scholarly journals Attitudes Of Distance Learning Students At 
Ukm’s Faculty Of Islamic Studies Towards Learning
Arabic Language Skill Courses

2014 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
Zamri ARIFIN ◽  
Ezad Azraai JAMSARI ◽  
Khaulah RIDDZWAN ◽  
Muhamad Ridzuan ABDUL LATIF ◽  
Zulazhan AB. HALIM
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 58-77
Mawardi Ahmad ◽  
Ismail Akzam ◽  
Yenni Yunita

This study was motivated by the problem of mastering Arabic in the Faculty of Islamic studies (FAI), Islamic university of Riau (UIR). This problem focused on the students’ quality and learning interest of FAI UIR on language mastery, both Arabic and English. This foreign language or second language mastery program such as Arabic or English is made in the form of language classes. Language classes are initially unattended by a special institution such as a language center now under the supervision of the FAI UIR language center, the forerunner of the UIR language center called CELAD (Center for Languages ​​and Academic Development). Formulation The problem of this research is how the implementation of Arabic learning and the influence of the Arabic language class on the mastery of student learning in the Faculty of Islamic Studies UIR. The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of Arabic learning and the influence of the Arabic language class on the mastery of student learning in the Faculty of Islamic studies. The type of this research is descriptive as well as qualitiative and quantitative research. The literature review used is language learning, the influence of the Arabic language class, and vocabulary mastery (al-mufradat). Then based on the results of the study using quantitative descriptive analysis, it found that the implementation of Arabic learning and the influence of the Arabic class on students’ vocabulary mastery of FAI UIR can be said to be "good".

2021 ◽  
Nur Afifah binti Abas ◽  
Mohd Nizam bin Sahad ◽  
Alia Sa’ad Eldin Abusahyon

Historically, the language contact contributed by Muslim preachers among the Arab traders of diverse origins that some of them opted to migrate and intermarry with the local Malays, thus, intermingled with the locals that had influenced the Malay/Malaysian language to borrow more Arabic words. Some semantic properties of the loanwords are adopted, but some are adapted. This study concerns with the divergent meaning of some adapted ones. 18 Malay-Arabic homophonous loanwords were purposely sampled – (the limited sample is due to the journal words limit). It is observed that despite of their similar utterance and spelling/transliteration but they have partially or fully dissimilar meanings when being compared between the two languages. Generally, it may confuse users of both languages, specifically the Arabian students who are compulsory to pass the Malay language in order to pass their study in Malaysia as well as Malay students who are studying in Arabian countries. Moreover, it may affect their meaning in the Malay translation for the Holy Qur’an/Prophetic Tradition (Hadith). So, it is essential to engage academics of the Islamic studies, and the Malay-Arabic linguists alike with the crucial issue stemmed from the bilingual mastery level that involved both languages departing from the rising movement of re-examining and re-envision criticality in language studies. Henceforth, the Malaysian Muslim society could dynamically develop further ahead after more than 10 centuries exposed to the Arabic language rather than being stagnant in minimalism evermore.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Arina Haqan

Western interest in Islam can be seen as the start of the movement to study Islam since the 12th century. At that time, some western monks ever came to Andalusia in the heyday of the East. They learn in schools there, translating the Koran and Arabic language books into their language in various fields of science. Among them is Jerbert who was elected Pope of Rome in 999 AD, Pierrele Aenere (1156-1092), and Gerard de Gremone (1187-1114). After returning to their home areas they begin to teach the science that has been obtained. This article discusses about Orientals, ranging from the definition, history until its development. Including the development of studies of Orientals is the quality Orientalis, subjectivist or objectivist. According to the authors, the quality classification is necessary as a critique of Orientals lunge. At the end of the study say that there are two models of Orientals Islamic studies. A view of them remains as subjective first period with a condescending attitude towards the East. But others, has seen Islam objectively in terms of pure science

2021 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 444-451
Dalal Moh'd Al-Assaf

This study aims to investigate the challenges that learners and teachers of a language face during distance learning classes, especially learners and teachers of the Arabic language as a second language, based on the results of a distance learning experiment on non-native speakers of the Arabic language at the University of Jordan during the second term of 2019-2020. The study seeks to introduce the proper solutions that may mitigate these challenges to achieve the educational goals through distance learning while teaching the Arabic language as a second language. This study used the applied descriptive approach in identifying these challenges. It concluded that these challenges significantly impact the language learning process, including mastering it, the extent of benefit, and the influence on students' linguistic progress. This study recommends that these challenges are considered when adopting distance learning as a language education method at teaching language classes as a second one. These challenges need to be considered when planning for direct and indirect lessons in Arabic language educational classes, primarily via the Internet.

إبراهيم محمد (Ibrahim Mohammed Abu al-Yazid Khafajah)

ملخص البحث:تأثرت علوم اللغة العربية في نشأتها بالعلوم الشرعية وخاصة علم الفقه، حيث صاغ النحويون أصولهم النحوية على نمط الأصول الفقهية، وساروا على درب الفقهاء في ذلك، واتجه النحويون إلى الإغراق في التعليل والتأويل والجدل. وشغل البحث في أصول النحو حيزًا كبيرًا من تفكير علماء العربية، واستخدموا تلك الأصول في صوغ وتفسير القواعد التي تحكم اللسان العربي ومن بين تلك الأصول (الاستصحاب). وقد كان للاستصحاب مكانة متميزة في أصول النحو العربي على الرغم من مجيئه في مرتبة متأخرة بعد السماع والقياس، وهذا البحث محاولة للكشف عن هذا الدليل، وبيان مكانته بين أدلة النحو العربي، وعلاقته بقضاياه، وبيان دوره في تفسير وتوجيه عدد كبير من القضايا النحوية والصرفية والشواهد التي ثار حولها خلاف بين النحويين على اختلاف عصورهم ومذاهبهم واتجاهاتهم الفكرية، كذلك إلقاء الضوء على ما يقدمه هذا الدليل من معلومات تتعلق ببعض الشواهد التي وردت مستصحبة لأصولها، والتي عبرها ملاحظة التطور التاريخي للغة العربية ودراسة بعض مظاهره. الكلمات المفتاحية: الاستصحاب- الحال- الأصل- الفرع- الضرورة.Abstract:Arabic Language studies were been influenced in their formation with Islamic studies most especially Islamic Jurisprudence.(Al- Fiqh). The Arabic Grammarians designed their grammatical basis in line with jurisprudence’s. Arabic Grammarians followed Greek trends on their explanation, interpretations and argumentations. Research on formation of Arabic Grammar takes a vast place from reasoning of Arabic Language erudite thoughts. These fundamental basis were used for design and explanation of rules that monitor and judge Arabic Language. Among these basis is “Al- Istis haab” Conjunction. Despite its late arrival after “Sama’u” audible and “Qiyaas” analogy, this term retained a distinguished place in fundamental basis of Arabic Grammar. This research is going to explore this proof and emphasis its statue among Arabic Grammar guides, its relationship with some issues and elaborating its role in explanation and directing a vast number of Syntax and Morphology issues and citations that raised varieties among Grammarians irrespective of their eras, doctrines, and thoughts trends. And to shade more light and what this symptom contributes to knowledge, which are related to some grammatical evidences that have been found in accompany of these basis. Some noticeable and long aged development for Arabic Language and study of its phenomenon completed through it.Keywords: Conjunction- Condition- Foundation- Branch- Neccesity.Abstrak:Ilmu-ilmu bahasa Arab pada awalnya terpengaruh dengan ilmu-ilmu syariah khususnya Ilmu Fiqh. Para sarjana bahasa meletakkan kaedah tatabahasa mereka berdasarkan kepada format kaedah-kaedah Fiqh dan bersandarkan kepada pendekatan para Fuqaha’ dalam usaha mereka. Ini seterusnya menjadikan perbahasan bahasa menjadi begitu dalam kupasannya dengan pentakwilan yang pelbagai dan perbahasan yang berpanjangan. Kaedah-kaedah asal bahasa merupakan memonopoli perbahasan sarjana bahasa di waktu itu. Ia diguna pakai dalam menghuraikan kaedah-kaedah yang menjadi landasan bahasa Arab dan di antaranya ialah Istishab. Kaedah ini mempunyai kedudukannya yang tersendiri dalam tatabahsa Arab walaupun dari segi kedudukannya ia adalah selepas kaedah dengar dan qiyas. Kajian ini bertujuan menyingkap kaedah pemberian dalil ini, kedudukannnya dalam hirarki kaedah-kaedah utama bahasa dan juga isu-isu yang berkaitan. Peranannya dalam mencorakkan pengkaedahan beberapa isu tatabahasa dan morfologi serta masalah berbangkit yang menjadi perdebatan di antara sarjana bahasa yang berbeza-beza mazhab serta zamannya. Beberapa dalil yang dikemukakan oleh kaedah ini juga akan dianalisa sepanjang perkembangan pengkajian bahasa Arab dalam sejarahnya.Kata Kunci: Istishaab- Keadaan- kaedah tatabahasa- Cawangan- Keperluan.

Nabella Sabella ◽  
Hasan Hasan ◽  
Muh. Haris Zubaidilah

<p><em>The main problem in this study, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, which has plagued Indonesia for more than a year, has caused various problems and has an impact on various aspects of life, especially in education. To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the government enforces distance learning (PJJ), which also impacts learning Arabic and requires teachers to develop creativity in learning. Using a qualitative field research method, this study aims to determine the creativity of Arabic language teachers in utilizing information technology for distance learning (PJJ) during the covid-19 pandemic. As for some of the media used, such as. Create video content, take advantage of social media, use video conferencing applications such as Zoom and Google Meet to take advantage of educational website services in the form of Google Classroom and Wordwall games. Based on the results of the analysis conducted by the researchers, this study proved that, first, there are various kinds of teacher creativity in learning Arabic online such as interactive multimedia, quizzes with google forms, word wall games, and so on. Second, being able to eliminate student learning boredom by developing teacher creativity based on information technology. Third, it is still necessary to conduct information technology-based creativity development training, especially in learning Arabic, because not all Arabic language teachers can develop information technology-based teaching skills. This study proved that, first, there are various kinds of teacher creativity in learning Arabic online such as interactive multimedia, quizzes with google forms, word wall games, and so on. Second, being able to eliminate student learning boredom by developing teacher creativity based on information technology. </em></p><p><strong><em>Keywords: </em></strong><span data-preserver-spaces="true">Creativity, Arabic Teacher, Distance Learning, Information Technology.</span></p><p> </p>

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 120-133
Yuslina Mohamed ◽  
Mesbahul Hoque ◽  
Sulaiman Ismail ◽  
Nurhasma Muhamad Saad

Bahasa Arab Tujuan Khas atau Arabic for Specific Purposes (ASP) merupakan cabang Disiplin Linguistik Fungsian yang fokus kepada bidang praktikal mengikut keperluan (needs), seperti: Bahasa Arab untuk Perbankan, Bahasa Arab untuk Diplomat, Bahasa Arab untuk Teknologi, Bahasa Arab untuk Ulum Islamiyyah dan lain-lain. Ulum Islamiyyah adalah disiplin ilmu yang bersumberkan alquran dan alhadith seumpama Syariah Islam, Usuluddin, pengajian al-Quran dan As Sunnah dan lain-lain. Bahasa Arab dan Ulum Islamiyyah adalah dua frasa nama yang mempunyai perkaitan yang jelas. Sarjana-sarjana Islam awal telah membahaskan dan menerangkan disiplin ulum Islamiyyah dalam buku turath dengan medium Bahasa Arab. Keperluan terhadap Bahasa Arab untuk Ulum Islamiyyah harus diberi perhatian agar objektif pembelajaran dapat dicapai dan dapat membantu pelajar untuk memahami kosa kata, istilah dan frasa nama yang khas di dalam disiplin yang dipelajari. Melalui tinjauan penyelidik didapati ramai pelajar menghadapi masalah pemahaman bahasa yang terdapat dalam manhaj penyampaian penulis asal dalam buku turath bagi setiap disiplin Ulum Islamiyyah. Masalah yang jelas dilihat apabila pelajar sukar untuk membaca dengan betul, memahami dan mengeluarkan hukum dari buku-buku turath tersebut. Pelajar juga tidak mampu untuk berdiskusi dan berhujah dalam disiplin Ulum Islamiyyah. Kajian campuran metodologi ini adalah kajian lapangan yang menggunakan instrumen temu ramah terhadap 10 pensyarah yang mengajar kursus Ulum Islamiyyah untuk mendapatkan data “keperluan” (Needs). Hasil kajian ini dapat dirumuskan bahawa Bahasa Arab untuk khusus Ulum Islamiyyah wajib ditawarkan kepada pelajar prasiswazah sebagai satu kursus di peringkat universiti. Arabic for Specific Purposes (ASP) is a branch of Functional Linguistic Disciplines focused on practical areas of language used, such as: Arabic for Banking, Arabic for Diplomats, Arabic for Technology, Arabic for Islamic Studies and so on. Ulum Islamiyyah is a discipline of knowledge that the Quran and al hadith are primary references for instance, Shariah studies, Usuluddin, Quranic and As Sunnah studies and others. Yet, Arabic Language and Ulum Islamiyyah are two terms which clearly related. Early Islamic scholars have discussed and explained the Islamic discipline in their turath books in Arabic. The needs of Arabic for Ulum Islamiyyah should be emphasized in order to achieve the learning objectives and to help students understand the specific vocabulary, terms and phrases in the subjects learnt. Through the survey done, the researcher found that many students faced the difficulties in reading, understanding and verify the Islamic rules from the original texts in the turath reference books. As consequences, the students are not able to discuss the Islamic issues in a broad view. This study used mixed methodology to get the data of needs by interviewing 10 lecturers who are teaching Ulum Islamiyyah courses. The results of this study can be concluded that the Arabic language for Ulum Islamiyyah must be offered to undergraduate students as a subject at the university.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
Saifuddin Ahmad Husin

Knowledge integration has been studied as the process of incorporating new informa- tion into a body of existing knowledge with an interdisciplinary approach. Language is not only the object of scientific study of linguistics, but also the object of study of other related disciplines. The importance of language in many studies and disciplines of knowl- edge has led to its status as a condition sin qua non to true understanding of other scientific objects of disciplines of knowledge. The mastery of Arabic language for ex- ample is a must for the study of Islamic religious texts. The religion of Islam places language on a very high position that it is explicitly mentioned in the Quran as one of the signs of the existence of God.

An Naba ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 122-133
Khairil Anwar ◽  
Muhammad Zaky Sya'bani

This research is not only back grounded by the difficulty of students in understanding the rules of grammatical of Arabic language, but also pay attention to government circulars related to distance learning or in the Network so many schools have to implement Online Learning-based learning in each of their subjects Based on that background, researchers are interested in applying learning with jigsaw types. Based on Online Learning on the learning of grammatical of Arabic language rules the students' understanding of the grammatical of Arabic language rules increased. The purpose of this study is to know the application of cooperative learning with jigsaw types based on Online Learning in understanding the grammatical of Arabic language rules. The subjects of this study were grade VIII D students of 28 students. And this research was conducted in 3 cycles. Based on the results of student evaluation tests in cycle 1, cycle 2 and cycle 3 can be concluded that the application of learning with jigsaw type is quite instrumental in improving students' understanding of grammatical of Arabic language rules because the average value of all aspects of grammatical of Arabic language understanding taught has increased The average test score of all aspects of the pretest was 5.19 and then rose to 9.08 on cycle 1 tests, rising to 9.46 and on cycle 2 and rising to 10.15. Thus the average overall value of aspects from pretest to cycle 1 tests increased by 3.89% and from cycle 1 tests to cycle 2 tests increased by 0.38% and from cycle 2 tests to cycle 3 tests increased by 0.69%.

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