scholarly journals Strategi Pengembangan Model Bisnis Online Shop Zavair Scraves dengan menggunakan pendekatan BCG Matrix

2019 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-222
Herlina Sari

Trend bisnis di Indonesia saat ini sangat berkembang pesat. Penjualan dan penawaran suatu barang atau jasa sudah beralih melalui media sosial. Adanya peralihan trend bisnis ini membuat persaingan bisnis di Indonesia semakin ketat, baik dalam penjualan online maupun offline. Trend bisnis ini juga berdampak pada industry fashion hijab. Banyak perusahaan dan masyarakat yang berlomba-lomba membuka bisnis online shop. Dikarenakan penjualan melalui online lebih mudah dan lebih diminati masyarakat. Dengan banyaknya online shop yang bergerak di bidang Fashion Hijab yang ada di Indonesia, menjadikan Zavair scarves berada dalam red ocean strategy. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi apa saja yang menjadi kelemahan, kekuatan, ancaman dan peluang dalam online shop Zavair scarves, serta menemukan dan merekomedasikan strategi yang tepat untuk membantu online shop Zavair scarves dalam mengambangkan bisnisnya dan produknya agar bisa bertahan dalam persaingan di dunia bisnis. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penulis menggunakan teknik wawancara terhadap owner online shop Zavair scarves yang kemudian di analisis menggunakan analisis SWOT, yang selanjutnya dilakukan pembobotan factor internal dan external. Data diolah menggunakan Matrix Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) dan Matrix External Evalution (EFE) untuk melihat posisi perusahaan berada pada kuadran IE Matrix. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu menentukan TOWS Matrix. Dan tahapan terakhir menggunakan BCG Matrix.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Zavair scarves berada pada kuadran I pada IE Matrix dan berada pada kuadran II pada BCG Matrix. Kesimpulannya, berdasarkan analisis SWOT, TOWS dan BCG Matrix bahwa market penetration, market development dan product development merupakan strategi yang paling penting untuk memajukan Zavair scarves. Kata Kunci: Analisis SWOT, Business Model, Boston Consulting Group

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 14
Christian Lyonal Wiseno

This research was conducted to find out the most precise management strategy to enhance competitiveness of Celebrity Fitness Central Park Mall. This study applies a qualitative method, by conducting interviews and also observation by directly reviewing the subject of the study. The analytical method consists Input Stage consisting of Internal Factor Evaluation and External Factor Evaluation, Matching Stage consisting of Strength-Weakness-Opportunity-Threat Matrix and Internal External Matrix, and Decision Stage consisting of Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix. After analyzing from the existing data, it is known that the Market Penetration strategy is the most appropriate to be implemented for Celebrity Fitness Central Park Mall and Market Development strategy can be used as a support.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 42-49
Yuyun Umniyatun

Rencana strategis bisnis adalah sebuah petunjuk/pedoman yang dapat digunakan organisasi dari kondisisaat ini untuk mencapai tujuan usaha dalam waktu beberapa tahun ke depan. Rencana strategis bisnismemuat strategi-strategi perusahaan yang selanjutnya menjadi dasar bagi penyusunan program kerja.Dengan demikian arah pengembangan perusahaan menjadi jelas dan terarah sehingga perusahaanmenghasilkan kinerja yang lebih baik dan mampu bersaing di dalam bisnis serupa. Penelitian rencanastrategis bisnis merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan analisis deskriptif. Melalui kerangka kerja analisisperumusan strategi Fred R. David, maka terdapat tiga (3) tahapan yang dilakukan. Tahap pertama adalahtahap input stage, yaitu melakukan analisis faktor eksternal dan internal dengan menggunakan matriksEFE (external factor evaluation) dan matriks IFE (internal factor evaluation). Tahap kedua adalah tahapmatching stage, yaitu menentukan posisi rumah sakit dengan menggunakan matriks IE (Internal External).Kemudian dengan matriks IE dan matriks TOWS menentukan strategi alternatif yang dapat dilakukan.Tahap ketiga adalah tahap decision stage, yaitu menentukan strategi prioritas dengan menggunakan matriksQSPM (Quantitatif Strategic Planning Matrix). Penelitian tentang rencana strategis bisnis yang dilakukandi RSIA SMBmenghasilkan skor EFE sebesar 3.8 dan skor IFE sebesar 2.725, sehingga diketahui posisiRSIA SMB berada pada sel II yang menunjukkan tahap tumbuh dan membangun. Pada tahap ini strategialternatif yang dikembangkan adalah market penetration, market development dan product development.Strategi prioritas yang dihasilkan adalah : 1) Pengembangan dan Penetrasi Pasar dengan MeningkatkanUpaya-Upaya Pemasaran (Skor 7.15); 2) Pembukaan Ruang NICU/PICU (Skor 7.10); 3) PengembanganRuang Rawat Inap (Skor 7.05); 4): Penambahan Layanan Radiologi (Skor 6.55); 5) Pengembangan AreaParkir dan Akses Masuk (Skor 4.68)

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Sarono Sarono ◽  

Abstract Bread can be found in various food outlets as bakeries, departement stores, stalls, vending sellers or canteens of school and campus. In Bandar Lampung, some bread is produced by small units of bakery either by individual or joint business. The research is aimed at learning some problems of product marketing and some aspects significantly influencing the marketing strategyof the new campus bakery. The research shows that the internal factor evaluation analysis value was at 2,564 that indicate medium value, while the external factor evaluation analysis was at 2,265 which indicate medium value. The internal-external analysis shows that the bakery was at V position, strategy can do in these conditions is market penetration and product development. Strength, weaknesses, oppourtunities, and threats analysis found that the bakery apply 11 businnes strategies developed based on the internal factors – the strengt and weaknesses – as well as the external factors – the opportunities and threat. Keywords: bread, development strategy, SWOT

1983 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 118-132 ◽  
Poondi Varadarajan

Market penetration, market development, and product development constitute the major intensive growth opportunities open to a firm. The author describes a matrix framework designed to help identify the various distinct growth possibilities latent in each of the above opportunity classes and proposes an extended product-market growth matrix incorporating external opportunity factors such as user focus, use focus, market growth rate, and a wide range of internal strategy response options as subdimensions.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
P. Sitorus Benget ◽  
Nursyamsi Idayanti ◽  
Sumardi Sumardi

In a very competitive market conditions the company must have a thorough understanding about the condition of its internal and external of the company to determine an appropriate strategy. This research aims to know the proper competitive advantage strategies for PT Semen Tonasa is done by. Descriptive research is done by collecting data through observation, FGD and interviews. After IFE (Internal Factor Evaluation) and EFE (External Factor Evaluation) and SWOT analysis, PT Semen Tonasa should focus their efforts on pursuing growth. Based on the analysis of the QSPM (Quantitative Strategic Planning Matrix) retrieved the right strategy to do is market penetration. PT Semen Tonasa should increase market share in the area of the market with a hefty profit margin do cost efficiency in every stage of the production process.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (6) ◽  
pp. 585
I Nyoman Widya Arta ◽  
Kastawan Mandala

Koperasi merupakan salah satu lembaga keuangan yang memberikan jasa layanan keuangan berupa simpan pinjam tidak akan bisa lepas untuk dihadapkan kepada persaingan dari koperasi lain dan lembaga keuangan lainnya. Untuk itu lembaga koperasi sangat penting melakukan identifikasi faktor-faktor internal yang menjadi kekuatan dan kelemahan dari koperasi tersebut dan juga dapat mengidentifikasi faktor eksternal untuk dapat melihat peluang dan ancaman bagi koperasi sehingga mampu merumuskan strategi pemasaran yang tepat untuk memiliki keunggulan kompetitif bagi koperasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Koperasi Kuta Mimba dengan menggunakan metode wawancara kepada pengurus dan manjemen Koperasi Kuta Mimba, kemudian dilakukan analisa SWOT dan analisis IFAS, EFAS selanjutnya memberikan output berupa hasil analisa yang dijadikan dasar didalam menentukan merumuskan strategi. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian tersebut Koperasi Kuta Mimba saat ini seharusnya menerapkan strategi agresif, maka perusahaan dapat memanfaatkan kekuatan internalnya  untuk  meraih  kesempatan/peluang  yang   ada,   mengatasi   masalah intern, dan menghindari ancaman-ancaman yang ada. Berkenaan  dengan  strategi agresif ini maka implementasinya berkaitan dengan penerapan strategi di segala bidang pada Koperasi Kuta Mimba melalui strategi pertumbuhan intensif dari Wheelen-Hunger yang meliputi : Strategi Penetrasi Pasar (market penetration strategy), Strategi Pengembangan Pasar (market development strategy), dan Strategi Pengembangan Produk (product development strategy). Kata Kunci: keunggulan kompetitif, strategi pemasaran, SWOT, strategi pertumbuhan intensif

2016 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 275
Dhian Tyas Untari

The aims of this research were to rebuild the existence of Betawi culinary. The objectives of this research were representing the values of socio-cultural of Betawi culinary, determining the aspects of supply and demand, and developing strategies to improve Betawi culinary potential as an ecotourism products. The research consists method consists of three stages. Those were representation test, market test, and arranging alternatives strategic. The results show that to improve Betawi culinary as the ecotourism products in Jakarta; it can be done with a series of strategies, classified into three classifications. Those are market penetration, market development, and product development. The result is expected to be a reference to the development of Betawi culinary ecotourismas one of the products in Jakarta.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 139
Teguh Halim

A qualitative research about how PT XYZ (weighing industry company) implemented a strategy by analysing internal factor (strength and weakness), external factor (opportunity and threat) using Resource – Based View and SWOT Analysis.The conclusion of this research is PT XYZ implement Forward Integration, Market Development and Product Development as their strategy in the future to maximize the company strength.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Kiki Joesyiana ◽  
Asepma Hygi Prihastuti ◽  
Desi Susanti

Currently, the coffee shop is one of the growing trends in the coffee businesses that are of great interest, not only in Pekanbaru but throughout Indonesia, the existence of a coffee shop business is increasing growth. However, in early 2020, the world faced Covid 19 pandemic that is greatly impacting the life aspects including the coffee shop business. This research aims to know the opportunities and challenges as the reference for the owner to run the business ahead in Covid 29 Pandemic and to be more creative to take advantage of its opportunities and challenges to keep the business survived and to make a profit. The Descriptive qualitative analysis was employed in this research with a SWOT framework. Primary and secondary data were used in this research, it was obtained from observation and in-depth interview related to opportunities and challenges of coffee shop business in Covid 19 Pandemic and also the distribution of the questionnaire. SWOT analysis and SWOT matrix show that the Coffee Shop business in Pekanbaru is in cell 1 (Grow and Build). Intensive strategy (market penetration, product development, and market development) was the most appropriate strategy to be implemented in this cell part of the Coffee Shop business in Pekanbaru

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 42 ◽  
H. Esmaeili Shahmirzadi

This article aims to find the best strategies which help increase petrochemical products sales in Iran using multivariate regression model, Grand Strategy Matrix (GSM), and SWOT matrix. Market Development, Market Penetration, Product Development by creating and developing chemical cities or parks, petro-chemical refineries, and Especial Economic Zones, Vertical Integration, and Concentric Diversification with Diverse Portfolio were considered independent variables, while Increasing Petrochemical Product Sales is dependent variable. Then, each of above mentioned factors affecting the sales were ranked in order to take advantage of the highest added-value. The statistical population consisted of 140 experts, managers, directors, and customers involved in National Iranian Gas Company and Iran Petrochemical Company. Random sampling method was employed. A total of 57experts, managers, directors, and customers were enrolled as sample size. Data were collected using a five-option Likert scale questionnaire. SPSS, Grand Strategy Matrix (GSM), and SWOT[1] matrix were employed to analyze the data. According to the Cronbach's alpha (0.86), the reliability was verified. Market Development, Market Penetration, Product Development, and Concentric Diversification with Diverse Portfolio were found to be suitable offensive strategies to increase the petrochemical product sales. Product Development and Market Penetration are the most effective factors in increasing the petrochemical product sales. Therefore, they need to be taken into account. [1]Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threats

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