scholarly journals Kalmykia in the Space of Russian-Mongolian Relations in the 20th – Early 21st Centuries: Historical and Cultural Aspect

Nina Ochirova ◽  
Nadmidyn Sukhebaatar ◽  

Introduction This article within the framework of Russian-Mongolian relations examines the regional aspect of cultural cooperation between Mongolia and Kalmykia in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods. The authors investigated a wide range of problems related to the place and role of Kalmykia in the history of Russian-Mongolian relations, studied the development of multifaceted interaction between two kindred peoples. Methods and materials. From a methodological point of view, this study is an experience of building a comprehensive vision of the problem. An interdisciplinary, comprehensive approach to solving current research problems makes it possible to synthesize all relevant aspects of studying the historical and cultural aspects of regional cooperation between Kalmykia and Mongolia within the framework of Russian-Mongolian relations. Analysis. 2021 marks the 100th anniversary of the establishment of Soviet-Mongolian official diplomatic relations. The Agreement between Mongolia and Russia signed on November 5, 1921 strengthened the military-political cooperation between the two countries, served as a broad international recognition of Mongolia as a sovereign state and played an important stabilizing role in the difficult situation in the Far East. In the 90s of the last century, Russia and Mongolia engaged in profound transformations. The scale of the work carried out by our countries demanded to shift all their attention to solving internal problems, which undoubtedly had a negative impact on the level of relations between the two states. Later, having solved the problems of radical transformations of society, Russia and Mongolia began to restore relations, but on completely new principles. In these conditions, along with other industries, the sphere of cultural interaction between Russia and Mongolia, the development of regional cooperation, becomes significant. One of the Russian regions is Kalmykia, which is linked with Mongolia by ancient historical roots, the unity of culture, religion, language and tradition. These factors play an important role in the further strengthening of good neighborly relations between Russia and Mongolia, in the development of regional cultural cooperation. Results. Studying the history of interaction between the two fraternal peoples in the past and present in the aspect of Russian-Mongolian relations provides rich material for an objective assessment of events in specific historical conditions. Kalmykia, like the border regions of Russia, makes a certain contribution to the strengthening of Russian-Mongolian relations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
Bartosz Rymkiewicz

Organizational reporting is the most important tool of communication between an enterpriseand its stakeholders. However, it is not a static tool but continues to develop and adapt to ongoingeconomic and social changes. Formerly covering only financial information; currently, it is supplementedby a wide range of non-financial information relating to all aspects of the business. The evolution ofreporting is particularly fostered by the rapid development of the concepts of corporate socialresponsibility and sustainable development, as well as the progressing changes in the information needsof stakeholders. Enterprises are increasingly publishing voluntary reports concerning the social,environmental, and employment aspects of their business in addition to reports required by law. Thisresults in the multiplication of reports and duplication of content, which has a negative impact on thereports' usefulness. The solution to this problem may be integrated reporting, which integrates andinterconnects financial and non-financial disclosures. A milestone for the development of integratedreporting was the elaboration of integrated reporting guidelines by the International Integrated ReportingCouncil (IIRC) in December 2013. The aim of the paper is to present the development of integratedreporting in Poland in 2014-2020 on the example of public companies listed on the Warsaw StockExchange. The quality of reports was assessed from the point of view of compliance with IIRC guidelines,as well as their usefulness for stakeholders. Content analysis of corporate publications and comparativeanalysis was used for this purpose.

2021 ◽  
pp. 63
Weiyun Mа

The article reviews research on Chinese Eastern Railway in China. The research on Chinese Eastern Railway in China began in the early 20th century, has a history of more than 100 years. The existing research results mainly focus on the construction of Chinese Eastern Railway and Tsarist Russia's expansion policy, negotiation between China and Russia (Soviet Union) on the railway issue, the contradictions and struggles of Japan and the United States around the railway problem and so on. These documents cover a wide range of issues which almost involve the political, diplomacy, economy and trade, culture and other fields of international relations in the Far East from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, provide a broad vision for the study of Chinese Eastern Railway. But there are problems in the research. Although there are many works on Chinese Eastern Railway, but most discussions are limited to a certain stage, there are few works on the whole history of Chinese Eastern Railway. Not only should we pay attention to the study of the early 20th century in other words the period of the Qing Empire, moreover, we should strengthen the research in the period of the Republic of China and the new China period, this is of great significance to the study of the whole history of Sino — Soviet relations. In addition due to specific historical conditions, part of the Russian data of Chinese Eastern Railway in China was lost, in addition, there is no detailed and authoritative reference book for Russian archives of Chinese Eastern Railway, this situation makes the cited materials in Chinese works appear too old the materials cited in the book seem too old. The authors thank for proofreading and examining the translation A.I. Kobzev, Ph.D. (Philosophy), professor, director of China Department, Institute of Oriental Studies, Russian Academy of Sciences, director of TSC of Humanities and Social Sciences and director of Philosophy Department of MIPT (SRI), director of TSC «Oriental Philosophy» of RSUH, Chief researcher of Russian language, literature and culture research center of Heilongjiang University.

Mohamed Saleh

This chapter investigates a long-standing puzzle in the economic history of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region: why do MENA’s native non-Muslim minorities have better socioeconomic (SES) outcomes than the Muslim majority, both historically and today? Focusing on the case of Coptic Christians in Egypt, the largest non-Muslim minority in absolute number in the region, and employing a wide range of novel archival data sources, the chapter argues that Copts’ superior SES can be explained neither by Islam’s negative impact on Muslims’ SES (where Islam is defined as a set of beliefs or institutions) nor by colonization’s preferential treatment of Copts. Instead, the chapter traces the phenomenon to self-selection on SES during Egypt’s historical conversion from Coptic Christianity to Islam in the aftermath of the Arab Conquest of the then-Coptic Egypt in 641 CE. The argument is that the regressivity-in-income of the poll tax on non-Muslims (initially all Egyptians) that was imposed continuously from 641 to 1856 led to the shrinkage of (non-convert) Copts into a better-off minority. The Coptic-Muslim SES gap then persisted due to group restrictions on access to white-collar and artisanal skills. The chapter opens new areas of research on non-Muslim minorities in the MENA region and beyond.

2020 ◽  
Vol Vol. 36 (No. 2) ◽  
pp. 71-77
Katarina Haviernikova ◽  
Janka Betakova

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in developed countries represent an important part of their economic environment. They belong to accelerators of economic development in regions and countries. One of the specifications of SMEs is that they allow people to learn to use their own entrepreneurial skills. Thus, the success of SMEs depends on the skills of the person who is responsible for business management in the enterprise. Without skilled and competent managers no activity will be performed effectively. The development and changes in the economic environment, in which SMEs operate, cause the various reversals connected with uncertainty and the resulting risks. A competent person (owner/manager) in SME will need to anticipate these risks and develop appropriate mitigation and strategies for them. The owner/manager of SME should consider the fact, that there could be deviations in the realization process against the planned goal. This deviation presents the risk and the representative of SME should know, how it is possible to manage this risk. It means to reduce its negative impact. The lack of knowledge is a fundamental problem in the failure of most initiatives in the SMEs and the lack of experience can become a major risk to business survival. The goal of owners/managers in SMEs should be to reduce the possible errors and risks in that way that the SME gets into a situation in which it can anticipate changes, and it is able to respond to them and exploit them to their advantage. Each SME is unique and the risk may occur differently in comparison with other SMEs. Risk management and mitigation of risk are important to ensure the security of the company and its continuous development. The risk management in SMEs is perceived as a means of the improvement of SMEs’ success in their activities, due to the fact, that in most cases the unpredictable situations represent a serious loss-making exposure for the SMEs business sector which leads to the loss. For those SMEs whose capital base is insufficient, they can have catastrophic consequences in the case of realized activities, and they can lead to financial losses and subsequently to possible bankruptcy. For this reason, risk management is a prerequisite for minimization of the negative effects of unexpected situations. Still, a lot of SMEs rarely carry out process-related activities risk management. It is affected by limited resources (financial, human), which SMEs have, and which process risk management. There is a wide range of studies focused on risk management in SMEs, but only several of them are focused currently on the responsibility for risk management. This paper contributes to the dissemination of knowledge about the responsibility for risk management in SMEs and provides wider analysis in ways of responsibility for it. To reach the main of the paper, questionnaire surveys among 1018 Slovak SMEs were conducted. We compared the responsibility for risk management in SMEs between two groups of SMEs – technological and tourism from the point of view of sized category, and regional of SMEs. For the evaluation of differences and dependencies among three groups of respondents’ answers, according to their size category, economic branch in which they operate, and regional location, the Chi-square test was used. The associations among respondents’ answers were evaluated through Cramer’s V. The results showed the differences in responsibility for risk management among Slovak SMEs. The results of this study may provide implications for subsequent research focused on responsibility for risk management in the wider context.

Марина Пименова ◽  
Marina Pimenova

The monograph describes Russian folk tales from an unusual point of view. It deals with the mentality of the Russian people, language categorization, conceptualization, specifics of the manifestation of the national mentality. The monograph is intended for philologists, culturologists, psychologists and a wide range of readers interested in the problems of mentality, language, psychology, astronomy, culture and the history of the people.

Sytniak R.M.

The purpose of the article is to highlight the views of linguists of the second half of the XX – early XXI century on the importance of synchronic and diachronic studies of lexical meaning and identify the tendency of modern linguists to consider synchrony and diachrony as components of one whole. With the help of synchronic-diachronic study of language, studies of lexical semantics are presented in an extremely wide range of works, which receive new opportunities to explain semantic processes and highlight similar dominant features in both structurally related and unrelated languages. The scientific interest of linguists can be directed both to the study of a particular morpheme and to the derivation of universal laws for the development of the lexical meaning of the world’s languages. The vast majority of studies, however, have a more or less clear distribution on the principle of synchrony and diachrony. The article highlights the current perception of diachronic research as one that consists of a number of studies of synchronous sections in the history of lexical meaning, and as a result is considered as one holistic effective study. In accordance with the purpose of the article, a general scientific method is used – an actualist method, which is based on the principle of historicism and allows modern knowledge to trace the development of certain linguistic concepts in the past and predict some trends in future theories. The methodological basis of the actualist method is the principles of historicism, causality, systematics and the principle of general connection of phenomena. As the result of the research it was established that the linguists of our time accept the idea of not confrontation, but of fruitful joint work of synchronic and diachronic research of lexical meaning, unity of synchronic description and historical reconstruction. The author concludes that from the point of view of modern linguistics, the dichotomy of synchrony and diachrony is quite conditional. Synchronous research is not opposed, but, on the contrary, is an important component of diachronic research, because diachronic analysis without synchronic one does not exist. The tacit ban on the use of language history data in synchronic analysis has been overcome.Key words: synchrony, diachrony, dichotomy, non-linguistic concept, interdependence, flexible way of thinking, scientific subjectivism. Метою статті є висвітлення поглядів мовознавців другої половини ХХ – початку ХХІ століття на важливість синхронічних та діахронічних досліджень лексичного значення та виявлення тенденції лінгвістів сучасності розглядати синхронію та діахронію як складники одного цілого. За допомогою синхронно-діахронного вивчення мови дослідження лексичної семантики представлені надзвичайно широким діапазоном праць, що отримують нові можливості пояснення семантичних процесів та виокремлення схожих домінантних рис як у споріднених, так і у неспоріднених мовах світу. Науковий інтерес мовознавців може бути спрямований як на дослідження окремої морфеми, так і на виведення універсальних законів розви-тку лексичного значення мов світу. Більшість досліджень усе ж мають більш-менш чіткий розподіл за принципом синхронії та діахронії. У статті висвітлюється сучасне сприйняття діахронного дослідження як такого, що складається із певної кількості досліджень синхронних зрізів в історії лексичного значення, і як результат – розглядається одним цілісним ефективним дослідженням. Відповідно до мети у статті використано загальнонауковий метод – актуалістичний, який бере за основу принцип історизму і дає змогу за допомогою сучасних знань простежити розвиток певних лінгвістичних концепцій у минуло-му та передбачити деякі тенденції майбутнього розвитку відповідних теорій. Методологічну основу актуалістичного методустановлять принципи історизму, причиновості, системності та принцип загального зв’язку явищ. У результаті дослідження встановлено прийняття лінгвістами сучасності ідеї не протистояння, а плідної сумісної праці синхронного та діахронного дослідження лексичного значення, єдність синхронного опису та історичної реконструкції. Автор доходить висновку, що з погляду сучасного мовознавства дихотомія синхронії та діахронії носить досить умовний характер. Синхронне дослідження не протиставляється, а навпаки, є важливою складовою частиною діахронного дослідження, тому що діахронний аналіз без синхронного не існує. Припинено мовчазну заборону на використання даних історії мови у разі синхронного аналізу. Ключові слова: синхронія, діахронія, дихотомія, нелінгвістична концепція, взаємозумовленість, мінливий образ мислення, науковий суб’єктивізм.

2021 ◽  
Vol 263 (5) ◽  
pp. 1164-1175
Roberto San Millán-Castillo ◽  
Eduardo Latorre-Iglesias ◽  
Martin Glesser ◽  
Salomé Wanty ◽  
Daniel Jiménez-Caminero ◽  

Sound quality metrics provide an objective assessment of the psychoacoustics of sounds. A wide range of metrics has been already standardised while others remain as active research topics. Calculation algorithms are available in commercial equipment or Matlab scripts. However, they may not present available data on general documentation and validation procedures. Moreover, the use of these tools might be unaffordable for some students and independent researchers. In recent years, the scientific and technical community has been developing uncountable open-source software projects in several knowledge fields. The permission to use, study, modify, improve and distribute open-source software make it extremely valuable. It encourages collaboration and sharing, and thus transparency and continuous improvement of the coding. Modular Sound Quality Integrated Toolbox (MOSQITO) project relies on one of the most popular high-level and free programming languages: Python. The main objective of MOSQITO is to provide a unified and modular framework of key sound quality and psychoacoustics metrics, free and open-source, which supports reproducible testing. Moreover, open-source projects can be efficient learning tools at University degrees. This paper presents the current structure of the toolbox from a technical point of view. Besides, it discusses open-source development contributions to graduates training.

L. C. Green

The Constitutional and international history of Singapore and Malaya have been chequered and hectic since the days of the Japanese occupation. Perhaps the most startling were the years from 1963 to 1965, the period during which Singapore ceased being a Crown Colony to form with Malaya the Federation of Malaysia and, when that experiment failed, to become an independent sovereign state within the Commonwealth.It is the purpose of this paper to examine this history in order to extract those issues which are of interest from the point of view of state succession and the continuity of law, while at the same time paying attention to some of the problems of competence that occur in a federal state, especially one in which the component parts have only recently enjoyed independence.

Elena Y. Azheeva

The scientific legacy of Emilia Konstantinovna Bespalova, well-known Russian bibliographer, theorist and historian of bibliography, includes more than 200 works. She laid her own line in theoretical and methodological understanding of bibliography science and activity. “Formation of Bibliographic Thought in Russia (Up to the 60s of the 19th century)” is the last fundamental work of E.K. Bespalova; it describes the philosophical and methodological explication of bibliography as a naturally occurring phenomenon of information nature. There was formed unique method of analysis that considered historical and bibliographic facts in the context of professionalization of bibliographic activity. The analysis of bibliographic phenomena applied by E.K. Bespalova can be generally described as combination of modern theoretical knowledge on bibliography, methodology of system-activity approach and philosophy of historical process. The historical-theoretical method of studying bibliographic activity at different stages of its development allows a modern researcher to see the institutional significance of bibliographic processes as one of the full-fledged components of the global information picture.Analyzing the initial, original object of bibliographic activity — a book, the scientist proves that it was the process of replication and therefore the need to create the secondary structure of a book in a form of title page, which made a book to be the “book”. Through the concept of “book” E.K. Bespalova also traces interaction and sequential connection of three systems — “knowledge”, “book” (“document”) and “bibliographic document”. From the point of view of cognitive potential of the history of bibliography, bibliographical guide is of historical and theoretical interest being the result of activity and the object of desobjectivation in it of the conceptual theoretical-methodological and historical representations of authors, composers and doers of the history of bibliography. As the main differentiation of bibliographic products, Bespalova puts forward the division into timer bibliographic subsystems (reflection of current, retrospective, prospective primary flow) and chorographic subsystems that restrict documentary flows by the territorial and linguistic principle. The historical method by E.K. Bespalova reveals a wide range of theoretical foundations that enrich modern bibliography science.

Adam alemi ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 88 (2) ◽  
pp. 151-162
Nurlan Abzhetov ◽  
Zhuldyz Zhumashova ◽  
Aliy Almukhametov ◽  

The article describes the history of terrorism, its development, purpose and methods used. It also provides a brief overview of the social significance of the various periods from ancient times to the present. The works of scientists dealing with this issue provide a comprehensive review of the threat of terrorism in society and the main aspects of the spread of terrorism around the world, its negative impact on domestic and international processes, and describe the ideological basis of terrorism. The research topic in the work is the reconstructed meanings and feelings of the concept typical of the epochs under consideration and the procedures and consequences of their perception. The concept does not exist outside of social discourses that work with it for a specific purpose. Therefore, the topic of our attention is the role in this struggle, which has always become a socio-political struggle of various discourses in society, through the interpretation and assessment of certain ideological positions in the social sphere, as well as the conceptual complex of terrorism. From this point of view, the deepest topic of our interest is the social pragmatics based on the discursive strategies of social forces that apply and conceptualize this phenomenon.

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