scholarly journals State of social and psychological adaptation in patients with depressive disorders, taking into account the gender factor

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-37
Oleksandr Belov

The aim: to establish the features of socio-psychological adaptation in patients with depressive disorders, taking into account age and gender factor. Materials and methods. A clinical and psycho-diagnostic examination of 107 men and 138 women with depressive disorders using the method of diagnosis of socio-psychological adaptation of C. Rogers et R. F. Dymond was done. Results. A low level of socio-psychological adaptation in patients with depressive disorders has been established. There is a tendency to deteriorate socio-psychological adaptation with age, the most pronounced in level of adaptability, emotional comfort, payroll, integrated indicators of adaptation, self-acceptance and emotional comfort in all patients, and in men also in maladaptation, self-acceptance, external control, and women – regarding internality. The rates of lying, acceptance of others and dominance in men and women were highest in the middle age group (30-44 years), and lowest – in the older (over 45 years); this trend is also found in men for internal control and an integrated indicator of acceptance of others, and in women – for the desire for dominance. Differences in the comparison of the older age group with the average were more significant than in the comparison of the younger group (up to 30 years) with the average. Conclusions. Patients with depressive disorders are characterized by a low level of socio-psychological adaptation. In both men and women, the level of socio-psychological adaptation decreases with age, and in men this trend is more pronounced. The most significant deterioration in the state of socio-psychological adaptation in patients with depressive disorders occurs at the age of over 45 years; this trend is also more common in men

The problem of depressive disorders is one of the key problems of modern psychiatry due to the high prevalence, large-scale social losses and negative medical consequences of depression, as well as severe dysfunction of patients, which determines the relevance of the study of socio-psychological adaptation in depressive disorders. The aim of the study: to determine the features of socio-psychological adaptation in patients with depressive disorders, taking into account age and gender Objectives of the study: to define the structure and quantitative indicators of socio-psychological adaptation and analyze its features in patients with depressive disorders in different age groups and taking into account the gender factor. Methods: using diagnostic techniques for socio-psychological adaptation C. Rogers et R.F. Dymond clinically and psychologically examined 107 men and 138 women with depressive disorders. Results. It was found that patients with depressive disorders are characterized by a low level of socio-psychological adaptation, while men have indicators of socio-psychological adaptation are significantly lower than women in terms of adaptability, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, emotional comfort, adaptation, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, as well as on integrated indicators of emotional comfort and internality. Indicators of maladaptation are higher in men than in women: maladaptation, self-rejection, rejection of others, emotional discomfort and external control. There is a tendency to decline the state of socio-psychological adaptation with age, which is manifested by a decrease in older age groups of adaptability, self-acceptance, emotional comfort, adaptation, self-acceptance, and integrated indicators of emotional comfort and internality, and increasing indicators of maladaptation, self-rejection, rejection, external control, payroll and escapism. The most significant violation of socio-psychological adaptation occurs in the age group of 45 years and older.

R. I. Isakov

To conduct a structural analysis of socio-psychological maladaptation in women with depressive disorders of different genesis depending on the severity of meso- and microsocial influences, to develop personalized psychosocial rehabilitation measures for this group of patients, 252 women were examined and diagnosed with depressive 94 with depressive disorder of psychogenic genesis, 83 women with endogenous depression and 75 patients with depressive disorder of organic genesis. Patients were divided into groups depending on the genesis of depressive disorder and the presence and severity of problems in psychosocial functioning. The study was conducted using clinical-psychopathological and psychodiagnostic methods. The study confirmed the previous hypothesis about the association of the manifestations of socio-psychological maladaptation as a structural component of depression, depending on the vulnerability to meso- and microsocial stress-inducing factors, with any genesis of depressive disorder. There is a tendency to increase the signs of maladaptation, self-rejection, rejection of other emotional discomfort, external control, and information, and decrease signs of adaptability, truthfulness, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, emotional comfort, internal control, dominance with increasing load as meso- and and microsocial factors. The most pronounced differences in the indicators of socio-psychological maladaptation were found in people with microsocial problems, less pronounced - in mesosocial maladaptation. The identified patterns should be taken into account in the development of treatment and rehabilitation and preventive measures for depressive disorders in women. Keywords: depressive disorders, women, socio-psychological adaptation, mesosocial maladaptation, microsocial maladaptation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 210 ◽  
pp. 19016
Julia Selivanova ◽  
Marina Konovalova ◽  
Elena Shchetinina

The article examines the correlation between the indicators of social and psychological adaptation of students with special needs and the characteristics of their personal self-determination. The average indicators of the primary scales in the questionnaire of social and psychological adaptation of students with special needs were calculated. The study established positive interrelationships between adaptability and meaningful indicators of personal self-determination, such as orientation towards maximum involvement in activities and emotional richness of life, confidence in one's abilities and the possibility to control the events of one's life. Self-acceptance as a component of socio-psychological adaptation positively correlates to the target indicators of personal self-determination, such as the meaningfulness of life, the presence of a goal in life and satisfaction with the results of self-determination. Internal control positively correlates to satisfaction with the results of self-determination. External (in relation to the personality) control as a component of socio-psychological adaptation negatively correlates to the assessment of energy, involvement, internal control, risk-taking as ways to overcome life's problems, and also to current life as an emotionally intense period of life. Submissiveness as a component of socio-psychological adaptation is negatively interconnected with the idea of a person's ability to control everything that is happening. Escapism (avoiding problems) negatively correlates to living an emotionally rich life, active participation and control as ways to overcome difficulties.

A. A. Smirnov ◽  
E. V Solovyeva

There is a necessary for self-regulation of a personality during change of leading sort of activity and adaptation to new one. The article considers means which is able to contribute for increase of social adaptation at University. The interconnection between socio-psychological adaptation of students at University and parameters of empathy has been discovered by empirical way. This connection has been examined on analytical, structural and functional levels by using both methods of qualitative and statistical analysis, based on system approach to the research. It was used such methods of interrogation as `Assessment of the level of empathic abilities` by V. V. Boyko; `The methodology of diagnosis of socio-psychological adaptation` by C. Rogers and R. Diamond; `Adaptation of students to University` by M. S. Yurkina. The selection including 233 people was divided into levels by degree of manifestation of expectation for internal control for consideration of features. It includes low level (external control), medium level (optimum) and high one (internal control). It was determined that internal locus of control has an impact on increase of adaptation to University life. It was figured out that there is a manifestation of self-control in individuals who get predominance of conative parameters of empathy. Increase of adaptation is able to be achieved by using combination of the system elements such as an augmentation of facilitate empathic impacts, decrease of inhibitory ones and transformation of neutral effects of empathy on socio-psychological adaptation. Attention was also paid to the research of the structural complex both in general and in its individual manifestations. The structural analysis let to reveal basic and system-forming features of examined connection. Thus, conditions for the average manifestation of expectation of internal control have been found and it was determined that this phenomenon takes on base significance because its middle values promote for integration of system ingredients and increase of system system ability to adaptation process. In such a way it has been proved that harmonization of personality structure is possible being achieved due the increase of self-control and correction of empathic means as a mechanism of responsiveness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 95 (6) ◽  
pp. 568-572
Larisa K. Buduk-Ool ◽  
A. M. Khovalyg

Peculiarities There was performed the study of the mental status of first-year students enrolled in the Tuvan state University. There were detected levels of reactive and personal anxiety, adaptive capacity, the level of social and psychological adaptation and aggression. Adaptation potential in students is within limits of the satisfactory one, there was no detected person with poor adaptive capacity and failure of adaptation, that indicates to the genetically fixed ability of the students’ body to adapt to living conditions. In a state of psychological adjustment there was revealed the more higher level of anxiety in Tuvan students, which is caused by the poor living conditions. More satisfactory condition is typical for the social and psychological adaptation, since in all students values of test scales are within normal limits.There were shown gender differences in adaptation and psychological status of students. Boys have more lower indices of indirect and verbal aggression, anger, resentment, suspicion, guilt. Girls are characterized by higher hostility, at that it even exceeds standard values. In the group of students with a high personal anxiety no differences in adaptive capacities were found, and in students with moderate personal anxiety there were significantly more boys with stress adaptation than girls. Analysis of the socio-psychological adaptation of first-year students shows that in all students values of the test scales are normal, but in young men, indices are higher that indicates to a more successful socialization in the environment of the university. Correlation analysis of indices of aggressiveness and socio-psychological adaptation revealed weak negative relationships between index of aggressiveness with maladaptiveness, non-acceptance of others, emotional comfort in boys. In girls “aggressiveness” positively correlates with the such indices as acceptance of others and adaptation. Factor analysis in young men revealed the first factor, labeled as maladjustment because it included indirect aggression, maladaptiveness, self-rejection, emotional discomfort and external control. In girls first factor combines indices: adaptability, self-acceptance, adaptation (integral), self-acceptance, emotional comfort, the desire to dominate and this factor was labeled as adaptation.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 146-149
H. Kozhyna ◽  
D. Marakushyn ◽  
K. Zelenska ◽  
M. Khaustov ◽  
G. Zelenska

Kozhyna H., Marakushyn D., Zelenska K., Khaustov M., Zelenska G.In the course of work with the purpose of studying the psychophysiological features of adaptation disorders in students of medical University had conducted comprehensive psychodiagnostic and psychophysiological examination of 603 students of Kharkiv national medical University, of both sexes, aged between 17 and 24 years.As shown by the results of the evaluation of students ' adaptation to educational activity and 4.5% of the surveyed students revealed a high level of maladjustment, 13.3% higher, at 36,2% - moderate in 20.2% - low level of maladjustment; 25.8% in the absence of signs of maladjustment.In the course of work systematizes the main manifestation of the states of maladjustment in medical students. Mental , manifested by deterioration of psychological well-being, growth, asthenia, anxiety and depressive disorders, decrease of activity, violation of interpersonal relations, increased intrapersonal conflicts. Psychophysiological, decreased mental performance, impaired memory, decrease in productivity of attention, fatigue, decreased speed of information processing, a greater period of sensorimotor reactions and a low level of coordination and significant deterioration of the described indicators is influenced by physical activity.Keywords: students, maladjustment, psychological state, physiological state. ІНДИВІДУАЛЬНО-ПСИХОЛОГІЧНІ ТА ФІЗІОЛОГІЧНІ ПРОЯВИ ДЕЗАДАПТАЦІЇ ДО НАВЧАЛЬНОЇ ДІЯЛЬНОСТІ.Кожина Г.М., Маракушин Д.І., Зеленcька К.О., Хаустов М.М, Зеленська Г.М.У ході робот из метою вивчення психофізіологічних особливостей розладів адаптації у студентів медичного університету було проведено комплексне психодіагностичне та психофізіологічне обстеження 603 студентів Харківського національного медичного університету, обох статей, у віці 17 - 24 років.Як показали результати оцінки адаптації студентів до учбової діяльності у 4,5% обстежених студентів виявлено високий рiвень дезадаптацiї, у 13,3% - виражений, у 36,2% - помірний, у 20,2% - низькій рівень дезадаптації; у 25,8% - відсутність ознак дезадаптації.У ході роботи систематизовано основні прояви станів дезадаптації у студентів медичного ВУЗу: Психічні, які проявляються погіршенням психологічного самопочуття, зростанням астенізації, тривожно – депресивними розладами, зніженням активності, порушенням міжособистісних відносин, посиленням внутрішньоособистісної конфліктності. Психофізіологічні, у зниженні розумової працездатності, порушення пам’яті, зниженні продуктивності уваги, підвищеної стомлюваності, зниженні швидкості переробки інформації, більшому періоді сенсомоторної реакції та низьких показниках координації та значним погіршенням описаних показників під впливом фізичного навантаження.Ключові слова: студенти, дезадаптація, психологічний стан, психофізіологічний стан. ИНДИВИДУАЛЬНО-ПСИХОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ И ФИЗИОЛОГИЧЕСКИЕ ПРОЯВЛЕНИЯ ДЕЗАДАПТАЦИИ К УЧЕБНОЙ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТИ.Кожина А.М., Маракушин Д.И., Зеленская Е.А., Хаустов М.М, Зеленская А.Н.В ходе работы с целью изучения психофизиологических особенностей расстройств адаптации у студентов медицинского университета было проведено комплексное психодиагностическое и психофизиологическое обследование 603 студентов Харьковского национального медицинского университета, обоих полов, в возрасте 17 - 24 лет.Как показали результаты оценки адаптации студентов к учебной деятельности у 4,5% обследованных студентов выявлен высокий уровень дезадаптацiи, у 13,3% - выраженный, у 36,2% - умеренный, у 20,2% - низкий уровень дезадаптации; у 25,8% - отсутствие признаков дезадаптации.В ходе работы систематизированы основные проявления состояний дезадаптации у студентов медицинского ВУЗа: Психические, которые проявляются ухудшением психологического самочувствия, ростом астенизации, тревожно - депрессивными расстройствами, снижением активности, нарушением межличностных отношений, усилением внутриличностной конфликтности. Психофизиологические - снижением умственной работоспособности, нарушением памяти, снижением продуктивности внимания, повышенной утомляемостью, снижением скорости переработки информации, большем периоде сенсомоторной реакции и низких показателях координации при значительном ухудшении описанных показателей под влиянием физической нагрузки.Ключевые слова: студенты, дезадаптация, психологическое состояние, психофизиологическое состояние.

2021 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 62-70
P. A. Soshkin

Introduction. Modern research shows that distress tolerance and adaptive capabilities directly determine the structure, development, and the rate of formation of professional burnout, which predetermines the relevance of their study.Mission: to assess the distress tolerance and the structure of socio-psychological adaptation in naval specialists who have (or do not have) signs of professional burnout.Materials and methods. The study involved 250 naval specialists aged 25 to 45 years, divided into 2 groups — with absence (group 1, 91 people) and presence (group 2, 159 people) of the signs of professional burnout, in which the distress tolerance and the structure of social and psychological adaptation was determined.Results and their discussion. It was found that naval specialists with signs of professional burnout, in comparison with those who do not have it, reviled significantly higher indicators of adaptability, self-acceptance, acceptance of others, emotional comfort, internal control, adaptive abilities, neuropsychic stability, communicative potential, and personal adaptive potential, and significantly lower indicators of external control, statements, and escapism (avoiding problems).Conclusion. It is advisable to take into account the indicators of distress tolerance and the structure of socio-psychological adaptation, which play an important role in the rapid adaptation to various situations and prevent nervous breakdowns and prevent the occurrence of professional burnout.

2010 ◽  
Vol 69 (3) ◽  
pp. 173-179 ◽  
Samantha Perrin ◽  
Benoît Testé

Research into the norm of internality ( Beauvois & Dubois, 1988 ) has shown that the expression of internal causal explanations is socially valued in social judgment. However, the value attributed to different types of internal explanations (e.g., efforts vs. traits) is far from homogeneous. This study used the Weiner (1979 ) tridimensional model to clarify the factors explaining the social utility attached to internal versus external explanations. Three dimensions were manipulated: locus of causality, controllability, and stability. Participants (N = 180 students) read the explanations expressed by appliants during a job interview. They then described the applicants on the French version of the revised causal dimension scale and rated their future professional success. Results indicated that internal-controllable explanations were the most valued. In addition, perceived internal and external control of explanations were significant predictors of judgments.

Gerontology ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Johanna Drewelies ◽  
Peter Eibich ◽  
Sandra Düzel ◽  
Simone Kühn ◽  
Christian Krekel ◽  

<b><i>Introduction:</i></b> Control beliefs can protect against age-related declines in functioning. It is unclear whether neighborhood characteristics shape how much control people perceive over their life. This article studies associations of neighborhood characteristics with control beliefs of residents of a diverse metropolitan area (Berlin, Germany). <b><i>Methods:</i></b> We combine self-report data about perceptions of control obtained from participants in the Berlin Aging Study II (<i>N</i> = 507, 60–87 years, 51% women) with multisource geo-referenced indicators of neighborhood characteristics using linear regression models. <b><i>Results:</i></b> Findings indicate that objective neighborhood characteristics (i.e., unemployment rate) are indeed tied to perceptions of control, in particular, how much control participants feel others have over their lives. Including neighborhood characteristics in part doubled the amount of explained variance compared with a reference model covarying for demographic characteristics only (from <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.017 to <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.030 for internal control beliefs; <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.056 to <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.102 for external control beliefs in chance; <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.006 to <i>R</i><sup>2</sup> = 0.030 for external control beliefs in powerful others). <b><i>Discussion/Conclusion:</i></b> Findings highlight the importance of access to neighborhood resources for control beliefs across old age and can inform interventions to build up neighborhood characteristics which might be especially helpful in residential areas with high unemployment.

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