2018 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 95
Tyas Agung Pratama

Latar belakang penelitian ini untuk menemukan nilai-nilai yang terkandung dalam naskah drama Munangan Alif karya R. Hidayat Suryalaga melalui pendekatan struktural dan sémiotik. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi dan mendeskripsikan: (1) struktur naskah drama Muntangan Alif karya R. Hidayat Suryalaga; (2) unsur naskah drama Muntangan Alif karya R. Hidayat Suryalaga; (3) unsur sémiotik naskah drama Muntangan Alif karya R. Hidayat Suryalaga; (4) sesuai tidaknya dijadikan alternatif bahan ajar di SMP/MTs. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu metode deskriptif analisis. Tehnik yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu tehnik studi pustaka. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini yaitu naskah drama Muntangan Alif yang tebalnya 35 halaman dan mempunyai 203 dialog. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, tema naskah drama Muntangan Alif yaitu tema religi, alur maju, tokoh utamanya Bapuh Rohmana dan Ambu Rohimi. Secara umum latar dalam naskah drama Muntangan Alif banyaknya adalah latar geografis, sudut pandang pengarang menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga, selain itu pengarang juga menggunakan gaya basa dan pribahasa Sunda. Tanda semiotik yang terdapat dalam naskah drama muntangan alif yaitu 21 ikon, 41 indeks, dan 33 simbol. Hasil penelitian ini direkomendasikan untuk bahan ajar basa dan sastra Sunda. AbstractThe background of this research was to find out the values contained in Muntangan Alif drama script by R. Hidayat Suryalaga through a structural and sémiotic approach. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe: (1) the structure of the Muntangan Alif drama; (2) elements; (3) the sémiotic elements; (4) whether or not it is suitable as an alternative teaching material in Junior High School/MTs. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis method. The technique used in this study was library research techniques. The data source in this study was Muntangan Alif the drama script which is 35 pages and contained 203 dialogues. Based on the results of the research, the theme of the Muntangan Alif drama script is religious themes, chronological plot, the main characters are Bapuh Rohmana and Ambu Rohimi. In general, the setting of the Muntangan Alif drama script is a geographical setting. The author's point of view used a third person's perspective, besides that the author also used Sundanese style and basic proverbs. Semiotic signs contained in Alif vomit drama scripts are 21 icons, 41 indices, and 33 symbols. The results of this study are recommended for teaching and learning material of Sundanese language and literature.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 13
Syamsuyurnita Syamsuyurnita ◽  
Dewi Kesuma Nasution

This study aims to describe the process of developing teaching materials by using Glasser model in the Indonesian language course in FKIP UMSU. The sample of the research is 34-second semester A morning students in the Study Program of Language and Literature of Indonesia, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, University of Muhammadiyah, Sumatera Utara. The questionnaire instrument was used to determine the student's response and activeness to the developed teaching material, the observation sheet used to know the condition of the students in the learning process, and the validation sheet instrument used for the development of teaching materials based on SAP using Glasser model. The result of descriptive research on student's response shows that 100% of students were happy about the teaching materials of Bahasa Indonesia (Teaching Materials, Guided Exercises and Lecture Strategies) and 91.66% of students think that the teaching materials are new to them. After using the teaching materials developed by the researcher and following the teaching and learning activities, students (100%) are interested in following the next lesson, the readability of the language of the learning material is easy to understand (91.66%) and the guidance given by the lecturer is clear (100%). While the self-employed activity is fun for students (91.66%). Students activity in learning activities was shown by their involvement in problem solving, his involvement in carrying out learning tasks, assessing his ability, digging and developing his own knowledge. Based on the validation sheet on the test of learning result 1 obtained information that from the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP I and SAP II there is 1 learning objectives that have not yet completed. Based on the results of descriptive analysis of the test results of learning 2 it was obtained that the 3 learning objectives formulated in SAP III and SAP IV was finished learning objective.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (5) ◽  
M.rudi Gunawan Parozak ◽  
Fadma Rosita

This study aims to determine the response of students to the academic administration services to the students of class 9 in junior LAB Hamzanwadi Pancor , and aspects of what has the most excellent response and aspects that need to be improved from the manager. The method of research this is a study case with qualitative research in Intitiu Global Nusantara Education (IPNG) . The data source used was 9th grade students , Administration, and document sources in the form of Academic Guidelines for Junior High School LAB 2019 . Data obtained from interviews with source triangulation techniques and triangulation methods. Analysis of the data is done with meaning through the following phases: the data collection , the data reduction, data display , and data verification. Research findings on aspects of academic administration services in SMP LAB Hamzanwadi Pancor in general, students stated quite well. In the aspect of learning by teachers in the classroom are generally well categorized. Expectations on administrative and academic services indicate that there are still many aspects that need to be improved and need to get clear supervision and continuous controlled maintenance. The aspects that have the best response are the aspects of personality, communication, mastery of learning material , learning plans and learning strategies. While aspects that still need to be improved are the problem of wify ( hotspot ) and the availability of learning facilities in the classroom and in the Library.

2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 30
Euis Siti Fatimah

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan unsur struktural dan etnopedagogik novel Rasiah Kodeu Biner sebagai alternatif bahan pengajaran apresiasi sastra. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif analisis, sedangkan teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik telaah pustaka, analisis data, dan teknik interpretasi. Hasil penelitian ditemukan tema novel tentang usaha sekelompok anak memecahkan rahasia surat yang menggunakan bilangan biner. Alur yang digunakan alur campuran. Jumlah tokoh 43 orang. Latar yang ditemukan dalam penelitian ini diantaranya latar tempat, waktu, dan sosial. Judul telah mewakili isi cerita. Pengarang menggunakan sudut pandang orang ketiga. Bahasa yang digunakan bahasa sehari-hari. Novel Rasiah Kodeu Biner memiliki banyak nilai etnopedagogik moral kemanusiaan. Novel ini bisa dijadikan alternatif bahan pembelajaran apresiasi sastra karena memenuhi kriteria pemilihan bahan ajar serta mengandung nilai moral kemanusian sesuai kepribadian siswa. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the structural and ethnopedagogic elements of Rasiah Kodeu Biner novel as an alternative of literature appreciation teaching-learning material. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis method, while the techniques used are literature review techniques, data analysis, and interpretation techniques. The results of the study revealed that the novel theme is about the effort of group of children to solve the secret letter using binary numbers. The sequel used is mixed sequel. Numbers of characters are 43 people. The backgrounds found in this study include setting place, time, and social. The title has represented the story content. The author uses a third-person point of view. Language used is common language. Rasiah Kodeu Biner novel has many ethnopedagogic moral values of humanity. This novel can be used as an alternative material in teaching-learning literature appreciation, as it meets the criteria of the selection of teaching-learning materials and contains the moral values of humanity suitable with the students’ personality.

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 658 ◽  
Sudiarman Sudiarman ◽  
Soegimin W.W ◽  
Endang Susantini

This reseach aims to develop a physics learning material based on guided inquiry to facilate the students’ science process skills are valid, practical and effective. Learning material was developed using 3-D models (define, design, develop) were tested using a one group pretest-posttest design. Learning material was tryouted class VII SMPN 1 Muara Jawa in academic year 2014/2015. The data collection through observation, tests and questionnaires. The data analysis techniques use qualitative analysis and descriptive analysis of quantitative. The results obtained demonstrate the validity of the learning material that includes lesson plans, worksheets, textbooks and  students the knowledge and skills assessment sheet of a valid category. Practicality implementation of learning material that includes lesson plans and students’ activities of a good category. The learning material developed is effective in terms of achievement learning indicators and learning outcomes of individual completeness increases, the positive students’ response to learning. Based on these results, it can be conclude that the physics learning material based on guided inquiry are valid, practical and effective for use in teaching and learning and can to facilate the science process skills in junior high school students’. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika SMP berbasis inkuiri terbimbing untuk melatihkan keterampilan proses sains yang valid, praktis dan efektif. Perangkat pembelajaran dikembangkan menggunakan model 3-D (define, design, develop) yang diujicobakan menggunakan One Group Pretest-Posttest Design. Uji coba perangkat pembelajaran dilaksanakan pada siswa kelas VII SMPN 1 Muara Jawa tahun pelajaran 2014/2015. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, tes dan angket. Analisis data dilakukan dengan cara analisis kualitatif dan deskriptif kuantitatif. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan validitas perangkat yang meliputi RPP, LKS, Buku ajar siswa dan Lembar Penilaian pengetahuan serta keterampilan berkategori valid. Kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran yang meliputi keterlaksanaan RPP dan aktivitas siswa berkategori baik. Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah efektif ditinjau dari ketercapaian indikator pembelajaran serta ketuntasan hasil belajar individual yang meningkat, respon siswa positif terhadap pembelajaran. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran fisika berbasis inkuiri terbimbing yang dikembangkan berkategori valid, praktis dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam proses belajar mengajar serta dapat melatihkan keterampilan proses sains kepada siswa SMP.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
Muhammad Sofi Rifandi

<p class="Default">The purposes of the research are: (1) To describe the implementation of the utilization of learning media of Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan. (2) To know the learning result of the utilization of learning media Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan. (3) To describe and explain the problems of the utilization of Integrated Social Studies Subjects of the Students of Class VII at Public Junior High School 1 of Pasuruan To achieve the objectives above, it had used descriptive qualitative approach for three months. The key instruments are the researcher, and the collection techniques used observation and interviews. Data can be used by reducing relevant data, exposing data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research showed that (1) the implementation of learning media utilization, the teacher uses audiovisual media using LCD at school, the teacher can use the learning media by using the photo or the video about the learning material that has been explained. (2) the student learning outcomes after utilizing the audiovisual media on integrated Social Science subjects are very well. The average student gets a lot of good results with a value of 8.5. (3) the supporting factors are the facilities of adequate infrastructure, motivation and work ethics of educators in using learning media based on audiovisual, the student’s discipline in following the teaching and learning activities in the class. The inhibiting factors are the lack of awareness of educators in the utilization of learning media based on audiovisual at school.</p><p class="Default"><strong><em>Keywords: audiovisual; learning outcomes</em></strong><strong><em></em></strong></p>

Lukmanul Hakim

This research is aimed at describing transitivity system in Bangke Oros text, the value within the text, and its’ relevancy toward Indonesian teaching and learning at senior high school. Data were gathered using library research using reading and note taking technique. Data were mainly taken from Bangke Oros.  It was analyzed using descriptive qualitative and quantitative approach. The analysis is done using identification technique and formal and informal method. The result is (1) transitivity system on the text of Bangke Oros covered three functions. They are process, participant, and circumstance. In according with the functions, the process is dominated by realization process. The participants consist of participant I and II. Participant the one who involved and participant II is dominated by identity dominate me. Circumstance is dominated by location. (2) The values in Bangke Oros text consisted of creating, the power of God, defenselessness, awareness, and obedience. (3) its’ relevancy is focused on the suitability of the text of Bangke Oros into teaching and learning material and application of transitivity system in Indonesian teaching and learning.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 41-55
Azhar Azhar

The quality of life of the nation is largely determined by educational factors. In carrying out this research, the author uses quantitative research methods. quantitative approach, descriptive analysis through library research and field research. The results teacher's ability to manage classes in MTs Negeri Baturaja is in the moderate category 45.62%. means to be quite good because it is supported by the sincerity of teachers in providing religious understanding and guidance to these students. The results of the next study can be concluded that the teaching and learning process in the subjects of Islamic Culture History (SKI) in Baturaja State MTs is in the moderate category 59.65%. that the teaching and learning process in Islamic Culture History (SKI) subjects at Baturaja State MTs seems to be quite good because it is supported by positive student habits and activities.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 126
Abdul Qahar Zainal ◽  
Ansar Ansar

The purpose of this research is to identify the factors that drive motivation, as well as the role of motivation in teaching and learning. This is a qualitative study conducted using library research methods. Work motivation is a driving force and source of encouragement that can elicit a sense of zeal, as well as modify human or individual behavior to lead to improved outcomes. Motivation is defined as the overarching driving force within the instructor that initiates and directs instructional actions in order to attain the objectives set forth by the teaching subject. So that every teacher is diligent in completing assignments, tenacious in overcoming obstacles (not easily discouraged), shows interest in a variety of problems, prefers to work independently, is not easily bored with routine tasks, is able to defend his or her point of view, and enjoys finding and solving problems.

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-39
Hery Supiarza

This study discusses the preservation of keroncong music through music learning at Santa Angela Junior High School in Bandung. Keroncong is a type of hybrid music, native to Indonesia, the result of acculturation between Portuguese music and Indonesian local music. Keroncong experiences a setback at the present time, especially among the younger generation. Through teaching and learning activities in schools one way keroncong music can be sustainable and developed. The focus of the problem that was studied included the keroncong music learning material, the learning methods used and the evaluation techniques used from the keroncong music extracurricular activities in Santa Angela Junior High School Bandung. This research uses a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Based on research findings, learning keroncong music in extracurricular activities in Santa Angela Junior High School Bandung refers to three main materials namely the skill of playing the keroncong instrument, the skill of playing the keroncong rhythm, the keroncong songs. The benefit of this research is that it can provide innovation in learning keroncong music in schools as an effort to preserve and revitalize one of Indonesia's original music.

2020 ◽  
Vol 18 (2) ◽  
pp. 207-222
Lenny Herlina

The study aims to find out whether psychological content is presented in Islamic education textbooks or not. The method used was library research. The data collection technique used was by reviewing the document and descriptive analysis. The textbooks studied were: first, Islamic Religious Education and Character student textbook of Class 10 by Kemendikbud RI in 2017, second, the book entitled “Spirituality, Values and Mental Health: Jewels for the Journey” edited by Mary Ellen Coyte, Peter Gilbert, and Vicky Nicholls. The research result shows that there is not psychological content within the books. While according to the researcher, psychological content is very important to enrich Islamic Education learning material as a means to instil religious awareness related to spiritual values, such as good personality both personally and socially as the initial and final objective in the Islamic Religious Education learning process. The research result is expected to influence Muslims with individual and social piety by eliminating the self-righteousness attitude that often creates inter-faith and internal Muslim bullying as well as eradicating the assumption that Muslims are intolerant and not humanist as part of the indications of the achieved character building.

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