The Realization of the Church Reading and Singing Particularities of the Russian Orthodox Christian Tradition in Sergei Rachmaninoff’s Sacred Works

Mikhail L. Zyryanov ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 154-179
Okto Vianus Polulu

 Philocalia is a collection of texts written in the fourth and fifteenth centuries by the fathers and fathers of the Church in the Orthodox Christian tradition. Fearing God is keeping God's commandments, having God's love and souls purified and united with God in salvation This article is a review, there are 7 main points of discussion. First Repentance is leaving the old man (Eph 4:22, Col 3: 9) . The second is to control oneself is to be “watchful” (1Th 5: 6, 1Th 5:10 Rev. 16:15) so as not to get lost. Third, safeguarding knowledge is to know about God. Four, doing God's commandments is that we give hope to Him with full obedience and hope of being saved by God (Psalm 78: 7, Proverbs 19:16). The five fear with all your heart is a heart that is in Divine light. The six Souls free from sin are those who have run to heavenly calls (Phil. 3:14) to attain a goal or perfection. The goal, to purify the soul is, the soul is already in Divine light.Keywords: The soul is purified; Allah's love; Control;  Keep the commandments of Allah. Philokalia adalah kumpulan teks di tulis pada abad keempat dan abad ke lima belas oleh para rahip dan para Bapa Gereja dalam tradisi Kristen Ortodoks. Takut akan Allah adalah melakukan perintah-perintah Allah, memiliki Kasih Allah dan Jiwa di murnikan serta disatukan dengan Allah dalam keselamatan Artikel ini adalah sebuah ulasan,  ada 7 pokok pembahasan Pertama Pertobatan ialah meninggalkan manusia lama (Ef 4:22, Kol 3:9). Kedua Mengontrol diri ialah “berjaga-jagalah” (1Tes 5:6, 1Tes 5:10 Why 16:15) supaya tidak tersesat. Ketiga, Menjaga Pengetahuan ialah, untuk tahu tentang Allah. Empat, melakukan perintah Allah ialah kita menaru harapan kepada-Nya dengan penuh ketaatan serta harapan akan diselamatkan oleh Allah (Mzm 78:7, Ams 19:16). Kelima takut dengan sepenuh hati ialah hati yang berada dalam cahaya Ilahi. Enam Jiwa terbebas dari dosa ialah, Jiwa yang telah berlari pada pangilan sorgawi (Flp 3:14) untuk mencapai tujuan atau kesempurnaan. Tuju, Memurnikan jiwa ialah, jiwa telah berada dalam cahaya Ilahi.Kata Kunci: Jiwa di murnikan; Kasih Allah; Mengontrol; Melakukan perintah-perintah Allah. 

2017 ◽  
pp. 285-302
Svetozar Postic

This paper explores motifs from the Orthodox Christian tradition in the works of the famous Russian philosopher Mikhail Mikhailovich Bakhtin. The introduction offers a series of testimonies from the thinker?s personal life that confirm his affinity toward Christianity and Russian Orthodoxy, and the source of this affinity is linked to his ethnic origin, spiritual environment and the literary-philosophic tradition in which he was intellectually shaped. After presenting a few universal Christian ideas in his works - the comparison of the relationship between the author and the hero with the relationship between the Creator and His human creation, incarnation and the word (logos) - this paper points to the specifically Orthodox ideas in his writings. Those are: perichoresis or the mutual permeation of the two natures of Christ, the holiness of the body and the apophatic approach in theology, the buffoon as a fool for Christ?s sake, and communality as the essence of the existence of the Church. Finally, Bakhtin?s central idea, dialogism, is presented as a means used on the path toward divinization, or theosis, the basic characteristic of Christian spiritual life in the Orthodox East.

2020 ◽  
pp. 71-84
Ярослав Очканов

Статья посвящена исследованию малоизученной стороны деятельности видного русского священнослужителя протоиерея Евгения Попова, бывшего с 1842 по 1875 гг. настоятелем русской посольской церкви в Лондоне. Его служение на Английской земле совпало с углублением диалога между Русской Православной и Англиканской церквами, явившегося следствием религиозных преобразований в Англии в 1830 - 1840-е гг. Отец Евгений в рассматриваемый период фактически стал связующим звеном между русским церковноначалием и англиканами - инициаторами единения двух Церквей. Он проделал огромную работу по популяризации православия в Англии и много сделал для ознакомления русской церковной общественности с вероучением и структурными особенностями англиканства. Материалом для исследования послужили, прежде всего, письма протоиерея Евгения Попова обер-прокурорам Святейшего Синода Н. А. Протасову и А. П. Толстому. Эти документы являются своеобразными отчётами о современном состоянии Англиканской Церкви, о религиозных течениях в ней и усилиях, предпринимаемых определёнными церковными кругами в Англии по сближению с православием. Результаты его деятельности имели важное значение в последующие десятилетия, когда англикано-православный диалог вышел на церковно-государственный уровень. The article is devoted to the insufficiently studied aspects of Russian prominent cleric Archpriest Eugene Popov, rector of Russian Embassy Church in London from 1842 to 1875. His Ministry on the English soil coincided with the deepening of the dialogue between the Russian Orthodox and Anglican Churches, which was the result of religious transformations in England in the 1830s and 1840s. Father Eugene in the period under consideration actually became a connecting link between the Russian Church authorities and the anglicans-initiators of the union of the two Churches. He had done a great job by popularizing Orthodoxy in England and by familiarizing the Russian Church community with the doctrine and structural features of Anglicanism. The study, first of all, is based the letters of Archpriest Yevgeny Popov to the chief prosecutors of the Holy Synod N. A. Protasov and A. P. Tolstoy, which were original reports on the current state of the Anglican Church, it’s religious trends, and the efforts made by certain Church circles in England to get closer to Orthodoxy. The fruits of his activities were important in the following decades, when the Anglican-Orthodox dialogue reached the Church-state level.

2020 ◽  
pp. 160-198
Макарий Веретенников

Статья посвящена содержанию, общим принципам построения и характерным особенностям календаря, или месяцеслова, Русской Православной Церкви. Автор использует методы анализа и синтеза. В итоге делаются нижеследующие обобщения. Месяцеслов был принесён на Русь из Византии в достаточно завершённом виде, однако в процессе исторического развития он дополнился особенными русскими праздниками. Календарь-месяцеслов - это грандиозный собор святых, подвизавшихся в разных местах на протяжении веков, единение Церкви Небесной и земной, история святости и история нашей Церкви. Месяцесловным памятям посвящены составленные гимнографами богослужебные тексты, которые поются и читаются в храмах. Традиционно почитается день кончины угодников Божиих, память открытия мощей святых, перенесения их святых мощей или же день канонизации угодников Божиих, реже - день их рождения. Фенологические наблюдения русского народа связаны с повседневной деятельностью и увязаны с месяцесловом, что свидетельствует о его проникновении в повседневную жизнь русского человека. The article is devoted to the content, General principles of construction and characteristic features of the calendar, or mesyatseslov, of the Russian Orthodox Church. The author uses methods of analysis and synthesis. As a result, the following generalizations are made. The mesyatseslov was brought to Russia from Byzantium in a fairly complete form, but in the course of historical development it was supplemented with special Russian holidays. The calendar-mesyatseslov is a grandiose council of saints who have labored in different places over the centuries, the unity of the Church of Heaven and earth, the history of holiness and the history of our Church. Liturgical texts composed by hymnographers, which are sung and read in churches, are dedicated to the mesyatseslovs memory. Traditionally, the day of the death of saints, the memory of the discovery of the relics of saints, the transfer of their Holy relics, or the day of the canonization of saints, less often - the day of their birth are honored. Russian people’s phenological observations are related to their daily activities and are linked to mesyatseslov, which indicates its penetration into the daily life of the Russian people.

1997 ◽  
Vol 33 ◽  
pp. 75-90
John Anthony McGuckin

St Symeon the New Theologian is, without question, one of the most original and intriguing writers of medieval Byzantium. Indeed, although still largely unknown in the West, he is surely one of the greatest of all Christian mystical writers; not only for the remarkable autobiographical accounts he gives of several visions of the divine light, but also for the passionate quality of his exquisite Hymns of Divine Love, the remarkable intensity of his pneumatological doctrine, and the corresponding fire he brings to his preaching of reform in the internal and external life of the Church. He was a highly controversial figure in his own day. His disciples venerated him as a saint who had returned to the roots of the Christian tradition and personified its repristinization. His opponents, who secured his deposition and exile, regarded him as a dangerously unbalanced incompetent who, by overstressing the value of personal religious fervour, had endangered the stability of that tradition. The Vita which we possess was composed in 1054, in an attempt to rehabilitate Symeon’s memory and prepare for the return of his relics to the capital from which he had been expelled when alive. This paper will investigate how he himself understood and appropriated aspects of the earlier tradition (particularly monastic spirituality), hoping to elucidate why he felt himself inspired to reformist zeal, and why many of his contemporaries (not simply his ‘worldly opponents’ as his hagiographer would have us believe) regarded him as unbalanced. It will end by attempting some reflection on what the controversy reveals on the larger front about how the Church ‘selectively looks back on itself, so to paraphrase our president’s description of the conference theme, and whether the model of tradition and its reception exemplified in this Byzantine writer can offer anything to the dialogue between history and theology which the doctrine of Tradition (Paradosis) inevitably initiates.

2020 ◽  
pp. 269-274
Сергей Забелич

В статье рассказывается об истории создания Синодальной Богослужебной комиссии, основных направлениях ее деятельности, задачах. На заседаниях обсуждаются вопросы и принимаются предварительные решения по сложным календарным вопросам, а также введение новых текстов в богослужебную практику Русской Православной Церкви на основе церковного Устава (Типикона) и литургической традиции Русской Церкви. The article is devoted to the history of establishing the Synodal Liturgical Commission, the main fields of its work and the essential tasks. The Commission raises a number of important liturgical questions, takes preliminary decisions on the complicated calendar issues and introduces the new texts of divine services into the worship practice of the Russian Orthodox Church following the Church statutes (Typikon) and the liturgical tradition of the Russian Church.

O. V. Pigoreva

The article reveals the peculiarities of the relationship between the Russian system of general education and the Russian Orthodox Church as a signifi cant social institution in a diffi cult period of political and economic transformations for Russia. The factors of the school's appeal to cooperation with the Church are substantiated, the mechanisms of formation and regulatory settlement of contractual relations, public assessment are revealed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (6) ◽  
pp. 60-64
Evguenia Alexandrovna Belyaeva ◽  
Elena Aleksandrovna Venidiktova ◽  
Dilbar Valievna Shamsutdinova

Purpose: the aim of the undertaken study is to consider the dynamics of the church-state relationship in the context of Russian new cultural tendencies at the turn of the century. Methodology: Thus, The methodological basis of the research was formed by philosophical analysis of the church-state relationship, historicism and comparison principles. The following tasks were being solved: defining the interaction ways between the religious organizations and the state on the modern stage of the Russian society development; pointing out the prospects of consolidation of both the сhurch and the state around the democratic civil society fostering program in XXI century; revealing the need to promote respectful attitude towards human values as an integral part of spiritual culture. Result: The authors achieved the following results within the study: A wider notions of church and state were introduced demonstrating the similarity of some of their functions: offering moral guidance for social well-being; historic doctrinal models “caesaropapism”, “papocaesarism” and “symphony(concordance) of powers” were identified and characterized alongside with their secular counterparts - separation and cooperation models of church-state relationship. In conclusion of the article the urgent need for the transition of church-state relationship from political to social and cultural spheres was justified. Applications: This research can be used for the universities, teachers, and students. Novelty/Originality: In this research, the model of Socio-Cultural Interaction Forms of Church and State on the Example of the Russian Orthodox Church is presented in a comprehensive and complete manner.

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