IBU MENYUSUI DENGAN KECUKUPAN ASI DI POSYANDU DESA KARANG KEDAWANG KECAMATAN SOOKO KABUPATEN MOJOKERTOCorrelation Between Breastfeeding Mother Maternal Nutrition Status With Breastfeeding Adequacy In Posyandu of Karang Kedawung, Sooko, MojokertoNurul PujiastutiProgram Studi Keperawatan Lawang Poltekkes Kemenkes MalangJl. A. Yani No 1 Lawang 65218e-mail: [email protected] gizi di Indonesia dan negara berkembang umumnya masih didominasi oleh masalah kurang energi protein (KEP), anemia besi, gangguan akibat kekurangan yodium (GAKY), kekurangan vitamin A (KVA) dan masalah obesitas. Anemia umumnya dijumpai pada golongan rawan gizi yaitu ibu hamil, ibu menyusui, anak balita serta anak sekolah. Anemia atau gizi yang buruk pada ibu menyusui akan menyebabkan gangguan nutrisi dan produksi air susu ibu (ASI) menjadi kurang sehingga menimbulkan gangguan pertumbuhan bayi. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui korelasi antara status gizi ibu menyusui dengan kecukupan ASI. Status gizi diukur dengan 3 indikator: IMB, LILA, dan Hb. Sedang kecukupan ASI diukur dengan indikator: tanda kecukupan ASI, BB bayi sebelum dan sesudah menyusu serta peningkatan BB bayi setelah 1 bulan. Penelitian ini menggunakan rancangan longitudinal (cohort). Hasil uji analisis statistik dengan mann whitney u test didapatkan tingkat signifikansi 95% (p = 0,009). Hasil uji analisis ditemukan tidak ada korelasi antara status gizi ibu menyusui (IMB dan LILA) dengan kecukupan ASI. Tetapi terdapat korelasi antara kadar Hb dengan kecukupan ASI. Kesimpulannya bahwa ibu menyusui dengan gizi buruk akan mempengaruhi kecukupan ASI karena tubuh membutuhkan zat gizi yang cukup untuk memproduksi ASI, tetapi tubuh tidak dapat memenuhi sehingga zat gizi tersebut diambil dari tubuh ibu dan berakibat makin lama ibu akan mengalami gizi yang bertambah buruk.Kata kunci: status nutrisi, ibu menyusui, kecukupan ASIABSTRACTProblem of gizi in Indonesia and developing countries in general still predominated by problem less energi protein, iron anaemia, trouble effect of iodine insuffiency, lacking of vitamin of A and problem of obesitas especially in metropolis. Anaemia of gizi is generally met at gristle faction of gizi that is pregnant mother, mother suckle, child of balita and also schoolchild. Anaemia at mother suckle will cause trouble of nutrisi production and irrigate mother milk become less. this clear generate growth trouble for baby which in giving irrigate mother milk. At mother with ugly gizi generally produce slimmer irrigate mother milk in number, while the qualities of depend on food which is eating. Generally there are degradation of fat rate, vitamin and carbohydrate. This study aims to know the relationship between the status of breastfeeding mothers with the adequacy of breastfeeding. This research is analytical research with longitudinal design up (cohort). Based on the results of test statistics with the mann whitney u test on the 95% level of confidence between the nutritional status of breastfeeding mothers with the adequacy of breastfeeding showed a significant relationship (p = 0,009). This explains that breastfeeding mothers who have poor nutrition affect the adequacy milk product. With the results of the research above, it is expected that the health through the village midwifes for more attention on the status of maternal nutrition on the nutritional needs of breastfeeding so that breastfeeding mothers can be improved by providing more counseling related to maternal nutrition and breastfeeding, such as the provision of vitamin tablets to the blood.Keywords: nutritional status, mother suckle, breastfeeding

Karin Tweddell Levinsen

This case presents the three-year research and development IT Folder Project (PIF), which has been aimed at facilitating the inclusion of young children with potential reading and writing difficulties in normal classes. The research focuses on everyday practice in schools and produces knowledge that gradually qualifies and consolidates a sustainable implementation strategy for the municipality involved regarding ICT as a change agent for inclusion. The children with potential difficulties are identified though tests and the adults and the classes involved “accompany” the children into the project. Thus, the adults involved are not necessarily passionate about ICT; they are representative of the average Danish schoolteacher. The case presents the first year and a half of the project and the initial results regarding the quality of the children’s inclusion process along with modifications of the screening tests and organizational changes in the municipality and the local schools based on these results.

2021 ◽  
pp. 39-49
N. A. Fabristova ◽  
I. R. Gainullin

Introduction. Congenital dysplasia of the hip joints is one of the main among congenital diseases of the musculoskeletal system in children and requires a long period of treatment, including in a hospital settings. Standard methods of treatment contain the orthopedic and rehabilitation measures: the use of abduction splints, a complex of physiotherapy exercises, general massage, the use of various physiotherapeutic procedures. Osteopathic correction is not included in the standards of care for this category of patients. At the same time, these standard treatment methods do not always give a desired result, and sometimes even lead to the development of complications. All this facts determines the need to search for additional therapeutic techniques.The aim of the study is to research the possible effectiveness of osteopathic correction as part of the complex treatment of children in the first year of life with hip dysplasia.Materials and methods. The study included 34 children with a diagnosis of hip dysplasia (ICD code-10 — Q65.8). The patients were randomly divided into 2 equivalent groups: study and control. Participants in both groups received standard treatment; the participants of the main group additionally underwent osteopathic correction of the revealed somatic dysfunctions. Before and after the course of treatment, the patients' osteopathic status, the disease clinical manifestations, and the X-ray data of the hip joints were assessed.Results. The inclusion of osteopathic correction in the complex with standard treatment procedures for children of the first year of life with hip dysplasia is accompanied by a statistically significant decrease in the detection frequency of the somatic dysfunctions at the regional and local levels. The median duration of standard orthopedic treatment also decreases (p<0,05).Conclusion. The obtained results demonstrate that the inclusion of osteopathic correction in the complex treatment of children in the first year of life with hip dysplasia shortens the treatment time for patients. It is recommended to continue research in this direction with a larger sample size.

2021 ◽  
Vol 17 ◽  
Hadeel Ali Ghazzawi ◽  
Rand Blasi ◽  
Duha Abu Lawi

Background: Women experience a significant increase in nutritional needs during pregnancy due to the several changes during this phase. Failure to meet these increased nutritional needs may cause irreversible effects and predispose outcomes to metabolic complications. Scarce data to establish the base of nutritional status among pregnant women in Jordan was available. Objective: The study aimed to assess and evaluate energy and nutrients consumption among a group of pregnant women in Amman Governorate during the second or third trimesters; in order to compare the consumption with “Recommended Dietary Allowance” (RDA). Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2018 at the Ministry of Health’s (MoH) Maternal and Children Health Centers (MCHC) in Amman to assess the dietary intake for a convenient sample of 300 seemingly healthy pregnant women aged between 17 and 40 years-old and at ≥ 13 weeks of gestation. Maternal demographic cheracteristics, medical history, anthropometric measurements and dietary data (three days recall) were collected. Results: The daily mean intake of carbohydrates exceeded the recommended intake for 45.3% of pregnant women. Fiber intake was less than 28g/day for 90% of them. Total fats intake (45.6g/day) was lower than the RDA for 42.3% of the pregnant women. Two-thirds of the pregnant women consumed a moderate amount of saturated fats (14.6g/day). The mean daily intake of proteins was 50.5±20.2g. More than two-thirds consumed protein less than the RDA; subsequently, intakes of all essential amino acids were below RDAs. The intake of fat-soluble vitamins was lower than RDA for vitamins D, E, and K.While, the intake of vitamin A, was higher than RDA. The intake of minerals was lower than RDA for (calcium, fluoride, iodine, iron, zinc, and selenium), while the intakes of sodium and copper were higher. Conclusion: The results showed inadequate and imbalanced dietary intake in comparison with RDA. Maternal nutrition and diets of pregnant women in this study show alarming indicators that may negatively affect the well-being of both pregnant women and fetal growth.

2021 ◽  

BackgroundNewborn screening tests can detect numerous congenital diseases that may cause disability or death and be performed first in 2006 in Turkey. Newborn screenings for Phenylketonuria and congenital hypothyroidism have increased in recent years due to the emergence of new diseases. It is essential for healthcare personnel and families to carry out these screening programs in a timely, accurate, and efficient manner. Informing families, particularly mothers, about these screening tests will help more newborn babies benefit from these tests. Therefore, this study aimed to explore mothers’ views about newborn screening programs in Turkey. Materials Methods: This descriptive and cross-sectional study included 112 volunteer mothers and was conducted at Zekai Tahir Burak Hospital, Ankara, Turkey, from December 2018 to January 2019. Results: Although mothers in Turkey were to some extent informed about the screening tests, they did not have sufficient information regarding the objective of these tests. Moreover, the majority of mothers expressed a positive opinion about the tests and stated that they would have these tests done even if they had to pay for them. Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, although mothers in turkey were not sufficiently knowledgeable about screening tests and their objectives, they expressed positive views about these tests. Therefore, it is recommended that families should be informed about newborn screening tests through mass media, educational environments (pregnancy schools), and screening test centers. Therefore, it is important to organize in-service training for midwives and nurses to raise their awareness in this regard.

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