JPAK: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Katolik
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Published By STKIP Widya Yuwana

2655-7665, 2085-0743

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 136-149
Ambrosius Gerin Nugroho ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto ◽  
Nanik Wijiyati Aluwesia
The Poor ◽  

The church is essentially open. An open church is a church that is able to move contextually in the midst of the world. The contextual church is manifested in a ministry driven by a holy figure in the Church, namely Frederic Ozanam. Frederic Ozanam who is known as a student has great concern for those who are poor and need a helping hand. Through this spirit of service, a small union was born which of course has the intention of helping the poor. That union was the Vincentian Social Union (SSV). The whole work of God's salvation that is present through Frederic Ozanam makes it a model of service for all the young people of the Church. This is because Frederic Ozanam himself is still very young. Young people are certainly the pillars of the life of the Church. This spirit is certainly strengthened by the Church's view which believes that the youth of the Church are the foundation and reformer of the contextual Church's life.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-135
Natalis Sukma Permana

In the world of education, learning media has a very important role. The position of learning media as a tool or means of conveying messages from teachers to students. In learning activities, the media has the function of attention, cognitive function, afective function and compensatory function. One of the media learning that can be used is the Kahoot application. Media learning in the form of visuals has the benefit of being able to attract students' attention and motivate students to learn. Kahoot is a game-based visual media that is easily accessed and used by teachers and students. Game-based learning media is favored by the digital generation. Kahoot can be used as a teaching medium for Catholic religion education. In its utilization, it can be used for brainstorming, pretest-posttest, to find out understanding regarding the presented subject matter.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-127
Louisa Sharon Ghea Yulida ◽  
Albert I Ketut Deni Wijaya

Gadgets are the fruit of technological developments that make communication easier. From several research results on family, it was found that gadgets have an impact on families. One of the impacts is the emergence of problems in harmony between family members. From this explanation, an idea emerged of how families use communication tools, gadgets and what are the impacts of using them. This study aims to explore how Christian families use gadgets for family harmony. This study uses a qualitative method. Data collection was carried out by interviewing techniques. This research was conducted at Stasi Santo Paulus Slorok, Parish of Santo Yusuf Blitar. Respondents of this study were 10 married couples. The results of the study show that today's families are accustomed to using gadgets and using them as a means of communication. The use of gadgets has a positive and negative impact on family life. The use of gadgets can have a positive impact if the gadgets are used wisely and responsibly. So that communication or relationships in the family and the surrounding environment are maintained. Likewise, the use of gadgets can also have a negative impact if not used wisely and responsibly.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-119
Petrus Canisius Edi Laksito

This article deals with some elements of pastoral works and care of souls in the Diocese of Surabaya, in the East Java, Indonesia, especially in the mission era of 1850-1942. This period, which ends with the defeat of the colonial power of the Dutch by the Japanese occupation forces, is of great importance, because it laid the foundation of  the community life of this Diocese for the next periods. Being still in the period of mission, pastoral works of caring the souls of those days were characterized by the atmosphere of mission works. While as a term “mission” was still a “keyword” of this period, it is hoped that a good understanding about this period could be a good introduction for the future study of the history of pastoral works in the Diocese of Surabaya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 74-96
Tomy Taroreh ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto ◽  
Nanik Wijiyati Aluwesia

The church is called catholic because it is open and intended for anyone. The presence of the Church during the Covid-19 Pandemic should really be felt in the life of faith, especially for Catholic students who have migrated to Malang. The church must not shut down and avoid the needs of God's people, despite the compelling circumstances of the era. The church must be committed to God's mission in a creative way, which is to spread the gospel throughout the world. In research on the presence of the church in the pandemic time Covid-19 for belief life, overseas catholic students in Malang will use the questionnaire method to obtain data. The questionnaire is for Catholic students who have migrated to Malang. The results of the study showed that most of the Catholic students understand about the Corona Virus Pandemic and most of them live in rented houses. The church still feels that it continues to try to greet them even though the situation is not supportive, even for students who migrate to Malang. Students actually feel a sense of abandonment because of a pandemic that never ends and which causes church life to not return to normal soon.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 59-73
Agustinus Wisnu Dewantara

Rumah Bina Karya Illahi is a house (a kind of dormitory) that accommodates first-level. Rumah Bina organizes a lot of coaching as a basis for students to take further education. Students are active subjects of development, while regulations are only a means of assisting to practice responsibility and life discipline. As development subjects, students must learn to self-regulate, therefore, the foster home also trains students to be responsible for themselves. This research was conducted at the Divine Works Bina House during 2019 s.d. 2020 to measure the four focus areas of coaching (personal maturity, spirituality, study life, and humanities) associated with community rules and events as a means of formation in the foster home so far. The research was conducted by distributing questionnaires to all residents of the Bina House in the period 2019 s.d. 2020. The results showed that most of the students understood the importance of rules in living together, spiritual life, and community life in joint formation. There are quite a number of students who experience formation at Rumah Bina. Rules in living together are needed to maintain orderly living together in the Bina House. Thankfully, the majority of respondents realized the importance of living together, the importance of spiritual events to foster their spirituality, and the need for community events to instill good habits. Orders, spiritual events, and community events are the foundation needed for joint formation.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 50-58
Ely Sabhet Retno Palupi ◽  
Ola Rongan Wilhelmus

The teacher has a duty as an educator and also as a guide for students in the learning process. Therefore, teachers must be aware of their position as professional educators and have high performance. Teacher performance will be optimal if it is supported by good leadership from the principal as well as good and adequate work facilities and infrastructures. Principal leadership is one of the determining factors to improve teacher performance in the school. As a leader, the principal should have an ability to influence everyone, especially the teachers, so that they can work better for the realization of educational goals. This study explores the theme of the Influence of Principal Leadership on Teacher Performance. The purpose of this study is to analyze the extent to which the principal's leadership influences on the performance development of teachers in schools. This study used qualitative research methods. Data collection was carried out by online interview techniques through the WhatsApp application and also directly or face to face interview. Respondents in this study consisted of seven teachers, namely homeroom teachers I-VI and student affair section at SDK St. Yusuf Madiun.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 30-49
Birgita Evanda Citra Prapaskalis ◽  
Ola Rongan Wilhelmus

Pluralism, toleration, and multiculturalism is a values and concept whom very important to understanding diversity. Indonesia have very much tribe, religion, and culture what makes people have to adapt with their circumstances. Indonesia context who is very diversity, makes minority people feels intimidate and receive unfair treatment. Because of that, the incultating of pluralism concept and toleration become very important to do, especially in Catholic School. Catholic School who have a goal to create holistic education, have bigger responbility to incultate pluralism and toleration in the student. Incultating pluralism and toleration activities can creates with learning process on school, who have a goal to educate toleration values, pluralism, and diversity.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-20
Thomas Onggo Sumaryanto ◽  
Antonius Denny Firmanto

This study focuses on the implementation of the Eucharistic appreciation catechesis in the tradition of kenduri by the Parish of Maria Ratu Damai Purworejo Malang. This research method is qualitative with a critical analysis approach. Researchers will use data from pastoral year reports which are the result of direct observation. The formulation of the problem to be answered is how the implementation of catechesis through kenduri in the light of the shared praxis approach according to Groome. Researchers found that the tradition of kenduri carried out by the parishioners of Maria Ratu Damai is indirectly a catechesis of the Eucharistic appreciation. Catechesis is carried out using symbols. The praxis dimension is very visible in the ujub-ujub (prayer) that the leader makes. However, the share dimension is still not strong enough. Therefore, the researcher provides a suggestion to carry out a deepening of faith with a shared praxis approach to strengthen the share dimension.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 21-29
Amonius Amonius ◽  
Aloysius Mering ◽  
Eny Enawaty

This study aims to know students' response to the aspect of attraction, materials and attention to multimedia study-based learning materials on don bosco sanggau high school in reporting materials. Research uses descriptive methods with a qualitative approach. The data-gathering technique used was indirect communication. The data-collection tool used was an angket sheet. The data analysis techniques used in this study are data reductions, data presentation and deduction drawing. Research shows that don bosco's high school student response rates on multimedia study-based learning materials include an average interest aspect of 90.60%, material 89.20% and attention content 95%. The conclusion of the study is that students' response to the aspect of attraction, materials and attention to multimedia study-based learning in reporting materials on don bosco's high school has very good criteria.

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