Milk and Lactation: Some Social and Developmental Correlates Among 1,000 Infants

1982 ◽  
Vol 69 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-175
H. Boutourline Young ◽  
Ann E. Buckley ◽  
Bechir Hamza ◽  
Carmine Mandarano

Breast-feeding and artificial feeding practices in a developing country were examined and related to some social and developmental factors. This was done during the course of a transverse-type growth study of 1,000 infants from birth to 26 months of age. Three types of feeding were identified: breast, mixed, and artificial. The families were divided into three social categories. To give time for the effects of the type of feeding, groups of children at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 months of age were studied. In view of the lack of data on feeding effects upon large samples, the study was performed to assess the relative effects of feeding on early childhood development (Bayley Motor and Mental Scales), body length and weight, disease prevalence, clinical signs of allergies, and number of children in the family. Results showed that within the underprivileged group, there was evidence that breast-feeding promoted physical growth, sensory motor development, and resistance to infection. In mothers of both male and female infants who breast-fed, there was a protective effect against subsequent pregnancy up to ten months. Therefore, among the underprivileged in developing countries, every effort should be made to prolong breast-feeding and to assist mothers with health and nutrition education.

2021 ◽  
pp. 037957212110254
Sylvester O. Ojwang ◽  
David J. Otieno ◽  
Julius J. Okello ◽  
Penina Muoki ◽  
Rose A. Nyikal

Background: Biofortified staples have been promoted widely in sub-Saharan Africa to combat micronutrient deficiencies. Contemporary projects are increasingly using elementary schools to target households with these foods. Objective: This study assessed the effects of integrated nutrition education approaches, targeting preschoolers and their caregivers, on retention of orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP) on farms in the second season after lapse of free vine dissemination initiatives. Methods: Rural farming households, with preschoolers and no prior engagement with OFSP, were targeted. A multistage sample of 431 preschooler–caregiver pairs was recruited for a cluster-randomized controlled trial. After issuing routine OFSP promotion activities, 15 village-level clusters of the pairs were randomized into 1 control group (3 villages) and 3 treatment arms (4 villages each) for the interventions. Baseline and follow-up household-level survey data were collected from the caregivers. The interventions included: (1) OFSP-branded exercise books, posters, and a poem to preschoolers only; (2) OFSP-oriented mobile phone-mediated text messages to caregivers only; and (3) both 1 and 2 provided to individual households concurrently. Interventions 1 and 2 were single-channeled, while 3 was multichanneled. We estimated the intention-to-treat (ITT) and treatment-on-the-treated (TOT) effects using a binary logit model and a special regressor method, respectively. Results: Only the multichanneled nutrition education approach had significant effects (ITT = 0.167, P = .001; TOT = .243, P = .007) on the caregivers’ likelihood to retain OFSP on their farms. Conclusions: The finding implies that multichanneled agriculture-nutrition education interventions through Early Childhood Development institutions can be effective in ensuring sustainable adoption of OFSP.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
pp. 318-331
Asep Suherman ◽  
Adang Suherman ◽  
Tite Juliantine ◽  
Agus Mahendra

This study aims to develop a thematic learning model based on physical literacy for early childhood. This needs to be done because physical literacy can increase children's physical activity through various kinds of contextual movements so that learning becomes more fun, optimizes children's motor development, which will impact the development of other aspects, and reduce the risk of obesity. The research method used is a literature study with an integrative review approach with literature sources in books, international modules, and national and international research journals. Based on the literature review results, the initial design of the thematic learning model based on physical literacy consists of the phases of apperception, warming up, observation, playing, reflection, and cooling down. In each of these learning phases, physical literacy domains are integrated, including social, psychological, physical, and cognitive. Integrating all parts of physical literacy in each stage of learning is carried out so that the stimulus for early childhood development can run comprehensively.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-14
Daviq Chairilsyah

ABSTRACT Parents and early childhood educators still find it difficult to find ways to self-identify children's motor development, there needs to be innovation that measures motoric development can be easily used by parents The purpose of this study is to identify indicators of motor development in early childhood, make measuring instruments, and create a web-based measurement application. This Research and Development methodology uses mix method data analysis. This research is located in Indonesia with a sample of 590 participants. The results of the study show that valid and reliable measurement instruments for motoric development from the results of testing as many as 97 indicators are considered high value. Applications made by Information Technology experts to produce a systematic performance measurement system, making it easier for users, teachers / parents who are famous to get the results of the examination quickly and accurately. The implications of research are expected to be able to build a measuring device with the application of technology that is more developed in aspects of child development in addition to motor development, to become a facility for assessing early childhood development that makes it easier for educators to use it. Keywords: Early Childhood, Motoric Development, Web Based Application Instrument. REFERENCES Ali, A. (2012). Persepsi guru terhadap penggunaan kurikulum berasaskan bermain bagi aspek perkembangan bahasa dan literasi murid prasekolah. Malay Language Education Journal (MyLEJ), 2(1). Retrieved from Azwar, S. (2014). Reliabilitas dan Validitas Edisi 4. yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Barnett, L. M., Stodden, D., Miller, A. D., Cohen, K. E., Smith, J. J., Dudley, D., … Morgan, P. J. (2016). Fundamental Movement Skills : An Important Focus Only Leads to a Limited Number, 219–225. Cairney, J., Clark, H. J., James, M. E., Mitchell, D., Dudley, D. A., & Kriellaars, D. (2018). The Preschool Physical Literacy Assessment Tool : Testing a New Physical Literacy Tool for the Early Years, 6(June), 1–9. Carson, H. J., Collins, D., & Carson, H. J. (2016). The fourth dimension : A motoric perspective on the anxiety – performance relationship The fourth dimension : A motoric perspective on the anxiety – performance relationship, 9858(February), 0–21. Griffiths, A., Toovey, R., Morgan, P. E., Spittle, A. J., & Pe, M. (2018). Psychometric properties of gross motor assessment tools for children : a systematic review, 1–14. Hasnida. (2014). Analisis Kebutuhan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: Luxima. Helmawati. (2015). Mengenal dan Memahami PAUD. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya. Hiryanto. (2013). Pemetaan Tingkat Pencapaian Mutu Program Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (Paud) Di Propinsi DIY. Yogyakarta. Retrieved from Hurlock, E. B. (1999). Perkembangan Anak Jilid I. (Erlangga, Ed.). jakarta. Loprinzi, P. D., Davis, R. E., & Fu, Y. (2015). Early motor skill competence as a mediator of child and adult physical activity Early / Middle Childhood. PMEDR, 2, 833–838. Malina, R. M. (2003). Motor Development during Infancy and Early Childhood : Overview and Suggested Directions for Research. International Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2(5), 50–66. Retrieved from Monnas, L. B. (2018). Insight stories : Looking into teacher support in enhancing scientific thinking skills among pre-school students. Journal of Educational Sciences., 2(1), 19–25. Retrieved from Pendidikan, M., Kebudayaan, D. A. N., & Indonesia, R. PERATURAN MENTERI PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN REPUBLIK INDONESIA NOMOR 137 TAHUN 2014 TENTANG STANDAR NASIONAL PENDIDIKAN ANAK USIA DINI (2014). Purna, R. & Kinasih, A. S. (2015). Psikologi Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. Jakarta: PT. Indeks. Rao, N., Sun, J., Richards, B., Weber, A. M., Sincovich, A., Darmstadt, G. L., & Ip, P. (2018). Assessing Diversity in Early Childhood Development in the East Asia-Pacific. Richard, D. (2013). Aplikasi Teori Pembelajaran Motorik di Sekolah. yogyakarta: Diva Press. Rolina, N., & Muhyidin. (2015). Metode & Media Pembelajaran (jilid 4). In Ensiklopedia Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini. yogyakarta: Pustaka Insan Madani. Sani, N. A., & Yunus, F. (2018). Amalan Perancangan , Pelaksanaan dan Pentaksiran dalam Proses Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran Pranumerasi di Tadika Swasta. Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia, 43(2), 101–110. Amalan Santioso, L. . (2016). Tes Minat dan Bakat Anak. Jakarta: Penebar Swadaya Group. Suyadi. (2014). Manajemen PAUD (TPA-KB-TK/RA). yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

David A. Sugden ◽  
Helen C. Soucie

This chapter examines motor development from a number of perspectives. The first two sections overview a description followed by possible explanations of motor development. These sections are predicated on the assumption that two major questions permeate motor development: the first question asks what happens during development, describing and analysing the changes that occur; the second, a more difficult question, examines the possible explanations as to what are the mechanisms that are driving these changes. A third section provides an overview of recent work in the area of infant and early childhood development utilizing concepts from dynamic systems theory and ecological psychology. A fourth part examines two relatively recent ideas from early childhood and motor development. The first one promotes the idea of embodied cognition where a child’s physical, social, and linguistic interaction with the environment may be the root of flexible intelligent behaviour. The second one looks at the way in which some development is atypical, through an examination of precursors in early infancy being possible predictors for later problems. Finally, an example of atypical development is illustrated through a description of the condition known as developmental coordination disorder.

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 78-93
Riza Oktariana

The development of physical motorism in one of the five aspects of early childhood development, to achieve motoric development especially gross motoric is done through play. Play activities can stimulate children's physical motor development, and become one of the other factors that play an important role in children's psychological improvement, namely interpersonal intelligence. Based on this background, the researchers chose the title "The Effect of Bakiak Game and Interpersonal Intelligence on the Motoric Physical Development of Khairani Kindergarten Children in Aceh Besar. The formulation of the problem in this study: Is there clogging of clogs playing on children's physical motor development. Is there an influence of interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development, and Is there interaction between clogs and interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motordevelopment. The objectives of the study were: To determine the effect of clogging on children's motoric physical, To determine the effect of interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development, To find out the interaction of clogs and interpersonal intelligence on children's physical motor development. The research location was conducted at Khairani Aceh Besar Kindergarten, having its address at Lubok Batee Village, Ingin Jaya Subdistrict, Aceh Besar Regency, the study was conducted on October 15 to December 15 2018. The research subjects were group B children of 30, consisting of B1 (15 people) and B2 (15 people). This research was carried out using the experimental method and the research design was treatment design by level 2 x 2. The instrument of this study used clogged game tests, observation sheets of interpersonal intelligence and tests of motoric physical development. Research procedures are data pretest, treatment, posttest, data processing, data analysis and conclusions. Meet the standards of instrument validity and reliability. Data analysis techniques use descriptive data which includes the Mean, Median, Mode, frequency distribution table and histogram. Testing the analysis prerequisites, namely data on normality and homogeneity. From the results of the analysis of the data obtained this study shows that there is the influence of clog playing and interpersonal intelligence on the physical motor development of Khairani Aceh Besar Kindergarten children.   Abstrak Perkembangan fisik motorik salah satu dari lima aspek perkembangan anak usia dini, untuk mencapai perkembangan motorik khususnya motorik kasar dilakukan melalui permainan. Aktivitas bermain dapat menstimulasi perkembangan fisik motorik anak, dan menjadi salah satu faktor lain yang berperan penting dalam peningkatan psikis anak yaitu kecerdasan interpersonal. Berdasarkan latar belakang tersebut, maka peneliti memilih judul “Pengaruh Permainan Bakiak dan Kecerdasan Interpersonal Terhadap Perkembangan Anak TK Khairani Aceh Besar. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini: Adakah pengeruh permainan bakiak terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak, adakah pengaruh kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak, dan adakah interaksi permainan bakiak dan kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak. Tujuan penelitian yaitu: Untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan bakiak terhadap fisik motorik anak, untuk mengetahui pengaruh kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak dan untuk mengetahui interaksi permainan bakiak dan kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak. Lokasi penelitian di laksanakan di TK Khairani Aceh Besar yang beralamat di Desa Lubok Batee Kecamatan Ingin Jaya Kabupaten Aceh Besar, penelitian dilakukan pada tanggal 15 Oktober sampai dengan 15 Desember 2018. Subjek penelitian anak kelompok B yang berjumlah 30 orang, yang terdiri dari B1 (15 orang) dan B2 (15 orang). Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen dan desain penelitian adalah desain treatment by level 2 x 2. Instrumen penelitian ini menggunakan tes permainan bakiak, lembar observasi kecerdasan interpersonal dan tes perkembangan fisik motorik. Prosedur penelitian yaitu data pretest, perlakuan, postest, pengolahan data, analisis data dan kesimpulan. Memenuhi standar validitas dan reliabilitas instrumen. Tehnik analisis data mengunakan deskriftif data yang meliputi Mean, Median, Modus, tabel distribusi frekuensi dan histogram. Pengujian prasyarat analisis yaitu data normalitas dan homogenitas. Dari hasil analisis data yang diperoleh penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adanya pengaruh permainan bakiak dan kecerdasan interpersonal terhadap perkembangan fisik motorik anak TK Khairani Aceh Besar. Kata Kunci: Permainan Bakiak, Kecerdasan Interpersonal, Perkembangan Fisik Motorik

Erick Ochieng Otieno ◽  
Johnbosco Kisimbii ◽  
Fatma K. Said

The purpose of this study was to assess the determinants of successful implementation of Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) by County Governments in Kenya from the implementing partners’ perspective. This study was guided by the following specific objectives: to determine the influence of the capacities of the County Government staff on the implementation of early childhood development education by County Governments in Kenya, to determine the how management of early childhood development education affects its implementation by County Governments in Kenya, to assess how availability of physical facilities affect the implementation of early childhood development education by County Governments in Kenya and to examine how policies affect the implementation of early childhood development education by County Governments in Kenya. Decentralization theory and organization learning theory were used to explain the relationship between the study variables. Descriptive research design was used in the study. The population for the study was implementing partners working with County Governments in Kenya to support ECDE. Purposive sampling technique was used to select the respondents to participate in the study. A total of 100 respondents were targeted from the 10 organizations studied out of which 70 participated giving a response rate of 70%. Questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. Both qualitative and quantitative data analysis techniques were used to analyze the data. The study found that the implementation of ECDE by County governments in Kenya was generally successful from the implementing partners’ perspective and indicated by 56.8%. It is also worth noting that beside the general success, there were myriads of challenges facing the implementation of the program by county governments. Findings from regression analysis showed that the coefficient of determination indicated that 63.5% of the variations on the implementation of ECDE by county governments can be explained by staff capacity, management of ECDE, availability of physical facilities and ECDE policies. The remaining 36.5% can be explained by other variables not included in the study. R square and adjusted R is above average an implication that an above average variation can be explained by the model. The study recommended that county governments should allocate more funds for the renovation and construction of more ECDE centres, allocate adequate funds for the implementation of ECDE and that they should organize consistent in-service training for ECDE teachers and at the same time employ more ECDE staff to cater for the large number of children in ECDE centres..

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
I Wayan Gunartha ◽  
Tajularipin Sulaiman ◽  
Siti Partini Suardiman ◽  
Badrun Kartowagiran

The aims of the study were to: (1) develop a set of instruments to measure the level of early childhood development (kindergarten group B), and (2) assess the quality of the developed instruments. This study is developmental research. The samples of the study were the students of kindergarten group B. The developed instrument was a set of questionnaires. Instrument testing was carried out in three stages with the number of subjects increased on each stage. The validity analysis of the questionnaire used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The reliability estimation of the questionnaire used composite reliability. The results of the study are in the form of instruments for measuring the level of early childhood development, which consists of an instrument to measure religious morality, social-emotional, language, cognitive, and physical-motor development. Based on field study, all instruments have a good fit model, construct validity, and reliability that meet the academic requirements of early childhood education.

Eric Atmore

In this review article, the context of young children in South Africa in 2012 is described and the main challenges affecting children and the early childhood development sector (ECD) in South Africa are investigated. A situation analysis of ECD in South Africa was undertaken using South African government ECD policy and programme implementation reports. There has been progress since 1994, both quantitatively and qualitatively. The number of children in Grade R has trebled since 2001, government education and social development budgets have increased substantially and 58% of children at ECD centres nationally are now subsidised. More children are in provision and in better quality provision than before. However, much still remains to be done before we can say with confidence that the needs of our youngest children are being met. This study identifies infrastructure, nutrition, ECD programmes, teacher training, institutional capacity and funding as the major gaps in ECD provision.

2018 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 209-230 ◽  
Aree Jampaklay ◽  
Kerry Richter ◽  
Kanchana Tangchonlatip ◽  
Sutham Nanthamongkolchai

This analysis investigates the impact of parental absence on early childhood development in Thailand, using the Denver II screening tool, based on a study conducted in 2013–2014. Children aged 36 months and younger were included ( n = 923). Results reveal that the crucial factor for delayed development in early childhood is the mother’s presence in the household. Children who were cared for by others were not at higher risk of delayed development as long as their mother was present, while the father’s absence did not make a difference. This study raises concern for the large number of children living separately from their mothers, and also raises questions about the long-term effects of parental migration for this generation of Thai children.

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