scholarly journals The Impact of Copper Tetramine Hydroxide Treatments on Wheat Yield

2002 ◽  
Vol 51 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 193-200
Rezső Schmidt ◽  
M. Barkóczy ◽  
P. Szakál ◽  

Authors studied the effect of copper nutrition on the yield, kernel weight and raw protein content of winter wheat. Copper was applied in the form of copper tetramine hydroxide that was produced from a clean copper containing waste originating from microelectronical industry. After suitable chemical transformation this waste can be used as an excellent secondary raw material for the preparation of copper fertilizer. The foliar application of copper tetramine hydroxide complex at the phenological phase of tillering significantly increased the yield, kernel weight and raw protein content of winter wheat. The calculated copper doses that gave the maximum yield, raw protein content and kernel weight were 1.04, 1.12 and 0.77 kg ha -1 respectively.

Agronomy ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 1749
Xiaoyan Gu ◽  
Yang Liu ◽  
Na Li ◽  
Yihong Liu ◽  
Deqiang Zhao ◽  

Potassium (K) has a significant effect on wheat yield and quality. Owing to the limitations of irrigation and production costs, soil-based applications of potassium fertilizer are not performed in wheat production on the Loess Plateau of China. In the late growth stage of wheat, potassium deficiency occurs even under sufficient nitrogen/phosphorus (N/P) levels, so it is necessary to supplement potassium through foliar spraying. However, there are few studies on the effect of the foliar application of potassium fertilizer (KFA) on wheat quality. Field experiments were conducted at two experimental sites for 2 years to study the effects of different potassium fertilizer application levels and periods on wheat yield and quality. The results showed that KFA had no significant effect on the yield of the wheat variety Xinong 20 (XN20) but increased the yield of the wheat variety Xiaoyan 22 (XY22). The improvement effect of KFA on the wet gluten content and stabilization time (ST) of XN20 was better than that on these parameters of XY22, while the sedimentation value (SV) and formation time (FT) showed the opposite trend. KFA significantly reduced the albumin content of the two varieties but had no significant effect on the globulin content. Compared with that at the other two stages, the potassium application in the form of potash fertilizer spray at a concentration of 60 mmol L−1 (K2) at the flowering stage (BBCH 65) significantly increased the protein content, wet gluten content, SV and gluten protein content in XN20 grains, whereas the application at 10 days after flowering (AA10, BBCH 71) at the K2 concentration was more beneficial to prolonging the dough FT. For XY22, the application of potassium fertilizer at the K2 concentration at the flowering stage increased the wet gluten and gluten protein levels and dough development time. There were significant genotypic differences in the composition and content of HMW-GS between the two varieties. KFA significantly increased the levels of the 1, 7 + 8, and 4 + 12 subunits in XN20 and the 1 subunit in XY22, but had no significant effect on the 2 + 12 subunit in XY22. Partial least squares path modelling (PLS-PM) analysis showed that the processing quality indexes (SV, FT, ST) and gluten protein and HMW-GS levels were regulated by the potassium fertilizer foliar spraying stage and concentration and revealed in part that KFA affected the processing quality by affecting the HMW-GS content.

2017 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 33-47 ◽  
Jerzy Bieniek ◽  
Marek Mielnicki ◽  
Leszek Romański ◽  
Piotr Komarnicki

AbstractThe paper presents analysis of the impact of irrigation dose on the winter wheat Bystra yield, which is recommended for cultivation in Poland. It is a low-growing high-yield wheat cultivar. A reel sprinkler equipped with a computer for control of parameters of its operation, which was supplied with pond water was used for irrigation. Test were carried out on five fields, where four irrigation doses were used: 15, 20, 25, 30 mm. A change of weather during research in May and June caused the need to irrigate a field four times. During research, the size of the irrigation dose was measured with rain gauges on each of the investigated fields in five measurement points. One of the fields was a control field, which was not irrigated. The investigated wheat was characterized during harvesting. Research proved that the size of the irrigation dose influences the wheat yield. The grain yield between a control field and a field with the highest irrigation dose increased by twofold. Moreover, analysis of costs incurred during sprinkling were analysed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 29 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 117-128 ◽  
K. Balla ◽  
M. Rakszegi ◽  
Z. Li ◽  
F. Békés ◽  
S. Bencze ◽  

Raw material quality, which is influenced not only by the protein content, insoluble protein polymers, and glutenin-to-gliadin ratio but also by the starch granule size, is very important for the quality of bakery products. This study investigated the effect of high temperature and drought (during grain-filling) on the quality and components yield of five winter wheat varieties. Drought and drought + heat were found to have a much greater influence on the yield and quality than heat stress alone. Averaged over the varieties, the yield losses were 57% after drought, 76% after drought + heat, and only 31% after heat stresses. The reductions in the unextractable polymeric protein fraction and glutenin-to-gliadin ratio indicated a poorer grain yield quality, despite the higher protein content. Quality deterioration was observed after drought or drought + heat, while high temperatures alone resulted in no change or in a better ratio of protein components. A significant negative correlation was observed between starch granule size and relative protein content after drought, demonstrating that this parameter contributes, together with protein, to the baking quality of the flour.

2008 ◽  
Vol 54 (No. 9) ◽  
pp. 395-402 ◽  
M. Váňová ◽  
K. Klem ◽  
P. Míša ◽  
P. Matušinsky ◽  
J. Hajšlová ◽  

Nine cultivars of winter wheat were compared in organic and conventional crop rotation systems. Bread-making quality was evaluated using three parameters [thousand-kernel weight (TKW) in g, volume weight in g/l, protein content in %]. Grain yield, TKW and protein content of winter wheat in organic cropping system were significantly lower as compared to any intensity in conventional cropping system. However, clover as a preceding crop to winter wheat in organic crop rotation ensured a sufficient amount of nitrogen for grain yield, which was 6.72 t/ha on average of the three years. The requirement of the Czech national standard for bread wheat minimum value of protein content (11.5%) was met in conventional crop rotation in all cases. Average value of protein content in organic crop rotation met this limit too, but it was below the required value in two cases. The required value (760 g/l) of volume weight was met in majority of cases in organic crop rotation. The following species of the genus <I>Fusarium were</I> found: <I>F. culmorum, F. graminearum, F. poae</I> and <I>F. avenaceum</I>. All samples were screened for the content of deoxynivalenol (DON). There was no significant difference in the DON content between winter wheat grain from organic crop rotation and conventional crop rotation at high intensity.

Plant Disease ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 98 (8) ◽  
pp. 1060-1065 ◽  
Z. Miller ◽  
F. Menalled ◽  
D. Ito ◽  
M. Moffet ◽  
M. Burrows

Plant genotype, age, size, and environmental factors can modify susceptibility and tolerance to disease. Understanding the individual and combined impacts of these factors is needed to define improved disease management strategies. In the case of Wheat streak mosaic virus (WSMV) in winter wheat, yield losses and plant susceptibility have been found to be greatest when the crop is exposed to the virus in the fall in the central and southern Great Plains. However, the seasonal dynamics of disease risk may be different in the northern Great Plains, a region characterized by a relatively cooler fall conditions, because temperature is known to modify plant–virus interactions. In a 2-year field study conducted in south-central Montana, we compared the impact of fall and spring WSMV inoculations on the susceptibility, tolerance, yield, and grain quality of 10 winter wheat varieties. Contrary to previous studies, resistance and yields were lower in the spring than in the fall inoculation. In all, 5 to 7% of fall-inoculated wheat plants were infected with WSMV and yields were often similar to uninoculated controls. Spring inoculation resulted in 45 to 57% infection and yields that were 15 to 32% lower than controls. Although all varieties were similarly susceptible to WSMV, variations in tolerance (i.e., yield losses following exposure to the virus) were observed. These results support observations that disease risk and impacts differ across the Great Plains. Possible mechanisms include variation in climate and in the genetic composition of winter wheat and WSMV across the region.

С. М. Шакалій

Наведено дані досліджень впливу різних норм мінера-льних добрив на урожайність і вміст білка в зерні пше-ниці м'якої озимої. Встановлено, що внесення добрив має вплив на збільшення врожайності зерна та сприяє збіль-шенню вмісту білка в зерні. За допомогою кореляційного аналізу встановлено тісний зв'язок між урожайністю та вмістом білка в зерні пшениці озимої r=0,80). Уро-жайність пшениці озимої істотно змінюється від по-годних умов веґетаційного періоду й норм мінерального живлення. Найкращі результати спостерігаються за повного захисту рослин + «Басфоліар 36 Екстра». The investigation data of influence of different norms of mineral fertilizers on productivity and protein content in wheat grain mild winter are presented. It is established that the application of fertilizers has an impact on the increase of productivity of grain and contributes to an increase in protein content in grain. Using correlation analysis a close relationship between yield and protein content of winter wheat (r=0,80) is established. Winter wheat yield considerably changes from weather conditions during vegetation period and norms of mineral nutrition. The best results are for the full protection of plants + Basfoliar 36 Extra.

2020 ◽  
Vol 119 (2) ◽  
pp. 060
Cristina Cordo ◽  
Rodrigo Altamirano ◽  
María Rosa Simón ◽  
Marina Stocco ◽  
Gladys Lampugnani ◽  

Trichoderma strains are used as biofungicides for some plant diseases. The aim of this research was to evaluate the effectiveness of Trichoderma harzianum isolates, applied alone and in combination with fungicides, to control Zymoseptoria tritici, the causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch of wheat, and their impact on wheat yield and its components. To this end, field experiments were performed in 2010 and 2011 and 10 different treatments were applied. The disease severity was assessed by visual estimation of the leaf area affected by Z. tritici at the first node, anthesis and early dough growth stages. The best results for reducing the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) were “coated seed only with T. harzianum” and “coated seed plus two foliar application of T. harzianum”. Regarding the increase in yield gain and the improvement of yield components, the fungicide treatment applied at seedling, and tillering in 2011 provided significant increase. Respect the treatments with the application of T. harzianum the best was only one application as coated seed of the biocontroler alone showing yield responses similar to the ones obtained with the fungicide treatments. We recommended the coated seed alone because the protective effect lasts until the early dough stage of ripening. This application produced a comparable yield to that obtained with three applications of T. harzianum at different phenological stages of wheat with as well as with more than one application of commercial fungicide. We found a strong relationship between the number of kernels per spike and the wheat yield in 2011 as a consequence of the best environmental conditions for the disease’s occurrence. Contrary, it was shown a non-significant association between thousand kernel weight (TKW) and the wheat yield.

Agriculture ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 127 ◽  
Gniewko Niedbała ◽  
Danuta Kurasiak-Popowska ◽  
Kinga Stuper-Szablewska ◽  
Jerzy Nawracała

Biotic stress, which includes infection by pathogenic fungi, causes losses of wheat yield in terms of quantity and quality. Ear Fusarium is caused by strains of F. graminearum and F. culmorum, which can produce mycotoxins—deoxynivalenol (DON) and nivalenol (NIV). One of the wheat’s defense mechanisms against stressors is the activation of biosynthesis pathways of antioxidant compounds, including ferulic acid. The aim of the study was to conduct pilot studies on the basis of which neural models were created that would examine the impact of the variety and weather conditions on the concentration of ferulic acid, and link its content with the concentration of deoxynivalenol and nivalenol. The plant material was 23 winter wheat genotypes with different Fusarium resistance. The field experiment was conducted in 2011–2013 in Poland in three experimental combinations, namely: with full chemical protection; without chemical protection, but infested with natural disease (control); and in the absence of fungicidal protection, with artificial inoculation by genus Fusarium fungi. As a result of the pilot studies, three neural models—FERUANN analytical models (ferulic acid content), DONANN (deoxynivalenol content) and NIVANN (nivalenol content)—were produced. Each model was based on 14 independent features, 12 of which were in the form of quantitative data, and the other two were presented as qualitative data. The structure of the created models was based on an artificial neural network (ANN) of the multilayer perceptron (MLP) with two hidden layers. The sensitivity analysis of the neural network showed the two most important features determining the concentration of ferulic acid, deoxynivalenol, and nivalenol in winter wheat seeds. These are the experiment variant (VAR) and winter wheat variety (VOW).

2020 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 191919
Emily G. Mitchell ◽  
Neil M. J. Crout ◽  
Paul Wilson ◽  
Andrew T. A. Wood ◽  
Gilles Stupfler

Wheat farming provides 28.5% of global cereal production. After steady growth in average crop yield from 1950 to 1990, wheat yields have generally stagnated, which prompts the question of whether further improvements are possible. Statistical studies of agronomic parameters such as crop yield have so far exclusively focused on estimating parameters describing the whole of the data, rather than the highest yields specifically. These indicators include the mean or median yield of a crop, or finding the combinations of agronomic traits that are correlated with increasing average yields. In this paper, we take an alternative approach and consider high yields only. We carry out an extreme value analysis of winter wheat yield data collected in England and Wales between 2006 and 2015. This analysis suggests that, under current climate and growing conditions, there is indeed a finite upper bound for winter wheat yield, whose value we estimate to be 17.60 tonnes per hectare. We then refine the analysis for strata defined by either location or level of use of agricultural inputs. We find that there is no statistical evidence for variation of maximal yield depending on location, and neither is there statistical evidence that maximum yield levels are improved by high levels of crop protection and fertilizer use.

V. А. Fedotov ◽  
N. V. Podlesnykh ◽  
А. L. Lukin ◽  
L. М. Vlasova

In the conditions of the Central Russian Black Earth Region, it is quite possible to cultivate hard winter wheat for the needs of the cereal and macaroni industry. Winter-hardy varieties Zolotko, Donchanka and etc. are suitable. Presowing cultivation with Albit, Siberian fertility, Agat 25K, Micromax, etc. affects significantly on their yield. The combination of presowing seed treatment with foliar application of vegetative plants with the same and other products (Afbif, Reksalin, ABC and etc.) turned out to be particularly effective.  Synergism has been revealed in the combination of seed treatment with Albit, Rexolin ABC and Vitazim with spraying of plants with Albit solution, Abibif, Siberian Fertility, Fertigrain Foliar and other products. Winter durum wheat have not yet allowed to cultivation in Central Chernozem Region although, as our researches have shown many varieties (Zolotko, Donchanka, Amazonka, Kurant, Alyy parus, Aksinit, Terra ant other) can be suitable for cultivation in Voronezh region forest-steppe [1, 3, 4, 8], they are 10…15 centners per hectare more yield than spring durum wheat cultivated here. The deficit of durum wheat cereal in Central Chernozem Region, which is necessary for pasta industry is very large, it can be avoided by introducing and improving the cultivation technology of winter varieties of this crop. Staff members of the crop production, fodder production and agrotechnologies department of Voronezh SAU have identified (since 1996) and substantiated the cultivation possibility of domestic relatively winter resistance winter durum wheat in Central Chernozem Region (Amazonka, Donchanka, Zolotko, Kurant and other).

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