scholarly journals Persia, the Land of Shiite Faith: The Migration of Imam Ahl al-Bayt and the Encounter between Two Belief Systems in Persia

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 55-66
Fatemeh Sadat Alavi Aliabadi ◽  
Sayed Alireza Vasei

This article attempts to trace the fundamental role of early Persian beliefs, Zoroastrians, to the decision of Ahl al-Bayt’s choice to migrate to Persia (Iran). This research is based on the fact that there are many places for pilgrimage to imams in Iran.  Specifically, this research investigates the similarity of several concepts in both religions, Zoroaster and Islam, regarding the teaching in the principle of God (Ilahiyyah), the principle of life after death (eschatology), and the principle of justice and morals of the religion embraced before Islam in Persia. Several studies have also reported on the distortions, opposition, and the consequences of encountering the two beliefs for the first time between Persian beliefs and Islamic teachings. This study employs a qualitative method with historical analysis and literature study along with relevant information of the study.  This article also uses the theory of migration and identity to see the interconnectedness of religion in the migration context. The results of this study show the factors that the Persians are interested in accepting and understanding the teachings of Islam. Those are: first, the emotional closeness of beliefs and moral values between Muslims and Zoroastrians (Magi); Second, the inclusive nature of Islam; third, the absence of racial, gender, and status discrimination in Islamic teachings. The descendants of imams Ahl al-Bayt of the Prophet Muhammad SAW continued the prophet's preaching and the Imams in expanding the spread of Islamic teachings to various regions. During this expansion process, they found Iran as the most secure, and suitable region to accept the presence and teaching of Islam especially the Shiite sect. Therefore, they decided to migrate to Iran, and until now Iran is known as a Shiite country.

2014 ◽  
Vol 27 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-5 ◽  
Karla Jimena Araújo de Jesus Sampaio ◽  
Wilza Vieira Villela ◽  
Eleonora Menicucci de Oliveira

OBJECTIVE: To understand how adolescents perceive the experience and what meanings they attribute to fatherhood.METHODS: Research of a qualitative method, using interviews of 25 young people who had become fathers for the first time. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, taped and transcribed in their entirety. Data analysis occurred using an initial and then an exhaustive reading of the material, synthesis of the results obtained, and identification of implicit content.RESULTS: The analysis and interpretation of this material allowed us to identify three thematic categories: the role of the young father; gains and losses with fatherhood, and solutions adopted during the experienced difficulties. It was evident that the exercise of fatherhood contributed to the assumption of masculinity, to play the role of guardian of the home and provider for the family.CONCLUSION: Fatherhood was seen as a positive experience that transformed teenagers into adults.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 158
I Wayan Agus Gunada

AbstrakPenelitian ini merupakan bentuk analisis serta kajian mengenai peran ajaran agama Hindu dalam proses penciptaan karya seni lukis umumnya seni lukis tradisional Bali. Seni lukis sebagai bagian dari seni rupa di Bali berkembang cukup pesat, dimana terdapat dua dikotomi seni lukis di Bali yaitu seni lukis tradisional di Bali dan Seni lukis modern. Seni lukis tradisional Bali merupakan bentuk seni lukis yang proses pembuatannya masih menggunakan tradisi-tradisi baik proses pembuatan dan bahan-bahan yang tradisional walaupun kini sudah umum ditemukan menggunakan alat serta bahan yang sudah tergolong modern, dan seni lukis tradisional Bali ini yang sudah berlangsung sejak dulu yaitu terdapat pakem-pakem serta prinsip yang dilakukan ketika proses penciptaan karya tersebut dikreasikan. Ketika seorang pelukis mencipta sebuah karya maka realita dan imajinasi menjadi sumber ide namun Seni lukis tradisional Bali memiliki ciri khasnya yang sangat kentara ketika dilihat secara langsung, yaitu penggambaran objek bentuk karyanya yang cenderung mengambil bentuk-bentuk alam, cerita-cerita rakyat, mitologi serta ajaran-ajaran agama Hindu yang direinterpretasikan melalui bentuk simbol-simbol didalamnya. Sehingga sebagian besar tema-tema yang dihadirkan dalam seni lukis tradisional Bali adalah mengimajinasikan ajaran-ajaran agama Hindu yang kental akan nilai-nilai spiritual dan memiliki nilai-nilai magis kedalam sebuah karya yang tidak hanya sekedar memuaskan pengalaman keindahan namun secara tidak langsung juga menjadi media wahana pengajaran ajaran agama Hindu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan bagaimana ajaran agama Hindu menjadi sumber inspirasi dalam penciptaan karya seni lukis tradisional Bali. Metode yang digunakan dalam mengkaji fokus penelitian ini adalah metode penelitian kualitatif deskriftif dengan pendekatan studi fenomenologi yaitu penelitian menggunakan data-data kualitatif untuk menggambarkan fenomena-fenomena ajaran agama Hindu yang menjadi sumber inspirasi penciptaan. Secara pragmatis penelitian ini diharapkan berdampak dalam memberikan informasi dan menambah wawasan terkait keberadaan seni lukis tradisional Bali sebagai bentuk kekayaan budaya bidang seni yang masih hidup serta keberadaannya yang masih lestari dan hidup di Bali.Kata Kunci: hindu, seni, lukis tradisional, bali.AbstractThis research is a form of analysis and study of the role of the Hindu religion in the process of creation of art painting generally traditional Balinese painting. Art painting as part of the art in Bali develops quite rapidly, where there is two art dichotomy in Bali is a traditional art painting in Bali and the art of modern paint. Traditional Balinese painting is a form of art painting that process is still using the traditions of both the making process and traditional materials although it is now common to be found using tools and materials that are already relatively modern, and the traditional Balinese painting that has been held since the first time is there are pakem and the principle that is done when the process of creation of the work is Reincreikan. When a painter creates a masterpiece, the reality and imagination become the source of ideas but the traditional Balinese painting has its distinctive characteristic when viewed directly, that is the depiction of the object of his form that tends to take the forms of nature, folklore, mythology, and teachings of Hindu religion that is interpreted by the form of symbols inside. So most of the themes presented in the art of traditional Balinese painting are too imaginative Hindu teachings that are strong in spiritual values and have magical values into a work that not only satisfies the experience of beauty but indirectly also becomes a medium of religious teaching of Hindu teachings. This research aims to illustrate how Hinduism's teachings are a source of inspiration in the creation of traditional Balinese art paintings. The method used in reviewing the focus of this research is a qualitative method of research with the approach of phenomenology study using qualitative data to describe the phenomena of Hindu religious teachings that are the source of the inspiration of creation. Pragmatic research is expected to have an impact on providing information and adding insight related to the existence of traditional Balinese art painting as a form of cultural richness of living arts and its existence that is still sustainable and living in Bali. Keywords: hindu, art, traditional painting, bali

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-97
Yakub Hendrawan Perangin Angin ◽  
Tri Astuti Yeniretnowati

Christian Faith Resilience Amidst the Era of Disruption. The current era of disruption which is marked by the birth of various innovations and new technologies cannot be avoided by all people, organizations and churches. The era of disruption will affect the Christian faith, so that the attitudes, policies and culture adopted by believers who are Christian to the influence caused by this era of disruption will greatly determine the continuity of their Christian faith, whether it will continue to grow or will die completely. With a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach, the author proposes a conceptual frame of the role of the challenge of Christian faith in the era of disruption. The main source of analysis includes research results contained in journals and books, which are analyzed by looking at the relationship and compatibility with the title of the writing. The results of this study on the era of disruption and dimensions of Christian faith are then used to formulate the concept of resilience of the Christian faith in the era of disruption. There are eight main attitudes that must be developed in order to maintain Christian faith in this era of disruption.       Abstrak: Ketahanan Iman Kristen Di Tengah Era Disrupsi. Era disrupsi yang berlangsung saat ini yang ditandai dengan lahirnya berbagai inovasi dan teknologi baru tidak dapat dihindari oleh semua orang, organisasi dan gereja. Era disruspsi akan berpengaruh kepada iman Kristen, sehingga sikap, kebijakan serta budaya yang diambil oleh orang percaya yang ber-iman Kristen terhadap pengaruh yang ditimbulkan oleh era disrupsi ini sangat menentukan keberlangsungan iman Kristen-nya apakah akan kokoh terus berkembang atau akan mati total. Dengan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi literatur penulis mengemukakan sebuah bingkai konsep peran tantangan iman Kristen pada era disrupsi. Adapun sumber utama dari analisis meliputi hasil penelitian yang terdapat pada jurnal dan buku, yang dianalisis dengan cara mencermati hubungan dan kecocokan  dengan judul penulisan. Hasil kajian tentang era disrupsi dan dimensi-dimensi iman Kristen ini selanjutnya digunakan untuk menyusun konsep ketahanan iman Kristen pada era disrupsi. Terdapat delapan sikap utama yang harus dikembangkan guna mempertahankan iman Kristen di era disrupsi ini

Kurios ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
Branckly Egbert Picanussa

The effectiveness of learning of Christian Religious Education at school needs some media. Song, as a part of musical activity, is one of the media that is used by Christian Religious Education teachers to teach the Christian faith effectively. The aim of this article is to affirm the important role of the song as one of the learning media of Christian Religious Education at school. This Article is written in qualitative method with literature study approach and observation as its approach. This article explains the nature and the purpose of Christian Religious Education, music in church life, music in the history of thinking and practicing of Christian Religious Education, and the use of song as media in the learning of Christian Religious Education at school. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 93-106
Fernando Yonathan Tuah ◽  
Asril Gunawan ◽  
Zamrud Whidas Pratama

Abstract: The art studio Apo Lagaan first appeared in Samarinda in 2007 and is still going on today. The Apo Lagaan art studio is an art studio that focuses on the traditional arts of the Bahau Dayak, especially the music of sape' karaang. This study aims to reveal the form of the Apo Lagaan Art Studio's role, the form of presentation of sape' karaang, and the meaning contained in the game. This study uses a qualitative method. The observation technique used includes the object of research and the determination of informants. The data collection techniques of this research include literature study, interviews, and documentation. The research data analysis technique is carried out by utilizing the data that has been found in the field. The results showed that the Apo Lagaan Art Studio had a role in the continuity of the sape' karaang in Samarinda City. The role of the Apo Lagaan Art Studio on the continuity of the sape' karaang in Samarinda City is carried out through studio activities related to activities, training, and performances of traditional Dayak Bahau music and dance. In addition, the Apo Lagaan art studio has also expanded its partnerships to several government agencies and schools to provide education to the general public about the importance of cultural preservation, especially by the younger generation.   Abstrak: Sanggar seni Apo Lagaan pertama kali muncul di Samarinda pada tahun 2007 dan masih bertahan hingga saat ini. Sanggar seni Apo Lagaan merupakan sanggar seni yang berfokus pada bidang kesenian tradisi Dayak Bahau khususnya musik sape’ karaang. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap bentuk peran Sanggar Seni Apo Lagaan dan bentuk penyajian sape’ karaang serta makna yang terkandung dalam permainannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Teknik observasi yang digunakan meliputi objek penelitian dan penentuan informan. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini antara lain studi pustaka, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data penelitian dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan data-data yang telah ditemukan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sanggar seni Apo Lagaan memiliki peranan terhadap kontinuitas sape’ karaang di Kota Samarinda. Peranan Sanggar Seni Apo Lagaan terhadap kontinuitas sape’ karaang di Kota Samarinda dilakukan melalui aktivitas sanggar yang terkait dengan kegiatan, pelatihan, dan pementasan musik dan tari tradisi Dayak Bahau. Di samping itu, sanggar seni Apo Lagaan juga memperluas kemitraannya ke beberapa instansi pemerintah dan sekolah-sekolah guna untuk memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat awam akan pentingnya pelestarian budaya terutama oleh generasi muda.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (10) ◽  
pp. 3-16
Albert I Ketut Deni Wijaya

A catechist can be called a missionary and saint. This call is very appropriate considering their role in the missionary work of the Church. This research will answer two questions: (1) What is the role of catechists in the missionary work of the Church? (2) What is the professional catechism model in the midst of the needs of the world today? This study uses a qualitative method of literature study. Through this paper, it will be explained that in the mission of the Church, the catechist acts as a spokesman for the Christian congregation, a prophet, an educator and a witness. Where as the professional catechists needed are catechists who always present the Holy Spirit as their soul and missionary spirit while equipping themselves with skills and knowledge.

Shobirin ◽  
Guntur Dwi Purwanto ◽  
Naqiyah ◽  
Mohamad Anton Athoillah

This article discusses the Hadith of Al-Bukhari's history about the differences and relevance of the role of Islamic educational institutions in building religious plurality in Indonesia. Indonesia is a country that has the motto bhinneka tunggal ika. The plurality of plurality is highly upheld and respected. This study was written using a qualitative method with a literature study as an approach. The type of data in this article is in the form of written narratives or documents contained in the publication of Hadith History of Al-Bukhari about the differences and related scientific works that have been published. The technique of collecting data is by tracing some related scientific publications. The analysis technique used is through the use of the takhrīj al-hadīth application which is followed by sharh al-hadīth, both al-turathi and al-mu'āsir. This article describes that the Hadith of Al-Bukhari's history regarding differences is seen as relevant to the role of Islamic educational institutions in building religious plurality in Indonesia.

Dian Trianita Lestari ◽  
Iriyani Astuti Arief ◽  
Shinta Arjunita Saputri

This study aims to determine and describe the role of Toli-Toli-Labengki Giant Clam Conservation for the giant clams’ sustainability in Toli-Toli Village, Lalonggasumeeto District. This study uses a qualitative method by applying Green Thought and International Organizations theory to see the role of NGOs in the restoration of giant clam habitat areas. Meanwhile, the data collection techniques used was interviews, literature study and documentation with data analysis techniques consisting of three stages, namely data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the NGO Toli-Toli – Labengki Giant Clam Conservation played a role as: an independent actor who acts as an international organization and is not merely implementing the interests of the organization or its members, but for the common good; because for negotiations and produce mutually beneficial decisions by educating residents about the importance of giant clam for the sustainability of the coastal ecosystem of Toli-Toli Village so that in the end the community also get benefit; and instruments for collaborating with NGO Naturevolution to reduce plastic waste on the coastal area of the village to Labengki island. Considering the benefits of giant clams to marine ecosystems and the giant clams cultivation requires quite a lot of funds, this NGO should get more attention and support from both local and national governments.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 172-186
Simon Simon

Indonesia is a country that is fertile ground for drug trafficking carried out by domestic dealers and drug dealers internationally. The rise of drugs today causes victims to die every day. President Jokowi came to state that Indonesia was on the verge of a "drug emergency", because every day 50 people died. If in just one year it could reach 18,000 people die each year. Seeing these facts, of course the government appealed through the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) that this should not be left unnoticed because it would have an increasingly bad impact. This research aims to give an idea to the churches that the spread of drugs and the number of users is alarming in the midst of this nation. The method that the author uses in writing this article uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. The role that can be demonstrated by the church in drug prevention by preaching the dangers of drugs in the pulpits, partnering with BNN institutions as the frontline in eradicating drugs, conducting visits to rehabilitation sites and optimizing the role of families as supervisors. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang menjadi lahan subur dalam peredaran narkoba yang dilakukan oleh para bandar dalam negeri maupun bandar narkoba secara internasional. Maraknya narkoba di masa kini menyebabkan adanya korban yang meninggal setiap hari. Presiden Jokowi pun sampai  menyatakan bahwa Indonesia telah berada pada ambang “darurat narkoba,” dikarenakan setiap harinya meninggal 50 orang. Bila dalam setahun saja  dapat mencapai 18. 000 orang meninggal setiap tahunnya.  Melihat fakta-fakta ini, tentunya pemerintah menghimbau melalui Badan Narkotika Nasional (BNN) mengemukan hal ini tidak boleh dibiarkan begitu saja karena akan semakin berdampak buruk. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran kepada gereja-gereja bahwa penyebaran narkoba serta jumlah pemakainya sudah mengkuatirkan di tengah bangsa ini. Adapun metode yang penulis gunakan dalam penulisan artikel ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi literatur. Peranan yang dapat ditunjukkan oleh gereja dalam pencegahan narkoba dengan mengkhotbahkan bahaya narkoba di mimbar-mimbar, bermitra dengan lembaga BNN sebagai garda terdepan pemberantas naskoba, mengadakan kunjungan ketempat rehabilitasi dan mengoptimalkan peran keluarga sebagai pengawas.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 24
Lutfi Khoerunnisa ◽  
Rully Khairul Anwar ◽  
Ute Lies Siti Khadijah

The internet is a dish of technological innovation today. Cyberbullying is a network-based bullying crime by utilizing internet media. Cyberbullying is more experienced by teenage children below the age of 18 years. This study aims to determine the role of internet literacy in overcoming cyberbullying cases. This research uses descriptive qualitative method with literature study approach. The results of this study indicate the ability of internet literacy can be a real solution in preventing cyberbullying. Internet literacy education can be applied in formal institutions that are aligned with computer science subjects where students are not only able to operate but are also able to use the internet wisely, properly and correctly as a medium to meet the information needs and supporting communication media among humans.

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