scholarly journals Health Status of Male Adult Wistar Rats from Two Experimental Animal Houses of UFMG: Leukocyte Counts, Feces and Lung Histological Exams

2002 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 287-291
Bruno Horta Andrade ◽  
Miriam Martins Chaves ◽  
Angela Maria Ribeiro

A study was conducted to compare health status of male adult Wistar rats from two Experimental Animal Houses of UFMG with literature data of SPF (free from specific pathogens) and conventional rats. The animals were divided into two groups: Group I (n=10), rats from the experimental animal houses of FAFICH and Group II (n=10) from ICB and following aspects were studied: a) evident clinical signs (behavior modification, hair loss (alopecia), b) leukocyte counts, c) feces exam and d) histological study of the lungs. The rats did not show clinical signs. However, when compared with SPF and conventional rats, both the groups showed a significant increase (p<0,05) of leukocyte count. On feces exam we detected some parasites and on lung histological exam we observed fungus (Group I) and bacteria (Group II). These results showed that the health status of the rats was not satisfactory and required improvements in the conditions of the animal houses.


Objectives: The objective of this study was to find the histologic and motor activity effect of lead on prenatally and postnatally exposed Wistar rats. Methods: In this study, twelve Wistar Rats were used and grouped into four groups of two females and one male. Group I rats served as the control and allowed feed and water freely. The rats in Group II were administered 500ppm of Pb through drinking water from gestation day 8 (GD8) to parturition (GD21). While Group III rats were given 500ppm of Pb in drinking water from postnatal day 1 (PND1) to PND21. The rats in the fourth group (Group IV) were given 500ppm of Pb from GD8 to PND21. Palmer grasp reflex was conducted to assess the motor activity of the rat pups. The animals were then humanely sacrificed and the frontal cortices were isolated for routine histological processing. Results: The histological study has shown normal neurons in the control group while degenerating cells exhibiting karyolysis, pyknosis, karyorrhexis, vacuolation were seen in the lead-treated groups. Group II and Group IV showed considerate deficit in their motor activity while Group III showed mild effect. Conclusion: From this study, lead exposure of Wistar rats at both prenatal and postnatal period of development has effect on the histology of the frontal cortex as well as on their motor activity.

S. Pramod Bharani ◽  
A. K. Naik ◽  
S. C. Parija ◽  
S. K. Panda

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly used class of drugs for treating inflammation and pain. Meloxicam has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties and is a commonly used NSAID in veterinary practice. The present study was done to evaluate effect of meloxicam on toxico-pathological and hematological parameters in Wistar rats. Eighteen Wistar rats were equally divided into three groups i.e. Group I, Group II and Group III. Group I (negative control) rats received only Normal saline (0.9%) @ 1ml/kg. Group II (Low dose) received meloxicam@ 4 mg/kg B.W. and Group III (High dose) rats received meloxicam@8 mg/kg B.W. orally by gavage for 28 days. Dose-dependent clinical signs and lesions were observed after meloxicam treatment. Kidneys and liver were severely hemorrhagic at the high dose, while intestine and stomach had ulcers and erosions. Hematological values were altered after 28 days of administration. Total Erythrocyte Count (TEC), Packed Cell Volume (PCV), Haemoglobin values were decreased and TLC count was significantly increased in both doses of meloxicam treated groups in a dose-dependent manner. It was concluded that meloxicam caused GIT lesions, nephrotoxicity, hepatotoxicity and variation in the hematological parameters at selected dose and duration.

2004 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-44 ◽  
Leonardo Rigoldi Bonjardim ◽  
Maria Beatriz Duarte Gavião ◽  
Luciano José Pereira ◽  
Paula Midori Castelo

This research aimed to evaluate mandibular movements in children with and without signs and symptoms of temporomandibular dysfunction. The sample taken consisted of 99 children aged 3 to 5 years distributed in two groups: I - Absence of signs and/or symptoms of TMD (25 girls/40 boys); II - Presence of signs and symptoms of TMD (16 girls/18 boys). The symptoms were evaluated through an anamnesis questionnaire answered by the child's parents/caretakers. The clinical signs were evaluated through intra- and extraoral examination. Maximum mouth opening and left/right lateral movements were measured using a digital caliper. The maximum protrusive movement was measured using a millimeter ruler. The means and standard deviations for maximum mouth opening in Group I and Group II were 40.82mm±4.18 and 40.46mm±6.66, respectively. The values found for the left lateral movement were 6.96mm±1.66 for Group I and 6.74mm±1.55 for Group II, while for the right lateral movement they were 6.46mm±1.53 and 6.74mm±1.77. The maximum protrusion movements were 5.67mm±1.76 and 6.12mm±1.92, in Groups I and II, respectively. The mandibular movement ranges neither differed statistically between groups nor between genders. FAPESP Process 96/0714-6.

2013 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
Friska W. F. Panjaitan ◽  
Marie M. Kaseke ◽  
George N. Tanudjaja

Abstract: Papaya leaves contain several antioxidants (flavonoid, tanin, and vitamin C) which have antiatherogenic effects that may inhibit the progression of an atherosclerotic lesion. One of the risk factors causing atherosclerosis is the consumption of food containing highly saturated fatty acids e.g. lard. Low density lipoproteins (LDL) accumulate within the intima and then are oxidized (LDL-ox). This LDL-ox is ingested by macrophages, resulting in foam-cell formation (early lesion of atherosclerosis). This study aimed to find out the histological features of the aorta of wistar rats having lard diets without the addition of the papaya leaf extract; having lard diets along with the papaya leaf extract; and having lard diets followed by papaya leaf extract. This was an experimental study on 16 wistar rats divided into 4 groups: group I without treatment (negative control group), group II lard diet for 14 days (positive control group), group III lard diet with papaya leaf extract for 14 days (treatment group I), and group IV lard diet for 14 days, and then followed by papaya leaf extract for 14 days (treatment group II). It was found that the aorta of group I showed adipose cells in the intima and media layers; group II and III showed foam cells in both layers; and group IV showed foam cells in fewer numbers than group II. Conclusion: The aorta histological features of wistar rats given lard diets for 14 days, with or without papaya leaf extract, showed foam cells in the intima and media layers. Papaya leaf extraxt added to lard diets had no effect on decreasing foam cells (no protective effect), meanwhile papaya leaf extract following lard diets showed a reduction of foam cells (therapeutic effect). Keywords: papaya leaf, lard dietary, foam cells, wistar rat.   Abstrak: Daun pepaya mengandung antioksidan (flavonoid, vitamin C) yang berefek anti-aterogenik, sehingga diharapkan dapat menghambat perkembangan lesi aterosklerosis. Salah satu faktor risiko penyebab aterosklerosis yaitu makanan yang berkandungan tinggi asam lemak jenuh, antara lain lemak babi. Konsumsi lemak jenuh berlebihan dapat mengganggu fungsi sel endotel, sehingga lipoprotein berdensitas rendah (LDL) dapat masuk dan menjadi LDL teroksidasi (LDL-oks). Makrofag menangkap LDL-oks dan menjadi sel busa (lesi dini aterosklerosis). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histologik aorta tikus wistar dengan diet lemak babi tanpa pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya, diet lemak babi bersamaan pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya, dan setelah diet lemak babi dilanjutkan pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya. Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental. Subyek penelitian terdiri dari 16 ekor tikus wistar yang dibagi menjadi empat kelompok: kelompok I tanpa perlakuan (kelompok kontrol negatif); kelompok II dengan diet lemak babi selama 14 hari (kelompok kontrol positif); kelompok III dengan diet lemak babi serta pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya selama 14 hari (kelompok perlakuan I); dan kelompok IV dengan diet lemak babi selama 14 hari, dilanjutkan pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya selama 14 hari (kelompok perlakuan II). Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan gambaran histologi aorta kelompok I tampak perlemakan; pada kelompok II terdapat sel-sel busa; pada kelompok III masih terdapat sel-sel busa; dan pada kelompok IV terdapat sel-sel busa, namun dalam jumlah yang lebih sedikit dibandingkan pada gambaran kelompok II. Simpulan: Tikus wistar dengan diet lemak babi selama 14 hari, baik dengan maupun tanpa ekstrak daun pepaya, memperlihatkan gambaran histologik adanya sel-sel busa pada tunika intima dan tunika media aorta. Pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya bersamaan dengan diet lemak babi tidak berefek menurunkan jumlah sel busa (tidak ada efek protektif) sedangkan pemberian ekstrak daun pepaya setelah diet lemak babi berefek mengurangi jumlah sel-sel busa yang terbentuk (efek terapi). Kata kunci: daun pepaya, diet lemak babi, sel-sel busa, tikus wistar.

2013 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
Poppy M Lintong ◽  
Carla F Kairupan ◽  
Priska L N Sondakh

Abstract: Gentamycin, a frequently used aminoglycoside antibiotics, has a nephrotoxic effect to human beings and animals. The purpose of this research was to find out the microscopic changes of wistar rat kidneys after gentamycin induction. This was an experimental study, using five adult wistar rats, divided into three groups. Group I was the control group; group II consisted of two rats, injected with gentamycin 0,3 ml/day (dose of 60 mg/kg body weight/day) intraperitoneally for seven days; and group III consisted of two rats, injected with gentamycin 0,3 ml/day intraperitoneally for 10 days. Group I and II were terminated at day-8, and group III at day-11. Their kidneys were processed for microscopic slides, stained with hematoxylin eosin and Periodic Acid Schiff. In microscopic evaluation, group II and III showed oedema, necrosis, apoptosis, and basal membrane destruction of tubular epithelial cells. Group III also showed fat vacuoles in these epithelial cells (macrovesicular fatty changes). Conclusion: wistar rats injected with gentamycin 60 mg/kg body weight/day for 7 and 10 days showed oedema, necrosis, apoptosis, and basal membrane destruction of tubular epithelial cells; and macrovesicular fatty changes after 10 days of gentamycin.Key words: gentamycin, necrosis tubular epithelial cells, fatty changesAbstrak: Gentamisin termasuk antibiotik golongan aminoglikosida berspektrum luas yang bersifat nefrotoksik terhadap manusia dan hewan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk melihat perubahan mikroskopik struktur ginjal tikus Wistar setelah diberikan gentamisin. Metode penelitian eksperimental dengan menggunakan lima ekor tikus Wistar dewasa yang dibagi atas tiga kelompok. Kelompok I tanpa perlakuan; kelompok II terdiri dari dua ekor tikus perlakuan yang diinjeksi dengan gentamisin 0,3 ml/hari (dosis 60 mg/kgBB/hari) secara intraperitonial selama tujuh hari; dan kelompok III terdiri dari dua ekor tikus perlakuan yang diinjeksi dengan gentamisin 0,3 ml/hari secara intraperitonial selama 10 hari. Tikus Wistar kelompok I dan II diteminasi hari ke-8, sedangkan kelompok III diterminasi hari ke-11. Ginjal tikus kelompok I -III kemudian dibuat preparat histopatologik dengan pengecatan rutin hematoksilin eosin dan Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tikus Wistar perlakuan yang diberikan gentamisin 0,3 ml/hari selama 7 sampai 10 hari secara mikroskopik memperlihatkan pembengkakan, nekrosis, apoptosis, dan destruksi membrana basalis sel epitel tubulus; dan pada hari ke-10 terlihat vakuol-vakuol lemak pada sel epitel sehingga inti terdesak ke tepi (perlemakan makrovesikuler). Simpulan: pemberian gentamisin pada tikus Wistar dengan dosis 60 mg/kg BB/hari selama 7-10 hari menunjukkan pembengkakan, nekrosis, apoptosis sel epitel tubulus, dan membrana basalis tubulus rusak; dan setelah hari ke-10 juga terlihat perlemakan makrovesikuler.Kata kunci: gentamisin, nekrosis sel epitel tubulus, perlemakan makrovesikuler

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Al-Qaraghuli AMS ◽  
Abdel Wahab EMN ◽  
Al-Ani IM ◽  
Faisal GG

Introduction: Xiang Sha Yang Wei Wan (XSYWW) is a Chinese traditional medicine that is used for gastrointestinal disorders, specifically gastric ulcer in many countries of South-East Asia. The aim of the study was to evaluate the potential effects of XSYWW on ethanol-induced gastric ulcer in rats by means of histological Study. On a similar basis of treatment, ranitidine, a conventional medication was used as gold standard. Methods: Fifty five male Sprague-Dawley rats (250-300 gm) were divided into four groups. Group I (ethanol treated group) was the control group and gastric ulcers were induced by administering 100% ethanol (1 ml/200 g). Group II (Pre-treatment group) was divided into two subgroups; they were orally fed with 1.0 gm/kg and 2.0 gm/kg respectively of XSYWW solution. Thirty minutes later they were administered with absolute ethanol as in group I. Group III, was given an oral dose of 2gm/kg of XSYWW solution after one hour of ethanol administration. Group IV was given an oral dose of 200mg/kg ranitidine solution after one hour of ethanol administration. Five rats from groups I, III and IV were sacrificed on day 1, 2 and 3 while the animals of group II were sacrificed one hour after ethanol administration. Results: Histological study of the stomachs from ethanol treated rats showed multiple ulcers of various depths that reached the muscularis and the serosa. Conclusion: Pre or post-treated rats with XSYWW showed that XSYWW has protective effect against ethanol-induced gastric mucosal lesion. However, there was a faster and more complete healing process in the ranitidine treated group when compared to the XSYWW treated subjects.

2007 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-42 ◽  
Wilson Salgado Júnior ◽  
José Sebastião dos Santos ◽  
Fernando de Queiroz Cunha

PURPOSE: Development of a lethal model of peritonitis to assess the results of treating that peritonitis using videolaparoscopy and laparotomy. METHODS: We developed a model of peritonitis in rats using cecal ligation (CLP) against a 2-mm diameter rigid mold and puncture. Two experiments were performed: determination of seven-day lethality; and analysis of white cell counts, blood cultures and cytokines (Interleukin-1 beta, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha and IL-6). The animals were divided into four groups: I - Sham surgery; II - CLP; III - CLP + Videolaparoscopy; and IV- CLP + Laparotomy . RESULTS: Seven-day lethality was 0% in group I, 80% in the group II (p<0.05), 60% in group III , and 20 % in group IV. There was a significant reduction in leukocyte counts and higher levels of serum IL-1 beta, TNF-alpha and IL-6 in the group II compared to controls. The percentages of positive blood cultures were higher after videolaparoscopic compared to laparotomic treatment. CONCLUSION: The experimental model provoked a lethal form of peritonitis and that videolaparoscopic treatment had more bacteraemia than laparotomy.

2005 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-21 ◽  
Antônio Carlos Perez ◽  
Delcio Matos ◽  
Edna Frasson de Souza Montero ◽  
Heitor Soares de Souza ◽  
Fábio Colagrossi Paes Barbosa ◽  

PURPOSE: To analyze the effects of sodium hyaluronate and carboxymethylcellulose membrane on collagen and fibroblast formation in bowel suture healing in rats. METHODS: 48 male Wistar rats, weighing 250 to 343g, were randomized into two groups: group I - bowel suture without applying a biologically absorbable membrane and group II - bowel suture with application of an absorbable membrane. The two groups were divided into subgroups of 3, 14 and 30 days of observation, with 8 rats in each subgroup. All were sacrificed after the end of the observation period. RESULTS: No morbidity or mortality was observed during the experiment. The amounts of collagen in group I were 23.4%, 72.1% and 67.6% and in group II were 22.5%, 52.5% and 51.6%, for the subgroups of 3, 14 and 30 days, respectively. Comparison between groups showed that the 14-day (p=0.0013) and 30-day (p=0.0587) subgroups had significant variance, with larger collagen zones in animals in which the membrane was not applied. However, with regard to fibroblasts, group I had 2%, 13% and 8% and group II had 2%, 10% and 8%, for the 3-day (p=1.0), 14-day (p=0.3184) and 30-day (p=0.5995) subgroups, respectively, showing no significant variance. CONCLUSION: The use of the biologically absorbable membrane cause a decrease in collagen formation, while not altering the number of fibroblasts, in bowel suture healing in rats, without increased morbidity and mortality.

2016 ◽  
Vol 144 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 174-180 ◽  
Jelena Neskovic ◽  
Slavoljub Zivkovic ◽  
Milica Medojevic ◽  
Milos Maksimovic

Introduction. Endodontic retreatment is a complex intervention that requires detailed analysis of possible reasons for failure, and flawless practical execution of the procedure. Objective. The aim of the study was to assess the outcome of endodontic retreatment based on clinical and radiographic criteria after a two-year observation period. Methods. Clinical study included 49 teeth indicated for endodontic retreatment based on periapical index (PAI). All teeth were divided into two groups. Group I comprised teeth without any periapical lesion (PAI score of 1 and 2) while Group II consisted of teeth with visible periapical radiolucency (PAI score of 3, 4, and 5). Endodontic retreatment was completed in two visits with inter-appointment medication of 2% chlorhexidine and calcium hydroxide for two weeks. Outcome of endodontic retreatment was evaluated 12-24 months after final obturation. Results. Endodontic retreatment was successful in 93.3% in Group I after 24 months. In Group II, successful treatment and complete healing was found in 52.9% of teeth, whereas 14.7% of teeth showed only partial healing. However, clinical symptomatology was not present in any of the cases. Considering the absence of clinical signs and subjective symptoms, retreatment was successful in 67.6% of cases where chronic periapical inflammation was present. Conclusion. Endodontic retreatment was successful in high percentage in teeth with and without periapical lesions.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-58
Uche C. Njoku ◽  
Benjamin A. Amadi ◽  
Peter U. Amadi ◽  
Onyebuchi E. Ezendiokwere ◽  
Idongesit E. Archibong

Summary The effect of aqueous matured stem extract of Opuntia dillenii on selected biochemical parameters in Male Wistar rats was explored. Standard analytical methods were applied. Forty Wistar rats (80-100g) were used in the animal studies, separated into four groups. The control group was solely administered normal feed and saline, group I was administered 100mgkg−1 of the extract, group II received 300mgkg−1 of the extract and group III received 500 mg/kg−1 of the extract. A significant increase (p<0.05) in the activities of alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and alkaline phosphatase was observed in group II and III rats, as compared with the controls. A significant decrease in urea and creatinine concentrations was found only in group III rats against the controls. Also, a significant (p<0.05) decrease in triglyceride, total cholesterol, and low density lipoprotein (LDL)-cholesterol was seen in group II and group III rats when compared with the control. The hematological evaluation revealed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in red blood cell and hemoglobin levels in group III rats when compared with the control. The findings showed both beneficial and toxicological effects of the plant. Hence, for optimal therapeutic benefits, a further toxicological survey could still be carried out perhaps at higher doses.

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