scholarly journals Motywacja młodzieży w zakresie wyboru kierunku studiów w świetle zmiennej – płeć

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 ◽  
pp. 225-243
Zbigniew Chodkowski ◽  

Motivation is a factor influencing human activity from an early age through entire adulthood. It manifests itself in the three most important areas: play, education and work. These areas combine with each other in different proportions and they depend on many factors related to the living environment and the interests of the individual. The most important ones include care, upbringing, education, family environment, family atmosphere, social and economic conditions, health, and others. These factors shape the child's perception of the world, and also affect the individual in making important decisions, which include, among others, the choice of the field of study. The environment of people, objects, and place of living imply motives in creating human behaviour, which translates into his life aspirations.

Olga Chelyapina ◽  
Eduard Arustamov

The article dedicated to the environmental exhibition and scientific conference in Ufa emphasizes the high relevance of the problem under consideration and calls for a transition from political confrontation, which is full of the historical development of the world, to peaceful coexistence that unites all countries and peoples of the world. The danger that has been hanging over humanity in recent years in the form of a global pandemic threat brings to the fore issues not of political confrontation and military confrontation between countries, but the problems of human survival in the conditions of a catastrophic accumulation of sources of environmental problems that lead to the pollution of vast territories and the impossibility of continuing life on them. To solve these issues, it is necessary to form an ecological worldview in people, which should begin from an early age, so that in all subsequent life the individual not only observes the conditions of environmentally sound behavior and life, but also is intolerant of various manifestations and situations of violation of harmonious existence with the surrounding natural environment.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 91
Wayan Resmini ◽  
Komang Sundara ◽  
Ni Putu Ade Resmayani

ABSTRAKKeluarga merupakan pendidikan terpenting dalam perkembangan kehidupan manusia. Karena keluarga merupakan lingkungan hidup primer dan fundamental. Penanaman nilai-nilai moral secara praktis akan berproses dan ditentukan oleh keluarga. Dalam keluarga yang seharusnya merupakan  wadah utama bagi pembentukan watak dan moral manusia sering berubah menjadi sumber malapetaka karena menurunnya tingkat pendidikan ahklak manusia, sehingga dalam bersikap dan beretika dalam kehidupan tidak obyektif. Materialisme dan individualism kian mendominasi kehidupan keluarga serta adanya pergantian arus globalisasi yang kian mendominasi kehidupan masyarakat dewasa ini, oleh karena ketidaksiapan individu menghadapi nilai-nilai baru dan lemahnya filter yang dilakukan oleh manusia dalam menyikapi globalisasi tersebut, sehingga dampak buruk dari globalisasi mulai dirasakan dalam kehidupan keluarga. Banyak keluarga yang kini cendrung mengidap karakter destruktif. Persoalan seperti ini tidak hanya berada pada fakta individual akan tetapi sudah nenjadi fakta sosial.  Seperti halnya seorang perempuan menjadi pihak yang paling rentan menjadi sasaran korban tindak kekerasan. Oleh karena itu kaum wanita sudah semestinya mendapatkan perlindungan dari negara atau masyarakat agar terbebas dari ancaman kekerasan dan perlakuan yang dapat merendahkan manusia. Persoalan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dapat terjadi kapanpun dan dimana saja. Karena persoalan kekerasan  dalam rumah tangga baik korban maupun pelakunya tidak mengenal status sosial, status ekonomi maupun tingkat pendidikan. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman dan wawasan kepada masyarakat tentang kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dan implikasinya terhadap psikologi anak.  Korban kekerasan dalam rumah tangga dapat  terjadi pada keluarga tingkatan  sosial manapun baik menengak ke bawah maupun menengah ke atas. Beberapa fakror yang menyebabkan kekerasan dalam rumah tangga antara lain : ekonomi, perselingkuhan, tekanan keluarga dan perkawinan usia dini. Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga terhadap perkembangan psikologi anak  sangat berpengaruh terhadap tumbuh kembangnya anak selanjutnya terutama dalam berinteraksi dengan lingkungan Kata kunci: Kekerasan, Rumah Tangga, psikologi anak ABSTRACTFamily is the most important education in the development of human life since it is a primer and fundamental living environment. The giving of moral value practically will be proceeced and determinded by a family. A family should be a main platform to form behavior and moral of a human.  But now, it is change to be a disaster because the declining level of human moral education with the result that human wills no longer act objectively. Materialism and individualism is now dominated family life compounded by the chace of globalization issues. This is happened due to the unpreparedness of individuals to face new values and the weak filter that is done by humans in responding to globalization. This makes the negative effect of globalization began to be felt in family environment. A lot of family nowdays tend to have desdructive characters. This kind of issue is not only takes place in the individual fact but also the social fact. As well as female who always be the most vulnerable party to being targeted by victims of violence. Thus, female should get protection from the goverment or society to be free from the threat of violence and treatment that can demean humans. The problem of domestic violence can occur anytime and anywhere because domestic violence both victims and perpetrators do not recognize social status, economic status or education level. This activity aims to provide understanding and insight to the community about domestic violence and its implications to children’s psychology. Victims of domestic violence can occur in families of any social level either the lower middle or upper middle. Some factors that cause domestic violence include: economy, infidelity, family pressure and early/underage marriage. Violence in the household against the psychological development of children is very influential on the growth and development of children, especially in interacting with the environment Keywords: Violence, Household, Child Psychology

2012 ◽  
Vol 27 (2) ◽  
pp. 87-93 ◽  
Geoff Walsham

Dramatic changes in context have occurred over the last 25 years for those of us working in the information systems (IS) field, with ICTs becoming pervasive in many areas of human activity and in all countries of the world. It is ironic that the success of ICTs has led to concerns that the distinct research contribution of the IS field could become lost and that the field itself may decline. The literature over the last decade or so has offered different and sometimes opposing suggestions as to how the field should respond to these concerns. In this paper, I discuss these debates and I use the discussion as a basis for putting forward a skeleton future agenda for the IS field as a whole. This agenda emphasises the need for a focus on ethical goals, increased use of critical approaches, welcoming other disciplines with open arms, widening our field of study to many nontraditional settings and rejecting a dominant methodological paradigm.

Andrew Davison

The work of climate scientists, demonstrating human-driven climate change, has not provoked the widespread and far-reaching changes to human behaviour necessary to avert potentially catastrophic environmental trajectories. This work has not yet sufficiently been able to engage the individual and collective imagination. Drawing on Samuel Taylor Coleridge (1772–1834) and Iris Murdoch (1919–1999), we can distinguish two modes under which the human imagination can operate: in Murdoch's terms, these are ‘imagination’ and ‘fantasy’. To relate imaginatively is to be willing to allow one's internal image of the world to be changed by what one encounters, while an outlook characterized by fantasy relates to the world as one would wish it were, rather than how it actually is. Fantasy, therefore, operates not only among those who deny climate change, but also among those who entertain the promise of a technological solution too optimistically. An imaginative outlook, by contrast, evaluates actions and patterns of behaviour in terms of their relation to a wider whole. This is necessary for providing the degree of agency required to step out of a cycle of ever accelerating production, which is explored in terms of an analogy to a discussion of revenge and forgiveness from Hannah Arendt (1906–1975). Ultimately, the need to engage the imagination is an opportunity as well as a challenge. To live imaginatively is fulfilling, and that is precisely what the challenges of climate change require. This article is part of the themed issue ‘Material demand reduction’.

Pedagogika ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 116 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-58
Alicja Szerląg

Multidimensionality and complexity of the world of a contemporary human is constituted by processes of defragmentation and deconstruction it involves, but on the other hand engages globalization and integration acknowledged within social and cultural orders. Hence, such new circumstances manifested particularly in cultural borderlands require changes in the process of socialisation, which introduces the young generation to such reality. It must be remember, that everyday life of such generation is dynamised by cultural differences of national provenance, which appear due to the national diversity of families, as well as residing in a nationally diverse environment. These two factors significantly influence the process of shaping identity which is a specific“ <…> location in a world only within which it can be subjectively assimilated, <…> Identification always takes place within a given social world, <…> subjective assimilation of the identity as well as subjective assimilation of the social world are various aspects of the same process of internalisation, where the significant Others mediate (Berger & Luckman, 2001). Therefore, the individual identity is shaped “ <…> in a given group under the influence of a given culture. A human has no other way but to construct the image and concept of own self, or to belong to, and identify with other(s) only when the group of reference is established, i.e. those important for own self and the cultural heritage.” (Nikitorowicz, 2005). As a result, the identity is located within the necessity and the choice (Budakowska, 2005), hence within and beyond borders, between this, what is inherited, and this, where one currently is (Chambers, 1994). This particular attention drawn to the quality of the socialisation process taking place in a culturally diverse family environment, where national diversity creates the axiology of a national and cultural self-identification of the youth, shaping their national identity, often of dual (double) nature. Such phenomenon occurs due to the fact that the world internalised in the course of primary (family) socialisation is entrenched in the awareness of the young individuals (Berger & Luckman, 2001). Therefore, the above reflections were made by the author a point of reference for the research exploration on axiology of the family socialisation in the context of national duality, occurring in nationally diverse families that have been also living in a nationally diverse environment for generations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-80
Zbigniew Chodkowski

Motivation accompanies various human activities from an early age. The basic ones include fun, education and work. These activities are combined in different proportions and depend on the living environment and the interests of the individual. Care, upbringing, family environment and family atmosphere shape the child’s perceptions of the world. These factors also affect the individual in terms of making important decisions, which include undertaking education in a university. The human environment, objects, and the same places also imply various motives in creating human behaviour that translates into aspirations to achieve different life goals. The article is an attempt to present the impact of humans’ predispositions in their fields of interest, their self-assessment of intellectual possibilities, prospects for high -level earnings, employment opportunities in the country and abroad, as well as the curriculum covering subjects that were not difficult in high school and in which the pupil was good on the motives for choosing a major study of students of humanities at the University of Rzeszów and students of exact sciences from Rzeszów University of Technology.

2009 ◽  
pp. 4-25 ◽  
B. Zamaraev ◽  
A. Kiyutsevskaya ◽  
A. Nazarova ◽  
E. Sukhanov

The article analyzes the current economic conditions in Russia. Succession, distribution and the transmission mechanism of the world financial and economic crisis to the Russian economy are considered in this article as well as the changes in the banking system, share and housing markets. Production, consumption and investment on the boundary of 2008-2009 are described. The conclusion about the basic change of conditions of national economy development is presented.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 120-130
Coline Covington

The Berlin Wall came down on 9 November 1989 and marked the end of the Cold War. As old antagonisms thawed a new landscape emerged of unification and tolerance. Censorship was no longer the principal means of ensuring group solidarity. The crumbling bricks brought not only freedom of movement but freedom of thought. Now, nearly thirty years later, globalisation has created a new balance of power, disrupting borders and economies across the world. The groups that thought they were in power no longer have much of a say and are anxious about their future. As protest grows, we are beginning to see that the old antagonisms have not disappeared but are, in fact, resurfacing. This article will start by looking at the dissembling of a marriage in which the wall that had peacefully maintained coexistence disintegrates and leads to a psychic development that uncannily mirrors that of populism today. The individual vignette leads to a broader psychological understanding of the totalitarian dynamic that underlies populism and threatens once again to imprison us within its walls.

Emma Simone

Virginia Woolf and Being-in-the-world: A Heideggerian Study explores Woolf’s treatment of the relationship between self and world from a phenomenological-existential perspective. This study presents a timely and compelling interpretation of Virginia Woolf’s textual treatment of the relationship between self and world from the perspective of the philosophy of Martin Heidegger. Drawing on Woolf’s novels, essays, reviews, letters, diary entries, short stories, and memoirs, the book explores the political and the ontological, as the individual’s connection to the world comes to be defined by an involvement and engagement that is always already situated within a particular physical, societal, and historical context. Emma Simone argues that at the heart of what it means to be an individual making his or her way in the world, the perspectives of Woolf and Heidegger are founded upon certain shared concerns, including the sustained critique of Cartesian dualism, particularly the resultant binary oppositions of subject and object, and self and Other; the understanding that the individual is a temporal being; an emphasis upon intersubjective relations insofar as Being-in-the-world is defined by Being-with-Others; and a consistent emphasis upon average everydayness as both determinative and representative of the individual’s relationship to and with the world.

Moreana ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (Number 209) (1) ◽  
pp. 79-93
Marie-Claire Phélippeau

This paper shows how solidarity is one of the founding principles in Thomas More's Utopia (1516). In the fictional republic of Utopia described in Book II, solidarity has a political and a moral function. The principle is at the center of the communal organization of Utopian society, exemplified in a number of practices such as the sharing of farm work, the management of surplus crops, or the democratic elections of the governor and the priests. Not only does solidarity benefit the individual Utopian, but it is a prerequisite to ensure the prosperity of the island of Utopia and its moral preeminence over its neighboring countries. However, a limit to this principle is drawn when the republic of Utopia faces specific social difficulties, and also deals with the rest of the world. In order for the principle of solidarity to function perfectly, it is necessary to apply it exclusively within the island or the republic would be at risk. War is not out of the question then, and compassion does not apply to all human beings. This conception of solidarity, summed up as “Utopia first!,” could be dubbed a Machiavellian strategy, devised to ensure the durability of the republic. We will show how some of the recommendations of Realpolitik made by Machiavelli in The Prince (1532) correspond to the Utopian policy enforced to protect their commonwealth.

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