scholarly journals “We are his children”: de Landmanfamilie als erfgenaam van Adamastor

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 57-72
Laura Engels

In Die eerste lewe van Adamastor (The first life of Adamastor, 1988) André Brink reinvented the giant Adamastor, introduced in 1572 with the publication of Os Lusíadas, the Portuguese epic by Luis de Camões. So fascinated was Brink by the Southern African monster, that he wanted to write more novels containing new personifications of Adamastor. An Act of Terror (1992) can be seen as his most prominent Adamastor novel. An addendum entitled “The Chronicle of the Landman Family: As told by Thomas Landman” was included in this novel. In this article, I focus on this chronicle and unravel the way in which Adamastor manifests himself in every character, because each figure bears some resemblances to the Adamastor that Brink recreated in T’kama, the protagonist in Die eerste lewe van Adamastor (1988). All the characters in the Landman family fight against a dominant entity, but they do it on their own terms. This article shows that Brink uses the Adamastor figure as a metaphor for conflict, but also for reconciliation and protection. Against the background of these characteristics, Adamastor also appears to be a personification of different ideological constructs and of the continent of Africa. Furthermore, Adamastor’s appearance is a key feature to understanding how ideology transforms the representation of historical knowledge in Brink’s novel.

1997 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 111-149 ◽  
Lee D. Parker

Historical research in accounting and management, hitherto largely neglected as a field of inquiry by many management and accounting researchers, has experienced a resurgence of interest and activity in research conferences and journals over the past decade. The potential lessons of the past for contemporary issues have been rediscovered, but the way forward is littered with antiquarian narratives, methodologically naive analyses, ideologically driven interpretation and ignorance of the traditions, schools and philosophy of the craft by accounting and management researchers as well as traditional and critical historians themselves. This paper offers an introduction to contributions made to the philosophies and methods of history by significant historians in the past, a review of some of the influential schools of historical thought, insights into philosophies of historical knowledge and explanation and a brief introduction to oral and business history. On this basis the case is made for the philosophically and methodologically informed approach to the investigation of our past heritage in accounting and management

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 340-348
Jukka Nyyssönen

How has Sámi cultural heritage been incorporated into the national histories of Finland? How have the national and academic discourses constrained and enabled ways of writing about the Sámi in this genre? A complete change from a hierarchizing and at worst racializing perspective to a more matter-of-fact approach is detectable quite late on, from the 1980s onwards. The Sámi have remained on the periphery of Finnish historiography, but they have become integrated into the national history, even though they still serve to illustrate Finnish nation-building in this genre. The amount of updated archaeological and historical knowledge has increased, but the approach still under-communicates the political agency of the Sámi. The inherent methodological and history-political conservativism stunts the way the Sámi are dealt with so that the Sámi histories remain mostly uncommunicated.

2014 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 603-609 ◽  

According to Michel de Certeau, distance is the indispensable prerequisite for historical knowledge and the very characteristic of modern historiography. The historian speaks, in the present, about the absent, the dead, as Certeau labels the past, thus emphasizing the performative dimension of historical writing: “the function of language is to introduce through saying what can no longer be done.” As a consequence, the heterogeneity of two non-communicating temporalities becomes the challenge to be faced: the present of the historian, as a moment du savoir, is radically separated from the past, which exists only as an objet de savoir, the meaning of which can be restored by an operation of distantiation and contextualization. In Evidence de l’histoire: Ce que voient les historiens, François Hartog takes up the question of history writing and what is visible, or more precisely the modalities historians have employed to narrate the past, opening up the way to a reflection on the boundaries between the visible and the invisible: the mechanisms that have contributed to establish these boundaries over time, and the questions that have legitimized the survey of what has been seen or not seen. But, as Mark Phillips points out, it is the very ubiquity of the trope of distance in historical writings that has paradoxically rendered it almost invisible to historians, so that “it has become difficult to distinguish between the concept of historical distance and the idea of history itself.”

1894 ◽  
Vol 1 ◽  
pp. 78-89
A. F. Findlay

Perhaps no passage in the whole of the Acts has suffered more from hazy and ill-considered interpretation than that dealing with the visit of St. Paul to Athens (Acts xvii. 16–34). This was due partly to a certain carelessness in defining the exact meaning of individual words, partly to the want of accurate historical knowledge. To Prof. Ernst Curtius belongs the credit of preparing the way for a sounder interpretation, and of prescribing the limits within which the interpreter must move. While critics and expositors before him had generally assumed that the appearance of St. Paul on the Areopagus (for so they interpreted ἤγαγον ἐπὶ τὸν Ἄρειον Πάγον) implied also his presence before the Council of the Areopagus, Curtius challenged this assumption and concluded, as the result of investigations into the history and procedure of the Council, that if St. Paul was led before the Council he stood not on the Areopagus, but in the Stoa Basileios in the Agora. We say nothing, at present, as to the soundness of Curtius' conclusion.

2020 ◽  
Vol 29 (3) ◽  
pp. 36
Anco Márcio Tenório Vieira

Resumo: Este trabalho aborda o modo como Gilberto Freyre, a partir do seu olhar expressionista, emulou Luís de Camões. Rompendo as fronteiras entre o homem Luís de Camões e a sua obra, Freyre diluiu os limites que separam o autor do narrador, rompendo também as fronteiras entre o sujeito e o seu objeto de estudo. Desse modo, Freyre inscreve Camões e a sua obra em sua gramática sociológica e antropológica e, principalmente, o eleva ao panteão de um dos percussores do Lusotropicalismo.Palavras-chave: Gilberto Freyre; Luís de Camões; Lusotropicalismo; emulação.Abstract: This work discusses the way Gilberto Freyre, from his expressionist gaze, emulated Luís de Camões. Breaking the boundaries between Luís de Camões as a man and his work, Freyre diluted the boundaries that separate the narrator from the author, also breaking the boundaries between the subject and his object of study. Thereby, Freyre inscribes Camões and his work in his sociological and anthropological grammar and, mainly, elevates him to the pantheon of one of the Lusotropicalism pioneers.Keywords: Gilberto Freyre; Luís de Camões; Lusotropicalism; emulation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 8-25
И.М. Приходько

Теория имитации создавалась Танеевым в определенном историческом контексте и опиралась на методологические принципы современного ему гуманитарного знания. Со времени публикации «Учения о каноне» прошло почти сто лет, на протяжении которых идеи Танеева остаются незыблемым фундаментом отечественной теории имитации. Однако методология гуманитарного знания претерпела существенные изменения. Оно уже не оперирует «вечными формами», поскольку понятно, что в культуре нет ничего похожего на физические константы. Действие универсальных принципов музыкальной организации опосредовано историческими условиями. Имитация реализует универсальный принцип повторения в разных исторических формах. Первоначально имитация была орнаментальной, изредка вплетаясь в полифоническую ткань. Канон же был широко распространенной техникой письма. Затем имитация примерно на полтора века стала ведущим фактором формообразования и сблизилась с каноном. Позднее, одновременно с возрастанием роли подвижного контрапункта, значение имитации вновь уменьшилось. Менялся и мелодический синтаксис. В период расцвета имитационной техники мелодическая линия развертывалась непрерывно, цезуры были малозаметными и распределялись неравномерно. Под влиянием изменений метроритмической организации в мелодиях появились более глубокие регулярные цезуры. Это позволяет при анализе имитационной полифонии эпохи барокко членить мелодию на отделы, однако при анализе полифонии строгого письма такое членение представляется искусственным. Современная методология требует обозначить границы, за которыми теория утрачивает объяснительные возможности. Отсюда вытекает необходимость переосмыслить некоторые положения танеевской теории. The theory of imitation was created by Sergey I. Taneyev in a certain historical context and was based on the methodological principles of contemporaneous humanities. Almost a hundred years have passed since the publication of “The Teaching on The Canon”, and throughout this time, Taneyev’s ideas remain the unshakable foundation of the domestic theory of imitation. However, the methodology of the humanities has undergone significant changes — particularly in the aspect of the relationship between theoretical and historical knowledge. Also, analysis and description prevail over prescriptions in present-day musicology. Therefore it is reasonable to reconsider some aspects of Taneyev’s theory. Modern musicologists understand that music does not have anything like fundamental and unchangeable physical constants. Accordingly, there are no “eternal forms” in music. There are some general principles of musical organization, similar to linguistic universals, but they are implemented in multiple ways on different levels under different historical/ stylistic conditions. The principle of repetition is realized through transmission of a melodic phrase from one voice part to another — that is, through imitation. Forms of imitation depend on how melodic phrases are built — that is, on the features of the melodic syntax. In the vocal polyphony of the 16th century, the flow of the melody is uninterrupted; caesuras are irregular and shallow, whereas in the instrumental polyphony of the 18th century they divide melody into commensurable sections. This difference affects the way in which imitation is used in these styles.

1969 ◽  
Vol 2 (02) ◽  

This essay intends to show how Kant’s approach to history paves the way for his philosophy of history. In order to do so, I will first draw on some texts included in the transcripts of Kant’s Logic Lectures to articulate his views on history. I willthen argue that Kant’s philosophy of history constitutes his particular way of making sense of the contingency proper to historical knowledge in light of the interests of reason.

Mark Franko

The Introduction to this handbook covers the broad themes and positions of the chapters without engaging specifically with the argument of any one chapter. It begins with a discussion of an early example of reenactment in dance, that of Susanne Linke’s work on Dore Hoyer’s Affectos Humanos in 1988. It analyzes the significance of Hoyer’s identity in German modern dance of the mid-twentieth century to the emergence of reenactment per se. The author theorizes reenactment as a practice of “asymmetrical historical temporalities” and develops the distinction between historicity and temporality. There is a difference between the way reenactment is handled in discourse on art and performance and in dance. Drawing upon the work of François Hartog and Paul Ricoeur, the Introduction concludes with a discussion of regimes of historicity and Ricoeurs’s concept of document as trace, and debates the idea that reenactment in dance is a form of historical knowledge.

2021 ◽  
pp. 088832542198941
Réka Krizmanics

The main purpose of this article is to show how the changing dynamics of governmental memory politics and shifting institutional frameworks influenced the space for and type of discourses about Trianon in popular historiography in the decades spanning 1979 to 2010. I first introduce the way academic historiography addressed the issue of the peace treaty and its consequences. Second, I situate popular historical discussions about Trianon within the broader landscape of historical knowledge production. Analyzing publication patterns of História (1978) and Rubicon (1989), the two most widely read mainstream popular historical journals, complemented with a discussion of Trianoni Szemle, a journal established for the purpose of discussing this single topic, I reflect both on the journals’ (self-)positioning under changing currents and the intensity of governmental interest and control. As the centennial of the signing of the peace treaty draws near, such a case study provides an opportunity to observe symptomatic mechanisms of illiberal memory politics in juxtaposition to its authoritarian and democratic predecessors.

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 93-113
H Rajab

Abstract   One of the conditions for the validity of a hadith is that it is protected from 'illah. However, what is meant by 'illah in the hadiths and how to know if a hadith contains' illah or not, does not seem to have received much attention from hadith scholars, so the issue of' illah is still being debated among scholars and hadith researchers. This study intends to explain this problem. The research method is literature study using descriptive analysis. From the research conducted, it is known that 'illah does not get as much attention from the scholars of hadith, as it does for the validity of other hadiths. It is also known that the scholars use the word ‘illah’ in the sense of the language, namely something that enters something else, then causes what it enters to change. 'Illah is usually interpreted as a disease, because if the disease enters the body, the body will become weak, the same as' illah if it is entered into a hadith, it will change the quality of the hadith to become weak. The way to find out the existence of 'illah in this hadith is by doing mu'āraḍah, which is the matching of the concepts that are the main content of every hadith object so that the interconnection and harmony between the concepts and other shari'a arguments are maintained, namely with the explicit instructions of the Koran, other traditions, historical knowledge and common sense reasoning. Abstrak   salah satu syarat kesahihan suatu hadis adalah bahwa hadis itu terhindar dari ‘illah. Namun apakah yang dimaksud dengan ‘illah pada hadis dan bagiamana cara mengetahui suatu hadis mengandung ‘illah atau tidak, tampaknya belum mendapat perhatian yang besar dari ulama hadis, sehingga masalah ‘illah ini masih terus diperdebatkan di kalangan ulama dan peneliti hadis. Penelitian ini bermaksud menjelaskan masalah tersebut. Metode penelitian bersifat studi kepustakaan dengan menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Dari penelitian yang dilakukan diketahui bahwa ‘illah tidak mendapatkan perhatian yang besar dari para ulama hadis, seperti perhatian pada syarat-syarat kesahihan hadis lainnya. Juga diketahui bahwa para ulama menggunakan kata ‘illah pada pengertian bahasanya, yaitu sesuatu yang masuk kepada sesuatu yang lain, lalu menyebabkan yang dimasukinya itu menjadi berubah. ‘Illah biasa dimaknai sebagai penyakit, karena jika penyakit masuk ke dalam tubuh, maka tubuh akan berubah menjadi lemah sama dengan ‘illah jika masuk ke dalam suatu hadis, maka akan mengubah kualitas dari hadis itu menjadi lemah. Cara untuk mengetahui adanya ‘illah dalam hadis ini adalah dengan melakukan mu‘āraḍah, yaitu pencocokan konsep yang menjadi muatan pokok setiap matan hadis agar tetap terpelihara kebertautan dan keselarasan antarkonsep dengan dalil syariat yang lain, yaitu dengan petunjuk eksplisit al-Quran, hadis yang lain, pengetahuan kesejarahan dan penalaran akal sehat.  

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