scholarly journals The Development of Character Education Model to Improve Students’ Academic Independence in Islamic Boarding School in Sinjai District, Indonesia

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (4) ◽  
pp. 29-39 ◽  
Ismail Ismail ◽  
Syamsul Thalib ◽  
Sulaiman Samad ◽  
Ramlan Mahmud
2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-68
Aris Setiawan ◽  
Lailatuz Zahro

Abstrak: Pendidikan di pondok pesantren merupakan pendidikan berbasis agama, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan merupakan Pesantren Berbasis Multikultural yang memiliki model pendidikan  yang sangat banyak, diantaranya model pendidikan karakter. Tujuan penelitian ini mengetahui implementasi pendidikan karakter dengan metode kualitatif,  menggunakan SEM dengan hasil bahwa Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dan dukungan guru, baik secara simultan maupun parsial, berpengaruh positif terhadap religiusitas dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes Ngalah Purwosari, Kabupaten Pasuruan. Keterlibatan orangtua, dukungan teman sebaya, dukungan  guru, dan religiusitas secara simultan berpengaruh positif terhadap pendidikan karakter dalam model pendidikan karakter pada pesantren berbasis multikultural, ponpes  Ngalah  Purwosari,  Kabupaten  Pasuruan.  Akan  tetapi,  secara  parsial dukungan  guru  terbukti  tidak  berpengaruh  signifikan  terhadap  pendidikan karakter.   Kata Kunci: Model Pendidikan Karakter, Pesantren, Multikultural.   Abstract: Education in Islamic boarding schools is a religion-based education, Pondok Pesantren Ngalah Purwosari Pasuruan is a Multicultural-Based Islamic Boarding School which has very many educational models, so is the character education model. The purpose of this study discusses how to create characters using qualitative methods, using SEM with the results of research on how to support, support peers, and support teachers, both simultaneously and partially, positively support religiosity in the character education model of the boarding school based on multiculturalism, Islamic Boarding Schools Ngalah Purwosari, Pasuruan Regency. On the basis of assistance, peer support, teacher support, and simultaneous support support positive character education in the character education model of a multicultural-based boarding school, Ngalah Purwosari Islamic Boarding School, Pasuruan Regency. However, the partial support of teachers proved to be not significant support for character education.   Keywords : Character Education Model, Islamic Boarding School, Multicultural

Miftahul Jannah

<p>An Najah Sekolah Dasar Tahfiz Quran Terpadu (SDTQ-T) Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura has more complex instrument than character education process instrument in school or Islamic school because it has uniqueness, where students are schooling and staying in the same environment so that it can form very well and conducive environment for educational and character building process especially in discipline, responsibility and independence.</p><p>The objectives of the study are to describe and analyze: (1) Character Education Strategy in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura. (2) Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence Model in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura. (3) Implication of Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura.</p><p>This research uses qualitative approach with case study type. The data collection techniques are interview, observation and documentation. The data are analyzed qualitatively with analysis model of Miles and Huberman. The research results show: (1) Character Education Strategy in building students’ discipline, responsibility and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura are: Emphasizing in awareness, model/example, spontaneous activities, warning, environment conditioned, regular activities, and integrated discipline.(2) Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility and independence in An Najah SDTQ-T Boarding School, Cindai Alus Martapura are habitual, dgiving example, developing discipline, and giving reward and punishment, CTL, conducting education with boarding school system<em>. </em>(3) Implication of Character Education Model in building students’ discipline, responsibility, and independence are: correct conduct in teaching and learning activities, students’ fidelity, students’ quality, confidence and achievement, and most of the students achieve minimum score of 70, the increase of discipline, responsibility, and independence graphic every year in students’ score reports.</p>

Abu Kholish ◽  
Syarif Hidayatullah ◽  
Husna Nashihin

In this millennial era, the elderly people are becoming increase marginally. This is due to the absence of character education specifically for the elderly people. For that, character education model specifically intended for elderly people is very important to be realized. The Pasan tradition as a basis for character education for elderly students at Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang is very important to be studied. This field of research uses a phenomenology approach which aims to examine the phenomenon of Pasan tradition with an Islamic education perspective. Based on the results of participant observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation, there are three research results. First, the implementation of character education based on Pasan tradition at Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang has been relevant to the theoretical conception of character education, both in terms of principles and approaches. Second, the Pasan tradition at Elderly Islamic Boarding School Magelang is carried out through sixteen activities, both religious and daily activities. Third, there are fifteen character values produced through sixteen Pasan activities, namely religious, discipline, friendly, patience, likes to read, curiosity, caring for fellow Muslims, devoting to parents, responsibility, caring, cleanliness, tolerance, caring for the environment, caring for the social, honesty, and independent

Maksudin Sudin

Abstract: Educational institutions in Indonesia experience a transformation, institutional forms, education system, and its operation. Transformation also occurs in Islamic educational institutions with various changes and modernization (i) Suffah, Dar al-Arqǎm, Kuttab (in the period of the Prophet and his companions), (ii) madrasah (in the period of tabiin such as Madrasah Nizamiyah), (iii) school (heritage of colonialist), (iv) pesantren (Java), dayah or rangkang (Aceh), and surau (Minangkabau) which are original educational institutions of the native (indigenous),and (v) integrated Islamic schools (SIT) under the network of integrated Islamic schools environment (JSIT), centered in Jakarta. Integration of school and pesantren educational system in 2014 bore SMA TRENSAINS Tebuireng Jombang. The concept of integration is in form of modernization of educational system between schools and pesantren into one system of education. Integration in boarding school system and full day school involves components of the system in form of inputs, process, direct output and indirect output (outcome). This integration is as one of the efforts to make a balance between intellectual, emotional, spiritual and religious intelligence. Those four intelligences are as the basis of character education model.

2015 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 108-118
Ahmad Hanif Fahruddin

Pondok Pesantren (Islamic boarding school) Al Mu'awanah Lamongan is one of the Islamic boarding schools that develops the education of orphans and the poor in addition to being a formal and non-formal education institution. This pesantren focuses more on education littered fully with both religious values and noble values of the nation.  Pesantren Al Mu'awanah Lamongan has become one of the education institutions that is highly effective, especially in developing a character education. The purpose of this study is to examine the character education model of orphans and the poor developed in Pesantren Al Mu'awanah Lamongan and the efforts taken by the leader of Pesantren Al Mu'awanah Lamongan in developing the character education model at the pesantren. To find out the problems and get data clearly, the writer uses a descriptive qualitative approach. Data collection techniques and information are done through observation, interview and documentaries. The results show the character education model of orphans and the poor in Pesantren Al Mu'awanah Lamongan are by using four models. The first is mauidhoh (religious sermon); the second is habituation; the third is qudwah (exemplary); and the fourth is so-called targhib and tarhib. The development of character education model in Pesantren Al Mu'awanah Lamongan is integrated into daily, weekly, and yearly activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-99
Deti Rostini ◽  
Atabik Zuhdi ◽  
Vidia Lantari Ayundhari

Character education in Islam has existed since Prophet Muhammad’s period. “Pesantren” or Islamic boarding school is a place of character building in obedience to “Kaffah” Islamic teachings. The character education in schools here means, a process of building good character or Akhlakul Karimah by presenting education model of pesantren but realized in formal institutions. It is deemed as solution for children who do hesitate to have boarding school education because of several reasons. This study aims to describe the implementation of character education management in senior high schools around boarding schools environment located in Banyumas, Central Java. The approach used in this research is a qualitative with descriptive method. The character education in Banyumas has implemented four modern management functions in a proportional way by upholding the tutor role of Pesantren.. The cooperation has been running simultaneously and run conventionally, while still adhering the management principles even need a various ongoing renewal efforts.  

2016 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
pp. 431 ◽  
Nur Hidayat

This research was conducted at Islamic Boarding School of Pabelan, Central Java. Here, character education model was delivered to students through role modelling method and formalizing into routines which were implemented since KH. Hamam Dja’far era until now. The implementation of character education developed and taught by Kiai Hamam, as a role model, at that time included model of social caring, direct learning, simplicity, educating humanely, education through role modelling, scientific culture model, development of local wisdom or culture, education development, work ethic, and self-reliance. Then, character values emphasized to student are discipline, work ethic, self-reliance, social caring, spirituality and responsibility.

2016 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 146-155
Sareh Siswo Setyo Wibowo

The formation of character is needed by adolescents in this era. It is based with the many phenomena of juvenile delinquency. Characters will not be formed away so it needs an effort should be made of teachers in shaping the character of teenagers. In addition, the authors found the variation of the efforts of teachers holistically so that teenagers will easily formed his character in accordance with the purpose of the character education. The problem of this research is how the character education model Vocational High School who applied in the implementation of the formation of character in SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Purbalingga. The purpose of this study is the author would like to know a clear picture of the implementation of character education model in efforts to form children's character in School SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Purbalingga. This paper discusses the character education model be applicable in the planting of character values ​​to students in Vocational High School Muhammadiyah 3 Purbalingga. This type of research is a field research is descriptive qualitative. Data collection methods used include interviews, observation and documentation. As for analyzing the data obtained, the authors do by collecting all the data, reducing the data, presenting data, and verification of data. Results from this study showed that the model of character education is done to instill character values ​​to learners School SMK Muhammadiyah 3 Purbalingga using reflective models. Use of the character models adhering to the principles of character education and values ​​are developed in accordance with the level of development of learners.

2016 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 1 ◽  
Irham Irham

<p>This article explains the devolopment of Islamic education in Indonesia, especially in pesantren (Islamic Boarding School) which is salafi manhaj. It aims at finding islamic education model developed at salafi manhaj pesantren. It uses library research. This article concludes that salafi manhaj pesantren currently becomes new model of Islamic education in Indonesia. This model differs from those applied in most pesantrens in Indonesia. The factor triggering its development is the effect of the transnational of Islam. This factor can further complete the theory of Islamic education change in Indonesia proposed by Karel Steenbrink.</p><p>Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang perkembangan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Fokus pembahasannya adalah pesantren yang bermanhaj salafi. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk menemukan bentuk pendidikan Islam yang berkembang pada pesantren yang berideologi salafi (manhaj salafi). Kajian ini menggunakan metode kepustakaan. Artikel ini menyimpulkan bahwasanya pesantren bermanhaj salafi merupakan bentuk pendidikan Islam model baru di Indonesia saat ini. Model pesantren ini berbeda dengan pesantren pada umumnya yang sudah lama berkembang di Indonesia. Faktor pemicu perkembangannya adalah pengaruh dari Islam arus global, dan faktor ini dapat melengkapi teori perubahan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia menurut Karel Steenbrink.</p>

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