scholarly journals Causes of mountain meadow soil chemical degradation in long-term fertiliser experiment

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (No. 4) ◽  
pp. 159-166
M. Kopeć

The fertilising experiment was set up in 1968 on the mountain meadow (720 m a.s.l.) in Czarny Potok near Krynica (20&deg;8&rsquo; E, 49&deg;4&rsquo; N). The experiment was conducted on the acid Cambi soil and comprised objects fertilised with two nitrogen forms and two doses against the background of PK fertilisation, the untreated object, and plots with unilateral P and N fertilisation. The paper concerns 30 years of investigations (1968&ndash;1997) of the effect of different NPK fertilisation on the dynamic of yields and the meadow sward quality against a&nbsp;background of the same treatments. The dynamic of the botanical composition was presented as well as the dynamic of the grassland yield potential with systematic mineral fertilisation and liming. The application of nitrogen fertilisation with the rate of 90 N.ha<sup>&ndash;1</sup> + PK under mountain conditions and systematic liming of the meadow enables to maintain or increase production over the long period, to decrease the production risk and to prevent degradation of the environment and natural resources.

2011 ◽  
Vol 51 (No. 9) ◽  
pp. 410-415 ◽  
M. Kopeć

Changes in the zinc content in the meadow sward were studied in a long-term fertiliser experiment set up on a&nbsp;mountain meadow (20&deg;54&rsquo;E, 49&deg;24&rsquo;N) in 1968. The experiment is localized at 720 meters above sea level on the soil which belongs to Dystric Cambisols and comprises 8 fertiliser treatments in two series: 0Ca and + Ca (Table 1). In the course of the experiment the Zn content in the sward decreased and the time factor was of greater consequence than fertilization, P content in the sward or soil and acidification. In mountain meadow communities shaped by a&nbsp;long-term (over 30 years) NPK treatment and at yields between 6.7 and 7.1 t/ha the annual quantity of absorbed Zn ranged between 233 and 256 g Zn/ha dry weight. During the experimental period the biggest amount of Zn removed with the sward yield exceeded 500 g Zn/ha annually. In the limed series at slightly bigger yields the quantity of Zn removed with the yield was over 10% lower in objects receiving NPK fertilization than on the same treatments in the unlimed series. Liming is able to reduce soil Zn abundance.

2005 ◽  
Vol 56 (1) ◽  
pp. 11 ◽  
Jeremy Whish ◽  
Giles Butler ◽  
Michael Castor ◽  
Shayne Cawthray ◽  
Ian Broad ◽  

In recent years, many sorghum producers in the more marginal (<600 mm annual rainfall) cropping areas of Queensland and northern New South Wales have used skip row configurations in an attempt to improve yield reliability and reduce sorghum production risk. This paper describes modifications made to the APSIM sorghum module to account for the difference in water usage and light interception between alternative crop planting configurations, and then demonstrates how this new model can be used to quantify the long-term benefits of skip sorghum production. Detailed measurements of light interception and water extraction from sorghum crops grown in solid, single and double skip row configurations were collected from on-farm experiments in southern Qld and northern NSW. These measurements underpinned changes to the APSIM-Sorghum model so that it accounted for the elliptical water uptake pattern below the crop row and the reduced total light interception associated with skip row configurations. Long-term simulation runs using long-term weather files for locations near the experimental sites were used to determine the value of skip row sorghum production as a means of maintaining yield reliability. These simulations showed a trade-off between long-term average production (profitability) and annual yield reliability (risk of failure this year). Over the long term, the production of sorghum in a solid configuration produced a higher average yield compared with sorghum produced in a skip configuration. This difference in average yield is a result of the solid configuration having a higher yield potential compared with the skip configurations. Skip configurations limit the yield potential as a safeguard against crop failure. To achieve the higher average yield in the solid configuration the producer suffers some total failures. Skip configurations reduce the chance of total failure by capping the yield potential, which in turn reduces the long-term average yield. The decision on what row configuration to use should be made tactically and requires consideration of the starting soil water, the soil’s plant-available water capacity (PAWC), and the farm family’s current attitude to risk.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (No. 12) ◽  
pp. 525-530
M. Kopeć ◽  
K. Gondek

The influence of long-term regular mineral fertilization on the soil environment considering the total sulphur and the sulphur balance in the habitat of the permanent mountain meadow was investigated. The experimental field (set up in 1968) is situated at Czarny Potok (20&deg;8&rsquo; E, 49&deg;4&rsquo; N) in the central part of the Polish Carpathian. With completed annual NPK fertilisation 1.8 kg S/ha&nbsp;was introduced into the soil. The highest sulphur amount was found in the 0&ndash;10 cm horizon and this value slightly exceeded the content considered as natural. The sulphur content in the sward from Czarny Potok was lower than the mean sulphur content calculated in Poland for grasses (0.21% S). In the case of full NPK fertilisation the amount of removed sulphur ranged from 11.4 to 14.0 kg S/ha. The mean sulphur leaching into the soil profile from surface of 1 ha can be estimated from 1.1 to 3.7 kg S/ha.

2010 ◽  
Vol 59 (2) ◽  
pp. 255-268
István Harmati

Sekély humuszos szintű, erősen karbonátos réti talajon kialakult természetes (Achilleo-Festucetum pseudovinae) gyepen beállított tartamkísérletekben vizsgáltuk a műtrágyázás kérdéseit a gyep növényi összetételének megjavítása, termésének növelése és minősége javítása céljából. A kísérlet humuszban gazdag, nitrogénnel és káliummal igen jól ellátott, de foszforban szegény talaján az N- és P-műtrágya 2-2 adagját szólóban és kombinációikban alkalmaztuk. Az öntözetlen kísérletet 28, az öntözöttet 14 éven át folyamatosan, széleskörűen vizsgáltuk. Megállapításainkat a következőkben foglaljuk össze. – A gyep növényi összetételét a N- és a P-műtrágyák adagjaiktól és kombinációiktól függően megváltoztatták. A nitrogén a füvek, a foszfor a pillangósok versenyképességét fokozta és segítette elő növekedését. Az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya a talaj nagyfokú P-szegénysége miatt nem gyakorolt pozitív hatást a gyepre. A P-műtrágya viszont kedvező változásokat okozott: a füvek fejlődésének elősegítése mellett nagymértékben növelte a pillangósok borítási értékét és tömegarányát, különösen az öntözött parcellákon. Öntözetlen viszonyok között a réti perje (Poa pratensis), a sovány csenkesz (Festuca pseudovina) és a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét, néhány egyéb fű- és pillangósvirágú komponens társaságában. Az öntözött kísérletben a pillangósok abszolút uralma mellett gyakran a réti perje jutott vezető szerephez. A pillangósok közül az eperhere (Trifolium fragiferum), a komlós lucerna (Medicago lupulina) és a vörös here (Trifolium pratense) váltakozva jutott uralomra. Az időjárás nagyban befolyásolta a gyep pillangós komponenseinek tömegarányát. Az NP kombinációkban a pillangósok tömegaránya erősen lecsökkent, különösen a nagyobb N-adag használata esetén. Öntözetlen területen a sovány csenkesz és a réti perje változó arányban alkotta a gyep termésének túlnyomó részét. Az öntözött parcellákon azonban a réti perje abszolút uralkodóvá vált és az egyre jobban előretörő tarackbúza (Agropyron repens) is jelentősen részt vett a termés kialakításában, elsősorban a nagyobb N-dózisú kombinációkban. A kísérlet 3. évtizedében a csapadékos években megjelent a francia perje (Arrhenatherum elatius) és a réti csenkesz (Festuca pratensis) is. – A gyep termését az önmagában alkalmazott N-műtrágya nem növelte jelentősen. Ezzel szemben a P-műtrágya nagy hatékonysággal 2–4-szeresére (3–5 t·ha–1-ra) növelte a gyep szénatermését, elsősorban a pillangósok nagyarányú térhódítása révén. 1 kg P2O5 öntözetlen körülmények között 43, míg öntözöttben 68 kg szénaterméstöbbletet eredményezett, sokévi átlagban. A 90 kg P2O5·ha–1 adag néhány év után soknak bizonyult. A legjobb eredményt a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 adaggal értük el, amellyel az öntözetlen területen – 28 év átlagában – 7,87, öntözötten – 14 év átlagában – 7,12 t·ha–1 szénatermést kaptunk. Az időjárás nagymértékben befolyásolta a termés mennyiségét és minőségét, legfőképpen a pillangósok tömegarányának változása révén, különösen az öntözetlen kísérletben. A három növedék tömegének aránya 7 évi átlagban, az öntözetlen kísérletben a szóló foszforkezeléseknél 48:37:15%, míg az NP kombinációknál 56:35:9% volt. Az öntözött területen ezek az arányok az előbbi sorrendben: 39:49:12, illetve 43:41:16%. A nitrogénből számított nyersfehérjehozam sokévi átlagban az öntözetlen kísérletben 428–550, míg az öntözöttben 560–760 kg·ha–1 volt. – A talaj felvehető tápanyagtartalma az évek során jelentősen megváltozott, különösen a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében. A P-trágyázás önmagában, de az NP kombinációiban is az adagoktól, illetve az ezek hatására kialakult termések mennyiségétől függő mértékben növelte a talaj P-tartalmát. A legjobbnak a 200 kg N·ha–1 + 60 kg P2O5·ha–1 kezelésű parcellákban bizonyult: a kísérlet 22. évében a talaj 0–10 cm-es rétegében a P-tartalom 260 mg P2O5·kg–1 lett, ami az erősen karbonátos talajok esetében igen jó P-ellátottságnak mondható. A K-ellátottság azonban az NP-kezeléseknél az optimális szint alá csökkent (172 mg K2O·kg–1) a termések nagyarányú K-kivonása következtében. Ezért néhány évi NP-trágyázás után K-pótlásra is szükség van.

2017 ◽  
Vol 168 (4) ◽  
pp. 181-185
Marc Hanewinkel

The forest-game conflict – how can forest economics contribute to solve it? (Essay) Core parameters of forest economics such as land expectation value or highest revenue show that damage caused by wild ungulates can critically influence the economic success of forest enterprises. When assessing and evaluating the damage in order to calculate damage compensation, methods are applied in Germany that look either into the past (“cost value methods”) or into the future (“expected value methods”). The manifold uncertainties related to this evaluation over long-term production periods are taken into account within a framework of conventions through strongly simplifying assumptions. Only lately, the increased production risk due to game-induced loss of species diversity is also considered. Additional aspects that should be taken into account in the future are the loss of climate-adapted species, the change of the insurance values of forest ecosystems and the impossibility of specific management systems such as single-tree selection forestry due to the influence of game. Because of high transaction costs when assessing the damage, financial compensation should only be the “ultimate measure” and a meditation between stakeholder groups with the goal to find a cooperative solution before the damage occurs should be preferred.

2011 ◽  
Vol 48 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 20-26
M. Birkás ◽  
T. Szalai ◽  
C. Gyuricza ◽  
M. Gecse ◽  
K. Bordás

This research was instigated by the fact that during the last decade annually repeated shallow disk tillage on the same field became frequent practice in Hungary. In order to study the changes of soil condition associated with disk tillage and to assess it is consequences, long-term tillage field experiments with different levels of nutrients were set up in 1991 (A) and in 1994 (B) on Chromic Luvisol at G&ouml;d&ouml;ll&ouml;. The effects of disk tillage (D) and disk tillage combined with loosening (LD) on soil condition, on yield of maize and winter wheat, and on weed infestation were examined. The evaluation of soil condition measured by cone index and bulk density indicated that use of disking annually resulted in a dense soil layer below the disking depth (diskpan-compaction). It was found, that soil condition deteriorated by diskpan-compaction decreased the yield of maize significantly by 20 and 42% (w/w), and that of wheat by 13 and 15% (w/w) when compared to soils with no diskpan-compaction. Averaged over seven years, and three fertilizer levels, the cover % of the total, grass and perennial weeds on loosened soils were 73, 69 and 65% of soils contained diskpan-compaction.

Sensors ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (8) ◽  
pp. 2681
Kedir Mamo Besher ◽  
Juan Ivan Nieto-Hipolito ◽  
Raymundo Buenrostro-Mariscal ◽  
Mohammed Zamshed Ali

With constantly increasing demand in connected society Internet of Things (IoT) network is frequently becoming congested. IoT sensor devices lose more power while transmitting data through congested IoT networks. Currently, in most scenarios, the distributed IoT devices in use have no effective spectrum based power management, and have no guarantee of a long term battery life while transmitting data through congested IoT networks. This puts user information at risk, which could lead to loss of important information in communication. In this paper, we studied the extra power consumed due to retransmission of IoT data packet and bad communication channel management in a congested IoT network. We propose a spectrum based power management solution that scans channel conditions when needed and utilizes the lowest congested channel for IoT packet routing. It also effectively measured power consumed in idle, connected, paging and synchronization status of a standard IoT device in a congested IoT network. In our proposed solution, a Freescale Freedom Development Board (FREDEVPLA) is used for managing channel related parameters. While supervising the congestion level and coordinating channel allocation at the FREDEVPLA level, our system configures MAC and Physical layer of IoT devices such that it provides the outstanding power utilization based on the operating network in connected mode compared to the basic IoT standard. A model has been set up and tested using freescale launchpads. Test data show that battery life of IoT devices using proposed spectrum based power management increases by at least 30% more than non-spectrum based power management methods embedded within IoT devices itself. Finally, we compared our results with the basic IoT standard, IEEE802.15.4. Furthermore, the proposed system saves lot of memory for IoT devices, improves overall IoT network performance, and above all, decrease the risk of losing data packets in communication. The detail analysis in this paper also opens up multiple avenues for further research in future use of channel scanning by FREDEVPLA board.

Focaal ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 2009 (54) ◽  
pp. 89-96 ◽  
Projit Bihari Mukharji

The reflections in this article were instigated by the repeated and brutal clashes since 2007 between peasants and the state government’s militias—both official and unofficial—over the issue of industrialization. A communist government engaging peasants violently in order to acquire and transfer their lands to big business houses to set up capitalist enterprises seemed dramatically ironic. De- spite the presence of many immediate causes for the conflict, subtle long-term change to the nature of communist politics in the state was also responsible for the present situation. This article identifies two trends that, though significant, are by themselves not enough to explain what is happening in West Bengal today. First, the growth of a culture of governance where the Communist Party actively seeks to manage rather than politicize social conflicts; second, the recasting of radical political subjectivity as a matter of identity rather than an instigation for critical self-reflection and self-transformation.

2018 ◽  
Vol 67 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-103
László Simon ◽  
Marianna Makádi ◽  
György Vincze ◽  
Zsuzsanna Uri ◽  
Katalin Irinyiné Oláh ◽  

A small-plot long-term field fertilization experiment was set up in 2011 with willow (Salix triandra x Salix viminalis ’Inger’) grown as an energy crop in Nyíregyháza, Hungary. The brown forest soil was treated three times (in June 2011, May 2013, May 2016) with municipal biocompost (MBC), municipal sewage sludge compost (MSSC) or willow ash (WA), and twice (June 2011, May 2013) with rhyolite tuff (RT). In late May – early June 2016 urea (U) and sulphuric urea (SU) fertilizers were also applied to the soil as top-dressing (TD). These fertilizers and amendments were also applied to the soil in 2016 in the combinations; MBC+SU, RT+SU, WA+SU and MSSC+WA. All the treatments were repeated four times. In July 2016 the highest nitrogen concentrations in willow leaves were measured in the U (3.47 m/m%) and SU (3.01 m/m%) treatments, and these values were significantly higher than the control (2.46 m/m%). An excess of nitrogen considerably reduced the Zn uptake of the leaves, with values of 39.5 μg g-1 in the U treatment, 53.4 μg g-1 in the SU treatment, and 63.5 μg g-1 in the control. All other amendments or TDs, except for WA, enhanced the specific potassium concentrations in willow leaves compared to the control. No significant quantities of toxic elements (As, Ba, Cd, Pb) were transported from soil amendments or TDs to the willow leaves. In July 2016 the most intensive leaf chlorophyll fluorescence was observed in the MSSC and MSSC+WA treatments.

2021 ◽  
Vol 108 (Supplement_2) ◽  
R Mistry

Abstract Introduction Scarring is the final common pathway for healing within the skin. Scars can be itchy, painful, tight, and disfiguring. Despite advances in surgery there is currently no reliably effective treatment for reducing or preventing scarring. The primary aim of this research is to assess the currently available models for scarring and evaluate/further develop the utility of current assessment tools, in an effort to design a pilot randomised control trial (RCT) for silicone gel treatment of scars. Method A systematic review of scar models in humans and animals. Examination of currently used subjective and objective scar assessment tools in a plastic surgery scar clinic. A retrospective cohort study assessing long-term scar outcomes in paediatric burn patients. Results Limitations and drawbacks of many existing methods to assess scar treatments were found. No statistically significant difference in long-term scarring outcomes was found between paediatric burns patients treated surgically versus conservatively. A RCT for silicone gel sheeting in the treatment of scars was set up and successful in recruitment. Conclusions Here, we have demonstrated difficulties in establishing a scientific scar treatment model; and created a pilot study that will help to provide high-quality evidence for the efficacy of silicone gel sheeting as a treatment for scars.

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